The Danger Continues: Henry D...

By hannahmei18

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What happens if one of Paris's friend finds out her brother is Kid Danger? More

The Beat Goes On
One Henry three girls, one Paris plus one guy part 1
One Henry three girls, one Paris plus one guy part 2
Paris & the Woodpeckers
Captain Man: On Vacation
The Time Jerker
Secret Beef
Christmas Danger
Indestructible Henry Part 1
Indestructible Henry Part 2
Text, Lies, & Video
Oppsite Universe
Danger & Thunder: Part 1
Danger & Thunder: Part 2
Authors Note
Grave Danger
Authors Note
Ox Pox
I Know You're Secrets
Behind The Scene Photos!

Henry's Jelly

94 4 2
By hannahmei18

Authors Note: do you guys like Jasper and Henry's friendship in this episode?

Right now I'm at school, Jasper, Charlotte and I with the rest of the students watching the Motorcycle Cop on the news on Jasper's tablet

" ooh, ooh! They're going to catch him!" Charlotte informed of pointing to the screen

" oh, nuh-uh, look" Jasper denied, " he made a U-turn"

" hey, what's going on?"

I look up from the tablet to see my brother have arrived

" a live police pursuit" Charlotte answers

" the cops have been chasing a guy on a motorcycle all over Swellview" I continues

" it's been going on for over an hour" Charlotte finished explaining

" whoa" Henry said interested, " let me see"

We continue of watching it

" and there he goes, taking a hard turn south onto Walnut Parkeay, right now I see two police cars in pursuit"

" whoa, this motorcycle guy is insane" Henry spoke up

I nodded in agreement and kept watching, we all than gasped what we saw next

" did you see that?" Charlotte asked us

" okay, joining us now is motorcycle expert, David Harley" Trent introduced

" hello, Trent" David greeted

" oh!" I hear someone said, I turn my head to see Mrs. Shapen is here, " is the motorcycle chase still going on?"

" yes ma'am" I answers proudly

We let her watch with us

" now the motorcycle bandit seems to be turning around while riding, good gosh, he's taking photos of our news van"

" incredible" David spoke up, " well often, guys on motorcycles being chased by the police will turn around and take photos as a way of establishing male dominance"

" ah yes, that makes perfect sense" Trent agreed

We all agreed on that

" Jasper, I need you to get the flag and put it out in front of the school" Mrs. Shapen instructed him

" why?" Jasper questioned

" because there's nothing out there now" Mrs. Shapen answers, " and you can't pledge allegience to a hole in a pole"

" but I want to keep watching the chase" Jasper agrued back

" flag!" Mrs. Shapen shouted as snatching the tablet out of his hands

I flinch of the loud tone a little, Jasper quickly without wasting time go get the flag as we three kept watching

" okay, it looks like the motorcyclist is now headed south on Green Street in the direction of Swellview Junior High School" Trent informed

" whoa" I spoke up, " he's coming right toward our school"

Suddenly I hear Oliver screaming and running down the hall, Charlotte and I pulled us away from Mrs. Shapen

" you two realized that a criminal is riding toward this school?" Charlotte tells us

" yeah" I answers, " I just said it"

" so?" Henry questioned

" so, it might be a good time for Captain Man or Kid Danger to get there" Charlotte explained of looking at my brother

" right, right" Henry realized and turn to Mrs. Shapen, " I better go wash my nose"

He nods to us as he get his special gum tube out and go somewhere private to transform, Charlotte and I walk up to Mrs. Shapen and keep watching the news

" holey beans, the rogue rider turn into the Swellview Junior high School parking lot and... Across the grass" Trent informed

" oh my gosh!" Mrs. Shapen squealed as handing the tablet to me, " Charlotte, open the doors"

" why?" Charlotte asked her confused

" because if that motorcycle rides by, I'm going to get it on video" Mrs. Shapen explained as taking her phone out

" but I don't--"

" door!" Mrs. Shapen shouted

I flinch a little again of her high voice

" okay!"

Charlotte opens the door

" Mrs. Shapen"

I turn my head to see Jasper returned with the American flag

" I got the flag" Jasper tells her as approaching us

" not now!"

" look, he's coming this way!" Charlotte shouted and everyone gathered around her or near the door and so did Mrs. Shapen

" no way, get back!" Mrs. Shapen shouted at the students, " I was shooting video first!"

I rolled my eyes at her

" whoa!" Sidney spoke up, " I don't think he's going to stop!"

Just in the nick of time, the motorcycle person went toward where Jasper and I are, Jasper put me behind him of protection and put the flag infront of him of making the motorcycle person stop and fell down

Everyone than clapped for him

" what happened?" Jasper asked

" you stopped him!" I answers with a proud smile as Charlotte walk over

" wow!"

" Jasper, you're a hero!" Sidney said to him

" really?" Jasper asked him still not beliving this

" hey" we hear Henry said coming in witu his Kid Danger form, " I'm here"

" look!"Charlotte pointed to the motorcycle thief, " Jasper already took him down and safed Paris"

I waved at my brother with a smile

The crowd agreed with Charlotte while Henry looks confused

" hey" a blonde girl went up to Henry, " do you mind if I get a picture?"

" nah, people ask me all the tine" Henry answers as rapping an arm around the girl

I don't think she meant you.

" thanks" the girl said, handing her phone to Henry and she went over to Jasper and pose

" oh sure" Henry realized and took a pic, " there, done, come get your phone"

The girl takes her phone back and go over to her friends, two police man ran in here and take the motorcycle thief out. The school bell than rings and all of us headed to class


It's the next day and Charlotte, Hen and I are walking in the halls till we spotted Sidney

" hey! Hey, everybody!" Sidney suddenly shouted of making everyone turn to him, " check it out! Jasper is on the news!"

We quickly take our devices out to watch

" wait, why is Jasper on the news?" Henry asked confused

" because he caught that motorcycle guy yesterday and safed you're sister" Sidney answers of gesturing to me

I watch over Charlotte's tablet since I left my phone in my backpack and it's in my locker so I have no choice

" oh" Henry said to himself

" hey guys!"

I look to the stairs to see Oliver running down

" Jasper's on the news!" Oliver mentioned of approaching Oliver

" I already told them" Sidney said to him

" dang it, Sidney!" Oliver shouted and ran back upstairs

" wait, where are you going?" Oliver called for him which made Oliver face him

" don't act like you care!" Oliver than ran upstairs

" wait! I have your medicine!" Oliver catch up with him

I shake my head at them

Weird duos.

I than watch the news Jasps is on, Jasper explains how he caught the motorcycle thief and saved me. He also mentioned my name and that he and I are good friends, I smile to myself of that

Nice friend.

Than the screen shows one of the students video of the action went down yesterday. Trent compliment him and said he'll wear a t-shirt of Jasp's face on it for some reason

" aw" I spoke up, " I'm so proud of Jasper"

" okay, come on, we got to get to class" Henry said of changing the subject

" why?" Charlotte asked him, " we have ten more minutes"

" I don't like watching the news" Henry answers, " all right?"

" but Jasper's on" I reasoned and Charlotte nods to agree with me

" so?" Henry questioned, " we see Jasper all the time"

I raised an eyebrow at him

" I mean, pfft!" Henry scoffed, " sorry you love the news"

I look at Charlotte strangely and she just shrugged

" hey, Henry"

We turn around to see three girls approaching us

" Janie and I are having a party on Saturday nighy" the blonde girl explained to my brother

" yeah"

" oh cool" Henry commented

" if you aren't busy will you tell Jasper he's invited?" the blonde asked


" Jasper's a hero" Janie added

" yeah sure" Henry answers a little down

I look at him a little worried

" yay!" the blonde cheered and they took off

" hero?" I hear Henry asked himself, " pfft! I'm a super hero"

" mm, technically sidekick" Charlotte corrected

" same thing"

" mm, not quite" I agreed with Charlotte

" I'm going to class!" Henry snapped and walk away


" hey, Paris, Charlotte!"

We turn around to see a girl coming to us both

" will one of you give me Jasper's phone number?" she asked

" sure" I answers, " it's area code--"

I didn't get to finish when I hear footsteps coming over

" you don't need Jasper's phone number!" Henry snaps as going next to me and facing the girl

She screamed and walking away, Charlotte and I give him a look and he finally walks away


It's been a few days since Jasper heroic saving. Right now I'm in the Man Cave with Ray, Charlotte, Henry and Bork. Bork and Ray are training fighting as Henry kept explaining what's going on lately with Jasper and I'm just sitting on the couch looking bored out of my mind of listening my brother complain

" and then Jasper got to go on the news and... And everyone thinks he's so awesome and it's so not fair" Henry finished explaining

I hear grunting and turn my head to see Bork went down

" down you go" Ray smiles to himself

" are you listening to me?" Henry asked his boss

" I'm not" Charlotte chimed in

I nodded my head in agreement

" ditto" I agreed

Henry glanced both of us before turning back to Ray

" I just don't get what you're upset about" Ray said as facing my brother

" what's not to get?" Henry asked and gesturing to us girls, " Paris and Charlotte gets it"

" no" I denied, " they don't"

Charlotte nods in agreement

" well, Jasper did basically nothing " Henry said of going over to Charlotte," and suddenly everyone in Swellview thinks he's a hero and I captured bad guys with you all the time and no one gives me any credit"

" you get credit all the time" I mentioned

" yeah" Ray agreed, " the Vice Mayor gave us those medals and a gift card for a medium frozen yogurt"

Ray again flips Bork over

" and don't forget I got part of it" I added of meaning the yogurt

" no" Henry denied of ignoring me, " Kid Danger gets the credit and the medals and the yogurt, but I spend most of my life as Henry Hart and no one knows I do anything"

" just a second" Ray said and flip Bork over again and pulled his arm, Bork tapped his hand and he released it and both of them stood up, " man, I'm good"

" you know, Bork isn't even trying" Charlotte mentioned of walking over to Henry and I

I folded my arms

" what?" Ray scoffed, " yes he is"

He turns to Bork

" you're trying your hardest, right?" Ray asked him

Bork growled while shaking his head no

" oh really?" Ray asked, " okay, well, then I want you to start trying your hardest right now"

Bork looks at his boss if he really wants it

" yeah, come on Bork, let's see what you got" Rsy challenged, " let's see if you're fast enough to catch--"

Ray didn't finish when Bork punched his head of making Ray fall to the ground, Charlotte and I laughed of the scene

" I slipped" Ray said as he stood up, I rolled my eyes with a smile, he turns back to Brok, " all right, my friend, let's try that again, yeah, and I'm ready this time so you better be careful"

Ray kept on talking and talking until Bork slaps his face of making him fall on the ground again and shuts up, Ray rolled on the floor of making Charlotte, Henry and I crack a smile or laugh at him

" okay Bork" Ray stood up, " I think you've had enough, I'm going to hit the shower"

" you can't wash off the pain!" Henry shouted at him as Ray and Bork left

" ah, no way!" Charlotte suddenly exclaimed of happiness

" what?" I asked her as I turn my head to the monitors

" nothing" Charlotte answers, " it's not about Jasper, don't come over here"

We two came over and watch the news. The news talked about they're gonna have a day to celebrate Jasper's heroic saving just in Swellview. The video suddenly clicked off and I face my brother who did that

" he wasn't heroic, he wasn't even she-roic, he was nonroic" Henry said irritated

" you know, Jasper's your friend" I began as Charlotte and I stood up and approaching Henry, " you shouldn't be jelous of him"

" I'm not jealous" Henry objected

" yes you are" Charlotte agreed, " you're jelly of Jasper"

" I'm not jelly of Jasper" Henry objected, " this is about me wanting more people to pay attention to me instead of Jasper"

I held my head back of annoyance

" all right, I'm going upstairs" Charlotte said suddenly and headed to the elevator

" and I'm going home" I added and follow her to the elevator

" why?" Henry asked both of us confused

" because you're not upstairs" Charlotte answers as pointing to him

" I'm annoyed of this" I answers

We headed to the elevator and click the button, we hear my brother mumbling things to himself and the doors closed

So jealous.


It's later of the following day and I'm up in my room till I hear the doorbell ring from downstairs

" no, go away, please!" I hear dad shouted from downstairs

I sighed and got off my bed, head downstairs till I noticed mom and dad are having some massage of somewhat, I didn't question it and open the door to see Jasper coming in

" hey Paris" Jasper greeted me

I closed the door and waved high at him with a smile, he turns to my parents

" hey Mr and Mrs. Hart" Jasper approached the two, I follow him

" Jasper" mom began, " we didn't say ' come in."

" right, where's Henry?" Jasper suddenly asked

" he's at work" I answers

" and we're busy" dad added, " getting a couples massage"

That sounds so wrong.

" wait! You got to see what's happening on the news" Jasper said and turn on the TV

" Jasper..."

The news explained that a pet store call ' Pet Me' are holding hostage's and this crazy man taking control of the store and including one of the workers. That made mom look up and watch as well, they show us a video footage that got send not to many minutes ago, my eyes widen when I noticed Ray in his Captain Man form and Henry in not in uniform trapped in cages with some other people

" wait, push pause" I tell Jasper of still looking at the TV, Jasper paused it and I squinted my eyes to look carefully

I knew it!.

" that's Henry!" I mentioned of pointing where my brother is on the news

" oh no!" dad said with worry

" whoa, that is Henry!" Jasper realized, " I got to go help him!"

Jasper went out of the house to rush to the pet store, I noticed mom and dad trying to let the guy free them of saving there son

" I'm coming too!" I called for Jasper if he can still hear me

I ran out of the house and catch up to my friend at the Pet Me store


Jasper and I finally made it to the pet store and head in, we finally found a cage on the floor where my brother is in

" psst, Henry!" Jasper whispered as we run over to his cage

" Paris, Jasper?" Herny questioned of looking at us

" oh god"

I look where the voice coming from to see Ray is here

" dude, sis, what are two doing here?" Henry asked us two

" we saw you on the news" Jasper explained and I nodded

" I was on the news?" Henry repeated, " did they mention my name?"

" no" I answers

" oh, dang it!"

Jasper and I look at each other puzzled but shrugged and look at Ray who spoke up

" hey, I'm super psyched that you guys are having a little reunion here" Rsy said sarcasticly, " but can we please focus on the psychopath who's taken over thid pet store?"

" right" I agreed

Jasper went over to Ray's cage and kneeled down as I still stay near my brother

" hey Captain Man" Jasper greeted the superhero, " it's me Jasper and that over there is Paris"

Ray look at me for help, I just smirk at him and Ray turned back to Jasper

" I'm aware" Ray said to him a little annoyed

" great" Jasper said, " now, here's my plan"

" ugh"

" I'll go to the men's room-"

" yeah?" I asked of him to continue

" you tell the bad guy you got to pee like real bad then he'll probably let you go to the bathroom where I'll be waiting for you" Jasper continues to explain

Henry and I look at each other confused than turn back to Ray and Jasper

" hey, could I pitch an idea?" Ray asked Jasper

" sure" I answers

" let me out of this cage!" Ray snapped

" right"

Jasper let Ray out and I let my brother out, I help him and when I think he got the hang of it I let his hand go

" thank you, son" Ray thanked him

" sure" Jasper smiled

" hey Dirk!" Ray suddenly shouted, " look, I'm out! I'm out of the thing!"

I shoved Henry and Jasper down of this high platform, I had to be in the middle of the two boys but I don't want to be with Jasper so Henry let me go with him and hugged me while we listen in

" what?"

The deep man voice came in the room that sounded very angry

That must be Dirk.

" wbo let you out of that carrier?" Dirk asked Ray as pointing to the cage he escaped, " you better get back in there right now--!"

Suddenly I hear something fell which must be that man, we hear people who also got trapped clapped for Ray, we three stood up when we see Dirk on the ground, Ray let the people out of the cages and Jasper help him too. Jasper glanced at something and I look where he's looking at to see a spider in a box for sail

" no way" Jasper beamed of looking at it, " look, a mexican Redrump, I've wanted one of these spiders since I was little"

" so, buy one" Henry suggested, I smile at him and nodded in agreement

" dude, they're like 150 bucks" Jasper mentioned amd set the cage down

" hey" one of ciliavns said of looking at Jasper, " that's the kid who stopped the motorcycle bandit who saved that girl"

I smile at the man who pointed at me

" and he saved Captain Man who saved us" a woman added

" you're a hero"  the man compliment him

" again"

" nah" Jasper denied, " Captain Man's the one wbo punched him"

" no no" Ray put a arm around his neck, " son, we all owe you a big wet thank you"

Ray turns to Henry

" don't we, boy I don't know?" Ray asked him with his stupid smile of knowing he's planning something

" wet?" I repeated to myself

" no, Henry doesn't need to thank me" Jasper denied the compliments and went the other side of my brother of rapping his arm around him, " this guy's my best friend, he'd have done the same thing for me"

I smile at him

" oh, and so is Paris" Jasper added and raps his arm around me

I moved his arm away from my neck

Not today buddy.

" well, Jasper, I bet you feel pretty good right now" Ray said to him

" I do" Jasper chuckled of letting his arm go of Henry

" and how about you?" Ray asked my brother, " how do you feel? Kind of gross? Huh?"

I went over to Ray, we made eye contact, I sighed and shook my head at him and folded my arms

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