The Unexpected ( Nick Jonas l...

By storyofmylife911

85.7K 1.5K 121

At the kids choice awards , Gabby runs into a familiar face. She finds her self hiding in the bathroom wonder... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 16

1.3K 28 2
By storyofmylife911

I woke up to a bright light. I was chained up to a pole and sat on the cold cement floor. I was sweating. I started moving around, trying to escape. It was dark, but I felt like someone else was in the room. The cold air ran chills down my spine. I cried out “Hello?! Is someone in here?!” Suddenly, all the lights flipped on. My eyes were blinded and I could only see two men in black ski masks. The one on the right walked up to me slowly. I was breathing hard and scared out of my mind. He said “Well, well, well…. Look who it is.” I looked straight into his eyes “Zac, what do you want?” They both started laughing. Zac started mocking Nick’s song “You got me in chains.” They both started laughing again. I started to tear up, I was so afraid and had no idea what was going on. They both turned around and took off their masks. When they turned back I saw that it was Zac and another familiar face, Nick’s manager. I muffled “You’re in this too? Why?” He bent down on one knee, coming down to my level “Because… Nick and I aren’t on the best terms, considering my little stunt this morning and I thought it would be a great idea to break him down. To my knowledge you’re the most important thing to him.”  I glared at him and yelled “Just because you get into a fight or an argument doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you! He hired you and became friends with you because he trusts you!” As he got back up, he screamed back “To hell with you and Nick! I can do what I want!” I then looked at Zac and said “What is in this for you? Huh?” He smiled and said “Well, we have some history, that didn’t go my way. So when I saw you again and tried to have my way, like I should have, you called me out on it. Now that your boyfriend got me fired, I want payback. Plus if I get away with this then he will suffer and so will you.” I stared at them “You guys are crazy.” Nick’s manager turned and slapped me “Stop talking bitch!” I held in my tears, trying not to reveal my fear. They both turned away mumbling and walked up the stairs. After I heard the door slam, I started crying.  I sat closer to the pole that the chains were holding me to. I wished that none of this would of happened. They didn’t even have any legit reasons to create this whole mess. My mind quickly diverted and thought about Nick. I missed him. I wonder what he is doing right now?


“Joe, she isn’t here. Plus I have texted and called her several of times.” I held the phone closer to my ear. Joe responded “What do you mean she isn’t there? We dropped her off an hour ago.”  I tensed up “What do you mean you dropped her off an hour ago?” Joe stuttered “We all walked around New York and then dropped her off at the restaurant.” I jumped out of my chair and ran towards the car “Joe call the police and tell them I’m on my way.” Joe asked “Why?” “Because I think she was kidnapped.”

As I pulled up to the police station, cameras were flashing everywhere. I slid on my sunglasses and tried to walk through the crowd. All I could think about was Gabby. I wondered if she was safe, if she was okay. I thought about last night. I promised her that I would protect her and I feel that I have let her down. Once I was in the building, I met up with a group of policemen and detectives. I explained what happened throughout the last couple days and showed them a picture of what she looked like. They listened and took notes while I spoke. They knew about Zac and that whole situation, so they already had a lead on him. The meeting was long, but as soon as it was done I saw Joe and Kevin waiting for me. Kevin came up and clapped his hand on my shoulder “Hey bro… How are you? What’s the plan?” I answered slowly “They’re going to try to retrace her footsteps, and then they want to talk to both of you to see if you saw anything suspicious. Then we all will get another bodyguard until we head back to L.A.” I was destroyed. I already am worried that she is hurt and scared. Joe saw how stress I was and said “We will find her, Nick. She will be safe.”  By the time it was 10:00 P.M., everyone in the world knew about Gabby’s absence. My show was canceled, my interviews in the morning were canceled and I was a mess. I realized that I can’t function without knowing that Gabby is safe. I really hope she is okay. Kevin and Joe tried to convince me to go back to the hotel, but I couldn’t I needed to help the police find her. I needed to find her.

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