Thunder and Ice (Jolteon x Gl...

By Pokefics_Collections

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Sugarcane Forest. It's home to a timid, self-conscious Glaceon, a manipulative Luxray, and a quirky Jolteon t... More

Shadow Snivy (BEFORE YOU READ)
Change in my World
The Great Sequoias
The Secret
Secrets Revealed
The Stranger
A Day Together
The Enemy
Shard's Discovery
Fawn The Fennekin
Another Day
The Fennekin Clan
Treacherous Chasm
Faolan's Return
Shard's Fearful Secret
The Truth
Three Simple Words
Broken Silence
Pranks and Illusions
Hard Work
Spring Festival
Spring Festival II
Spring Festival III
Spring Festival IV
Lonely Moon on a Dark Night
A Bitter Reunion
Losing Faith
Black Heart
Patched Pasts
Eye of the Hailstorm
An Innocent Shinx
An Imperfect Luxray
The Setting Sun
Extras--Star's Spectacular
Shadow Snivy - SHARUNDER


447 11 6
By Pokefics_Collections

Shard: *Munches on a cookie* Someone brought us cookies!

Me: Ooh, chocolate chip! *Grabs a cookie* I love cookies! If only we had cake... and ice cream!

Shard: I got fruit punch!

Me: Since when?

Shard: Since I said the words 'Fruit Punch' a few seconds ago. *A bowl of fruit punch randomly appears*

Me: Cool, it came with plastic cups! I like how we basically just started a party! Everyone who just got here can have whatever they want, including the readers!

Thunder: I'll be right back! I'm going to get nachos! *Runs off*

Faolan: Hi Shard!

Shard: *Groans* Ugh, Faolan...

Faolan: Wanna hang out?

Shard: No.

Faolan: Please?

Shard: No.

Faolan: Why not?

Shard: Because I said so.

Faolan: Why?

Shard: I don't want to! Just leave me alone!

Faolan: Why?

Shard: Because... uh, can you just shut up?!

Faolan: ...why?

Shard: *Eye twitches* Just do it and leave me alone, please?!

Faolan: But whyyyyyy... tell meeeeeee...

Me: Faolan is clearly not this annoying in the story... but speaking of which, let's get on with it!

Shard: *Kicks Faolan in the gut*

Thunder's POV

As I sat by Hunter's graffiti-styled tree, I watched an all-so familiar staraptor slowly land, flexing his talons just before he was perched on a branch. An orange mouse-like Pokémon crawled out of his tree hollow and raced across the branch towards Falcon and sat right next to the bird. His hind paws and lightning-bolt shaped tail dangled off the edge of it. I felt out of place for being unable to climb trees like those two. If only Fang was there then he would sit down with me or something, but some reason he didn't show up.

"Well looks like Falcon arrived," I stated the obvious as I looked up at the branch connected to Hunter's tree. Falcon lifted one of his wings and gave a slight wave before folding it back into place. "Hunter, do you think Fang will be here?"

The raichu just shrugged, curling his tail around the branch. "He said something about visiting this new clan, I think he said fennekin, but I'm pretty sure I misheard," he muttered with that usual laid-back expression.

I gave a small laugh at the thought. "Doubt it," I mused. "Just there being one fennekin in this forest would be mind-blowing. A whole clan of them is just unrealistic. Either you misheard Fang or he confused a fennekin with a houndour or something." We all laughed a little, including Falcon, but we quieted down barely after we started.

"So where should we hang out today guys?" Hunter questioned. He jumped down from the branch with ease and padded over towards me.

"The beach?" Falcon suggested, raising a wing at his idea.

Hunter made a sound between a groan and a pfft noise. "Falcon, seriously, three dudes heading towards the beach? The only reason a group of guys would go there was to hit on girls or something," the raichu moaned. A thought slipped my mind about Hunter asking a random girl out and then getting slapped in the face. I stifled a laugh at the thought. Falcon folded his wing back into place at the remark. "Maybe we should head to Silver Falls, that place would be a sweet place to hang," Hunter offered.

I thought about the things we could've done there. I remembered the day I hanged out with Ruby and found out that magikarp dude had moved there. I considered going there being a bad idea, but then realized that the magikarp was going to say some stupid and funny things. Plus that place wasn't usually crowded and would be great for talking. The water at the lake was very refreshing as well. After the silent debating, I decided it was a good idea to head over to Silver Falls. "Sounds good," I agreed.

All Falcon did was give a sly smile and nod his head in response. Hunter looked off into the distance in a north-western direction. "Okay then gang, let's move out," he grinned, about to run off. "Now... last one there is a rotten berry!" he yelled playfully as he fell onto all fours and dashed into the brush. Falcon immediately stretched his wings wide open from his words and leapt from the branch, soaring into the air. Meanwhile I had got into running stance and allowed the two get a head start.

"There's no way you guys can outrun me," I mumbled to myself with a smile spread across my face. My ankles were tensed as I was ready to dash forward. With a sturdy balance I eyed the parting in the trees which Hunter had darted through. A few seconds had passed as I allowed them to gain some distance. "No one beats me at a race." Finally I pushed forward with a strong burst of energy, accidently flinging up a few patches of grass in the process. Racing forward flashes of brown and green came by in a blur. Expertly I dodged to the side of anything in my path. The thrill of the race flooded my veins. Several residents of the forest were on the side, colors blaring around yet I could navigate easily. Within a minute or two I could detect an orange creature with a zigzag tail struggling with his speed up ahead. A smirk was on my face as I ran over towards the raichu. He had wasted all of his energy trying to stay up ahead. His speed had drastically lowered from when he first sprang through the vegetation. I slowed my pace till I matched his speed.

Hunter looked up at me with shock. Sweat was beading down his neck and was fighting to keep his tail from dragging along the ground. He opened his mouth. "Thun..." He stopped when he heard his raspy voice. Quickly he cleared his throat and started over. "Thunder, how did you catch up so fast? Falcon hasn't even caught up overhead!" he exclaimed, wheezing for a moment right after he finished talking. Looking up through the canopy, I could barely see the sky through the thicket of leaves. Suddenly a shadow casted over us from above but quickly vanished. I could hardly notice the shadow was a blurry outline of a large bird Pokémon.

"Looks like that changed," I snickered and tensed my muscles again. I sped past the exhausted raichu in attempt to catch up with the staraptor. I peered up for a short glance to see only thick clouds but quickly looked back in my path to avoid running into a tree. When I dodged a few more trees I stole another glance and looked up, seeing Falcon soaring along. His wings were outstretched but the inner edge of his wings was slightly against his sides. His talons were dangling behind him but it was barely noticeable with his tail feathers. He looked almost like a dart flying through the sky.

His speed was high but mine was most likely superior to his. I quickened my pace so I was right under his faint shadow. After a while I realized that it was actually a bit hard to stay at that speed and stole another glance at Falcon. He wasn't slowing down at all. Bird Pokémon had it easy when it came to races. I slowed my speed slightly and took in a big gulp of air, then shot forward. The trees passed by me even blurrier then before with my new burst of speed. It was harder to dodge out of the path of the trees and shrubs but it was possible. Slowly I inched ahead the shadow of Falcon and a small smile spread across my face, but instantly disappeared. It wasn't that far till Silver Falls, but I wouldn't have been able to stay at that pace for long.

As the doubt started to sink in, I tried to shake those thoughts away. I was a jolteon, a rare Pokémon, and was bred for speed. I may have not been a bird Pokémon but I was surely fast enough to last a bit longer. My ears then twitched slightly as I detected a surprised squawk from overhead. Falcon must've noticed me barely being ahead of him. Quickly I came up with a plan to hopefully run faster, which felt like a longshot. I charged the electricity through my fur, letting it flow around, and forced several volts spread down my legs to my paws. It coursed around my paws but it was a feeble attempt. The electricity wasn't doing anything to help my speed. Sighing shortly I desperately tried to increase my speed.

A minute later all my muscles were sore. Just a little longer, I thought shakily. I felt as if my will of winning and the fact that was the first time I was close to losing was the only things keeping me going. I bit my lower lip and endured the exhaustion. Falcon had been trying to speed up but he was already going full speed, and I wasn't sure if I should've called that lucky or not. Bird Pokémon in Falcon's position rarely flapped their wings. They just tilt downward slightly so they gain tremendous speed, and only when you're almost too low is when you flap your wings once and do the process all over again.

I burst out of the foliage into an open clearing. The sudden change of scene caused my knees to buckle. My legs went weak underneath me, and I tumbled around in the dirt. I landed on my back, forced to look up at the sky. A few seconds had passed before I saw Falcon passing over the trees and enter the clearing. After seeing him my thoughts returned to me and I stumbled onto my paws. Surveying the clearing, I noticed a few Pokémon in the area and water gushing down into a pool of water. I made it to Silver Falls.

A smile tugged at my lips. Since it took a few seconds for Falcon to fly into the clearing overhead, it meant that I must've been the first to arrive. I barely made it to Silver Falls before the staraptor, and the thought made me pump my paws into the air in triumph. From that action I fell onto my back, giggling lightly. I then forced myself to stand up again. It had been a long time since I had been in a race so thrilling. Even though my tongue lolled out and I was panting like crazy, I was still a bit energetic from how wild and thrilling the friendly race was.

The staraptor slowly soared down towards me. He stretched out his talons and landed in the grass nearby. "Good job, Thunder," Falcon congratulated and patted my on the back once with a wing. He quickly put it back into place though.

"Thanks bro," I smiled and then forced my tongue back into my muzzle. I peered into the forest space where I had just raced out of, hoping to see Hunter soon. It was possible he used up all his energy and decided to walk the rest of the way.

While waiting for him, I tried to start up a conversation with Falcon. Didn't turn out too well. Fortunately a few minutes later the raichu had darted through the trees on all fours, running at a steady pace. "There you are! Sure took you a while!" I exclaimed. All Falcon did was look at Hunter with a blank expression.

"Whatever, I rely more on speed then stamina in those kinds of races," he grinned. "Say, which one of you won, I honestly am not sure."

"I did!" I yelled excitedly, hardly keeping my grin from growing creepily wide. I frantically stomped my paws on the grassy terrain, my energy returning at a rapid rate thanks to my excitement.

Hunter faintly chuckled. "You take races way too seriously Thunder," he laughed. "I wonder what you'd be like in a real race." Finally I gotten a grip of myself and stopped my energetic stomping. I couldn't stop doing that motion for a second and it must have been a side effect of all the electricity I coursed down to my paws earlier. I turned my head around to face the waterfall, luscious rejuvenating water crashing down into a lake. The lake never got any bigger, signaling that all the water that flowed into it had some sort of underwater tunnel that probably took it somewhere by the river, only for it to fall back down into the lake and the process start all over again.

I playfully patted Hunter on his shoulder. "Whatever, you can't tell me what to do," I smirked.

"To the lake?" Falcon suggested.

"To the lake!" Hunter responded and padded towards the small body of water. Falcon lightly flapped off the ground and slowly hovered over to the lake's edge. I quickly trotted after the two, my body begging for a drink after all that running.

My other two buddies had made it to the lake before me. I decided to walk, pretty much exhausted and my heart was still beating at a rapid pace. When I reached Falcon and Hunter, a look of disgust and hate was on Hunter's face. "Ugh, it's that magikarp dude again!" he scowled, glaring at a red fish Pokémon in the water. The magikarp was exchanging his hateful glare between us three rights before it was locked on me.

"Ye!" he screeched, flapping his tail fin with rage. I sneered at the magikarp, returning the glare. "Wat arr ye doin' here?!"

I wasn't sure how to react to the weird magikarp, it had been a while. I turned to face Hunter and Falcon, and talked in a whisper. "What should we do?"

"This guy's a jerk to every Pokémon, threatening to kill them when he evolves," Hunter responded, whispering as well. "Maybe we should show him what's it feels like."

Falcon nodded, agreeing with Hunter. Although they seemed fine with doing that, I felt a little reluctant to do that to the magikarp. Silently debating, I decided that it was possible it'd stop his insane dream of taking over the world, or at least get him to stop talking to land Pokémon rudely. After hesitating slightly I nodded once, agreeing with the others. With a grin Hunter turned to face the magikarp first, me and Falcon following his gaze.

"Hey fish brain, you don't own Silver Falls. The only thing that would probably get me running would be your horrifying voice!" Hunter chuckled, showing an obnoxious smirk that seemed to get him boiling.

"Why I outta com' outta dar an' smak ye straight across da face!" he attempted to counter.

Slowly Hunter developed a wide smile. "What, what was that? Sorry, I can't understand you," he teased.

"I say I outta-"


"I say I outta-"

"Oh, one more time, a little bit clearer."

"I am tryin' tu say I outta com-!"

The frustrated magikarp was thrashing around in the water, unable to keep still as he tried to say his sentence without getting interrupted. His voice was rising every time he was repeating his sentence. Both Falcon and I barely stifled our laughs, but couldn't stop snickering at all. When trying to finish the last sentence, Hunter had made a complete spin and thwacked the magikarp roughly against his side with his lightning tail, rudely cutting the fish off. The magikarp was shoved underwater from the impact but he quickly fluttered back to the surface, anger dotting his eyes.

"Aye, wat's wrong with ye swabbies?!" he hollered. If it was realistic steam would be flooding out of his gills. "Ye land folk arr bad news, bad news indeed, but jus ye wait, I'll soon tak' ova yeshe foolish lands an' ye'll all see who is the real vulnerable ones, aye?"

Falcon decided to do the mocking this time. He leaned in towards the magikarp and raised a wing by his head, a motion that meant he didn't hear or understand what he just said. A smile was spread wide on his beak, a furious frown on the magikarp. The insane water dweller jumped in the air with his tail fin tensed up, ready to slap Falcon with all his anger built up in it. When he turned around and the white fin was just mere inches from the staraptor's face, he shot his beak out and clenched it on the tail fin, instantly stopping his attack.

"Put me down ye foolz! Ye'll regret dis in da near future wen ye all bow down tu me!" he screamed, wiggling like crazy in his feeble attempt of getting free. Hunter and I were barely able to hold back our laughs during Falcon's taunting, but couldn't control any longer as we watched the helpless fish struggle for freedom. I fell to the grass onto my back, arms crossed over my chest as I tried to contain my laughter. I kicked my hind feet wildly, laughing like crazy and quickly my stomach started hurting from it. Hunter and I were hysterical, Hunter barely managing to still stay on his paws though. The image of us bowing down to a gyarados just made me holler in a chuckling fit, and plus the magikarp wouldn't have been able to leave Silver Falls, yeah, the image of his kingdom being nearly as big as himself was very hilarious. Then an image of him still being a magikarp was etched in my mind with us bowing down to him and it crossed the line of insanely funny for me.

Roaring with laughter, my eyes were shut tight trying to hold it back. I must've looked like an idiot! Quickly I forced the image away from me, trying to make the picture of a bunch of strong muscular land Pokémon, even including all the legendary Pokémon I knew of bowing down to a weak stinking magikarp, I forced the image away. Finally I was able to stifle my laughter with my paws, waiting for myself to calm down till I stood up. When I was pretty sure I was done I rolled over and got back on my paws, wiping a tear from my eye from all the humor.

The magikarp had such a firm glare on us. It was like if he glared intensely enough and thought very strongly he'd be able to cook us with laser vision. The thought crossed my mind of what a magikarp would look like with red beams shooting from his ugly fish eyes and soon I was back on the ground in another laughing fit.

Quickly I gained control sooner than before and forced myself to stop the intense laughing. The magikarp's glare was even fiercer if that was even possible and looked as if he had a permanent frown. Hunter had barely gotten over his laughing tantrum as well, wiping a tear from his eye with a wide smile. "Aw, this... this is just too good!" he grinned, one of his forepaws on his knee. Falcon looked as if he was about to crack as well, snickering coming from his beak and he nearly let go. The magikarp however took his chance and wiggled free. The way he struggled around was a bit tragic, seeing him weakly flapping around because of his need of water. Since Falcon was still snickering, the magikarp broke free of his grip and plummeted a few feet into the water with a small splash.

He broke the surface, relief on the magikarp's face. When he remembered Hunter, Falcon, and I were still there, a frown developed. "Ye idiots get outta here, or I'll turn ye intu mush!" he ordered, his face consumed with rage. He was still trying to get us to leave, the teasing wasn't really working. I did have a few laughs, but I was starting to think that continuing was being a bad idea. We just needed to stay away or something and let him calm down.

Hunter leaned close to the fish, his muzzle only about a few inches away. "Like I'd listen to a Pokémon with a stupid speech impediment," he mocked. The red fish was thrashing around and looked as if he was about to blow. I sighed, seeing this wasn't getting anywhere. This wasn't teaching a lesson anymore, but it was basically bullying. Falcon and Hunter seemed to enjoy what they were doing however, but this was starting to go wrong.

I got in front of Hunter and shoved the raichu away from the lake's edge. His eyes were written with shock. "Hunter, come on, isn't this getting a little out of hand?" I asked.

"Thunder, when have you've been so soft? I thought we were going to teach this magikarp not to mess with land Pokémon," he groaned. Stealing a quick glance over my shoulder I noticed the magikarp was watching, but he didn't seem to want to interfere.

"This isn't working and this isn't right. We're basically bullying the poor little guy, teasing him about his speaking problem and his lunatic dreams," I argued, staring Hunter straight in the eye. Seconds passed before realization dawned on his face finally at my words, an empathetic look in his eyes.

"Sorry, I guess it did get slightly rough," he apologized reluctantly, rubbing the back of his neck with embarrassment. When my gaze shifted over to Falcon, his own look of understanding was there, deeper and more caring than Hunter's.

"Shut up ye!" the magikarp suddenly interrupted, glaring daggers at us.

I scowled at the magikarp. "Hey, can it fishy, we're stopping alright? Chill out and swallow that stuck up mouth of yours," I retorted. "We'll leave you alone if you do the same for us, deal?"

The magikarp sneered. "Whatever," he grumbled, turning away from us. He dived below the surface and became a blurry image as he swam away, out of sight.

I smiled when I saw that mess finally was cleared. Even though our little feud with the Pokémon wasn't completely gone, it was for a while. Hunter looked a bit irritated that he didn't get the message through to the magikarp, but Falcon had a neutral expression. "Well at least that's solved for now," I grinned.

Hunter opened his mouth to retort or counter that statement, but he instantly shut it. His eyes were clouded with either amazement or bewilderment. When my gaze shifted to Falcon, his mouth was agape with the same expression that Hunter had. I raised an eyebrow at their actions, severely confused. What just made them act to strange?

Pondering to figure out what just took hold of my friends, I then realized something. Their eyes were locked on something behind me, and that observation made my fur stick up. Something was behind me which crept me out so much. Slowly without a clue of whatever was behind me, I turned around to face what I really didn't want to know was there. Then when I fully turned around, I gasped and felt fear settle in.

Pokémon, it was a crowd of Pokémon. Several of the forest residents had gathered around behind me with hopeful eyes. It nearly scared the fur off me at how close some of the Pokémon were some as close as a foot. I leapt back to Falcon's side from the surprise and knew I couldn't hide my fear from the Pokémon. Were they going to attack us, or shield us off from something? There was without a doubt they were all staring at us but I noticed most of their gazes were on me. Looks of delight was radiant off each of the Pokémon, but what made them so happy?

A purple ball of fluff was the closest to me. It had creepily wide red eyes which appeared to have a transparent grid pattern on them. The Pokémon had two antennas and a pair of small paws as hands and feet. I quickly realized this Pokémon was called a venonat. "Y-You're Thunder!" he buzzed, delight in his voice. Finally realization came to me and I knew these Pokémon were so giddy somehow because of... me.

Excited mumbles came from the crowd of Pokémon. Taking a closer look, the crowd was basically only about a dozen Pokémon, not as much as I thought when I first saw them. All of their eyes were now stuck on me and then I felt my ears twitching nervously. I bit the bottom of my lip, confused on why the Pokémon were so excited for me, even though I was sure I saw none of them around the forest. Did I get amnesia or something earlier?

Another Pokémon tingling with excitement padded up to me. It was a small Pokémon that didn't seem special just like the venonat. It was a squirrel-like Pokémon, mostly white with a stripe of blue on her tail. Little pouches were on her cheeks and small cute little paws. I noticed a few sparks emitting from the cheeks, mostly from excitement. I recognized the Pokémon as a pachirisu. "It's really you, Ruby's boyfriend?" she spoke up, way calmer than the venonat. That bug type Pokémon seemed like he was going to explode from his happiness.

When I heard the words Ruby, I knew why they liked me now. Ruby was supposed to be one of the few famous Pokémon of the forest, mainly for her kindness, beauty, strength, and cleverness. Supposedly because I was her girlfriend, I was popular a bit, I thought timidly. They only liked me because I was dating her. I knew most of them thought I was gullible enough to think they wanted me to be their friends, and then lead them to Ruby.

"Uh, yeah," I responded, hearing the uncertainty in my voice. Inspecting the faces of the strangers, I saw most of them weren't as happy as I thought either. Most of them in the front seemed the most excited, while the others seemed just to have a smile and nothing else. The ones at the very back just seemed like they were trying to get around the crowd, which must have been Pokémon who either didn't know me or didn't care about me.

"I knew it!" the venonat yelled, his voice echoing through the clearing. It was like the dude was about to explode from excitement. Shoving the purple fluff ball out of my mind for the moment, my thoughts trailed to what my life would be like with Pokémon constantly watching me like that. Was I supposed to walk around the forest with every Pokémon that passed by staring at me, every Pokémon wanting to get to know me so they'd get popular? I didn't want that at all, it sounded terrible.

"Yeah, that's me, now beat it," I mumbled rudely, wanting to make most of the Pokémon leave. Some of the smiles on the Pokémon faces shifted into frowns. "I'm not really mean, but I don't know any of you Pokémon, and I want to keep it that way." Most of the Pokémon exchanged confused glances at each other before the crowd started to disperse. A few of them glared at me and snorted as if I turned from a role model to a murderer before leaving. After most of them were gone, one Pokémon had remained, and it was the venonat. Hope glazed his strange buggy eyes.

"B-But can we be friends? I mean, I'm smart, nice, and v-very brave!" I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at that last part. His voice was very skittish, and he didn't seem brave at all. "I mean, w-we can become the... the best of friends! I'll meet all o-of your other friends, like t-that raichu and staraptor behind you for example, and, Ruby possibly."

I had it with that little liar. I'd understand if a girl Pokémon wanted to meet Ruby, but a guy? This venonat was totally trying to steal my girlfriend. Very irritated, I flashed a threatening snarl at him before returning to a frown. "Beat it," I repeated, much more hostile.

The venonat pouted and glared at me, changing his whole appearance and all excitement disappeared. "Whatever Blunder," he mumbled darkly, making my eye twitch at the stupid name. Before I could counter him by growling a name like bug-eyes, he skipped off into the trees with a smirk.

While trying to shake my irritation away I turned back to Hunter and Falcon. "That was freaky, right guys?" Both of them were equally as confused and irritated as I was.

"I know, and Blunder? Clever, but rude," Hunter commented. "Hope we don't hear that again."

"Definitely freaky, and I wouldn't want to be you. Popularity is a strange thing," Falcon chirped.

"They'll probably stay away. I just hope no guys come up to me anymore. I think we all know that they came up to me is so I could lead them to Ruby, and if one guy comes up to me like that, I'm going to lose it," I muttered. I turned to face the lake right by me and bent down for a few sips. It was refreshing and I felt it calm down my nerves.

"Would you like to be popular?" Hunter asked. After I lapped up the cold water I wiped some drops from the fur on my muzzle and turned to face the two.

"Not at all," I replied. "It seems kind of strange. It's like there is a popular Pokémon that everyone adores. Everyone tries to know them and resort to trying and be like them occasionally. If a popular Pokémon does like them, then they become popular and then all the same Pokémon go up to them and try to be popular as well. I'm fine with a few friends; I don't need the whole forest."

Both of the Pokémon smiled at my remark. "Glad you feel that way dude, I totally would hate being so popular," Hunter agreed. Falcon just widened the smile on his beak for a second before dialing it down at his reaction. It was nice they understood my views of things. They were my real friends, unlike the others that just walked up to me. I didn't know how Ruby would be used to things like that. She had it way worse than me, considering the fact that the little crowd had gathered because they all wanted me to introduce them to Ruby.

However that luxray got through that and enjoyed it as well was a mystery to me. Forgetting those thoughts, I bent down for a few more sips of the water, a cold feeling energizing myself once more. Hunter had leaned down to get some water as well while Falcon weakly pecked at the surface. I wasn't sure if the silent staraptor was either doing that from boredom or was weirdly drinking the beverage; I didn't know much about bird Pokémon.

I finished drinking what I wanted and sat up straight, using my paw a second time to wipe the stray drops from my muzzle fur. Hunter copied my movements after he finished drinking and quickly thought up a topic. "So Thunder how was your hangout thing with Shard yesterday?" he asked. The question made my ears heat up slightly. How did he know that?

"How do you know about what happened yesterday?" I questioned, hearing the shakiness in my voice. It puzzled me how he knew and actually made me worry a bunch. Did he know about the almost kiss with Shard? At the thought I felt my face twinge pink but forced the feeling aside. However the thoughts of me leaning down to kiss the glaceon played over in my head and I knew my face was deepening in color.

Hunter smirked, easily noticing my face heating up. "Falcon said he spot you two yesterday at the match at The Cliff," he revealed. Slowly I felt the tension in my muscles relax. "I guess you don't want me to squeal to Ruby that you two were alone, at that cliff, smiles on your faces, sitting together practically pelt to pelt-!"

I wasn't letting him finish. I did feel relieved that they didn't know about the near kiss but I was confused on what Hunter was starting to say. "What do you mean, alone, sitting together, pelt to pelt at The Cliff? And what do you mean you won't squeal to Ruby about that? There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

Hunter's eyes were glazed with surprise. "What do I mean? I think the real question here is what do you mean? She's a girl and you were alone! You two were practically on a date!" he screamed, flailing his orange arms at me in complete and utter shock. Instantly my ears shot up straight and my electricity filled fur stuck up a little more than it already was. A date?!

"What do you mean a date?!" I hollered, feeling panic quickly starting to run through me. All these new questions started to zoom in my mind, confusing questions with no answers. Did she think it was a date? My breathing started getting heavier with each occurring thought and my heart banged hard against my chest. "This is the second time I'm hanging out with her alone!" I wasn't sure about that when I said that statement. I didn't remember if it was more than two, did we hang out more? I couldn't remember! I tried to calm myself down, taking in shallower breaths to control the breathing. I did remember that we were hanging out tomorrow, and she most likely thought it was a date or something!

Hunter placed his paws on my shoulders with a firm hold. "Get a grip on yourself Thunder. All you have to do is stop going with her alone, like bringing a buddy or something," he proposed. I slowly started to control my breathing but my heart was still beating rapidly. I didn't understand why hanging out with girls were different then with guys, besides relationship purposes, but it was probably like that for every other Pokémon in the world. I'd just bring someone with me when I head to Shard's tomorrow.

The electric mouse removed his paws from me. I knew I was calmer, but I still felt a rush of panic. Recently it had been hard for me to stay calm, first with shocking that berry out of pure frustration and now losing it over panic. I wasn't usual that bad at controlling myself. I bit my tongue lightly and pleaded silently to myself not to lose it again.

"Thanks guys, I had no idea," I thanked once I've gotten slightly calmer. "I planned to hang out with her tomorrow, so I'll bring someone with me to help keep her from thinking I liked her."

I was actually uncertain with that thought. I nearly bent down to kiss the girl, and I surely couldn't shake that thought off. I leaned down and started to drink some water while I continued to ponder the thought. When I was near Shard I felt this warm feeling and couldn't stop myself from smiling. I felt lightheaded, my muzzle loosened, my ears lowered and it was not from fear but all I recalled was a woozy sensation. My heart started to flutter while I continued to drink the water with the warm thoughts, but I paid no attention. During the time my legs felt weak as I stood just a foot away from her. Despite her being an ice type I felt her body heat radiating off her which had made my face heat up slightly. When alone in my den yesterday, I felt all these weird but enjoyable things and I knew my heart was beating more rapid at the time. I didn't know what it was called, but I never felt anything like what happened there with Ruby-

My thoughts were interrupted when a tight grip was placed on my scruff and yanked my backwards. I stammered a sound of shock before I was on my side against the grassy floor. I blinked at what happened, unsure of what actually did happen. I stood up slowly and looked around and surprisingly saw a look of worry on Hunter and Falcon. "Thunder, you were drinking too fast! You nearly choked," Hunter explained sincerely. I blinked again at his explanation, not clear on why I was drinking so fast. Was it because of the warm thoughts about Shard?

"Sorry," I apologized.

I better stop thinking about these things, I thought. Who knows what else I could accidently do if I don't stop thinking about those strange, warm thoughts about that cute glaceon... I then stopped, unable to hide shock from what I just thought. Did I just think that she was cute? Wait a minute, is that true?

Before I even started to figure out the answer to my last thought, Falcon and Hunter started to talk and interrupt them. I gave up and forgot on them for the moment as I continued to hang out with a few of my best buds once again.

Heyo guys! Hope you liked the chapter. Thunder is totally not the greedy kind of character, and of course wouldn't like popularity! On another note, dang, I hope you guys don't start to call Thunder, Blunder, even though Thunder dating Ruby is a big blunder :P. YOU IDIOT THUNDER, DON'T YOU SEE SHARD LIKES YOU?! Well he's getting there! A word to describe him about this topic... oblivious wouldn't be exactly it, but clueless would be better. Well as you ALL wanted, the next chapter will be romantic! Dang, but as you've seen in the conversation Thunder realized going alone with Shard will be awkward, so he will bring someone along... ooh. Don't worry; I thought of some really big events that will be awesome and might make the little unneeded chapter really eventful! At the thought of it, I might have to split the chapter into two, since it might be a bit too long. If that happens, I'm leaving the first part at a cliffhanger! *Evil laughter*

Well thanks for reading! Subscribe, share this with your friends, check the description below for... wait that's YouTube. Hehe. I mean continue reading, stay in tune for more chapters, read my profile or whatever, check the story poll thing, just do whatever you want! I wish you all an amazing day! And Happy Halloween! *Puts on a realistic wolf mask randomly* Woof. :3

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