
By Lexx_wrote_this

529 42 344

MAKE SURE TO READ THE WHOLE "please read" CHAPTER Warnings ⚠️: Gore, slurs, homophonic, murder, weapon violen... More

Please read
0.1 | NewGirl
0.2 | Best 'friends?'
0.3 | Alone (or not?)
0.4 | Freshman
0.5 | Truth be told
0.6 | i wish i were a girl
0.7 | Welcome Home..
0.8 | I Love You
0.9 | The Voice
10 | Sibling Hangout
11 | Last Smile
12 | Hospital
13 | Grief
14 | A 'Friendly' Visit
15 | Red Rose Petal
16 | Blindsided
17 | Revenge
18 | Broken Chains
19 | A Plan
20 | A New Friend
21 | Date
23 | Free?
Good bye

22 | ManHunt

9 1 6
By Lexx_wrote_this

Brews Ailousos description: chocolate brown fur, with a darker brown tail, forearms, back legs, and ears. With Snow White neck fluffy and a rhombus shape in the center of her chest that was the same dark brown as her tail, and 2 stripes that went down her check from her eyes to her jaw on both sides of her face, with chocolate cream eyes

The chilly winter made its way though the small window in the basement where I laid in pain. The wounds that were given to my by the Masked Mans blade were deep and sore, I have been able to clean them everyday but it does not stop the pain it brings. The blindness was still with me but now I could make out shapes but the masked man sitting at his science table.

I don't know how long I was out after I told the Masked man to kill me, I just know we won't be staying here for much longer. Alex had spotted the Masked Man throwing Erics body in a trash can, I knew Alex would go to the police, I could only hope they would come soon.

'You know damn well the police are not trustworthy.' A voice echoed in my mind which made me jump in surprise. "Shut up, you wouldn't know trust if it slapped you in the face." I said sternly, getting into a sitting position.

A menacing laugh rose from the top of the old, creaky stairs and the Masked man came down. "Talking to your voice huh?" He said and I just stared in the direction of his voice not saying anything.

The Masked Man grunted before walking over to his science table. "We are moving locations kid, I expect a struggle from you so." The Masked Man paused while picking up what looked to be a syringe. "I'm going to make sure you don't get us caught." He said walking over to me.

"What? Like how you did with Erics body?" I asked with a creepy smirk. The Masked  man grabbed me by the arm and injected the syringe into my arm.

I hissed and trying to slap him away but it was to late. "There we go." He snapped pulling away from me and letting me fall to the ground. I hissed again before everything around me went dark, again.


"Tell me what happened! Please!" Ivy begged. Me and Ivy were sitting on the couch at my house, it was the night after me and Finleys date and I was still squealing about it.

"We went to a restaurant-" I began but Ivy cut me off. "What restaurant? How fancy was it? Did they like your outfit? Did y'all kiss?? OMG please tell me!!" Ivy squealed jumping up from her seat and dancing around.

I laughed as she turned to me with curious eye. "We went to south side steak house, It was fun." I paused and laughed a bit. "Finley said the waiter was drooling over me-" I ended my sentence with a laugh.

Ivy laughed with me. "Did y'all kiss????" Ivy asked tilting her head sideways with a smirk. I blushed and rolled my eyes. "No Ivy we didn't." I said. "DAMN IT." Ivy wailed causing the sleeping Jackdaw in my lap to jump up and hiss.

We both laughed and I stroked Jackdaws pelt softly. Maple woke from her nap and trotted over to Crimson bed room door, sniffing the door and sticking her nose under the door trying to get inside.

I frowned at the sight. Ivy saw my sudden frown and followed my eyes. "Crimson was a good kid." Ivy began looking down at Jackdaw in my lap. "I didn't know her for long but i know she loved my little sister. I know I've said this before but me and Oscar are thankful for you and your sister. You took in our little sister when she had no one." Ivy said turning to me.

"I know they were just teenagers but I also know they loved each other deeply. My sister was alone for so long, and I didn't even notice." Ivy paused looking down at her feet. "But you and Crimson helped her and i could not be more grateful of the both of you." Ivys mouth grew to a soft smile.

"You deserve some happy memories, its good and it can help you with your grief. And I know Finley will help you receive those happy memories." Ivy finished putting a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you." I said softly before calling Maple over to me and petting her head.


Jackdaws mew made me open my eyes to the beaning light of the sun flashing though my window. "Ughhhhhh." I moaned not wanting to leave the warmth of my bed to go to work, the only thing that got me out of bed was the thought of seeing Finley again.

I yanked the covers off of my body to the cold of my house. Shivering, I walked over to my bed room door, opened it, and continued my way to the kitchen. Where i got a look at the time and almost spat out my coffee.

"SHIT!" I screamed running back to my room and grabbed my nurse I got uniform from my desk.

I quickly put on my clothes, grabbed my things, and ran to my car.

I rushed past the busy halls of the hospital and made my marry way to the hang out room to put away my things before going to my first patient. 'Room 374, room 374, room 374, room 374!' I rushed past the other doors and stooped at my first patients room.

Taking a deep breath I held the cold handle before going inside and being greeted by a middle aged women in a arm brace. "Hello ma'am, I'm nurse Alex." I said with the cheeriest voice I could come up with.

"Hi dear!" The women let out with a big smile.



Darkness was all I could see.

I knew my eyes were open, and I could feel cold stone against my skin. Panic was spreading though me and I tried to jump up but there felt like a weight was holding me down.

I transformed into my Ailousos form and lashed around my tail. I lashed my tail over and over against trying to find something, a wall, a chain, anything. But my tail waved into nothing.

I hissed in fury and clawed at the stone but to no avail. This continued from what felt like hours before the sound of a door opening and slamming pieced my ears and made me twitch.

"Hello Brew Riverside." A unfamiliar voice boomed and filled the room causing echos. I hissed out loud and continued to slash out.

"Easy, easy, easy sister. I won't hurt you." The voice laughed and the sound of footsteps approached me. "Get away from me you curse to the Ailousos creatures." I hissed trying my best to push myself up and away from the unknown voice.

the footsteps continued, coming closer and closer. "Damn, that's a bit harsh." The voice hissed. "I'm just trying to make peace, don't you want that?" The voice taunted and the sound of footsteps suddenly stopped.

All sound was gone and I lashed out more and more. "Why is it dark?!? Where did you go?!?" I yelled my head moving from side to side trying to find anything. A sound or a smell, anything.

A deep menacing laugh rose, the laugh sounded like it was coming from all around me. My head continued to whip from side to side trying to locate the voice.

Suddenly something forced my head down and made my muzzle slam into the floor. I hissed in pain and whatever slammed my head down stoked my back and i could practically hear whoever it was smirk.

I felt blood leaking down my nose to the floor and blood leaking down my chin from biting into my tongue. "Your a tough one huh?" The voice taunted taking its hand away from my back and the sound of footsteps came back. They started getting farther and farther until i heard the sound of the door slam and all the noises died out, i was left in the dark with no noise.

I don't now how much time passed but it felt like days just laid out in the darkness with no sound, no shapes, no anything. I felt so alone, so weak, I don't remember the last time I ate actual food.

After a few hours I figured out that I was strapped to the floor, I tried my best to wiggle my way out but to no avail. The new voice had not returned but I swear I heard someone or something laughing outside the door.

I had not heard a sound or squeak of the masked man that was the only thing that gave me peace. Just as I was about to try to sleep a loud alarm blared and red lights flashed through the room. Just then was I able to take a look at my surroundings.

I turned my head and saw the chains that were holding me down, I turned to grab them with my paw but I could not reach.

After a few minutes of the baring alarm the door to the room busted open and the Masked man and a younger Ailousos was with him. I hissed as they came closer. "Shut up!" The new Ailousos growled. "Sister, its time for you to begin your journey to the other side!" The new Ailousos yowled with a grin. "You will never be enough for the Blood Lust disease! All ones who don't honor their gift of Blood Lust must be destroyed." She screamed.

I wanted to rake my claws across her throat and leave her to die but the chains were to strong for me to break. I looked up at the Masked man and saw he had a muzzle guard and I froze. The new Ailousos laughed at me before grabbing the muzzle guard from the Masked man and wrapping it around my face with a swift tug.

I hissed and slashed out but nothing worked. I looked at the new Ailousos shirt and saw a name tag on it. Violet, it read. Rage washed over me from ear to tail tip. This disease was the reason for all of this! It was the reason for Crimsons death, it was the reason for me getting kidnapped, and it was the reason that my life has gone from high skies to deep waters.

My claws raked at the stone floor and my eyes narrowed. Violet slammed down my head into the stone floor while the Masked Man removed the chains from my body and grabbed me by the scruff.

The masked man then slammed me against the wall while Violet stood behind him grinning. "Bring her to the trap!" Violet growled.

The masked man nodded and pulled me towards a smaller box like thing connected to the wall. In the front of the box was a chain door, what the hell!?! This box is smaller then a dog cage!

Before I could resist I has already getting shoved into the cage and the small door slammed behind me. Just then did I realize the box was also made of stone so there was no way for me to get out unless I broke though the door which would be difficult.

I hissed at how tiny the space was and clawed at the walls, floor, and door in a attempt to get out but nothing worked.

Violet laughed before speaking in a raspy voice. "Don't worry sister, this will be over in a matter of minutes. And you will get to see your girlfriend again..." she finished slowly and I stopped clawing at the box. See Crimson!?!

My thoughts over took me and I questioned if I should even continue fighting. If they kill me I'll get to see Crimson! We can be together again, but how would she think of me now? What would she say about what I have become? I questioned.

Suddenly the back to the box started shifting and pale light seeped though the small crack. "Brew welcome to Man Hunt!" Violet and The Masked Man laughed before the back wall opened all the way and lay in front of me was a beautiful forest.

Energy rushed over me and I took off. I don't know where I am or even how I got here I just knew I needed to run, and fast.


I haven't run this fast since me and Crimson used to race in the fields, the early dawn breeze ruffled my fur and made my eyes ache but I continued to run no matter what.

I haven't heard anything of violet or the masked Man and I'm grateful of that.

Suddenly a loud roar sound came from behind me and I turned my head to see The Masked Man running after me with some other Ailousos on his tail that I didn't recognize.

The Masked Man was in his Ailousos form with his hood and mask still stuck to his face like glue. I hissed and pushed myself to run faster, eventually the sound of rushing water filled my ears and I followed the loud crashing of waves sound.

"OH Brew~" A voice yowled. "Welcome to Man Hunt Sister!" Another voice yowled. Man hunt? What the hell is that?!?

Violet had called this man hunt and now these savages are doing the same!?!

I pushed and pushed trying to get to the sound of the water fast but every time I did think I lost them they are always on my tail.

I let out a deep huff before bursting into a small clearing I looked across it and saw a river! I ran over to the water edge and looked down. The edge was a cliff and about 10 feet below was the rushing water.

Yowls and taunts were heard from behind me and without a second thought I leaped over the edge into the freezing cold water below.

I hissed as I hit the water and the waves carried me down with brutal force. The waves strength became to much and with almost running across a whole forest my paws ached.

A over grown tree root was sticking out from the wall of the rivers edge just a few feet ahead of me, I knew if I wanted to survive I had to get out of this river. Just as I came closer to the root I used the last of my energy to dig my teeth into it and hurl myself up the wall just out of the waters reach.

I gasped in relief as I pulled myself up and water of the water. Now I hung from the root with the rushing water just a few feet below me. The side of the river wall was muddy so i used my back paws to push away from dirt for my body to have a bit of a rest.

After a few minutes I was able to make a small ledge big enough for my whole body to lay on. I climbed onto the ledge and pulled the root to where i could easily grab it if something went wrong.

Lastly I laid down and huffed in exhaustion, i rested my body and looked towards the river the water was moving fast and it didn't look like it would calm down anytime soon.

My eyes grew heavy and I ended up falling asleep on a muddy cliff edge just a few feet away from rushing water that could easily drown me but for some reason it was the best sleep i had in awhile.



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