Love Me Again

By yueteacake

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When her ex-husband, Sean Donovan, had gotten into an accident, Ashley Summer agreed to look after him for a... More

Chapter 1 - Surprising news
Chapter 2 - Memory lost
Chapter 3 - Reluctant help
Chapter 4 - Ashley's growth
Chapter 5 - Kyle Herrington
Chapter 6 - Therapy with a hidden motive
Chapter 7 - Level of trust
Chapter 8 - Explanation no longer matters
Chapter 9 - Lies
Chapter 10 - Exterminate a rat
Chapter 11 - White letter
Chapter 12 - Royal Hotel Appointment
Chapter 13 - Gio Aiolos
Chapter 14 - Sean's visit
Chapter 15 - Why bother rekindling ashes?
Chapter 16 - Tasting program
Chapter 17 - Winter's Breath
Chapter 18 - This stage is for revenge
Chapter 19 - Call from the media
Chapter 20 - Sean is the action man
Chapter 21 - Love was not enough in a relationship
Chapter 22 - Let's meet your man first
Chapter 23 - I can offer a loan
Chapter 24 - I take it because it's money
Chapter 25 - I am old, but never a senile
Chapter 26 - You do not have a stellar record
Chapter 27 - Nothing escapes from your eyes
Chapter 28 - Jean Wander
Chapter 29 - How daring of you to threaten me, Mr. Donovan
Chapter 30 - Clear things up
Chapter 31 - Samuel Donovan
Chapter 32 - When will he 'finally' make a move
Chapter 33 - Injured leg
Chapter 34 - Are you being a pervert?
Chapter 35 - Are you treating me as your sex toy?
Chapter 36 - This is between us
Chapter 37 - Ashley doesn't have that kind of money
Chapter 38 - That asshole judge?
Chapter 39 - Is it too late to get my divorce property?
Chapter 40 - Earning money to pay you back
Chapter 41 - We can't make a mess
Chapter 43 - Where did you hide Tina
Chapter 44 - He won't hurt you anymore

Chapter 42 - You are pathetic

5.4K 168 15
By yueteacake

Chapter 42 - You are pathetic

Sean was right that they would interfere. But only Samuel did.

A nice polished car that could act as a mirror stopped in front of their halfway-built restaurant. Dressed in a black suit, Samuel looked every inch like an important person as he got out of that car. He was wearing sunglasses to shade from the sunlight, but Ashley wished she was able to see his eyes. That way, she could guess his current mood.

Unfortunately, it so happened that she was standing right outside the construction site, trying to see the whole picture. Hence, she was the first person that 'greeted' Samuel Donovan.

"Where is Sean?" Samuel demanded from her rudely. He was acting similar to a loan shark demanding for late payment.

"Somewhere. Why are you finding him?" Ashley asked in return.

Knowing it was a waste of time to ask her, he ignored her and walked around the place to search for his son by himself.

"Hey! Get off our property! You are trespassing!" Ashley yelled as loud as she could at him, and at the same time used it to inform others.

With Ashley's reaction as their guide, few workers quickly blocked Samuel's way, glaring at him. "Please leave!"

"Get them out of my way," Samuel said angrily and two bulky bodyguards that had followed him here grabbed the workers and pushed them away.

"Leave or I'm calling the police!" Ashley yelled angrily.

"Go ahead!" Samuel yelled back at her. "You are a bad influence on my son! I will make your life miserable for corrupting him!"

"I will make your life miserable before you can do that to her!" Sean said grimly as he walked towards them.

People from the nearby shop were watching them from their window or gawking at them from the sidewalk. Sooner or later someone would pull out their phone and video the whole thing.

"You ungrateful son!" Samuel screamed in fury and he punched Sean across his face.

"Sean!" Ashley yelled in horror and ran towards him. Before she could reach him, the two bodyguards hold her back with a painful grip. "Hey, let me go! Just because you have big muscles, that doesn't mean you get to hurt me! I will sue you! You-"

One of them covered her mouth with his large hand. She struggled and tried to pull away but they were just bloody too strong.

"Domestic violence," Sean said softly, but everyone could hear it clearly. "That's your flaw, and why mom runs away from you no matter how much money you try to offer to her as an apology."

"Shut up! I would never hit my wife! That is a mistake!" Samuel tried to punch Sean again but stopped when Kyle grabbed his fist.

"Mr. Donovan, please calm down."

"Let go of my hand you dirty mongrel! Don't you think I don't know you had seduced my son to get him to appoint you as his secretary! You even helped that whore to met my son!" Samuel pointed at Ashley.

She would have given him an insulting remark if she could speak.

Kyle's face darkened with uncontrollable anger and she was surprised that he could still speak calmly. "Sir, I would advise you and your bodyguards to leave this premise immediately. We could let this incident go without involving authorities if you do."

"I will not leave until I wake up my foolish son!" Samuel manages to get back his hand from Kyle and points a finger at Sean. "You dare to divorce Jean! At least think about your son, you selfish brat!"

"Mason is the real father, not me," Sean says calmly as if he was not the one being punched.

"Still trying to talk back? Haven't you learned your lesson?!"

"I should be the one saying that, father. Haven't you learned that forcefulness and violence isn't a good way to show your love?"


"Father! Can't you see you can't go on without mom?" Sean said with desperation. "Mom did not run away from you. She is waiting until the day you realize how to truly love someone! Five years, father. Isn't that enough time to sulk and learn from your mistake?"

Ashley would have expected Samuel to yell or punch Sean, but instead, he broke down. He was crying so loudly that Kyle and others did not know what to do. Sean was also stunned speechless at the sight of his cold, strong father suddenly turning into someone that cries as loud as a newborn baby.

"I used every method to make sure your mother would marry me and stay by my side forever. Whenever any man talks to her or even looks at her, I will tell her to stay away from them! Your mother hates it and tries to assure me that she only loves me but I did not believe those men would not lust for her. But she misunderstood that I did not believe her and refused to listen to me."

"Mom said you slapped her."

"When she refused, I slapped her in the heat of anger and she immediately left! I only slapped her once!" Samuel confessed tearfully.

Sean also knew his father was telling the truth, but he was angry when he learned his father had slapped his mother. Thus, he helped his mother run away to teach his father a lesson. But who would have thought his father was an extremely prideful person that refuses to apologize?

It caused his mother to force him to never reveal her whereabouts, letting her husband find her by himself once he cooled his head off!

However, Sean had to break his promise to his mother. Samuel Donovan had too much time in his hand for insistently getting into Sean's marriage matters.

"Father, it's still not too late," Sean sighed softly. "Grandfather is already dead. He could no longer push you to do anything you don't want to. He can no longer stop you from truly loving mom."

"I had never apologized to anyone, other than your grandfather."

"If an apology could bring back your wife, why are you hesitating? You are pathetic."

Kyle's eyes flew to Sean in shock. The conversation was going well, seemingly in the direction of reconciliation. Only for Sean to suddenly insert an insult.

Luckily, Sean was not finished yet. "But you are even more pathetic if you continue letting mom go. Mom truly loves you or else why would she still wait for you? Instead of trying to control her, shower her with love and care. She will happily stay with you then. Is it that difficult to do? Loving someone doesn't make you weak."

"It does. Just like yourself. Falling in love with a plain, useless girl makes you weak, defenseless. You don't gain power. You degraded yourself."

Pissed, Ashley let out angry sounds and struggled but those bodyguards did not even loosen their grip.

"You can insult me or hurt me, but not Ashley," Sean said angrily. "She's the most wonderful woman I have ever known. With her, I can be myself. I won't be like you that cower from grandfather and vent your frustration on mom! If mom is not still stubbornly waiting for you, I will make sure both of you divorce already!"

"The only way to make sure love does not make you weak is to control your woman! Jean is an obedient woman and will not go against you!"

"What the fuck, father? Did you not see the DNA report I've sent you about Simon's parentage? Do you still want me to be a father to someone that is not biologically mine? You want me to stay with a woman that is fucking with my friend behind my back and had lied to me for four years? Are you bloody out of your mind?!" Sean roared.

"Isn't that what you falsify to mess with me?"

"I don't have free time to do such a lame thing! If Simon is really my son, I would not have let Jean have his full guardianship!"

Seeing his son's genuine frustration and rage, Samuel finally believed the DNA report was true. "That cunt lied to us!"

Sean sighed, too lazy or even bothered to fight for Jean's behalf. Besides, it was also something she needed to face for lying about such a big issue.

A loud bang grabbed everyone's attention and at the same time, one of the bodyguards let go of Ashley. Another loud bang was heard as the second bodyguard released her.

"Daddy!" Advin Summer was holding a large cooking wok, glaring at the bodyguards that were holding onto their heads in pain yet trying to grab the wok from the older man.

"No one harms my daughter!" Advin roared fiercely like a father bear. Then he held up the wok and marched towards Samuel. "You are another bastard that needs to be whacked!"         

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