The Danger Continues: Henry D...

By hannahmei18

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What happens if one of Paris's friend finds out her brother is Kid Danger? More

The Beat Goes On
One Henry three girls, one Paris plus one guy part 1
One Henry three girls, one Paris plus one guy part 2
Paris & the Woodpeckers
Captain Man: On Vacation
The Time Jerker
Secret Beef
Henry's Jelly
Christmas Danger
Indestructible Henry Part 1
Indestructible Henry Part 2
Oppsite Universe
Danger & Thunder: Part 1
Danger & Thunder: Part 2
Authors Note
Grave Danger
Authors Note
Ox Pox
I Know You're Secrets
Behind The Scene Photos!

Text, Lies, & Video

83 3 0
By hannahmei18

Authors Note: omg, I love this episode! I really had fun writing this!

It's late of the evening and Henry, Charlotte and I are at Junk-N-Stuff. Henry wants to shoot a video of him transforming to his Kid Danger form and told Charlotte and I that, we completely disagree to do that since there's lots of reason we both denied the idea

" okay, I hope your daughter enjoys that guy's head"

I turn my head around to see my brother is talking to a woman who bought a guy head mask for some odd reason for her daughter

" oh, she is going to love this" the woman smiles down at the head mask and turn back to my brother, " and hey, if you get anymore boy's heads in, please let me know"

I bit my lips

" sure thing"

The woman turns back around when she's at the door

" you think I'm weird, don't you?" she asked my brother

" I do, yep" Henry answers while nodding his head

The woma left and Henry changed the sign to ' closed' and also closed the door

" all right, and we are closed" Henry announced as turning to Char and I

" yeehoo!" Charlotte cheered and I clap

" okay" Henry said as he gets his special bubble gum container out, my smile faded when I know he's gonna say next, " you two ready to shoot the video?"

" no" I answers, " we not ready to shoot anything"

" oh, come on, just do it" Henry said as approaching us two

Charlotte suddenly looks something behind the counter

" hey, look what I found"Charlotte said as grabbing something

" what?" I asked her curiously

She look back at my brother with letters ' N' and ' O', I bit my lips

" okay, what if Ray says it's okay?" Henry reasoned

" oh, you think Ray's going to say it's okay?" Charlotte asked him

" let's go ask him!" we three said the same time, " jinx! You owe me a coconut!"

" okay, you know, everytime I want to do something..." Henry began as we headed to the elevator

" we just want to be careful" Charlotte reasoned

It than turns out of an argument between us again. We went in the elevator but we stop argueing when Henry press the down button, we three scream and Henry lost his grib on his phone so it's now flying over our heads. The elevator stops and we walk out normally

" whatever!" I said to him as we approached Ray, " we're going to find out right now"

" it's too risky" Charlotte argued back

" you two gonna be like, ooh, I'm sorry Henry, you're right and I was wrong and you have to buy me a coconut!" we three said the same time again, " jinx, you owe me a coconut!"

" what's the beef, jerkies?" we hear Ray greeted us when we finished our little arguement

" okay, get this" Charlotte began to explain, " Henry wants us to shoot a video of him blowing one of his bubbles and transforming into Kid Danger so that he can watch the video and see what it looks like"

" will you tell him how insane that is?" I asked as I pointed to my brother

" oh my god!" Ray said shock

" right?" I agreed

" can we do it together!" Ray asked my brother which shock Charlotte and I

" eh?" I asked confused

" I can't belive I never thought of transforming into Captain Man on video so I can see what it looks like!" Ray exclaimed after high fiving my brother

" right?" Henry turns to Ray, " so let's do it together now"

" are you guys crazy?" I asked the two which made them turn to Charlotte and I, " you can't do this"

" yeah" Charlotte agreed, " what if this gets out?"

" why you guys always got to say no?" Ray asked us two

I glared at him

" that's not a fun party" Henry agreed

" well, we sorry if we the one around here who actually thinks things through" Charlotte gestured to us two

" name one time that I didn't think something through" Ray challenged

" okay" I folded my arms, " how about the time there was a fly on the elevator door?"

" I don't remember any fly" Ray said with intense expression

We two look at each other with disbelief


Henry and Ray sitting on the couch of watching a TV show as Charlotte and I try to get rid of this annoying fly in the Man Cave. Charlotte got a fly swatter so that'll up our chances a little. When Charlotte swat the fly on a desk it flew away

" hey" I turn my head to the boys, " has anyone seen where the fly went?"

They turn to us

" oh, there it is, on the elevator door" Henry answers as pointing to the elevator

We look at the elevator door to see it's there, we slowly but quickly and quietly and walk toward it

" hang on, I'll get him" I hear Ray said

I now have the fly swatter and getting ready to kill it when someone pushed me outta the way for some reason. I look who it was and it's Charlotte, we both look at the elevator door to see there's a whole that someone blasted, we turn our heads to the guys and Ray shrinks down to his seat like nothing happened

End of flashback

I shook my head of the memory when I almost got killed by my boss

" remember it cost four thousand dollars to repair that elevator door?" Henry smiles at Ray

" and you missed the fly" Charlotte added

" not to mention, almost killed you're co-worker" I recalled, " now I see why no once work here"

" ah, he got the message" Ray remarked

" hm" I nodded and face my brother, " just like the first time?"

He looks at me confused


It was the first day that Henry found out he'll be working with Captain Man

" bye guys" Henry said suddenly and grab Paris's hand but she didn't move

" why do we?" she asked him

" well... Um" Henry starts but couldn't get anything out

" you're my brother, you can tell me anything" Paris said and put her hand on Henry's shoulder with a smile

" I can't!" Henry suddenly shouts which made Paris flinch of the sudden raise of voice

End of Flashback

" oh!" they all remembered finally

" hey, I remember we watched that on the monitors" Ray mentioned of pointing to it

" hey, I was thirteen back then, can you blame me?" Henry asked me of ignoring Ray

" and I was senstive little girl back then, can you blame me?!" I remarked

" you were not, you were fourteen" Henry agrued back

I just shook my head at him, he turns to Ray

" okay, come on, let's shoot the video" Henry said of changing the subject and give Charlotte his phone, " here, use my phone"

" yeah, all right" Charlotte sighed as she takes it and get ready to film them

" hey, how's my hair?" Ray asked my brother, I rolled my eyes at him

" perfect"

" yeah, I know, why do I even ask?" Ray smiles to himself and they get out there gum containers

" hey, your sister just texted you" Charlotte informed Henry and I

" what does she want?" I asked her a bit annoyed

" she says, text me that pic where I look great and Marla looks like a frog, right now" Charlotte reads the text

I look at Henry

" just ignore it" Henry tells her

" okay"

Charlotte put the camera video on and aim the video directly to the two superheros, I give them a nod that we ready

" ready?" Henry asked his boss

" yeah" Ray answers, " let's get busy yo, then watch the video"

" oh, the rhymes" Charlotte rolled her eyes

Henry chuckles and the two blew there bubbles which transform them to there superhero form, Charlotte stops recording afterwards

" come on, let me see it" Ray smiles at us

" no, I get to see it first" Henry agrued as the two approached Char and I and Henry takes the phone from Charlotte's hands

" hey, I'm Captain Man" Ray argued back as they keep fighting of the phone

" it's my phone"

" it's my phone" Ray mocked

" okay, we'll watch it together" Henry reasoned

" okay, we'll watch it together" Ray mocked but realized what Henry said, " oh yeah, let's do that"


" videos" Henry smiles for searching for it, " why won't Piper quit texting me about the stupid pic of her and Marla?"

" just send Piper the pic she wants so she'll stop interrupting us" I sighed

" yeah, all right" Henry agreed, suddenly his expression fell after sending Piper the photo which made us confused a little, " no no no no, I did not just do this!"

" Hen, what's wrong?" I asked my brother worry

" Henry what?" Charlotte asked

" was it my hair?" Ray assumed, I hit the back of his head

" I... I texted the video to Piper" Henry explained, it was a pause for a second before we three yell

" what?!"


I suggested that Henry call our little sister and he agreed

" come on, come on, come on, Piper, answer your phone" Henry said to himself

" what are you gonna do if she saw the video?" Charlotte asked him

" she'll probably show it to everybody!" Ray exclaimed

" what happens if she post it online?" Charlotte kept asking

" we'll be doomed" I answers

" how old is she?" Ray asked

" I don't know, I know, I don't know, stop being so negative, ten" Henry answers our worries

I'm not negative, it's the truth, man!.

Suddenly Henry laugh of relief but got annoyed quickly when he sees it wasn't Piper but someone else calling him

" what?" I asked him

" is it Piper?" Charlotte asked

" no" Henry answers, " Jasper's calling me"

" Jasper!"

" what are you doing at my house?" Henry asked, " please, shut up"

" ask him if he's seen Piper!" I demanded as I grinded my teeth getting ready to hurt him any second

" shh shh shh!" Henry shushes me, " have you seen Piper?"

Seconds later I could see Henry felt relieved

" oh, thank god"

" hey hey hey, where's Piper's phone?" Henry asked, Henry than turns to us, " it's there charging next to mom's phone"

" oh, your mom?" Ray smirked of looking at us two

" stop that" I said as I glare at him which made his smirk faded

" she hasn't seen it yet?" Henry asked with a smile, " oh, yes yes yes yes, yeah!"

I did hear Jasper gonna end the call but I decided to step in this time

" wait, no no no no!" I said and quickly snatched my brother's phone, " it's me, Paris, do not hang up the phone!"

" okay" Jasper said a little weird it out

" Jasper, if you've ever been my friend, if you've ever cared about Hen and I, even a little bit" I began

" you know I do!" Jasper exclaimed

" okay, then bring Piper's phone to us at Junk-N-Stuff right this second no matter what" I instructed him

" okay, I'll do it!" Jasper said

" hurry!" I said, I ended the call there and look at the others, " all right, he's on his way"

They all sigh of relief, Henry walk over to me and snatched his phone back in his hands, I put my hands up of defence

" oh man, the fly's back!" Charlotte complained

I see Ray grabbing the same device he used last time when he tried to killed the fly

" put it down" I ordered him. He sadly puts the device down


I came back from the Man Cave and headed up the store where everyone else are at. Henry and Ray are back to there normal self, I see my brother pacing while they eat popcorn, I go over to him

" where's Jasper?!" I asked him which made Henry startled and spill his popcorn

" I don't know" Henry answers, " you tell me!"

" oh!" I realized, " yeah, he's on his way"

" well, what if he watches the video?" Ray asked with worry

" no" I denied, " he can't, Piper's got a passcode on her phone, so there's no way--"

I didn't finish when the door flew open to reveal Jasper ran in here panting like a dog ran miles from here

" I... Brought--oh god" Jasper said out of breath

" speak boy!" Ray demands Jasper

" do you have Piper's phone?" Henry asked impatiently

" where's the phone?" Charlotte asked

" it's... I... Here" Jasper said as he shows us the phone

" oh, he brought it" I announced relivead which made the others are too

Before anyone else could speak we hear screaming and Piper jump on Jasper. He spins in circles of trying to get her off, we went in and try to pry Piper off

" okay okay, you need to calm down!" Henry face Piper after finally getting her off on Jasper

" he jacked my phone!" Piper explained

" I was told to!"Jasper tells her

" by who?"

I just remain silent

" look" Ray began as he takes the phone from Jasper's sweaty hands, " the important thing is that we have it"

" why is that important?" Piper asked but stare at the phone, " wait, that's not my phone"

Henry went over to Ray and takes the phone to look at it

" this is my mom's phone" Henry informed

" what?" Jasper snatched the phone from my brother hands

" what?" Ray asked and snatched the phone back

I rolled my eyes at him

" you grabbed the wrong phone?!" Charlotte asked Jasper with panicked

" you had one thing to do, kid!" Ray turns to Jasper and grabs his shirt, " one thing!"

" I thought you cared about me" I acted hurt of looking at Jasper

" I do!" Jasper answers and imediately approached me, " she was all over me, I'm sorry!"

" okay okay!" I said as I try to get Jasper's sweaty hands away from me

" wait, Henry" Ray chimed in, " if that's your mom's phone that means that Piper's phone is..."

" still at my house" Henry finished

Henry and I look at each other of thinking the same thing, I look at Piper. Without even thinking I grab Henry's hand and push the others outta the way to rush to my house if it's not too late

" Henry, Paris, you two leave my phone alone!" I hear Piper shouted behind

Oh god.


We finally arrived at the house, I closed the door and lock it so Piper won't come in

" Piper's phone" Henry kept saying to himself as we ran in and look quickly

I spot a yellow case on the kitchen island counter, I grin of relief and ran over to it

" got it!" I announced as I held the phone up in my hands

Henry ran over to me and takes the phone

" passcode, passcode, passcode, passcode!" Henry thinks

" her birthday!" I adviced

Henry smiles at me of agreeing but quickly faded

" god, what's her birthday!" Henry said stessed

I facepapm myself

Really dude?!.

" winter?" he guessed

" no" I answers

" summer?"

" no"

" one, two, three, four, dang it!" Henry said after the phone buzz meaning it's not it

" Henry, Piper!"

That alarm Henry and I

" aah!" we both scream

I see Henry look somewhere, I was still confused on how she can come in the house but I realized I didn't lock the back of the house door

Stupid me!.

Henry tapped my arm and gesture me to the sink, I look in and smile wide when I have an idea. We both look at each other and nodded, we turn around and act calm as we can

" hey!" Piper yelled as she came in from the back instead of the porch door

" oh, hey Piper" Henry greeted

I take the phone from his hands and drop it in the sink

" whoops" I said with a innocent expression as I drop the phone in the garbage disposal

" did you just drop my phone down the sink?" Piper gasped

" well, yeah" Henry answers for me, " but it was an accident"

I nodded in agreement but stop when Piper about to walk to the sink, I press the switch to turn on the garbage disposal which made whirs sound. I stop seconds later

" hey" I pretend to be confused, " that's not the light switch"

" I am going to kill you!" Piper shrieked and running over to me

I yelped as Piper jump on my back, Henry try to pry her off me

" hey guys"

Piper and I stop and look at dad who's back, I decided this is my chance and drop Piper off my back, Henry quickly grab my hand and make me go beside him

" what was that crazy loud noise I just heard?" dad asked us

" we're not sure" Henry lied

" I'm sure!" Piper quickly stood up and walk over to dad, " Paris just put my phone in the garbage disposal and turned it on!"

" dad" I said to him, " why would I intentionally put my little sister's phone in the garbage disposal and then do this?" I asked innocently and press the switch on, moments later I turn it off, " that's just not the type of thing I'd do intentionally, you know?"

Henry pointed at me of agreeing

" I know, Paris" dad nods to me

" you belive her?!" Piper asked dad disblief

" of course" dad answers of looking at Piper, " they're the good child"

I folded my arms and nodded to agree

" and anyway, it doesn't even matter" dad continues

" yeah, it doesn't even matter" Henry agreed

That made me stop nodding and smile faded

" why doesn't it even matter?" I asked my dad as we approached the two

" well, your mom and I wanted to wait until your birthday next week..." dad began and reveal a new phone to Piper

" that's when it is!" I hear Henry said to himself

" but happy early birthday" dad finished of facing us again

Piper ran to him and take the phone

" you got me the new Pear Phone!" Piper smile, " oh my god, I love this!"

" you enjoy it, sweetie" dad smiles at her

" I will!" Piper said and getting ready to set her new phone up

" see Piper?" Henry said to her, " everything's great"

" no" Piper objected, " because it's been over a month since I backed up my old phone, I lost everything since then"

" yeah!" Henry and I whisperly cheered and I high fived each other

" you haven't lost everything from your old phone, remember?" dar chimed in, wr turn to him, " your mom set your phone up so everything automatically backs up to the cloud"

My eyes widen

" oh yeah, the cloud" Piper remembered

" the cloud" I whispered

Henry and I look at each other before running to the porch to talk to Charlotte

" where are you two going?" dad called us

" the porch!" I answers as I open the door, " please don't bother us!"

Henry close the door behind him and I got out my necklace and press the button to reveal hologram Ray before us

" Paris, Henry!" Ray popped up, " did you get your little sister's phone away from her?"

" yeah, but we need to talk to Charlotte" I quickly said

" oh" Ray suddenly say a little dissapointed, " Charlotte, somebody wants you and not me"

I rolled my eyes at him and Charlotte walks in the frame

" hey, Paris and Henry!" Charlotte greeted

" Char, listen" Henry chimed in of going close to me to see her better, " if Piper lost her old phone and then she got a new phone..."

" yeah?"

" when she restores her data from the cloud, would she get everything back?" Henry asked her

" well, yeah" Charlotte replied, " if her old phone was set to back up automatically"

" I could've told you that!" Rsy went next to Charlotte

" move Ray!" I groaned annoyed

He gets out of the frame

" okay, what about text messages she hasn't read yet, like pics and videos?" I asked this time

" oh no, she'd get everything back!" Charlotte replied

" dang it!" Henry sighed

" this is bad, this is really bad!" Charlotte panicked, Ray move next to Charlotte again to be in the frame

" yeah, you never should've let me and Henry shoot that video" Ray pointed to Charlotte and I

I give him an annoyed look

" we told you not to do it!" Charlotte argued back

" you two did not make that clear" Ray stated and move out from the frame again

" Char, what do we do?" Henry chimed in

" okay" Charlotte turns to us, " just wait until she finishes downloading then you two got to get that phone away from her and delete that video from her phone and from the cloud"

I nodded to understand

" okay, delete the video from her phone and from the cloud" Henry repeated to himself, " got it, we'll just wait until she--"

" you two!"

" aah!" we both scream and Henry quickly press the button on my necklace and we turn to Mrs. Hendricks

" hi, Mrs. Hendricks" Henry greeted awkwardly as we face her, " mom's kind of busy righ now, so--"

" what kind of necklace is that?" Mrs. Hendricks asked me of pointing to my necklace

I look at it to see it's not under my shirt, I quickly hid it and smile at her

" necklace?" I pretended to be confused, " what is a necklace?"

" wasn't that your friend Charlotte floating over it?"Mrs. Hendricks asked me of ignoring what I'd said

" oh, I, um--"

I didn't finish when I see Henry zapped Mrs. Hendricks right at the head of making her pass out

" man, this is really not our day" Henry sighed to himself

I shook my head at him and we both grab a part of Mrs. Hendricks

" Paris, Henry, what are you two doing out there?" we hear dad called out

" just looking at the super moon!" Henry lied as we drag Mrs. Hendricks to a near by bush or something

" wow, what a moon!" I look up at it, " it's totally super!"


We came back in after we finish our business. We slowly go over to Piper while she's watching a show on her tablet, she finally noticed and slowly face us two

" good evening" I greeted while we still stare at the new phone

" why are you guys standing there staring at me?" Piper asked weird it out

" oh" Henry began, " I was just curious about bow long it takes to set up the new Pear Phone because I might get one, so I'm observing... The process"

I nodded to agree

" just stay away from me and my new phone" Piper put the phone close to her, " I don't want this one to end up in the garbage disposal"

" that was just a freak accident" I fake smile

" yeah, freak" Piper said sarcasticly and turn back to her tablet

The door bell than rings and I turn my head to it

" come in!"I shouted

" I'd rather not"

That sounds like Jasper.

" if that's Jasper, tell him to stay away from me and my new phone!" Piper tells us as we walk to the door

" yeah, we'll get on that" I rolled my eyes, I open the door to reveal Jasper the other side

" hey" Jasper greeted, " I'm just here to return your mom's phone"

" oh well, why don't you just come in?" Henry wondered

" because Piper's peeved at me for taking her phone and I'm afraid of her" Jasper answers

I glanced over at her and back at Jasper

" ah, she's over it" I shrugged

" I don't know, she was really mad down at--"

Jasper didn't finish when an apple got thrown at him which I moved away just in time thankfully

" ugh!"

Henry and I turn to our little sister

" Piper!"

" oh sorry, that was just a freak accident" Piper said of eyeing me, " because accident happen, right, Paris?"

We turn back to Jasper

" sorry" I apologized to him

" it's okay, just here" Jasper said of handing my mom's phone, " take your mom's phone"

" thanks" Henry thanked him as taking it

" oh and hey" Jasper suddenly say and we turn back to him, " did you know your neighbor lady's laying face down in your bushes?"

" yeah, she does that" I awkwardly answers and closed the door


Moments later we head back in and kept looking at the phone if it's ready

" will you two quit looking over my shoulder?!" Piper snapped at us

" we wasn't doing that" Henry shook his head

" well, why you two in the kitchen again?" Piper wondered

" cause" I paused when I spotted a pot which gave me an idea, " we gonna make soup"

" okay fine, go make some soup" Piper said and look back at her show

" we gonna" I glared and drag Henry with me

After hours and explaining, we pretend to make the soup with some odd stuff in it. I finally got an other idea amd find a rope in the kitchen and quietly but quickly tied in around Piper's foot and connected with tje chair

" yes!"

That made me quickly shot up and ran over to my brother of acting nothing happened

" my new phone's ready!"Piper exclaimed of happiness

Henry pull out a cerial box

" hey Hen, when did you text me a video?--"

Piper didn't finish when Henry poured the cerea on her of making my chance to snatch it

" go go go!" Henry rushed me as dropping the box and take my hand when we rush to Junk-N-Stuff

" you guys!" I hear Piper shouted


Piper caught up to me so I threw the phone to Henry and tell him to go without me and he did. I try to pull Piper's night gown but she's strong for a little girl

" Henry!"

We finally reached Junk-N-Stuff, without thinking I closed the door at her but she kicks it open

Ah jeez.

" hey Piper" Henry greeted

" I'm going to break you two in half!" Piper threatened

I yell when Piper charge at me first, she chased Hen and I about good one minute or so

" hey, here's the phone!"

I look ahead to see Charlotte is done thankfully, she throws me the phone and I caught it

" hi, found this phone, is this yours?" I quickly asked and quickly throw it to Piper

She snatched it from my hands

" yeah it's mine, you weirdo!" Piper answers, she walks out of the store while the chair still attached

That wss interesting.

" okay" we hear Charlotte said of walking over to us, " now, delete that stupid video from your pbone so it can never cause another problem ever again"

" okay, on it" I nodded

Henry takes out his phone

" wait!"

We turn to Ray

" we haven't even gotten a chance to watch the video yet" Ray reminds


" oh yeah" Henry realized, " we should at least watch it once before I delete it"

" yeah" Ray agreed, " I want to see what we look like when we transform"

" okay here"

We go over to Ray, Henry pull the video up and plays it but only thing we see is Charlotte and I which confused us even me

" wait" I said of looking closer to the screen, " why are we seeing Charlotte and me?"

We hear Ray's lame joke again and the bubble pop of transforming them but the camera faced the other way

" Charlotte..." I began as I turn my head to her, " you had the front facing camera on"

" you didn't even get us on video" Ray continues

" you just video'd yourself" Henry added

" so, there never even was a video of us transforming on Piper's phone" Ray pointed out

" we did all the cat chase for nothin'?" I finished

" yeah" Charlotte answers, " well, I guess this whole thing was just one big old waste of time"

Charlotte made a squeak noise as she walks out, I rest my chin on Henry's shoulder of tiredness

Well, at least we learned a lesson.

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