COTE react to Elite Minus

By MCPELuisTuican

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It was just another day in ANHS. But suddenly everyone was transported in a theater room and before them was... More

Chapter 1:A minus has entered in a school and the god of mischief wants to see
Chapter 2:The night brings many interesting things
Chapter 3:Intelligent people can act dumb, not the other way around!
Chapter 4:A little sparring in the death of the night
Chapter 5:Most masks will shatter eventually
Chapter 6:Sometimes, you need to play detective
Chapter 7:Yamauchi's father has been fired
Chapter 8:There's more than one way to win a process
Chapter 9:Busted by the screen!
Chapter 10:Death is with the minus. Enter! Two old friends.
Chapter 11:Preparations before a surprise test
Chapter 12:What a cute little puppet
Chapter 13:Class A in pain. The darkness revealed!
Chapter 14:He was the biggest threat all along!
Chapter 15:Mister chaotic matchmaker
Chapter 16:Elevators can be used for raceing
Chapter 17:A birthday gone funny
Chapter 18:Are there any need to test him anymore?
Chapter 19:Is there a way to measure love? Apparently yes!
Chapter 21:Really, they never had a chance
Chapter 22:Some fights are meant not to be mingled with
Chapter 23:When there are no fights, there are other ways to lose time
Chapter 24:He can be nice too!...Sometimes...
Chapter 25:Talks in winter can be difficult things
Chapter 26: That's how you hang out in group
Chapter 27:Set the stove for dragon
Chapter 28:Dogs can die of embarassment

Chapter 20:Training of the old

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By MCPELuisTuican

Ichika was even smuger than usual, which is quiet an accomplishment. She had just been the favorite of the perfect minus, so she thinks she has the right to.

Yuki:Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. Did he say he's gonna marry you?

Ichika:...No, why?

Yuki:Guess. Come on, I know you're smart enough.


Masumi:To be fair, I've been in his room the most.

Suzune:He's my partner.


Ryuen:Kukuku, the edition wars.

Masayoshi:Wow, never saw Kamuro so fired up about something. In fact, I didn't think she can even be fired up about anything.

Mako:Yeah, I thought the same about Yuki-chan.

Loki:Alright, this one will be entertaining.

Kiyotaka:How so?

Loki:This one will include class D's..."training".

The mentioned victims shivered at the reminder of their abuse. Yuki, knowing what that training was because Kumagawa told her, let out a small grin. Knowing hiw Kumagawa is Kazuomi, Ryuen and Arisu smirked in amusement.

Most of the people were curious of how Kumagawa did get the defectives in a acceptable physical condition. The projection of the event began.

The participants for the sport festival were chosen. Kumagawa couldn't care less, he was just waiting the year to end.

He was really curious of how the freshmans will be and needs to wait untill the end of the sport festival and school year. Usually when he feels like something will happen, that thing is alwais interesting.

Ken:Horikita, if I win can I call you Suzune?

Suzune:Hm? Very well, only if you score the best across our year.


Suzune:Than, Kumagawa-kun? Can you help Sudo-kun in training our classmates?

Kumagawa:[Hm? Sure.]

The dog and the minus made their way to the classmates. Kiyotaka gave Suzune a look.

Kiyotaka:Are you sure? About this bet, I mean.

Suzune:There's no problem. After all, I promised Kumagawa-kun a lap pillow if he tries.

Kiyotaka:...You're evil.

Ken:Only if I knew.

Suzune:What did Kumagawa-kun do, exactly?

Ken:I don't want to talk about it. Being an complice at that...cirphed away my morality.

Suzune:Well, at least he did his job.

Ken:He was ruthless.

Chiaki:And hot.



Ken was actually worried about this training session. He got the chills from the black uniform Kumagawa was wearing. Especially coupled with that disturbing black and red symbol. The sunglasses didn't make it better.

Ken:...Why are you wearing a nazi uniform?

Kumagawa:[Oh, no reason.]

Honami:...Oh no.

Ryuen:Kukuku, I like where this is going.

Kazuomi:Oh, this is some good shit.

Arisu:Fufufu, looks like Kumagawa-kun was a little...harsh.

Suzune thought about what she has done making him the trainer. Did he suppose class D to great tortures? Most likely. Did she care? No.

Kumagawa blew his whistle, strattling his classmates. They looked worried at him.

Kumagawa:[Alright, maggots! Form four lines, right now!]

Kanji:...Isn't this a bit-

The idiot didn't get to finish his sentence. Kumagawa hit him with a ridding crop, making him fall down and spit blood.

Kumagawa:[Do I look like I'm asking? One, two! One, two!]

The students quickly made four lines in fear. Even Kanji came up and got in line for his own safety.

Kumagawa:[Alright now, let's start training. First, the one hundred metters.]

Satsuki moved her hand up. The gyaru was smart enough to ask for permission before asking questions. Kumagawa nodded in approval.

Satsuki:Are we gonna run one hundred metters?

Kumagawa:[Hehehe, close.]

Before they even realized, large boulders were bounded to the students with chains. Satsuki began sweating.

Satsuki:...A-are we gonna run one hundred metters with boulders bounded to us!?

Kumagawa:[No, you're gonna crawl one hundred metters with boulders bounded to you. Now, start!]

The students got on the ground and started crawling at an extremly slow rate. On girl in particular was very pale.

She has long brown hair with clear blue eyes. Her name was Matsushita Chiaki.

Kumagawa looked at her. He doesn't know why, but he feels like she'd look great in a maid outfit.

Chiaki:...We're gonna die.

Hearing that, Kumagawa walked to her with a smile on his face. He took her chin between his fingers and made her look up at him, causing her to blush.

Kumagawa:[Oh, you're not gonna die. But you'll wish you could die.]

Chiaki gulped. This was not good. It felt great right now, but it was not good.


Kiyotaka:That's a new one.

After the looks of it, it seems that Chiaki fell for his best friend from masochism and stockhold syndrome. He looked over at Kei.

Kiyotaka:...Than again, maybe it's not so different.


Meanwhile, Kikyo was staring at Chiaki. It was like she was looking at an alike induvidual.

Soon the sport festival came. Surprisingly, Airi has ranked quiet high in the the one metters dash. Kiyotaka came to congratulate her.

Kiyotaka:Yo, Sakura.

Airi:Ayanokoji-kun! Did you watch me?

Kiyotaka:You've done pretty good. Same with the other girls. Are those the results of the training?

Airi:...I don't wanna talk about it.

Airi had a hunted expression. In fact, every class D student in vicinity who heard him had. Kiyotaka made a confused face.

It was the boys's turn for the one hundred metter dash. They took their possitions and run off.

Kiyotaka managed to seize the fifth place, while Kumagawa passed everyone while they were still at the starting point. Least to say, the minus seized first place.

Next one was the hurdle race. Before starting Ryuuji approached Kiyotaka.

Ryuuji:Hm, I wonder how this will go. Ichinose said you were quiet fast.

Kiyotaka:Nah, I'm not that good. I didn't do so great at the hundred metters race.

Ryuuji:I can't tell you were not serious.

Kiyotaka:I really am not that good. If anything, Kumagawa's much more impressive than me.

Both of them looked at Kumagawa who was helping Ken strench. When he was strenching him by the ankle he put too much force and accidentaly threw Ken away in a tree.


Ryuuji:...About that, are you sure he's really human?

Kiyotaka:From what I'm aware of.

Ken:Yeah, still feel that.

Zenkichi:Well, at least you just got physical pain. You haven't got anything near Book Maker's level.

Kiyotaka:Book Maker? What is that?

Zenkichi:Well, it's another abnormality Kumagawa-senpai posseses. Long story short, people hot by it get to experience all despair, hardship and overall nihilism Kumagawa-senpai has. The victims would end up in the best case commiting suicide and in the worst case they'd become a vegetale.

Kanji:What? It transforms people in vegetales!?

Zenkichi:...How did you even got to highschool? What I mean is, they find no strenght in them to eat, drink, socialize or do anything really. They'd just stay there motionless, not even thinking about anything, until they finnaly die. Up to this point, the only ones who could pivk themselfs were Anshin'in-san and Medaka-chan.

Ken:...That's scary, man.

The hurdle race began. Kumagawa took first place, Ryuuji second and Kiyotaka third.

The masterpiece still wants to maintain the image of him being average, but still won't aim lower than fifth place. He'd prefer not lossing points.

The next event was tug-of-war for the boys. Ryuen's plan was for his class to win the first two and let go of the rope in the third, lossing that one. Unfortunately, one of those had Kumagawa in it, which ended upwith the classes C and B concurents being pulled on their side, so he needed to make his class to win the third one.

There was a little break for the teams. He saw Yuki and approached her.

Kumagawa:[How're you doing, Yuki-chan?]

Yuki:I watch my classmates getting beat up by you, so pretty good. What did you do to make your classmates actually worth something?

Kumagawa:[Wore a nazi uniform, hit them with a ridding crop and make the go through what's essentually torture.]

Yuki:And your class's actually winning. Hittler should take notes from you.

Kumagawa:[Hm, you think so?]

The next event began, which was steal the flag. Everyone got hurdled up in a crowd and Ken couldn't move forward. Class C was kicking him in the confusion. Masayoshi and Masumi were watching from a distance.

Masayoshi:Alright, guess I'll try a little strategy.

Masumi:No way. You forgot something.

Masayoshi looked at the direction Masumi was pointin her finger on. Kumagawa was jumping up and down behind the crowd with a pretty excited face. Kiyotaka was beside him, giving a tired sigh.

Masayoshi:...Yeah, I think I'm good her.

Masumi:Kick their asses, Kumagawa!

Kumagawa looked at Masumi's direction and gave a wave. He jumped forward at immense speed. The impact of his body with the crowd made the students composing it to be thrown away in different directions. The minus ended up in the opposite side of the field, having captured the flag.

He has also aquired a great point percentage in the cavalery battle. Ken was provoked by Ryuen, ending in the red head's defeat.

Next to come was the three legged race. Kumagawa was paired with a fellow class D boy.

He had purple hair and sharp black eyes. His name was Miyake Akito.

Kumagawa:[Let's give our all, Akito-chan!]

Akito:I don't think you need to give your all, man.

Kumagawa:[How nice of you, but I'll try a little. I was promised a lap pillow in exchange.]


The race started. Akito was more dragged along, but he was thankful Kumagawa held him in a way in which he couldn't get hurt.

Kei:The scores are pretty even. Your friends a maniac, by the way.

Kiyotaka:I guess he is. You don't need to worry about the scores, the win of class D doesn't really matter.

Kei:We have a pretty high chance, though.

Kiyotaka:That's just Kumagawa having fun.

The scavenger hunt began after. Kumagawa walked over to Chie who was holding a box.

Chie:Kumagawa-kun! So you're also participating in the scavenger hunt.

Kumagawa:[Yep! Let's see.]

He took a paper from the box. He opened it and read it's content.

Something that makes you happy.

He thore it in two and picked another. He read it's content.

Something that you treasure dearly.

He thore it also in two and threw the pieces away again. Once again, he picked a paper a read it.

Something that gives you hope.

This time he actually gripped the paper so hard that it turned into dust. He looked quiet annoyed.

Kumagawa:[...This game's rigged.]

Kazuomi:Bwahahaha! What the hell, behemoth!

Ryuen:Kukuku, talk abou an unlucky streak!

Zenkichi:I guess even with that star gone, Kumagawa-senpai would still get bad luck from time to time.

Nazuna:I wonder if Kumagawa-kun can get to have such thing with time?

Iihiko:Two out of three.


Zenkichi:Yeah, Kumagawa-senpai is really against hope. He wouldn't let that one happen out of principle alone.

Nazuna:I'll strive to be the other two, then!

Chie:Let's go drink later.

He picked another paper to read. He looked at the content with bored eyes.

Something you love.

Kumagawa:[I can work with that.]

Yuki was searching for her own object. She felt herself picked up from the ground and before she realize it, she was in Kumagawa's arms.

Yuki:Kumagawa, what the hell are you doing?

Kumagawa:[Completing my task.]

Yuki had a very smug grin right now. It was mostly directed to Suzune, making the Horikita girl to growl back at her.

Satsuki:I guess it makes sense, Kumagawa-kun was flirting with her the most.

Chiaki thought hiw she can advance in the race. Suddenly, one of Kumagawa's thoughts mentioned in a screening came to her mind. She took her phone out and began tiping.

Satou:What are you doing, Matsushita-san?

Chiaki:Looking for maid outfits. I guess the traditional maid would suit me best.


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