Snowflake, the writer and the...

By BarbaraSz8

4.9K 448 201

Alec is studying to be a lawyer at university at his father's insistence, but he wants to be a vet. He loves... More

Chapter 1- Who are you
Chapter 2- 5 kittens
Chapter 3 - The shelter
Chapter 4 - Robert
Chapter 5 - Hot chocolate and kittens
Chapter 6 - Motel
Chapter 7- Secrets
Chapter 8 - Next morning
Chapter 9 - Lazy day and the first...
Chapter 11 - The study
Chapter 12 - Magnus
Chapter 13 - The rose
Chapter 14 - Souls
Chapter 15 - Petals
Chapter 16 - Walking
Chapter 17 - Family
Chapter 18 - Rune
Chapter 19 - Coincidence?
Chapter 20 - Fortitude
Chapter 21- Rachel
Chapter 22- Cows and stream
Chapter 23 - Birthday
Chapter 24 - In shock
Chapter 25. Under My Skin

Chapter 10 - The dorm

180 19 6
By BarbaraSz8

They ordered pizza for dinner.

"Alexander, tomorrow is Monday. When do the lectures at the university start? "

"Luckily, I don't have to go tomorrow, the lectures are canceled." Alec said. 'But I've got to sort out my accommodation. Tomorrow I'll go to the university to see if there's a dorm available. I don't want to go home. My mother is going to rent an apartment.We are moving out of my father's house. But I don't know how quickly that will be resolved. I'm not going home until then. There must be some kind of temporary accommodation in the dorm. There's one problem, I need my books and notes from home. And my laptop, and clothes. I'll have to pick them up tomorrow while my dad's at the office. I don't want to see him. It would be nice if I could bring everything to the dorm. I have to start there in the morning. Huh, so much to do."

"Alexander, I know it's a sudden idea, but until your mom solves the apartment problem, you can stay here. I work quietly, you study quietly. I don't think we'd be disturbing each other. "

"Magnus, that's very kind of you, but you've already done more than you should have. I'm very grateful, and I appreciate your offer, but I don't want to be a burden to you. "

"You are not a burden at all. After all the time I've spent alone, it's nice to have some life in the apartment. But I respect what you want. At least then let me help. Tomorrow I'll take a day off too, it doesn't really matter to me when I work, as long as I'm done by the deadline. I'll drive you to the university, then home, and we can pick up your stuff. Is that OK?"

"Yes, thank you Magnus. That would be a big help."

They ate the pizza, and Snowflake was fed. They tidied up, and by the time they'd finished it was pretty late.

"How about we go to bed? Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. We should leave for the university at 7.30. We have to get up early." said Magnus.

"Yes. We didn't do anything today, but I'm tired." They went to the bedrooms. Magnus said to Alec at the door of the guest room. "Since you're sleeping in the dorm from tomorrow, how about I ask you out on a date Friday night? I don't really like going out in public, but I'm a good cook. Can I invite you for dinner at my apartment Friday night?" asked Magnus.

"Nothing would I love more than a real date." Alec said with a big grin. "But Magnus, if you don't like leaving the house, I can handle tomorrow on my own. I don't need to make you feel uncomfortable. And...and I want to say that if you feel like it, you can always tell me the things you haven't said. I don't know what happened, but you must to know that you can trust me. I don't want to put any pressure on you, I'll wait until you're ready." Alec said as he took Magnus' hand and stroked it gently.

"Thank you Alexander. It means a lot to me. I have no problem with tomorrow. I usually go out to do my things. I have a problem when I have to spend time in public. For example, in a restaurant, a bar, or a park. That kind of thing. I don't think I'm ready right now, but I'm grateful for your patience and understanding." Magnus said.

Alec caressed Magnus' cheek, Magnus stood on tiptoe and kissed Alec gently. Alec kissed him back. Magnus put one arm around Alec's neck and with the other he stuck his hand in his messy hair. They deepened their kiss. When they ran out of breath, their lips parted. They looked at each other.

"Good night, Magnus."

"Good night Alexander. Sleep well."

They said to each other and went into their bedrooms.

They got up early the next morning. They got dressed, had breakfast, fed Snowflake and got into Magnus' car.

"Alexander, I just realized, did you tell your family that you are at my place? Didn't they ask for you at the weekend?

"Yes. It's only mom at home right now, I've been texting her. Izzy's staying with her boyfriend Simon until Tuesday night. I didn't tell her, I didn't want to ruin her romantic weekend. She's been so helpful. She deserves a break. "

They soon arrived at the university. "Alexander, if you don't mind, I'm not going in, I feel more comfortable here. There are too many people for me. It scares me."

"It's okay Magnus, I think I'll be done soon. " Alec said, and went into the office. He went straight to Mrs Collins, who was in charge of the dormitory. She was always very nice. Everyone loved her.

"Mrs Collins, I would like to apply for a dormitory place by the end of October.. It's a bit of a mess at home and I need a room until my mom finds a new apartment. "

"Oh sweetheart, I'm afraid I have some bad news, as the school year has already started, the dorm is completely full, there are no available places. All we can do is get you to sign this form and we'll let you know as soon as a place opens up. "

"No places? Huh, that surprises me now. I wasn't expecting that. If I fill out this form, approximately how long will I have to wait? "

"Usually rooms become available around half term. Then some people give up. Don't you have a friend or relative you can go to in the meantime? Can't someone take you in for a month and a half? "

"It can be managed, I think, I just didn't want to be a burden on anyone. I guess I'll write the form and if a place opens up, please let me know, okay?"

"Of course, Alec. I'll let you know right away. No one else has requested it this time, so you're first in line. And remember, if you have any problems or just want to talk, you know my phone number. Don't hesitate."

"Thank you, Mrs. Collins. It's my dad again, but I'll manage. That's very kind of you. Goodbye."

"Have a good day, sweetheart. "

Alec went to the car and got in.

"Have you succeeded Alexander?"

"No. There's no available room. But I put in a request form, they'll let me know if a room opens up. I don't know how to say this, but does what you said yesterday still work? I know it's sudden, and don't get me wrong, I don't want to burden you, I don't want to take advantage of you, but..."

Magnus put his index finger to Alec's mouth. "Enough Alexander. Nothing would please me more if you stayed with me. I told you yesterday. And believe me, I'm not being polite. I've been alone at home for years. It hasn't bothered me until now. But now that you've been with me for a few days, I'm so glad you're here, I'd really like you to stay. My apartment's full of life since you've been there. So say no more, we'll go to your place to get your stuff and bring it over to my apartment. " said Magnus.

Alec smiled at him, leaned in close, their breath touching. "Thank you Magnus. Honestly, after all this, I'm glad there wasn't a room available. If I'm not bothering you, I'm happy to stay." He closed the distance and kissed Magnus. When they ran out of air, they smiled at each other.

"Let's go. Give me your address. Will your mom be home?"

"Yes. My dad leaves the house every day at 8.30am. He's not going to be home."

They got there in 20 minutes. Just to be sure, Alec called his mother to see if she was alone. His father had already left, so they went inside.

When they went inside, Alec hugged his mother." Mom, he is Magnus."

"Welcome Mrs. Lightwood," Magnus greeted him.

"Hello darling, call me Maryse."

"Did you manage to get the dorm?" Asked

"There was no room. But Magnus said I could stay with him, so I finally accepted."

"Magnus, thank you for taking Alec in. That's very kind of you. You look gorgeous in makeup, by the way." Said Maryse.

"That's what I told him this morning," said Alec. At that, they both blushed a little.

"There's a spark between you. Am I seeing it right?" By this time they were both as red as tomatoes. "I guess you don't have to answer. You're so red it says it all. I'm happy for you." Said Maryse, laughing. "Go on, pack quickly. I put a suitcase in."

The boys went up to Alec's room. Magnus immediately noticed Alec's many books.

"Alexander, you have more books than you can fit in your room." Magnus said in amazement.

"I told you I like reading, but don't worry. I'll take only three of these with me now." He quickly packed his clothes into the suitcase. His school books also fit. He put his laptop and some bathroom things. The suitcase was full.

"I've got everything, now I just need the books. They don't fit in the suitcase or the laptop bag. Can you bring them in your hand, please?"

"Yes, just give them to me."

Alec began to place the books in Magnus' hands.

Magnus was turning pale, almost fainting when he saw the books Alec was putting in his hands. The author's name was more than familiar to him. Matthew Archer.

"Do you remember when I said that books helped me accept who I am? These were those books. I can't go a day without Matthew Archer's books. If I could only take one thing with me, it would be this. "

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