the best laid plans (glamrock...

By TeaWithTelemachus

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when you accept an event management position at the new fazbear pizza plex you quickly discover there's more... More

1. the first shift
2. days end
3. the first party
4. looking forward
5. tension rising
6. last minute prep
7. when things unravel
8. plans and backup plans
9. distractions and daycare
10. the night is young
11. solutions in improv
12. one down
13. new and old plans
14. reunion parties
15. the next phase
16. on the run
17. a new look
18. daydreams and nightmares
19. finding family
20. the last plan
21. no good deed
22. the final stand
23. welcome home
24. all's well that ends well?
25. quite the occasion
26. a wish
28. a weekend away
29. temporary fix
30. permeant solutions

27. calculate the risk

727 33 16
By TeaWithTelemachus

While Gregory and the other animatronics head over to mini golf before the complex closes, you and Freddy slip away to talk. Half of you wishes you could go golf as well, but the reasonable half says it's time to confront the lingering issues in the facility. You motion for Freddy to follow you and enter an employee's only area. Together, you ascend a staircase with access to the roof of the plex. The sun has started to set and the view is spectacular. You take a moment to soak it all in then sit down on the edge of the roof. Freddy looks very concerned that you'll fall off so you move back.

"This is a nice place to talk, it has been a long time since I have been outside," Freddy notes, and takes a deep breath. You wonder if he can smell the fresh air, he seems to enjoy it either way, "what has been on your mind?"

Despite it being no fault of yours you feel guilty sharing the news with him, "Management is talking about making changes to make the plex more profitable. My boss wants to replace Roxy. I'm doing everything I can to stop it but I'm afraid," you look up at Freddy with an apologetic expression.

"Why did you not tell me sooner?" he asks, it's the same question you asked him that night in parts and services.

"I thought you'd been through enough. We finally had some peace and I wanted that to last longer," you admit. Apparently a month free of problems was too much to ask.

"I do not want my own peace at the expense of yours. I am sure the others would feel the same way y/n," Freddy shakes his head then pulls you into his lap for a hug.

"What are we going to do?" you ask as the sun dips below the horizon.

"I am not sure. But we will not let them take another one of our friends away," Freddy declares and holds onto you tighter.

"I'm going to keep working to fix this," you promise.

"I know you will. Even if your boss is against you," Freddy says and you nod.

"I don't know how a place I love so much can continue beating me down," You have such wonderful and terrible memories from the facility. You've gained so much only for people to try to take it away. You make eye contact with Freddy and something occurs to you, "It's you all that make this place what it is to me and everyone else. The games and flashing lights are cool but my best memories are the ones with you in them. It has nothing to do with the facility,"

"That is very kind of you," Freddy says, sounding a bit bashful.

"I mean it, this place would be nothing without you, and maybe they need to realize that," You say as the seeds of an idea are planted in your mind. You look up as the first stars of night begin to shine, "I can't remember the last time I wished on a star. I think I know my wish though,"

"I never realized there were so many things a person could wish on," Freddy speaks softly as he also gazes at the stars, "birthday candles, lucky numbers, specific weeds. But stars are my favorite,"

"Maybe we ought to give it a try again," you suggest with a chuckle. It can't hurt to try.

Freddy points at a small consolation of stars clustered together, "Those look like good wishing stars,"

"There's one for each of us, I like it," you notice then close your eyes to make your wish.

It feels a little silly at first, but as the cool night wind drifts through the air and Freddy begins to say his wish, you decide to embrace the old childish tradition, "I wish for good days, and for my family and friends to always be close," Freddy says, it's a nice thing to ask for.

Freddy holds onto your hand and squeezes it, letting you know it's your turn. You think, then share your wish, "I wish to do my best, and for my best to be enough. I wish that we all get the futures we deserve," you say, hoping that somehow the universe might hear you.

"I have a feeling our wishes will come true," Freddy smiles then kisses your cheek.

"We've never faced a challenge we couldn't beat. I'd say we have good odds," You return the kiss then pull back as you hear the door to the roof open. You glance over to see Moondrop and wave at him.

"Did you guys come up here to clear your head too? I could come back later," he offers awkwardly, fearing he interrupted something.

"No, come on over we were just making wishes!" you beckon for him to join you and he takes a few long strides to the edge of the roof.

"Thanks again for getting my head straight, it's good to be myself," Moondrop says as he sits down, crossing his legs like a teacher might before reading a story.

"So why did you come up here?" you ask.

"I wanted to think about some changes coming to the plex," he shrugs and you share a concerned look with Freddy, "I'm still coming to terms with it,"

"We have heard some alarming things, is there something else?" Freddy inquires, approaching the subject as delicately as possible.

"When I was walking through the plex after hours I found a document in the bosses office. And yes, I know I'm not supposed to be in there," Moondrop begins to explain. He sighs and looks up at the sky, he fits in well under the blanket of stars.

"What did it say?" you ask, fearing the worst.

Instead of answering your question Moondrop asks one of his own, "I've scared so many kids, do you think they'll ever forgive me?"

You reach out and hold Moondrops hand with both of yours, when you give an encouraging little shake the bells on his wrists jingle, "It might take some time but I'm sure you'll build back the trust. You're good, and that'll shine through," you smile but Moondrop can't return it.

"I wish your boss thought that too," he looks down and your smile falls.

"What are they planning?" you ask and squeeze his hand a little tighter.

"They want to separate me from Sun, and if that doesn't work they'll get rid of us both," he says then pulls his hand away, "I can't tell Sun,"

It feels like the world is crumbling in your hands, turning to sand and slipping through your fingers. The tide is coming in a taking everything away. You can't let that happen. Freddy seems to sense your thoughts and speaks, "It is going to be ok, we will fix this together,"

"You need to tell Sundrop," you add, then look up at Freddy. He nods at you and you turn back to Moondrop, sharing the advice you should also remember, "he deserves to know and it's not healthy to put all the pressure on yourself,"

"We have to help each other. we are strongest together," Freddy says and hugs you again. Moondrop watches you two hug and fiddles with his thumbs until Freddy laughs and extends an arm to him. Moondrop cracks a smile and wraps his very long arms around you both.

"We should get everyone together to make a plan," you say, slightly muffled in the group hug.

"Do you already have something in mind?" Freddy asks, surprised at your quick thinking.

"It's a work in progress," you admit.

"That's a starting place!" Moondrop encourages, boosting your confidence. He lets go of you and Freddy then hops up, "Ready to go?"

You glance between Freddy and Moondrop then nod, "I think it's time to take matters into our own hands again,"

You stand up then head back into the facility with Freddy and Moondrop. It's still dim in the hall so Moondrop stays for awhile. He pauses before you reach the bright atrium, "go ahead, I'm going to talk to Sun,"

"Good luck, we'll be in the arcade when you're ready," You tell him and Freddy offers a supportive thumbs up before you leave.

"This is shaping up to be a very long night," Freddy looks down at you, not directly pointing out but silently referencing the dark circles under your eyes.

"I won't overwork myself," You promise.

"You already have!" Monty shouts from the balcony above you.

"I wasn't talking to you Monty!" you shout back and stick your tongue out at the Gator.

Monty runs down the escalator, shaking the ground as he goes until he stops directly in front of you, "The party was a success, what else is there to do now?"

You look around, Gregory must still be hanging out with Roxy and Chica. With that confirmed, you cover Freddy's ears and respond, "We have to make a plan to get back at my ass hole boss,"

"Where do I sign up to help?" Monty cheers.

"I could still hear that!" Freddy scolds while Monty howls with laughter. Yeah, things aren't that different here even with the new problems.

"Am I wrong?" You ask and Freddy's refusal to respond is enough of an answer.

"What are you three up to now?" Chica calls and you look up to see her walking over. Roxy and Gregory seem more focused on sword fighting with golf clubs though.

"Just making trouble," Monty responds with a wink.

"When are you not?" Roxy smacks him on the back of the head giving Gregory a chance to disarm her and steal both the golf clubs.

"If there's trouble I should be involved!" Gregory joins the conversation.

"I would argue the opposite," Freddy shakes his head.

"You can't throw anything at me that's crazier than a lady in a bunny suit with a knife," Gregory crosses his arms. He has a point.

"At least Vanessa didn't want to do bad things, our boss is doing them on purpose," You grumble and the other animatronics nod in solidarity.

"I'm not stupid, I've known something was wrong and now I'm not going to let you guys have all the fun dealing with it!" Gregory puts his foot down literally and metaphorically.

"Alright, I guess we're getting the band back together!" you clap your hands together and the others cheer.

"We should move somewhere private to make our plan though," Freddy suggests, motioning with his head to the security cameras. Everyone agrees and you not so subtly all head over to the private rooms in the arcade.

"So what's the issue now?" Roxy asks as you make your way through the countless games. You feel your throat tighten and words fail you for a moment, "Come on, I can take the bad news,"

How do you kindly tell someone management wants to erase them from existence? You step into the room and shut the door before mustering up the courage, "The boss wants to get rid of Roxy and Moondrop, permanently. There's no telling what other cuts will come after that. We have to stop this before it can begin," You say it all in one breath and watch everyone's eyes go wide in shock. They're not mad at you, you're not sure why you thought they would be.

"But I thought people liked me?" Roxy whispers to herself.

"Of course they like you!" Freddy assures her.

"The boss is just dumb!" Gregory shouts, an astute statement really.

"There's no way they're getting rid of you Roxy, not while I'm here!" Chica says, putting an arm around the wolf's shoulders.

"Exactly, so we need a plan. And I believe y/n has one," Freddy says and everyone starts to sit down. Before you explain your idea Freddy leans down to whisper, "You can do it superstar,"

You take to the front of the room and clasp your hands together, "I don't know if you've realized, but the pizza plex wouldn't be half the venue it is without you all. I think it's time for the executives to see that. I'm not sure how yet, but they need to know what it's like when you're not here," you explain the main idea behind your plan.

"Are you suggesting we go on strike?" Roxy asks, tilting her head to the side.

"Maybe? I'm open to suggestions," you admit and Gregory raises his hand.

You don't call on him but he starts talking, "We should leave the plex!" Gregory suggests and while at first you recoil at the idea, the more you think the more it sounds possible.

"I like it kid!" Monty grins and ruffles Gregory's hair.

"How do we do it and not get y/n fired?" Chica asks and everyone starts to brainstorm.

Suddenly the door swings open and Sundrop bounces inside, "I heard there's a crisis! What can I do to help?" he asks, somehow maintaining a positive attitude through it all.

"We're running away!" Gregory informs him with a devilish grin.

"But that's against the rules..." Sundrop stops bouncing, worry creeping into his tone.

"Sometimes you have to do a wrong right to right a wrong! Or something," Monty says, fumbling over what you think was supposed to be an inspirational quote. It still kinda works.

"You have to stick up for yourself Sundrop!" Gregory adds bluntly. It's what the daycare attendant needs to hear, "Now help us figure out how to keep y/n out of trouble!"

Sundrop reaches up and taps the side of his face as he thinks, then he lights up, "We could stage a breakout! We'd pretend our program malfunctioned making us run off and y/n and Vanessa tried to stop us!" It's a surprising devious idea from such a happy animatronic.

"That just might work..." Chica says.

"Then we're gone long enough to teach them a lesson but we can still come back!" Roxy agrees with the plan.

"Where will you go while you're 'abducted'? You don't exactly look inconspicuous in public," You point out and the brainstorming continues.

"We could stay at your apartment?" Monty suggests.

"If they found you there I'd be in huge trouble. Plus there aren't enough beds," You'd be happy to host a slumber party but that's a bit much, "And you'll need a big power source to drain from,"

This time Freddy pipes up with an idea, "We could take a vacation?"

"Then y/n and Vanessa can set out on a mission to find us and spend the week at a resort!" Monty jumps to his feet.

"I think we have ourselves a plan!" Sundrop throws an arm around your shoulder with a bright grin.

"I've already broke so many laws, why not add more to the list," You chuckle and Monty gives you a high five.

"I haven't gone a vacation ever! I'd break the law for that!" Gregory gives Monty a high five as well then lets the Gator animatronic lift him onto his shoulders.

"And I could stand to get out of this ungrateful place for awhile," Roxy crosses her arms.

Everyone huddles up to discuss where they should run away to. Gregory suggests Disney but Monty shoots him down on account of the fact that he hates micky mouse. You're about to join the discussion when Freddy pulls you aside, "Are you sure you want to be a part of this plan?" he whispers.

"Of course, you guys are my family," you say, surprised that he'd ask if you want out of the plan.

"You could lose your job, you could go to jail," Freddy rightly points out. It's definitely a risk to take. He puts his hands on you shoulders, "I feel I am asking too much of you,"

"You didn't ask me to do this, I wanted to," You remind him and kiss his cheek, "Beside, we're not going to get caught,"

Freddy nods, and realizing he can't talk you out of this makes a promise, "When this is over we will have the peaceful life we wanted. I will make sure of it,"

A/n: we're nearing the end of the story now! I hope you like this chapter, for some reason I'm a little nervous publishing it!

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