Professionals (Food Wars X Ma...

By Freedom_Fighter24

53.8K 957 297

This is a remake from my original Food Wars fanfic and this time, it's going to make the conversations much m... More

The Toxic Wasteland
God Tongue
Good News And Bad News
First Class
Consolation Prize
Polar Star
The Meat Aggressor
The Battle of The Bowls
Concept And Creation
The Supreme Recette
A Memory
Eggs Before The dawn
The Way Back
The Man Called Carnage
The Fall's Selection
Curry Selection
Selecting The Few Pt. 1
Selecting The Few Pt. 2
2nd Date
Fish Market
"Its New King"
Finals Pt. 1
Finals Pt. 2

Breading And Creation

1.2K 31 17
By Freedom_Fighter24

As I went into the classroom, Hinako Inui was my first instructor. She seemed like a really pleasant woman. Good thing I learned Japanese and I can speak it pretty good as it seemed like I was the only non-Japanese student in this school and I couldn't do anything about it.

If this school took place in Brooklyn, it would've been much easier for me, but it didn't matter, I love Japan and its culture, not because of their semi-pornographic cartoons... okay, mostly for their semi-pornographic cartoons.

Inui: さて、私たち全員がここにいるように見えます。 (Okay, looks like we're all here.)

She said as I looked forward to be trying my best.

Inui: この演習では、チームで働くことができます。 あなたはあなたの学期のあなたの最初の講義と同じペアになるでしょう。 それで、あなたのラベル付き駅に向かってください。 (For this exercise, I'd like for you to work in teams. You'll be in the same pair as your first lecture of your semester. So please head to your labelled station.)

In that moment, I was without a partner but I didn't mind. Megumi has Souma and everyone didn't want me as a partner. Hey, fuck them, what do they know about me?

In the corner of my eye, I saw a kid stepping on Souma's foot and smiling about it. Seems like he has a desire to beat him at his own game after the introduction he gave at the open house. If it was, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Kid: I've been hoping to cross paths with you again, buddy, but I thought I'd never get the chance to on our very first challenge! I look forward to crushing you! Just like I crush your shoe!

Megumi seemed very worried so I had to calm her down the best I could.

Inui: さてみんな! (Okay everyone!)

She spoke, interrupting the confrontation before a fight broke out. Jesus, Inui cutting in was really good timing

Inui: 私はここに座っています。 ご理解できないものがあれば、お問い合わせください。 (I will be sitting here the whole time. If there's anything you don't understand, please ask.)

Everyone was confused and I had to speak up.

Y/N: ええと、ミス? あなたは私たちが料理をするのを望んでいるどんな種類の料理の指示をあきらめなかった。 (Uh, Miss? You didn't give out any instructions for what kind of dish you want us to cook.)

Inui: ああ、そうではないと思います。 私はお詫び申し上げます。 あなたの日に私の挑戦はここにシンプルな食材を使って皿を伝統的な日本料理を強調することです。 (Oh, I guess not. I'm sorry young man. My challenge for you to day is to use the simple ingredients here to make a dish emphasizing traditional Japanese cooking.)

We looked over to the table and there was nothing. Another student spoke up so it wouldn't be me again.

Inui: まあ、もちろんあります。 自然の恵みはあなたの処分にあり、豊富なオプションを持つクリアストリームです。 (Well, of course there is. The bounty of nature is at your disposal and a clear stream with a wealth of options.)

I knew what she meant. She wanted us to go out into the private land they have here and use whatever animal they have here. However, if I pass the fence, I fail. So I have to be careful.

Inui: あなたが私の口蓋の皿を作るならば、あなたは渡します。 あなたの食事を完了するのに2時間があります。 今行進してあなたの旅を始めましょう。 (If you make a dish of my palate, you will pass. You have two hours to complete your meal. Now get going and begin your journey.)

After that she squealed. This instructor may be a little weird, but she's so adorable! I was able to get out of the kitchen first before everyone did. I went outside to see if I can anything to cook. A minute later so many classmates were out the door! They were panicking, but I was calm and collected because two hours were just what I needed.

A couple minutes later, I was able to find a CHICKEN. I didn't want to kill it, but I have no choice. I had to for the challenge. I slit its throat and cut off its head to preserve the meat.

What I wrote will make you vomit, I know. Bear with me it gets worse.

When I came back to the classroom, some students were surprised that I found a chicken. When I got to my station, I started pulling off the feathers, one handful at a time, and found some flour and set it next to the grill for later.

I turned up the fryer to 500 degrees and started cutting the chicken into small cutlets. After everything was taken out, including the organs, lungs, and heart, I started breading the cutlets with flour and chives and put them into the deep fryer. I waited at least 10 minutes until they were at a perfect golden brown. While they were frying, I focused on making a Japanese style sauce that could be the turning point in my dish. I got the pre-made soy sauce ready and once the cutlets were deep fried, I took them out, set them on a plate, poured some soy sauce into a little cup on the side and the traditional chopsticks on the traditional Japanese plate.

I was about to go forward to Miss Inui, but these kids beat me to her first. I let them go as I waited, but Inui said in perfect English...

Inui: Takumi Aldini, Isami Aldini, you both pass!

They passed! I didn't think they would! And just before I could even bring up my dish, they said a word that I was not expecting to hear!

Both: Grazie!

They're Italian?! I definitely need to get to know them!

Inui: 次は誰ですか? (Who's next?)

I stepped up and presented my dish. She was a little confused until she took a bite. Inui was delighted to have a bite! She was experiencing, say it with me, a foodgasm.

Inui: あなたの名前の姓、あなたは渡します!(Y/N L/N, you pass!)

I passed?! I was surprised, but then she had to say this of all things.

Inui: しかし残念ながら、私はあなたが頼るパートナーがないので、私はあなたの成績からいくつかのポイントを取り除かなければなりません。 (But unfortunately, I have to take some points off of your grade because you had no partner to rely on.)

Y/N: 説明できますか? (Can I explain?)

Miss Inui allowed me to explain as I was happy to do so.

Y/N: あなたが見る、私はパートナーを持つことになっていましたが、私は十分な時間がありませんでした。 誰もが私が持っていたことを扱う必要がありました。 少なくともポイントを取り戻すことを検討してください。 (You see, I was going to have a partner but I didn't have enough time. Everyone had their own so I had to work with what I had. At least consider taking back the points.)

Hinako was a little sad, but as compassionate as she is, she kept the grade the way it was.

Y/N: ありがとう、マイ。 (Thank-you, ma'am.)

I shook her hand and bowed to show respect. I was allowed to leave the classroom and take a bit of a break.

Much later, I looked at my schedule and I wasn't happy with what was next: I have to make at least 50 bowls for a bodybuilding club, a wrestling club, and a football club. Ah shit. Seems like I gotta do this for now until it's done.

We all met up in the lobby and when everyone came back, they were exhausted! When the chef announced that we have under an hour to cook steaks for the bodybuilding club, that wouldn't be enough time to ask how they want their steaks. So, I'll just do medium well for them.

30 minutes later, I was all done. It was exhausting, but the time was worth it. The chef said I passed and each of the steaks were cooked at the right temperature with the right amount of fat and protein.

I was walking up to Erina's hotel room to see if she'd want me for anything.

I went up to find Hisako outside the women's bath.

Hisako: あなたの名前、はい? (Y/N, yes?)

Y/N: はい? (Yes?)

Hisako: あなたはエリーナを見て正しいですか? (You came to see Erina, correct?)

Y/N: ええ。 (Yeah.)

Hisako: 彼女は風呂に入っています。 しかし、私はいくつかのトランプを入手する必要があります。 あなたは引き継ぐことを気にしますか? (She's in the bath. However, I need to get some playing cards. You mind taking over?)

Y/N: ええ。 もちろん私はします。 私は彼女に知らせます。 (Yeah. Of course I will. I'll let her know.)

Hisako: 感謝、あなたが。 (Thank-you.)

I stood by the door to watch for stragglers as Hisako walked away to the front desk. A little while later, Erina was surprised to see me.

Erina: あなたはここで何をしています、あなたの名前? ルームメイトはいますか? (What are you doing here, Y/N? Do you have a roommate?)

Y/N: ええ、それで大丈夫なら、私はあなたとハングしたいと思いました。 (Yeah, but I wanted to hang with you, if you're alright with that.)

Erina: を確認してください。 久子はどこですか? Sure. Where is Hisako?

Y/N: 彼女はトランプを取得するために残しました。 彼女は私に彼女の場所を引き継ぐように頼んだ。 (She left to get playing cards. She asked me to take over her spot.)

Erina: 私はそれを感謝します。 私と一緒に来てください。 (I appreciate that. Come with me.)

As we were talking and walking in the hallway, all of a sudden, Souma bumped into her, making her fall and I had to catch her, just before the back of her head hit the floor.

Y/N: Erina! You alright?

She said pissed, but she gave me a small smile while saying to me...

Erina: I am fine.

Y/N: やあ (Hey Soma!)

Soma: 見て、私はお風呂に急いでいます。 (Look, I'm in a hurry to the baths.)

Y/N: でたらされた、あなたは意図的に彼女を倒しました。 あなたは謝罪するとは思わないのですか? (Bullshit, you knocked her down on purpose. You don't think to apologize?)

Soma: それは私のせいではないエリーは彼女が歩いていたところを見なかった。 (It's not my fault Erina didn't look where she was walking.)

When he said that, I punched him in the mouth, and started to beat him up a bit until he got the message.

Y/N: I don't care if you don't know English but before this camp is over you better apologize and you better hope to God that Erina forgives you because if you don't, I'm gonna bust your head up so bad, you won't be able to wrap that headband around your fucking skull, you understand me?

He quickly got up, bowed to Erina in an apologetic way, and ran into the baths to get away from me.

Erina felt appreciative of what I just did, but I think I need to do something to make her feel better.

Y/N: あなたはまだあなたと一緒にぶら下がっていると大丈夫ですか? (You still okay with me hanging out with you?)

Erina: もちろん、あなたは私のために何かをすることができますか? (Of course, but can you do something for me?)

Y/N: それは何ですか? (What is it?)

Erina: 人々が結婚するときのように、あなたは私を運ぶことができますか? (Can you carry me, like when people get married?)

She was blushing red and I couldn't stand it for her to be uncomfortable so I did her the favor of picking her up bridal style, and brought Erina to her hotel room.

In her room, Erina was sitting down watching some anime as I watched some with her. During that time, I felt the same exact thing in my stomach

Y/N: It was exhausting to cook 50 servings wasn't it?

Erina: Yes, but it was worth it.

I was getting nervous about what I was about to say next. I couldn't take it anymore. I have to confess because I always felt really comfortable around her. Her beauty is just too adorable for me and that's why I need to confess.

Y/N: Erina?

Erina: Hmm?

Y/N: If you don't mind me saying, you are probably the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. When we first met, you were always, I don't wanna say it but what the heck, a bitch when I first moved here. After working hard as a busboy, you kind of gave me the respect I wanted from you. And soon after, we got closer as more than just friends. I felt like we have this chemistry as if we've known each other for a long time.

Erina: What are you saying?

Y/N: What I'm saying is that, Erina Nakiri, I like you.

She gasped and covered her mouth. It looked like she was going to have an angry look, and that was not I wanted.

Y/N: I know you're really close with Hisako but I'm hoping you'd give me a chance to prove that I'm more than just a busboy in a restaurant at the beginning. If you at least consider, being my actual girlfriend, I'd personally be very happy.

Erina looked like she wanted to cry, and it wasn't what I wanted. I made a mistake of confessing to her.

Y/N: I understand. I'll get out of here.

As I got up to go to the door, she held my hand.

Erina: Do not leave. I did not say my answer yet.

Y/N: What is your answer?

Erina: Sit back down.

I did and before I could think, she kissed me, but it's not on the cheek this time, it was fully on the lips. After a bit, I melted into it, kidding her back and we both were making out.

Soon after a couple of minutes, we released our lips so we could breathe, but we were both smiling.

Y/N: And the answer?

Erina: Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend.

We hugged and cuddled on the couch for the rest of the time being as it was official: Erina and I are together, boyfriend and girlfriend. I was so happy that I want to tell my mom the news, but I have to wait when she gets out of the hospital.

Overall, this was a night to remember and I couldn't be more happier.

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