The Danger Continues: Henry D...

By hannahmei18

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What happens if one of Paris's friend finds out her brother is Kid Danger? More

The Beat Goes On
One Henry three girls, one Paris plus one guy part 1
One Henry three girls, one Paris plus one guy part 2
Paris & the Woodpeckers
Captain Man: On Vacation
Secret Beef
Henry's Jelly
Christmas Danger
Indestructible Henry Part 1
Indestructible Henry Part 2
Text, Lies, & Video
Oppsite Universe
Danger & Thunder: Part 1
Danger & Thunder: Part 2
Authors Note
Grave Danger
Authors Note
Ox Pox
I Know You're Secrets
Behind The Scene Photos!

The Time Jerker

84 4 5
By hannahmei18

Authors Note: omg, one of my favorite episode is here! Also, now I feel bad of doing this to my oc but I have to get the job done. Enjoy reading folks!

I woke up from screaming downstairs from my siblings, I ran downstairs fast as I can as I see my dad coming down too

" hey" dad spoke up as approaching the two, " everything okay in here?"

I look at Piper and Henry in the kitchen

" yeah"

" no!"

" I caked him!" Piper smiles at dad

" you did?" dad questioned my little sister

" yeah!" Piper answers

" cool, did you get it on video?" dad asked

I raised an eyebrow

Is he a grown adult?.

" yeah, watch" Piper said and they both watch the video on Piper's camera and laughed

" dad!" Henry exclaimed of getting the two attentions, " you're laughing?"

" well yeah, she caked you" dad answers like it's obvious

" you're not going to punish her?" Henry asked confused

" why?" dad asked, " she didn't do it to be mean"

" it was only to get a funny video that I can post online" Piper continues

" it's just good content" dad added

" content is king" Piper finished and the two go back of watching the video

When I'm on the last stairs I accidently trip over my own two feet, I yelped of the sudden action but I didn't fall of when someone catch me on time, I look up to the face to see who it was, not one and only Henry, we smile at each other till dad and Piper cleared there throats and he lets me go and awkwardly look away


Right now I'm at school and got here before Henry did, Charlotte told me she got into LIMP aka Language information and Math Problem. I still hadn't get the thought of this morning out of my mind but I'm trying. Charlotte and I spotted my brother arrived

" hey bro, how goes it?" I greeted him as we approached each other

" awful" Henry answers, " it goes awful"

" what's the matter?" Charlotte asked him

" well first, Ray woke me up three minutes early and then I was attacked by hornets and then Piper caked me and got it on video" Henry explained

" yeah, I know" Charlotte crack a smile

" you watched it?" Henry asked her

" just once" Charlotte defended herself, " or thirty times, I'm not sure"

I smile at her

" nice, real nice" Henry said sarcasticly, I patted his shoulder of comfort

I than spotted Jasper walking by of acting like he doesn't see us, he's carring this weird popsicle tower thing

" oh hey" Charlotte spoke up, " will one of you take notes for me in class? I got to go to my big interview"

" for what?" Henry wondered

" the Language information and Math Program" Charlotte answers as holding a paper

" oh yeah!" I spoke up, " LIMP"

" it's not called LIMP!" Charlotte objected

Henry takes the paper and pointed the letters

" L-I-M-P, LIMP" Henry agreed with me

" that's just an unfortunate acronym!" Charlotte objected as yanking the paper out of my brother's hand

Jasper walk passed us again of eyeing on us three, I shook my head and sigh

" what Jasper?" I asked with annoyance as I turn to him

" oh hey, I didn't see you guys here" Jasper said as approaching us

" yeah you did" I said like it's obvious

" and clearly you want us to ask you about whatever that is" Charlotte added as eyeing his toothpick tower

" no I don't" Jasper scoffed, " I built it myself! It's a perfect scale model of the Nakatomi Tower entirely out of toothpick. It took me three months "

" why would you do that?" I asked a little weird it out

" for my art class, my semester project" Jasper answers

" give it back!"

" no way!"

We than see Sidney and Olivier chasing each other in the halls

" it's my property!" Sidney pointed to Oliver, " give it!"

" no!" Oliver refused

I see him holding a avocado

" hey guys" Henry said as going between them, " what's going on?"

" Sidney brought this avocado to school" Oliver explained

" so?" Oliver defended, " that's my business"

I nodded to agree

He's got a point.

" avocados are full of fat" Oliver argued

" the good fat" Oliver argued back

" there is no good fat!" Oliver exclaimed

I rolled my eyes at the two

" okay Oliver" Henry face him, " that's Sidney's avocado, give it back to him"

" fine" Oliver agreed, " take it, jerk!"

Oliver than chucked the avocado right in Henry's groin, my mouth open up with shock, Henry groans in pain as lying on the floor

" see what avocados do?" Oliver asked Sidney of not carring the world of what happened to Henry

" ugh!" Sidney groaned of frustration and walk away

" wait, let's make up!" Oliver catch up to him

" I don't want to!" Sidney replied

Jasper, Charlotte and I quickly approached my brother that is on the floor in pain

" you okay, Hen?" I asked my brother worried

Henry just grunts and shook his head of his response


Charlotte and I went down the tubes, Char seems happy when we got in the tubes for some reason but I don't question it

" I did it! I did it!" Charlotte squealed of happiness as we walk over to Henry and Schwoz

" what did you do?" I questioned

" I got into the Language Information and Math Program!" Charlotte answers with joy full mood

" LIMP?" Schwoz questioned

I smile at him

" they don't call it LIMP!" Charlotte said to him a little irritated

" well, congrats Char, I'm really proud of you" Henry congrats her

" me too" I agreed

We three did a group hug but didn't last long when a familiar computer beeping, we turn around to the monitors

" ay!" Schwoz said for some reason as going the monitors

" oh my god, Schwoz!" Kira yelled excited as her and Ray go to the monitors

" I know I know, I'm swiping and tapping" Schwoz said

I look at them clueless

" ooh! You see sector 8G?" Ray asked as pointing to the location of the monitor screen

" yeah, I see it" Kira answers, " and look at transformer 128!"

" yeah, we got him!" Ray smiles and high fived both Kira and Schwoz

" what just happened?" I asked confused

" we just figured out the location of the Time Jerker" Kira answers as they turn to us

" no way!" Henry beamed of excitement

" way yes!" Schwoz remarked

" Ray, guess what happened to me!" Charlotte chimed in

" eh" Ray brushed her off

" how did you guys pin point his location?" Henry asked the three as taking his gum tube out and plop it in his mouth

" see" Schwoz began to explained, " when you use a time machine, it sucks down a massive amount of electricity-"

" and the computer just picked up a major power suck, so we triangulated the source" Kira continues

" and boom, we got his location!" Schwoz finished explaining

" he's on top of the Swellview Clock Tower" Ray informed my brother as he takes his gum tube out

" I got into the Language Information and Math Program" Charlotte spoke up, " it's really prestigious!"

" come on, kid" Ray said to my brother, ignoring Charlotte, " it's time to we tell the Time Jerker what time it is"

" yeah" Henry agreed, " Jail o'clock"

" let's blow" Ray said of ignoring my brother and walking away from us, they blow there bubble which it popped of transforming them to Kid Danger and Captain Man, " come on"

They both go to there tubes

" oh, Charlotte!" Ray sais as he face her, " congrats on getting into LIMP"

I crack a smile of that

" thanks" Charlotte thanked him, " but it's not called LIMP!"

" up the tube!"

They both got shot up the tube

" LIMP" Schwoz chuckled

Kira and I smile at him, I giggled but stop immediatly when I noticed Charlotte glaring at us three

" congratulations" I said and quickly going to the back room

Sometimes she's scarry.


I woke up from screaming downstairs probably of my two siblings, I quickly darted downstairs to see what's going on

" hey" I hear dad said as approaching the kitchen, " is everything okay in here?"

" no!" Piper answers like it's obvious

" oh yeah" Henry answers with a smile, I raised an eyebrow at him confused

I accidentally trip over my own to feet and fell on the last stairs, I look at my knee to see a scraped on it, I hissed in pain


I'm now at school and put a bandage over my scraped, I could still walk fine without any help so I went to school before my brother did. Charlotte and I walking in the halls and noticed my brother in a happier mood

" hey bro, how goes it?" I greeted as we approached each other

" awesome" Henry answers, " it goes awesome"

I look at him confused

" why?" Charlotte asked

" come with me" Henry said and grabbing our arms to pull us closer to him

Ugh, the pain on my knee.

" I've already lived this day" Henry explained

Charlotte and I look at each other and turn back to my brother

" oh"

" and the first time it was awful, but now that I know everything bad that's going to happen, I'm making it all goes good" Henry explained

" yeah, why don't we take a walk to the school nurse?" I suggested

Charlotte nods in agreement

" look, I'm not crazy and..." we spotted Jasper coming by with this tooth pick tower and eyeing us, Henry continues to explain, " and good luck with your big interview for LIMP"

I crack a smile of that

" it's not called LIMP!" Charlotte objected

" and how do you know?" I asked my brother as I pointed at him

" I told you two, I've already lived this day and I know you get in" Henry explained and pointing to Charlotte

" I do?" Charlotte asked with a smile

" yep" Henry answers, he than turns to me, " and sorry about you're knee"

" nah, accident happens" I shrugged

" no" Henry denied, " the first time I caught you but now I didn't you got hurt due of the process"

He caught me?.

" no worries bro, and hey, if there's another time and I don't remember, you'll fix things up and hopefully I don't have a scraped" I assured him

Henry just nods but we stopped Jasper walking by again, I rolled my eyes at him

" Hey Jasper" Henry greeted him like he knows what's coming up next

" oh hey, I didn't see you guys here" Jasper said as he approached us

" yeah you did" Henry objected, " because you want to show us your perfect scale model of the Nakatomi Tower that you made entirely out of toothpicks that you built yourself and it took three months"

My eyes widen

" okay, do you have hidden cameras in my room?" Jasper asked him confused

" no" Henry denied, "gross"

" give it back!"

" no way!"

We see Sidney and Oliver chasing each other in the halls

" it's my property!" Sidney pointed at Oliver, " give it!"

" no!" Oliver refused

" ah, here we go again" Henry sighed and take Charlotte's notebook for some reason

" avocados are full of fat!" Oliver argued

" the good fat!" Sidney exclaimed

" Oliver" Henry steps between the two, " that's Sidney's avocado, give it back to him"

" fine" Oliver agreed, " take it, Jerk!"

Oliver than chucked the avocado towards me, it hit right in my groin, making me accidenttally hit Jasper's tower he made

" no!" I hear Jasper shouted

I groaned in pain, I quickly scrunched and pummeled to the ground

" see what avocados do?"I hear Oliver asked Sidney

" ugh!"

" wait, let's make up!" Oliver hop over me thankfully

" I don't want to!"

" you okay, sis?" I hear Henry asked me

I look at them and shook my head no, I go back to my original position

" why me?!" I asked myself in pain

This is just great.


Charlotte and I went down the tubes but she looked dissapointed, guess Henry got her hopes up too much

" hey, Pair, Char" Henry greeted us two, " congrats on getting into LIMP"

" it's not called LIMP" Charlotte objected as we approached Schwoz and my brother, " and I didn't get in, thanks for getting my hopes up"

I patted her shoulder of comfort

" what do you mean?" Henry asked her confused, " I already lived this day, I know you get in"

" no, I didn't" Charlotte objected, " look at my application"

She shows us her paper that haves a big red ' no' written on it

" that's a clear"no." Schwoz mentioned

I flicked his forhead

" I'll be back after I cry in the bathroom for an hour or five" Charlotte said and headed to the back room

" and I'm getting ice for two injuries" I said, I again accidentally trip over my non hurt knee and fall on the floor, I hear Schwoz chuckled and I glared at him as Henry does as well

" are you okay?" Schwoz asked me of stopping his laughter

I rolled my eyes at him and stand up, Henry come to my aid and help me up, when I stood up from his help I go in the sprocket

Gosh, the world hates me today.

Kira Pov:

" oh my god, Schwoz!" I yelled to him excited as me and Ray go to the monitors

" we're about to find the secret location of the--"

" the Time Jerker?" Henry interrupted Ray, we face him, " he's right on top of the Swellview Clock Tower"

I glanced at the monitor screen location and back at Henry completely confused

" how do you know that?" I asked him

" because I do" Henry answers as he chew his special gum

" I think he do" Schwoz agreed and pointing at Henry

Did I miss something?.

Ray and I look closely of the location to see the kid is right somehow, we hear Henry going to the tubes and turn to him

" wait Henry, where are you going?" Ray asked him

" to the Clock Tower" Henry answers, " to set things straight"

" set things str--" I repeated to myself and turn to Schwoz, " did he set things crooked?"

" a little bit" Schwoz answers

" meet me on the roof, I'll start up the Man Copter" Henry said to Ray

" well wait, I got to blow a bubble" Ray said as getting his gum container out

" up the tube!"

I see Henry already got shot up

Ray pull his container too fast making the gum pieces fell on the floor

" you pick up the rest of them" Ray tells Schwoz, " Henry, wait for me!"

Ray run over to the tubes but slip of causing him to fall on the ground, Schwoz laughs at him, Ray shoot a glare at the little guy and I hit his arm

" are you okay?" Schwoz asked


Paris Pov:

I ran downstairs when I heard screaming from my siblings, when I was on the last stairs I accidently trip over my two feet but luckily that someone who caught me was my brother, we stared at each other a few seconds till we hear dad and Piper clear there throats and we quickly get off each other and look away awkwardly


I'm at school right now, Henry been acting little weird but I don't question it. Right now Oliver and Sidney fighting over an avocado, before Henry went in between the two he made me go next to Charlotte so I won't get hurt for some reason, Oliver than chucked the avocado right towards my brother's goin  and making him groan in pain as going on the ground

Afterwards Charlotte and I got shot down to the Man Cave

" I did it!" Charlotte screams happily as we approached Schwoz and Henry

" what did you do?" I questioned

" I got in!" Charlotte answers as facing me

I smile happily for her

" yes, I did it!" we hear Henry cheered

We look at him little puzzled

" no, I did it" Charlotte corrected him

" yeah sure, congrats Char, I'm really proud of you" Henry said to her

" me too" I agreed

We three do a group hug

" I can't belive I got into the Language Information and Math Program" Charlotte said as we pull apart

" LIMP?" Schwoz asked

" it's not called LIMP" Henry corrected him

" no" Charlotte denied, " I found out they do call it LIMP!"

" no way!" I grinned

We three do a group hug again, we pull apart and Char went to the back room

" oh and hey" I hear Henry said to me, I turn to him, " I'll always be there for you"

I smile at him

" I know you'll will" I said

I don't know what's up with him but I'm glad he won't let anything hurt me.

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