A vigilante who heals villain...

بواسطة Rebel6610

25.2K 916 787

Tommmy is a vigilante. He finds a villain, heals them and goes on with life as if nothing happened. Nothing c... المزيد

Chapter 2: Life sometimes takes turns you don't intend on taking
Chapter 3: Wilbur is an annoying old man. But he's nice to be around.
Chapter 4: (my Chapter Title Is Too Long)
Chapter 5: Just hold on a moment! I'm supposed to sneak out of here?
Chapter 6: Because I am him
Chapter 7: On unstable waters
Chapter 8: There's no fixing this now, is there?
CH9 Dreaming of a better life
CH10 A forgotten memory
Chapter 11: The heroes vs a bird Part1
Chapter 12: The heroes vs a bird part2
Chapter 13: The fiancés
Chapter 14: Mending the past
Chapter 15: Tubbo in trouble
Chapter 16: The dinner
Chapter 17: Bedrock bros, assemble!
Chapter 18: Hidden clues
Chapter 19: Why?!?!?!
Chapter ??: A Taster
Chapter 20: Plot escalation my a- wait, what?
Chapter 21: Meanwhile... (in our universe)
Chapter 22: Pointlessness and misery
Dude 🫱 Why?
Get Ready...
CH23 The Search Begins

Chapter 1: The first meeting

3.8K 108 110
بواسطة Rebel6610

It seems cc!Wilbur danger is over, so the title has been changed back. But, please do let me know if cc!Wilbur danger comes back!


The sun was shining in his eyes as he woke up in his and his friend's apartment. The apartment itself wasn't that bad, but it could've been better too. The stained walls - he didn't know what the stains were, he could only hope they weren't blood- and the worn smell made it obvious that the apartment was cheap. But it was all they could afford.

'Ugh, the sun couldn't be just a little less bright, could it', Tommy thought as he climbed out of his bed to close the curtains.

"Tommy, don't you even dare to go back to bed. I heard the curtains close", someone shouted from presumably the kitchen.

'Of course Tubbo would hear it... With his god damn ram ears...' Tommy thought to himself as he went to the cabinet he stored his clothes in.

"Tommy, for real. If you go back to bed I swear I'm gonna kill your fish!" he heard Tubbo yell again.

"Don't even dare get close to Clementine! I'm not in bed, I'm changing!" Tommy shouted back.

"Guys, please. Not this early..." Ranboo, his other friend, said, who had presumably just woken up.

Tommy, done with changing, walked out of his room and into the kitchen.

"Ranboo where did you put Clem's food?" he asked his tall friend.

"Oh, it's in the cabinet with the snacks", he answered.

"Thanks", Tommy said taking out the fish food and sprinkling some into the tank.

"There you go Clem. Don't go hungry", he said putting the fish food away.

They ate breakfast while going over the things that they had planned for that day. It seems only a shopping trip needed to be made, and it was Tommy's turn.

"Okay, so me and Boo go do our work, you-" Tubbo looked over to Tommy "-go do your work, you also do the shopping, and then we meet up at the city fair at 11pm. Sound like a plan?" he listed.

"It's as much of plan as it'll ever be", Tommy said getting up and putting his plate away, Ranboo following suit.

"Yeah, it'll be nice to go somewhere where we can have fun without worry if we have enough money for it", Ranboo said picking up his laptop carrier and putting his laptop in it. "Besides, we deserve it, don't you guys think? We've been doing quite a lot of work these past few weeks. We deserve a little have-fun-and-take-a-break", he continued slinging his carrier over his shoulder and putting on his shoes.
"Now, Bee you might wanna hurry up, or we'll be late", he said as he got Tubbo's things ready too.

"Oh right, we have the early start shift... Right, I forgot", Tubbo said stumbling up from the table and getting also ready.

"What are you guys talking about, it's 7.30am only. And it's a 5 minute walk there", Tommy said pointing at the clock. "And the early start shift starts at 8am", he added.

Both Ranboo and Tubbo looked shocked at Tommy. Tubbo then looked over to Ranboo, skeptic. Ranboo took a looked at his watch and sighed.

"Right... My watch is 20 minutes ahead... Still... I forgot... Again..." Ranboo said looking down at the ground ashamed.

"No, it's okay Boo. We know you forget things. It's all okay bossman", Tubbo assured.

"Yeah big man. It's completely okay to forget stuff", Tommy said walking over to Ranboo placing his hand on the taller's shoulder. That seemed to help, cause Ranboo looked at them with a grateful smile.

"But I mean if you wanna go there even earlier the go ahead",Tommy suddenly said taking a few steps back and shrugging. They all laughed at that.

When the clock was nearing noon, Tommy started getting ready for his own work. He locked the door and left for work. It was only a 10 minute walk, but in the never ending coldness of winter it felt much longer. As he entered the café he felt a rush of warmth go through his body.

"Tommy! You're early. Did you look at the clock this time?" he heard someone say. He walked over to the counter and greeted his friend.

"Hey Foolish. What do you mean? I'm always early", Tommy said going behind the counter to get ready for his shift.

"You? Always early? Not a chance. You're never early", Foolish said letting Tommy take his place.

"Whatever floats your boat, I guess", Tommy said putting his name tag on his shirt and getting ready for customers.

"Alright, buddy. I'll be leaving now. I still have stuff to take care of", Foolish said waving goodbye to Tommy as he left the café.

In the first few hours he was quite busy, but as time went by, less and less people came. It was 1 hour before closing, and the café was empty, so Tommy thought he'd close a little earlier. Just as he was about to start cleaning up for closing the bells chimed. A tall man with impossibly messy brown hair and round glasses that looked quite fake walked in.

Tommy put his usual customer service smile on. "Hello and welcome to Puffy's delights. What can I get you?" he said his usual line.

"Hmm, I'd like a large macchiato with 4 extra shots and a bluberry-toffee muffin", the man said.

"Okay", Tommy said taking a cup. "Who will it be for?" he asked.

"Wilbur", the man -apparently Wilbur- replied leaning onto the counter. Tommy snorted holding back a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Wilbur asked.

"Well, I mean, who names their kid Wilbur these days?" Tommy said starting the drink.

"Are you saying there is something wrong with my name?" Wilbur asked raising an eyebrow to a level that Tommy thought was impossible.

"Well, I uh..." he started. 'This is definitely not gonna end well for me' he thought to himself. And when he thought Wilbur was gonna start shouting for the manager or something, he started laughing.

"Oh- my god", he said beetween laughs. "You're the funniest kid I've met before."

"What?" Tommy asked visibly confused. "You're not- You're not mad or anything that I made fun of your name? Usually when that happens the customers are already long gone on a screaming spree for the manager or some shit", Tommy said continuing Wilbur's drink, of which's making he had stopped from the confusion.

"Nah, it's okay. Heard worse. You know, I had quite a shitty day up until now, so", Wilbur said as he pulled his wallet out, took out some money and dropped it all into the tip jar.

"Dude what the fuck!? That's like, almost the price of your order!" Tommy said even more confused now.

"Don't worry about that. If it was up to that, I'd even pay thrice the price just for lifting my mood", Wilbur said shrugging.

After that neither of them spoke, Tommy just finished making the drink after Wilbur paid for his order.

"A large heart attack- I mean a 4 shot macchiato for Wilbur", Tommy called.

"Not my fault I need a little caffeine boost", Wilbur said shrugging as he took a sip. "That's good. You could be making your own business with coffe like that, kid", Wilbur said grabbing the bag his muffin was in.

"Hey, I'm not a kid!" Tommy shouted.

"Alright, child", Wilbur said already walking out the door.

"I'm not a child either!" Tommy shouted after him. "Idiot..." he muttered to himself as he started cleaning for closing.
Once Tommy was done with cleaning, he put his uniform away -which consisted of a waist apron and a name tag- and left the café locking the door after himself. His walk home though wasn't a very pleasant one...

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