The Danger Continues: Henry D...

By hannahmei18

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What happens if one of Paris's friend finds out her brother is Kid Danger? More

The Beat Goes On
One Henry three girls, one Paris plus one guy part 1
One Henry three girls, one Paris plus one guy part 2
Paris & the Woodpeckers
Captain Man: On Vacation
The Time Jerker
Henry's Jelly
Christmas Danger
Indestructible Henry Part 1
Indestructible Henry Part 2
Text, Lies, & Video
Oppsite Universe
Danger & Thunder: Part 1
Danger & Thunder: Part 2
Authors Note
Grave Danger
Authors Note
Ox Pox
I Know You're Secrets
Behind The Scene Photos!

Secret Beef

86 4 7
By hannahmei18

Authors Note: a special guess gonna appear! The CEO of JYP Korean Entertainment is playing Kevin on this episode, hope you enjoy!

It's been two weeks since Henry and Ray finally captured the Time Jerker and now two weeks later Hen, Char and I are in the Man Cave of searching for criminals

" okay, next criminal" Henry tells Charlotte

She crolled more and we found a criminal that name Malkoff

What weird names.

" they call him Malkoff" Charlotte informed Henry and I, " he steals dogs, then shaves them and sells their hair to wig shops"

" ugh" I said commented disgusted, " sick weirdo"

" hey hey! Guys guys!"

We turn our heads to see Ray running to us three

" any messages come in for me while I was in the bathroom?" Ray asked us eagerly

I rolled my eyes at him

" no Ray" Charlotte sighed, " that restaurant still hasn't called you"

" ding, dang it!" Ray groaned of frustration

" yo dude, if you want steak let's just go to Back Out Steakhouse" Henry offered him

" no!" Ray denied like a big baby, " anybody can go to Back Out Steak House"

I hang my head down of this stupid conversation

" I want to go to Montego's!" Ray argued

" oy vey" I sighed and rest my chin on Charlotte's shoulder

" Ray" Henry began, " I want you to sit down, relax and finished your juice"

Henry leads him to the couch and Ray sat down and drink his juice

" there you go, don't you feel better?" Henry asked him

" I just don't get it" Ray began as he stood up from his seat, " I said it on the news two weeks ago, I said ' feel free to invite me to your restaurant Mr. Montego." and you know he heard about me, saying that, you know it! "

Suddenly the emergency hotline rings

" oh, maybe that's Montego's!" Ray beamed and rushed over where Charlotte and I are, " move move!"

Ray didn't listen to our confusion and shoved Charlotte out of her seat making us stumbled where Henry is, luckily he caught me on time and I caught Charlotte on time

" hello?" Ray answers the emergency call, " Captain Man hotline, what is it, please?"

" hello?" a voice said, " I'm calling from Swellview Home for the Elderly-"

" aah!" Rsy huffed, " you're not Montego's!"

He immediately hang up

" Ray, you can't hang up on people like that" I tell him

" that could've been an emergency!" Charlotte added

The hotline rings again and Henry steps in to answer it this time

" yeah hi, what's your emergency?" Henry asked the person

" a man broke in here and stole all our money and our clothing, we're all here naked" the voice informed, " can you come help us?"

My eyes widen

I feel bad for my brother and Ray now.

" I'm sorry, didn't you say you're all elderly and naked?" Henry clarified

" yes" the voice answers, " that's right"

I could tell from Henry's expression he regrets of asking in the first place

" sorry, wrong number" Henry said and immediately hang up


It been few days and we heard about Henry got a gift card to go to Montego's so we sat on the couch of the living room waiting for my brother to return. I honestly don't care about this but I'm here to see Hen's reaction of this. Btw, everyone got him presents of bribing him

The door opens and Henry has arrived looking completely confused, he glanced at the door than us

I smile to myself

The fun began.

" did... Did someone die?" Henry questioned us

They just laugh

" that was really funny!" Jasper spoke up to him

" yeah" Charlotte agreed, " that's our Henry"

" thanks"

Henry set his backpack down and we made eye contact, I smile at him and folded my arms of watching the show

" why are you all here?" Henry asked us

" to congratulate you and to give you presents" mom answers

" for winning Student of the Month" dad continues

They all muttered of agreeing

" oh wow, so you guys already heard about that, huh?" Henry asked of eyeing the rest of us

" yeah"

" even some of our neighbors heard about it" I added and pointed to them with a smirk

" hey neighbors" Henry greeted them

" hey Henry" they all greeted

He looks at someone who's next to me

" and who are you?" Henry asked the person

I look confused and turn my head to see a Asian man with small somewhat eyes

" oh, my name's Kevin" the man introduced, " I'm visiting from Los Angeles, thinking about trying a vacation home here in Swellview"

He takes a chip

" my life's going great"

He plops the chip in his mouth and eats it

" and you're here why?" I asked him confused

" I just saw people walking into this house" Kevin informed, " joined them"

I just nodded slowly and look back at my brother

" so Henry" Mrs. Hendricks began of walking over to him, " we heard that part of your Student of the Month prize is dinner for two at Montego's?"

This isn't the fun I'm looking for.

My smile faded

" oh really?"

Mom amd dad talking at once of they pretending they have no idea

" oh, please take me!" Jasper begged him

" why would he take you?" Charlotte questioned Jasps, " I'm his best friend"

" you are not!" Jasper objected of dropping his presents down

" hey!" mom spoke up, " a boy's best friend is his mother"

" oh, that's a crock of bull!" dad agrued

Suddenly a war of them agrueing at once have begun, Henry looked at me again and I just sigh and rolled my eyes

This is so stupid, the fun I'm looking for it's not even close to here.

" calm down! Calm down!" Henry shouted

I see Mrs. Hendricks. The lady who walked up to Henry, she haves a lamp  and grabbed me by my arm

" whoa there, crazy lady!" I shouted at her a little scared

" Mrs. Hendricks, put the lamp down! And released my sister!" Henry commands her

She lets me go and I stumbled to Henry but he catch me on time, we suddenly here the door open and turn around to see.. Ray

" I just heard about your, you know, your, your prize" Ray said out of breath and shoving me out of the way so he could get to my brother

" why are you wet?" Henry questioned him

" aah, I'm sweating, I just ran nine miles to get here" Ray informed

I noticed he haves a dog leash with him

" what's the dog leash for?" I asked of pointing to it

He turns to me

" I was walking a friend's dog" Ray answers

" where's the dog?" I kept asking

" I don't know" Ray answers and throw the leash down, he goes to this kid and steal his cup of water and drinks it, after he's done he gives it back to the boy

" hey" Mrs. Hendricks spoke up of looking at Ray, " who is this guy?"

They all talk at once of asking who is Ray, Henry yelled of getting our attentions

" for those of you who don't know, this is Ray, my boss at Junk-N-Stuff" Henry informed, " and he's been dying to go to Montego's for years, so... I'm taking Ray to Montego's"

I smile at him when everyone else are upset of this

" yeah, all right, yeah, baby!" Ray cheered and steals Mrs. Hendricks lamp, my eyes widen and I go over to Henry, he put me close to him of protection, " who's got the lamp now, huh?"

I shook my head at him


I'm now at school, I'm sitting on the stairs of having earbuds in of listening to music while I do history homework. I hear something exploded and I look up to see Henry fell of surprise when confetti shot out his locker, I smile to myself and go back to my history homework

Poor kid.

Moments later someone took my earpuds out and before I could react someone sbouted my name

" Paris!"

I stumbled of surprised and landed on my back, making my notebook fell on the ground and earpuds,  I look who's the person is and it's not other than Henry

" dude!" I shouted at him and stood up, " you could've killed me!"

" eh" Henry shrugged, he picks my things up and hands them to me, I took them back, " oh, since I have an extra person, will you go with me?"

I raised an eyebrow at him

" really?" I asked disblief, he nods yes, I turn my head to see Bianca at his locker and waving at me with a smile

She knows.

I face my brother again

" it's really nice offer but-" I began

" well" Henry sighed and walk a few feet away from me, " guess I'll take Ray, or Charlotte"

" no no, no need" I objeced it changing my mind, he face me again, " it'll be an honor"

He smiles at me

" great" Henry said" get ready later tonight"

He than goes back to Bianca and they both high fived each other with smiles on there faces for some reason

He knows.


~ Paris's outfits and hairstyle☝️~

After I got ready for tonight, Henry and I went downstairs about to go but noticed familiar faces here, we stopped and turn around to see mom, dad, Jasper and Charlotte

" hey guys" Henry greeted them

" hi Henry" the four said back

" Jasper, Charlotte, what are you guys doing here?" Henry asked our friends

" no big reason" Charlotte answers as her and Jasper walk over to us

" just came to hang" Jasper added

I raised an eyebrow at them confused

" oh well, I can't hang because tonight the night I'm taking Paris to Montego's" Henry informed as he raps his hand to my arm

I look at him with a smile

" oh!"

I turn back to the four

" come on, I know you guys knew that and why are you all dressed up?" Henry asked as he approached them of letting his hand let go of my arm

" well, we thought, you know..." Charlotte began

" if something bad happens to Paris" dad continues

" like, if she got her head stuck in a fence" mom added

Henry and I look at them confused

" or if she got hit by a bus" Jasper added

" dude!" I shouted at him

" or even if she just... Disappeared" dad finished

" I'm standing right here!" I mentioned of gesturing to me

" okay" Henry spoke up, " this is sick, you people are sick"

I nodded in agreement

" we're just saying, you might need someone to fill in and have dinner with you"Charlotte said

" right" Jasper agreed, " for example, me"

I slapped his arm which it pains him more than I thought it should be

" we just don't want you to be alone" mom continues and smile at mg brother

" we love you, Hen" dad added, I open my mouth of shock, " I'm your dad"

" I gave birth to you"

" I watched"

" oh, big deal!"

" I'm still here!" I raised my hand like I'm in class

" we are leaving niw" Henry said and took my hand, when we step on our porch we see our neighbors here all dressed up, " I'm taking Paris!"

They all groaned of dissapointed and we continue to walk to the reseraunt before anymore comes


We finally arrived, during we walked I been thinking about how Ray really wants this chance and maybe I'm thinking I'm greedy, but it's just me

" Ray?" Henry suddenly asked someone

I look to see Ray and Schwoz in disguise of the both of us

" Schwoz?" I asked of pointing to him

" uh no, I'm Henry Hart, teenager!" Ray quickly says to the man

" sir, I'm Henry Hart" Henry corrected

" um.. Is Ray here--" I began to asked but got interrupted

" yes" Henry answers quickly

" no, I'm not!" Ray said quickly, " I'm in ninth grade, dude"

" pardon me, where's the ladies room?" Schwoz suddenly asked the man

" I know you're not a girl" the man remarked

" prove it" Schwoz challenged

" gross" the man commented

They all started talking at once, I rolled my eyes and put my fingers in my mouth and whistled of finally getting there attentions

" why are they here pretending to be us?" I asked Henry even I probably know the answer

" why are you here pretending to be us?"Schwoz repeated

" yeah, son!" Ray agreed

I glared at him

" stop it!" Henry said to them annoyed

Henry turns to me

" look... They did this cause Ray's been, like, dying to come to this restaurant for years" Henry explained and glancing back at his boss

That explains a lot.

" well" I sighed, " now I feel all bad"

" no Paris, you shouldn't" Henry objected

I put my hand on his shoulder

" I know why you did this" I smiled at him

" you do?" Henry questioned

" yeah" I answers, " Bianca told me you felt bad for what happened with my last boyfriend and took me instead of you're girlfriend"

" well-"

" that's nice in all, but I'm not even that into steak" I said of taking my hand off Henry's shoulder

" what?" Ray asked me disbelief

" yeah" I answers, " I was going to order the chicken"

" oh no!" Ray whined, " no no no no!"

" Ray" Henry walked over to him, " you're embarrassing me"

" I'm embarrassing you?" Ray repeated of pointing himself

" yes" Henry answers

" or is it your chicken loving sister there?" Ray asked of gesturing to me

My mouth fell open of shock

" it's you!" Henry answers, " and don't speak to her that way!"

I smile at him of protecting me

" pfft!" I hear Schwoz scoffed, I look next to me to see he's here, " boys"

" you're a boy" I mentioned of pointing to him, " Schwoz!"

" prove if" Schwoz challenged me

" Ray" I hear Henry said to him, I look at the two, " please go home, Paris and I--"

I see him leading Ray out of here

" no!" I stopped them which they turn to me, " it's okay, it's okay"

I exhaled

" seriously, I don't care that much about eating here and Ray really does, so, just have dinner with him" I offered with a fake smile

" you're sure?" Henry asked me

I nodded my head yes

" sure she's sure, look at her!" Ray looks at me, " that's what sure people look like"

I take out the extra gift card from my pocket

" yeah, I'm sure" I answers as I handed Ray the gift card

He takes it with excitement

" all right, man, looks like we're having dinner here together" Henry declared

" and me too?" Schwoz asked them

" no" the man spoke up, " the reservation is only for two"

" okay" Schwoz said a little dissapointed, " no problem"

I patted his shoulder of comfort

" balloons!" Schwoz suddenly shouted

We look where he's pointing at but sees nothing, I hear chuckling and we turn to see Schwoz returned with meat in his mouth laughing and running out of here

I shook my head with a smile

" oh, and Hen" I said to my brother

" yeah?" he faced me

I walk over to him and kissed his cheek, I pulled away and walk off

Such a great brother.


Kira Pov:

Schwoz explained everything that Henry got invited this popular restaurant everyone likes here and in the end Paris let Ray take her place which feels little nice. I'm down at the Man Cave with Schwoz and than hearing the tubes shot down

" hi" I greeted them, " how were your steaks?"

" better question, how'd you know?" Ray asked me

I pointed to Schwoz next to me

" got it" Ray said and he and Henry go to the monitors

" why are you still wearing that dress?" Henry asked Schwoz as he glanced at it

I look at him to see he's dressed like a girl

" because it's so comfortable" Schwoz answers, " and I like how the cool air blows up in here"

Schwoz started to play around with the dress, where I am it's not a good view

" nope" I said of popping the ' P'

I stand up and headed to the sprocket to relax and continue my day

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