Angelic || suhyeok x cheongsa...

By SpaceSeagull

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❝𝘐đ˜ĩ'𝘴 đ˜ē𝘰đ˜ļ... 𝘊𝘩đ˜Ļđ˜°đ˜¯đ˜¨-𝘴đ˜ĸđ˜¯," 𝘚đ˜ļ-𝘩đ˜ēđ˜Ļ𝘰đ˜Ŧ 𝘱đ˜ĸđ˜ļ𝘴đ˜Ļđ˜Ĩ, 𝘧đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜ĸ𝘭𝘭đ˜ē đ˜ĩđ˜ļđ˜ŗđ˜¯đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜¨ đ˜ĩ𝘰𝘸đ˜ĸ... More

Chapter 01 - the reason
Chapter 02 - a coward alone
Chapter 03 - to be something
Chapter 04 - reflecting the moonlight
Chapter 05 - of angels and sinners
Chapter 06 - red hot
Chapter 07 - 4048
Chapter 08 - foresaken
Chapter 10 - butchered
Chapter 11 - authority can go fuck itself
Chapter 12 - leaving through agony
Chapter 13 - all untied
Chapter 14 - tender for him
Chapter 15 - fires that might burn
Chapter 16 - love that might prosper
Chapter 17 - i think we're dreamy
Chapter 18 - a spilling of the heart
Chapter 19 - water down the drain
Chapter 20 - alone up in his head
author's note

Chapter 09 - laugh through the tears

563 16 5
By SpaceSeagull

TW - homophobia and indication of slurs

Su-hyeok's mom was standing over him, pure fury spread across her face.
"A skirt, Su-hyeok?" she spat.
His body wasn't adjusted to the harsh wake up, and his voice hadn't kicked in. He tried not to show fear, but that seemed to anger the woman even more.
"A skirt?"


"W-what about it?" I sat up in bed, yawning and rubbing my eyes.
She grabbed my arm away from my face.
"It's a fucking skirt! Men do not wear skirts in this household. I don't care what your fa-"
"Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare say that word," I felt hot tears running down my cheeks.
How the fuck could I show weakness at this time? I'd cried so much last night, that every tear burned.
"Why shouldn't I, hm?" she smirked.
I couldn't speak.
"You're not my son. You're just a pathetic fa-"
I tried to block it out, but she'd already said it.
"Fuck you."
It was my voice speaking, but I had no control. I snatched the skirt and the rest of my uniform, locked myself in the bathroom, changed, and left.

I was running. I had no phone, no money, still covered in bruises from the fight, and now I didn't even have a home.
So be it.
I gritted my teeth, and soon enough, I was at school. It was only when I'd sat down at my desk, about twenty minutes before the actual start of school, that I remembered everything from last night.
"Fuck," I hissed to myself.

Cheong-san probably hated me. I would hate me too. I did hate myself. I thumped my head onto the desk, failing to block out the nerves growing inside of me. I would keep my distance then text him when I got gome. Shit. I forgot I didn't have my phone. Or a home.
"Oh! Su-hyeok, you startled me!"
I jumped when Ms Park's voice called out.
"Shi- I, uh, sorry."
I was a mess.
"No no, it's fine, really. You're awfully early," she set down the textbooks she'd been carrying on her desk, and walked back over to me.
"Maybe I'm turning over a new leaf or something."
She smiled, at me, resting on the desk diagonally in front, "I like the skirt by the way. How are you? After the fight I mean."
I forgot I was wearing that.
"Thanks. I, uh, I'm good. Yeah. Good."
"I'm glad. Actually, there was something I needed to tell you. The principal wanted to talk to you, I'm afraid."
"What about?"
"I'm sure it'll be nothing really, but I'll send you after lunch."
She smiled, clearly trying to reassure me, but I supposed only Cheong-san could truly calm me down. Ms Park stood up, and began to organise paperwork at her desk. I was fucking doomed.


I was worried that Su-hyeok hadn't messaged me after last night. The first thing I did in the morning was desperately check my phone for any sign of him, but there was nothing. I left early, quickly saying goodbye to my parents, and heading straight to school. I didn't even know if he went home last night.
I stopped walking.
Maybe he'd been kidnapped and was now laying dead in a ditch somewhere. That would be my fault. He wouldn't have dreamt about me wanting to kill him, and then leaving if I hadn't asked him to kiss me.
I was so stupid.
He had to be at school, right? I ran, not even stopping to knock on On-jo's door.

I was fast, but stamina wasn't my strongest attribute, so after about ten minutes of running on an empty stomach, I developed a stitch in my left side. I hobbled the rest of the way, arriving ten minutes late.
"Detention! Write your name on the list."
I closed my eyes, sighing. I gave in, wrote my name, and meandered to my first lesson.

"Ah Cheong-san, nice of you to join us," Ms Park raised an eyebrow.
"To really show you're sorry, how about you tell us about this?" she gestured to the board.
"It's... words. That have... meaning."
I heard the mocking from the others, feeling myself burn up.
"Well, you're not wrong. But I would like just a bit more."
"They... show how the... writer is... scared."
"Thank you, Cheong-san. Sit down please."

I slumped into my usual seat, not realising Su-hyeok was next to me for a good ten seconds.
"You're late," he poked my arm.
"You're on time."
"Early actually."
That wasn't like him.
"What happened?"
"I'll tell you, but not yet. I'm... sorry about last night. I know it was a dream. A really fucked up dream. I was just scared. Sorry."
He stared at me, his eyes pleading for forgiveness.
"You have no reason to be sorry. It's my fault. I shouldn't have-"
"Shut up."
He was smiling slightly, underneath the sharp tone that he just spoke with. He raised his hand.
"Ah yes, Su-hyeok. Care to explain?"
"I'm not feeling so well, so could I go to the bathroom? Cheong-san needs to come too... in case I am unwell."
"Yes, yes go."
I was confused. He hurried out of the classroom, beckoning me. All I could do was follow.

"Su-hyeok, where are we going?"
"The bathroom, like I told Ms Park."
I wasn't convinced. But he had brought me to a bathroom. Our bathroom. He poked his head into every stall to make sure it was clear, then rested a wet floor sign against the door.
"Su-hyeok, what are you doing?"
He grinned back, looking incredibly pleased with himself. I tried to speak, but he swept towards me, and kissed me. 
Fuck- I was melting into him, not caring that I couldn't breathe, or that anyone could walk in on us. I supposed that's why he put the sign there, as a sort of alarm. He pulled away, panting, leaving me pining for more.
"Angel," I whispered, gazing at his eyes.
He glanced at the floor for a second, then straight back to me. He winked, and embraced and made contact with me again. I couldn't help but whimper. He heard.
"Cheong-san? Are you okay?" he held my shoulders, looking like he just hurt me.
"I'm fine, you moron," I pushed his hands off my shoulders, and shifted them to my waist, "You're nice. Very nice actually."
Su-hyeok glanced around the room, embarrassed.
"You're, uh, not so bad yourself."
"Hey, that's not nice," he pouted.
"Sorry," I grinned.
We stood in comfortable silence for maybe two seconds before we both decided that one kiss couldn't hurt.

Except it did hurt.
Apparently we were both as touch-starved as each other, so any chance for physical contact, we took it. With our desperation, somehow, our foreheads collided at speed. I had been reaching up as he had been leaning down, and one thing lead to another. We were both startled, took several steps back, but due to the lack to room in the bathroom, Su-hyeok stumbled into the sinks, and I crashed into the wall. We ended up on the floor laughing manically, occasionally throwing the affectionate insult whenever we had time to breathe.


A/N - oh my lord,, this has over 1k reads??? thank you SO much


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