Red (Manjiro "Mikey" Sano x O...

By CrimsonMerc

248K 8.8K 1K

Sano "Mikey" Manjiro was a boy who couldn't care less about girls or relationships. To him, all that mattered... More

...Happy Birthday Mikey...


5K 186 55
By CrimsonMerc

~ 7 Years Later ~

"Deep breaths Naoka." The lilac eyed girl whispered to herself as she sat in front of the mirror in her beautiful white dress.

The day had finally come, the day she was marrying her soulmate.

To say she was a little nervous was an understatement. She was beyond happy and excited to be getting married, but imagining all the eyes that were going to be on her? Yeah that freaked her out a bit.

Naoka heard a knock at the door, and she called out asking who it was.

"Its me." The voice said and she rolled her eyes knowing who it belonged to.

She walked over opening it and the dark haired boy's eyes widened when he saw how amazing she looked.

"Wow, you look, beautiful." He complimented her and she smile warmly at him before wrapping her arms around him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you." She whispered and he held her close. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the boys?" She asked and a small laugh left his lips.

"Had to see my bestfriend first ya know?" He shrugged and she playfully rolled her eyes. She knew there was something on his mind judging by the way he held himself, so she waited patiently.

"I'm so happy for you and Mikey to finally be getting married." He started. "I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me, and how grateful I truly am to have you in my life. Without you, I wouldn't be here today, wouldn't be able to see two of my bestfriend's getting married and being so happy, or seeing what else would happen in the future." He said and she felt her vision blur as she reached for his had. "I owe you a lot and I'm always going to be here for you no matter how annoying you are. I'll remain your loyal bestfriend forever. I love you, Nao." Baji said, and she looked up trying not to cry and ruin her makeup which made him laugh as he hands her a tissue. He wasn't usually so sentimental like this so when he was, it always brought her to tears.

"Oh Kei, why did you have to go any make me cry?" She said happily as she fanned her face. "You don't owe me a thing, we're friends. I'm just grateful to still have you by my side." Another small laugh left his lips as he gently wiped her tears.

The door soon opened, and Senju and Emma walked in with a gasp.

"Baji! You're ruining my masterpiece! Go on, shoo!" Emma said scolding him and ushering him out the door as he chuckled.

"Alright! Alright woman!"

He gave her one last hug and another forehead kiss before leaving and Senju sighed as she began helping Emma fix Naoka's makeup.

"You, okay? Senju asked. "You still have time to run you know?" She teased and the lilac eyed girl only laughed.

"No, I'm ready. I can't wait to marry the love of my life."

Naoka felt her nerves getting to her as she watched her bridesmaids walk ahead of her. She had chosen Yuzuha, Hinata and Emma for her line up while of course, Senju was her maid of honour. Sensing her nerves, Wakasa, who was about to walk her down the aisle squeezed her arm as he sent her a reassuring look which helped relax her.

"You don't need to be nervous, I've got you." He said as he shot her a lazy smile and she returned it.

"I know you do, you always have."

Mikey tapped his foot, his own nerves starting, but only because he couldn't wait any longer to see her. Draken gently nudged him in the back, sending a small smirk to which Mikey finally stopped his leg tapping. Behind Draken stood Baji, Mitsuya then Takemichi. He was so happy to still have his brothers beside him.

When he heard the doors open, his eyes snapped towards it, and his eyes locked with her lilac ones he had seen so many times but still managed to stun him.

It was like the breath was knocked from his lungs. There she was looking more beautiful than ever and unable to stop himself, tears began to blur his vision.

She was simply too beautiful, and some 'awed' at how sweet the moment was, a soon to be husband crying at the sight of his lovely soon to be wife.

He still couldn't believe he was marrying the love of his life, his bestfriend.

When Naoka and Wakasa finally arrived, she turned to give her brother a kiss on the cheek and a hug before Mikey took her hand. Wakasa gave him a pat on the back, and a smile which Mikey returned.

"You look so beautiful." Mikey whispered to her, and she smiled.

"You don't need to cry about it though." She teased and he laughed quietly.

"I can't help it." He whispered back and she smiled brightly at him.

"You look very handsome." She said and his smile only got bigger if it was possible. He just knew that it would be plastered on his face all day, perhaps even for the rest of his life.

As the ceremony went on, the two could barely keep their eyes off each other. Love was most certainly in the air, and Draken couldn't help but lovingly smile at Emma who was also sneaking glances his way.

The two had gotten engaged only a couple months ago after Emma had been dropping hints left, right and centre. Sadly, the dense boy didn't understand, and it was up to Naoka to tell him straight and pull his head in.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your lovely bride." The celebrant finished. Once the two were finally pronounced married, Mikey didn't waste any time in grabbing his now wife by the waist and pulling her in for a loving kiss. She kissed back as cheers around them erupted. They smiled happily as they parted, Draken clapping Mikey's back in congratulations. He was so proud of the two.

The happy couple had never felt so happy in all their life... well... except for the day that Mikey had proposed.

The blonde haired boy had actually proposed to Naoka in their last year of high school. He had gained Wakasa's permission of course, and was meant to wait until they were at least a few years older but he simply couldn't and ended up proposing that very afternoon.

He had taken her for a bike ride to the beach they had once visited during winter which had become a place the two began to frequent quite often. He had brought a tonne of dorayaki and like the dork he was, he hid the ring inside one of them. It was a lucky thing that he told her to split it with him because she could have ended up choking on it.

He had pulled it from the little plastic bag he hid it in and between her excitement and happiness she couldn't help but giggle at how ridiculous the situation was.

"Quit laughing!" He had said embarrassed, even though he too couldn't stop his giggles and the girl pressed her lips together as tears began to fill her eyes.

"Naoka, Red, the girl who stole my heart the minute I saw her. The girl who never fails to bring a smile to my face and stay by my side through everything. I know that we're still so young, and your brother will probably be mad at me because he told me to wait until we were older but I simply can't. I already know that you're it, that I want to marry you, start a family with you, and be with you forever so why bother waiting? Will you marry me?" He asked as he held the ring with trembling hands.

Naoka cried in tears of joy as she accepted and with the brightest smile that almost rivalled the sun, he placed the ring on her finger, picking her up and swinging her around as he placed a kiss to her lips.

"I promise to make you the happiest woman in the world." He said, and the rest was history.

He would have married her the next week if that were possible, but once they left school, they ended up taking over T's Workshop and things got so busy that they had to wait a while before they could get married.

But it finally happened.

"Hey~" Naoka whispered to Mikey as they slow danced on the dance floor. It had grown very late in the evening, only their closest friends still around dancing and the two still weren't ready for their day to be over.

"Hmm?" Mikey hummed as he nuzzled his face into her neck, and she giggled playfully as he placed warm kisses over her.

"I have something to tell you later." She said and he tensed slightly, his interest peaked.

"Can't you tell me now?" He asked inquisitively and she shook her head causing him to whine. "Awww, what a tease!" He pouted and a small giggle left her lips.

Eventually, it reached 2am and they finally made their way to their luxurious apartment they had rented for the night before they would be leaving for their honeymoon the next day.

Of course, the two couldn't keep their hands off each other when they got there. There were rose petals everywhere, champagne, chocolates and Mikey swiftly picked his wife up in his arms before laying her down on the bed with a soft chuckle.

"Champagne?" He offered her and she shook her head causing him to look at her confused.

"Eh, why not? You always love champagne." He asked and a slow smile etched it's way onto her face before she playfully rolled her eyes.

"I haven't drunk any alcohol all day..." She started and Mikey's brain ticked over until something clicked in his brain. Now that he thought about it, he couldn't remember the last time he had seen her drinking and his jaw dropped.

"No way!" He exasperated as he shot up.

"Yes way." She giggled and he gasped as he picked her up swinging her around, excited giggles leaving them as he pressed his lips to hers.

"Is this the secret you wanted to tell me?" He asked and she confirmed it with a nod. "How... how far along are you?"

"3 weeks." She said as she cupped his face lovingly putting her forehead to his. "You're going to be a father."

Mikey was so overwhelmed and happy that tears filled his eyes from joy.

"My gosh, we're, we're finally going to be parents!" He whispered in disbelief. Naoka smiled happily at her husband as she carefully wiped his tears. She knew how much becoming a father meant to him, and it felt surreal to be able to reveal to him he would finally become one, even luckier it was on their wedding night.

"You've been around Takemichi too long. You're turned into a crybaby." She laughed and he pouted getting all defensive before she began planting kisses all over his face, causing him to laugh as they fell back onto the bed.

"Mmm my beautiful wife, I'm so proud of you."

~ 4 Years Later ~

"Shinichiro! Quit giving your mother a hard time!" Mikey scolded as his son latched onto his mother's leg who was working on a bike. A giggle left the boys lips as he swiftly dodged his father who was trying to catch him, an annoyed sigh leaving his lips at how quick his son could evade him.

The boy took after Mikey in every way imaginable, from looks all the way to his personality. However he did have his mothers dark hair and radiant smile.

The others in the shop snickered, along with Naoka at how much trouble Shin was causing and she was quick enough to pick him up causing a scream to leave his lips before she blew a raspberry on his exposed tummy leaving him giggling.

Mikey sighed in exhaustion as he went to slump down on a chair and his daughter stumbled over to him and climbed into his lap.

"Daddy!" She beamed and he smiled lifting her up and brushing his nose to hers before kissing her forehead.

"Hey princess!~ See Shinichiro? Why can't you be more like Kirei? She's such a darling." Mikey taunted his son who only kissed his mother's cheek smiling sweetly, not caring too much about what his father had said.

"I am darlin too. But just to mama." He said and Draken's laugh could be heard from across the shop. Mikey sent a glare in his direction before turning back to his son amused.

'Definitely takes after his father.'

"Did Uncle Ken-chin tell you to say that?" Mikey asked and Shin dropped his gaze to his feet trying to hide his sly smirk.

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Oh, how about I steal mama from you then hmm?" He asked and Shinichiro held a defensive arm in front of his mother who gasped playfully.

"I'll never let you have mama!" He cried.

The bickering, banter and playfulness never left the shop, and it was something that everyone seemed to enjoy, even the customers.

Naoka and Mikey had been running the bike shop together since they had left high school. She had taken over T's Workshop after he moved overseas and Draken and Inupi joined not too long after.

They agreed to rename the shop S.S Motors with her uncles blessing.

The others all pursued their passions and Baji and Kazutora now ran a pet shop while Chifuyu became a pilot.

Tokyo Manji Gang no longer existed, but they still kept in regular contact with everyone and were updated with each other's lives. They had a get together at least once a month and were all still as close as ever.

"I'll buy you an ice cream if you give me a hug?" Mikey tried to bribe his son as he locked eyes with his wife who was happily smiling at him and he still felt his heart warm every time she did.

"Hmm..." The boy thought for a moment before running over to his dad and jumping into his arms. "Alright, only if its strawberry thought." He said and Mikey rolled his eyes towards Naoka.

"Like mother like son huh?" He said and the lilac eyed girl simply shrugged.

"When are your kids getting here?" Mikey called across the shop towards Draken who wiped his head from sweat.

"As soon as my wife gets here." He shrugged.

"We could take them all out after we close up shop?" Naoka suggested and Mikey nodded as he stood up with both children in his arms before placing a kiss on his wife's lips.

"Ew." Shin said scrunching up his face while Kirei copied, kissing her father's cheek then her mothers.

"You won't be saying ew when you grow up young man."

Naoka and Emma had actually ended up having kids around the same time. The first happened by chance, but the second the boys 100% matched it.

Emma and Draken called their boy Mansaku after Mikey and Emma's grandpa and their other boy Niko while Mikey and Naoka named their boy Shinichiro after Mikey and Emma's elder brother and their girl was called Kirei.

"Yo!" A deep voice sounded from the door and everyone's attention snapped to it.

"Uncle Keisuke!" Shin and Kirei shouted in excitement as they squirmed from their fathers grip and rushed towards him.

A hearty laugh left his lips as he bent down ad scooped them up in his arms causing the two to giggle as they always did.

"Kei, good to see you." Naoka said in a teasing way before going over to kiss his cheek. He smiled warmly at her before shaking Mikey's hand who was still pouting at being abandoned by his kids.

"You joining us for ice cream?" Shin asked and Baji's face lit up.

"Of course!"

They loved their uncles obviously.

Baji spent the most time with them and was the exciting reckless uncle that mummy often scolded. Mitsuya was the cool responsible one who got them all the coolest clothes as he made them himself, Draken, Inupi and Chifuyu were the fun ones that often took them to the beaches and stuff like that and Wakasa was the one they naturally just loved to cuddle and be all cutesy with which often made Baji jealous. He absolutely adored Mikey and Naoka's kids.

"We're about to close up." Naoka said and Baji nodded.

"Alright, I'll take these ones off your hands so you guys can finish up." He said tickling them and Naoka and Mikey offered him a grateful smile which he sent them a wink.

Naoka went to finish up on the bike she was working on while her husband came up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck.

"Mmm my hard working wife~" He hummed, and a small chuckle left her lips.

"Still such a slacker huh?" She responded and he simply ignored the comment, content to just be holding her in his arms.

She thought for a moment, back to when they were younger and working on Takemichi's bike together and she felt nostalgia wash over her.

That was the first time the two had admitted their feelings for each other and officially became a couple.

So much had happened since then, good times and bad, but they made it through all of it, coming out stronger each time. Both couldn't be happier with the way their lives turned out.

"I love you, Mikey." Naoka whispered and Mikey turned her around in his arms, his hands on her hips as he pressed his lips to her forehead then bent down to meet her lips.

"And I love you."


In honour of 40k reads I decided to work my butt off to get this out for you guys... Bit of a cheesy ending... sorry not sorry!

Also its a bit rushed, but... yeah.

Like I said I'm terrible with epilogues, but I quite like this one. I hope you all enjoyed it too!

Stay tuned for my new stories on the way and thank you all for reading! I love and appreciate all of you . 

Thank you for following Mikey and Naokas journey <3

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