Professionals (Food Wars X Ma...

By Freedom_Fighter24

55.9K 963 299

This is a remake from my original Food Wars fanfic and this time, it's going to make the conversations much m... More

The Toxic Wasteland
God Tongue
Good News And Bad News
First Class
Consolation Prize
Polar Star
The Meat Aggressor
The Battle of The Bowls
Concept And Creation
Breading And Creation
A Memory
Eggs Before The dawn
The Way Back
The Man Called Carnage
The Fall's Selection
Curry Selection
Selecting The Few Pt. 1
Selecting The Few Pt. 2
2nd Date
Fish Market
"Its New King"
Finals Pt. 1
Finals Pt. 2

The Supreme Recette

1.2K 27 2
By Freedom_Fighter24

(A/N: This was probably my favorite chapter because Y/N goes slightly rogue about what Shinomiya has done to Megumi and the insults that were said to each other were pretty savage.

So anyways...)

It's now for our next class. I was so nervous because I barely passed the previous class with an A. Now this guy named Kojiro is challenging us to make something unique and it's not whatever we want.

He wants us to cook something called a "Terrine". A terrine is a green meal that's almost like a salad, but it has columns of every vegetable that we grew up eating. Kojiro said we have three to complete. If we fail, our ass is out.

And for the first time in my life, the words that came to my mind were "I'm fucked."

Before everyone ran to the back for the ingredients, I quickly grabbed a zucchini, which I learned thanks to some of my vegan friends in New York is the cousin to the cucumber, a fresh batch of cauliflower, broccoli(my favorite green), fresh iceberg lettuce, carrots, squash, and any other vegetable I can find. I was not ready to cook them so I had to rinse them before I made it.

Shinomiya was so fucking strict that he literally expelled two students for helping each other, especially when it the helping hands weren't intentional.

I saw that one of the kids he expelled was weak, but he wasn't in on helping a fellow classmate. He just didn't know that it would come to that.

After making the terrine, I presented my dish to Shinomiya.

Kojiro: Your name?

Y/N: Y/N L/N, sir. An honor.

Kojiro: You are from Italy I presume?

Y/N: Close, I'm Italian, but from Brooklyn.

Kojiro: Alright then, let me see what you got.

I gotta say, his English is really good. When he tried a bite, he didn't have a foodgasm, but I could tell in his eyes, he was enjoying it. Remember, this was my first terrine and I didn't know what it was until I read the recette.

Kojiro: Even for a New York Italian, and making this for the first time, I impressed. You pass.

I was astonished. I didn't think I'd pass his challenge.

When Megumi came up last, I felt bad. She would've wanted to go before me. When I was cleaning my station, I saw him take a bite of Megumi's terrine and he interpreted for me, and I couldn't believe what he was saying:

Kojiro: 松本めぐみ、出かけています。 (Megumi Tadokoro, you're out.)

That enraged me and Souma, and it devastated Megumi.

Kojiro: 挑戦を締めくくる人はみんな。 合格したあなたのものはあなたの次のクラスの準備をします。 (Everyone that concludes the challenge. Those of you who did pass, prepare for your next class.)

Megumi: サー? あなたは私に何が悪いのかを説明できますか? (Sir? Can you explain to me what's wrong?)

Kojiro: さて、あなたのカリフラワーは少しオフだったので、あなたはそれを沸騰させるためにそれを沸騰させましたか? 酢は漂白剤として作用したので、それはその色をうまく維持した。 酢の後味はカリフラワーの甘さを強調しました。 野菜の甘さと酢のわずかな酸味は、完璧な一致、風味の味を作りました。 (Well, your cauliflower was a little off so you used wine vinegar to boil it, correct? Vinegar acted as a bleaching agent, so it preserved its color nicely. The aftertaste of the vinegar accentuated the sweetness of the cauliflower. The vegetables' sweetness and the slight acidity of the vinegar created a perfect match, flavor-wise.)

Megumi: だから、なぜ? (So, why?)

Kojiro: 誰があなたがレセットから迷って迷って自由だと言った? このメニュー項目は、野菜の甘さの調和を回避することを目的としています。 酸味を強調すると言われているレセットに何かがありましたか? うーん? あなたが作ったものはすべて一緒に別の料理でした。 あなたが私の標準に届かないと料理を置くならば、もちろん失敗するつもりです。 あなたは満足していますか? (Who said you were free to stray from the recette? This menu item is intended to let one the harmony of the vegetables' sweetness. Was there anything in the recette that said to accentuate the acidity? Hmm? What you made was a different dish all together. If you put a dish not up to my standards, then of course you're going to fail. Are you satisfied?)

Y/N: まあ私はじゃない! (Well I'm not!)

Kojiro: ハァッか? (Huh?)

As Shinomiya looked back, I flipped a mixing bowl to show my frustration and walked up to him.

Y/N: 彼女は再びカリフラワーを新鮮にしました、そしてあなたはそれのために彼女を失敗させるつもりですか? (She made the cauliflower fresh again and you're gonna fail her just for that?)

Kojiro: 修正してください。 あなたは言うべき何かを持っています、あなたは私の時間を無駄にしていますか? (Correct. You have something to say, kid, or are you wasting my time?)

Y/N: ええ、私は言うべきことを持っています:あなたは彼女が違うものをしたという理由だけで彼女を追放する権利はありません。 それはあなたがすでに不良品を持っていたので彼女のコントロールの外にいました。 課題間の従業員のように扱われている場合、ヘッドシェフの責任は在庫管理です。 そしてその障害はそれですか? それはあなたです。 (Yeah, I do have something to say: you have no right to expel her just because she did something different. That was out of her control because you already had bad produce beforehand. If we're being treated like your employees between challenges, the head chef's responsibility is the inventory control. And whose fault is that? It's yours.)

Kojiro: なぜあなたは私を賛成して私の視力から抜け出すのですか? (Why don't you do me a favor and get out of my sight?)

Y/N: 私はあなたがあなたの判断を取り戻すまでどこにも行きません! (I'm not going anywhere until you take back your judgement!)

Kojiro: 一日中取るでしょう。 どこにも行かないのなら、私もあなたも排出するかもしれません。 (It'll take all day. If you're not going anywhere, then I might as well expel you too.)

He was going to expel me? Just because I'm standing up for a friend who worked her ass off to make some moldy cauliflower fresh again? Not on my life.

Y/N: それは残念です。 あなたが間違っていることを証明するために食器棚の中に何かを見つけることができるかどうか見てみましょう。 (That's a pity. Let's see if I can find anything in the cupboards to prove you wrong.)

I then started go throwing stuff around. He tried to stop me but he was unsuccessful.

Kojiro: ちょっと! ちょっと! あなたはあなたがやっていると一体何だと思います! (Hey! HEY! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!)

I turned around...

Y/N: 雌犬の息子! (Son of a bitch!)

As I flipped another mixing bowl,

Kojiro: あなたはあなたが誰であると思いますか? (Who the hell do you think you are?!)

Y/N: 私は誰ですか? 私は神の舌のボーイフレンド、あなたは完璧主義の小さな刺しを抱きしめています。 そして、カリフラワーが改善されたという理由だけで学生を渡さないと思いますか? 私はあなたがあなたの判断を変え、めぐみを通過させようと提案します! (Who am I? I'm the God's Tongue's boyfriend, you perfectionist little prick. And you think not passing a student just because she made the cauliflower improved is funny? I suggest you change your judgment and let Megumi pass!)

Kojiro: あなたの人生にはありません。 そして私はあなたがエリーナの彼氏のかけらを気にしないでください。 私の判断はまだ立っています:彼女は外出しているのであなたもそうです。 (Not on your life. And I don't care if you're Erina's boyfriend. My judgment still stands: she's out and so are you.)

As he walked away, I was going to say something that sounded really dumb, but I didn't care.

Y/N: それから私はあなたに挑戦しました! (Then I challenge you to a food war!)

Kojiro stopped at the door and turned around with a glare.

Kojiro: あなたは何と言いましたか? (What did you say?)

Y/N: あなたは私を聞いた。 私とあなたの間の食品戦争。 私が勝ったら、あなたはあなたの判断を取り戻し、あなたは1日の日を生き残させましょう。 負けたら、あなたはメグミ、私自身、そしてあなたの判断がまだ立っているのを追いかけます。 特にあなたが勝ちます。 (You heard me. A food war between me and you. If I win, you take back your judgment and you let Megumi survive another day. If I lose, you get to expel Megumi, myself, and your judgment still stands. Especially you win.)

I was taking a very big risk, but I don't care. I wanted to make sure Megumi stays at Totsuki.

Kojiro: チャンスではありません。 あなたは私を打つのにかかるものを持っていません。 あなたはスチールキッドのボールを手に入れました、しかし私のものは大きくてバナダです。 (Not a chance. You don't have what it takes to beat me. You got balls of steel kid, but mine are bigger and badder.)

He was about to open the door and I closed it on him at the last second.

Y/N: 私はあなたが私の挑戦を受け入れるまであなたが去ることはできません。 あなたはここで私たち全員よりも優れていると思うかもしれませんが、あなたの学生のうちの1人はカリフラワーを改善し、あなたが望んでいたテリーヌを作りました! 彼女は合格に値する! (I'm not letting you leave until you accept my challenge. You may think you're better than all of us here, but one of your students improved the cauliflower and made the terrine that you wanted! She deserves to pass!)

Kojiro: いかなる方法もありません。 私は彼女が課題を渡させていません。 (No way. I'm not letting her pass the assignment.)

Y/N: シェフ、私はマフィアと関係があります。 そして、あなたが私にいくつかの男を介してあなたのお尻を蹴って蹴ってほしいのであれば、私はあなたが挑戦を受け入れるかあなたがそれを後悔することを提案します。 (Chef, I have ties with the Mafia. And if you don't want me to call some guys over and kick your ass, then I suggest you accept the challenge or you will regret it.)

As I said that, he had fear in his eyes. I got him where I wanted him. He just needs to take the bait and I'll reel him in!

Y/N: 受け入れるか合格する。 決定を下す。 (Accept or pass. Make a decision.)

I wasn't going to stand what Shinomiya did. He wanted to expel Megumi for improving the cauliflower, but I'm not having it.

Kojiro: 微細な。 あなたが絶望的なのであなたの哀れな課題を受け入れます。 そして私が勝つと、勝利は私に渡され、あなたとあなたの友人は完全に追放されます。 (Fine. I'll just accept your pathetic challenge since you're that desperate. And when I win, victory will be handed to me and you and your friends will be expelled altogether.)

I had to come up with a comeback so I said this...

Y/N: 実際にシェフ篠宮、私がこのフードウォーを獲得したときにあなたに渡される唯一のものはあなたのお尻です! (Actually Chef Kojiro Shinomiya, the only thing that will be handed to you when I win this food war is your ASS!)

The students oh'd and they knew what a burn I just gave him. He glared and before he walked out, I made one final stipulation to the food war:

Y/N: もう一つのこと。 この食品戦争の概念はイタリア料理になるでしょう。 レシピを用意してください。 (One more thing. The concept of this food war will be Italian cooking. Hope you have a recipe prepared.)

After that he walked out. When he did, Megumi was so scared, pacing back and forth with the look of worry on her face.

Megumi: あなたの名前! あなたと何が悪いのです! 彼はエリートの一部です! 彼は戸塚卒業生です! (Y/N! What is wrong with you! He's a part of the elite! He's a Totsuki Graduate!)

Y/N: だから彼が戸棚の卒業生だったらどうすれば? 彼は台所の機械ではありません、彼は男です。 そして私は彼があなたを追放することについて間違っているという点に彼を謙虚にしたいです。 (So what if he's a graduate of Totsuki? He's not a machine in the kitchen, he's a man. And I wanna humble him to the point that he's wrong about expelling you.)

All the students were staring at me, Megumi in particular. I wanted to stand up for Megumi and show her that she needs stand against people like Kojiro.

He knows that I have an Italian ancestry, but he doesn't know what Italian cooking is, that's why I made that stipulation to our food war.

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