A Second Glance

By CrisCee21

9.6K 647 16

A love story set in the 1930s... When Lorelei, a damsel in distress, meets a kind-hearted man with only good... More



1.1K 31 0
By CrisCee21

Strolling down the sidewalk wasn't considered wise when it came to being a woman, especially one as vulnerable as her. But she tried not to think twice about it. Instead, she rose her head with enough confidence to hide her fear, as though a predator watching would find it threatening.

Glancing around the empty streets, her eyes met a flash of light from a moving car. The four wheeler sped past her with haste, as though she was almost invisible in the dimness of the night sky. But she definitely wasn't.

Lorelei tugged on the sash of her overcoat. The day had been long, and the night was even longer. A strained breath left her rose colored lips. Those puffy cushions, on her face, trembled as the wind almost swept her off of her feet.

"I must be lost," with an intake of breath, her eyes continued to wander over the streets. They fell upon the sign plastered across the centre of a building, and relief filled her chest, "well, I guess not."

Taking a few seconds to get her thoughts in order, she headed towards the pub. She wasn't a woman to ever set foot in a place like that, especially when it was frowned upon.

Women weren't expected to grab a pint and chat up with others, whilst their families were at home waiting for them. That was reserved only for men. And Lorelei was no exception when it came to the social construct of society. She'd abided by the ridiculous expectations of women all her life. But with desperation, she had no other choice but to enter the dainty, poorly lit place, in search of someone who could change her life.

As much as she wanted to run in the opposite direction, she focused her eyes intently in front of her. The solemn curve of her lips begged for no attention. Her hair was pulled into a boring ponytail, and face lacked any sort of enhancements. She made sure that she didn't allow her appearance to draw any unnecessary attention, not that it took much effort.

At the dignified age of eighteen, Lorelei found herself out of any other option. She had to meet the mysterious man who she'd been told about. Maybe he could help her to be free of the predicament that she'd been in.

Heads turned as she walked through the door. The rusty appearance of the exterior was unlike the interior of the place. The pub was graced with finely crafted booths. And the bar held more alcohol than her father's liquor-filled stomach.

Slow jazz music lightened the heaviness of the stares. She glanced around almost hesitantly, afraid to meet the cold eyes of a man.

Lorelei slowly felt her hope faltering. What am I doing? No woman would put herself in a situation like that, especially one who couldn't defend herself in the slightest. Lowering her eyes to the floor, a shard of glass caught her attention. Kicking it with the tip of her flats, a voice boomed in her ear. She could feel the breath against her skin, sending chills down her spine.

"Honey, yah gotta be lost. Women aren't welcomed round ere."

Lorelei flinched. Her voice feared to be heard. But she pushed the fear away, and allowed her soft tone of voice to say something, "I'm looking for Mr. Pension."

Her jaw trembled, as he looked at her with serious, stone cold eyes. He could possibly see her fear from up close.

"He's not ere. Now scurry long," her hand formed into a fist, as his ragged voice spat against her flushed neck. Lorelei gritted her teeth and stepped backward, creating much needed space between them.

"Are you sure?" Her voice held much more strength that time. His eyes lightened with amusement, as though she'd enacted something worth smiling about.

"What business yah tending to? Maybe I'll give a message," Lorelei took another step back, including a glance around the room. Men looked at her with curiosity in their eyes, probably wondering what a young woman like her was doing in there so late at night.

"I just need to talk to him," the man placed his hand against his chest and chuckled. He could see the desperation in her eyes.

"We don't like folks like yah round ere, if yah that type of folk," he looked at her from head to toe with disapproving eyes. For sure, he assumed something that was untrue.

"I'm not sure what folk you're referring to," Lorelei swallowed and nibbled on the inside of her bottom lip. She was becoming more nervous by the minute. It wasn't an easy task to stand in front of a man, who scared the bejeezus out of her, for so long.

"Yah know, folks. The one who gets paid for, yah know, indecent acts."

Lorelei's stomach immediately clenched. Is that why all the men are looking at me?

"No, no, no," she shook her head and sucked the distaste out of her tongue, "I'm not. I'm not here for that, sir."

His brows arched, "good, yah don't seem like one we'd have fun with gardless. Smile a little, honey."

There wasn't a moment when the tip of her tongue didn't feel threatened to say a word. Lorelei wasn't a woman to mouth off to men around her, or even have a single word to say. She was quiet, reserved, fearful mostly. All her life, men had taken what they wanted without the interference of women. A woman's opinion didn't matter—that's what she'd learnt. Instead of trying to fight for independence, women fought for mere survival each day. And that's what Lorelei had been focused on—staying alive, or more accurately, protected.

"Rutter, what did I say about laughing like an animal in my pub?" A piercing voice startled Lorelei, causing her to swallow a few breaths. She turned and met a set of soft, hazel eyes. Unlike all of the men in the pub, those eyes held no coldness whatsoever.

"Uh, are you Mr. Pension?" Raven felt a sudden nostalgia fill his chest. Lorelei looked so petrified, and reeked of desperation. Unlike everyone else, he actually wanted to hear what the young girl had to say.

"Yes, what can I help you with?"

"I'd like to talk to you—" Lorelei hesitated, "in private, please, sir?"

"Whatever yah have to say, yah can say in front everyone," Rutter demanded, and Raven gave him a look. He placed his hands up in surrender, stepping back, and headed back to his booth.

"Come with me," Raven led Lorelei into his little office in the back, making sure to leave the door open, not oblivious to how afraid she seemed to be and wanted to make her as comfortable as possible.

"I'm sorry for taking up your time, I just—"

"Sit down and breathe. You don't have to rush," Lorelei nodded and took a few breaths. She pulled on the beads of her necklace, causing Raven's eyes to follow the path of her hand. Lorelei caught Raven's stare and fixed the overcoat tightly around her chest, "I haven't seen jewelry like that in a while. Did someone give that to you?"

Raven honestly wasn't trying to catch a glance of anything but the necklace, "it was my great grandmother's," the fragileness in her voice could have barely been heard.

"Now tell me, what are you here for?" Lorelei sank her teeth into her bottom lip.

"I heard that you need a live-in housekeeper, and I was wondering if—"

"Where did you hear that from?" Raven hadn't made that public to anyone, except his beloved friend Savannah.

"Savannah Kingsley. She said that you're looking for someone discreet," Raven leaned back in his chair. Savannah is up to no good again.

"Have been for a while now actually. There's not alot of people who can keep their mouths shut," Lorelei swallowed. She needed the job more than anything, not only for herself, but for her little sister.

"I can, I can swear to it, sir," it was the first time that Savannah had recommended someone for the job. And Lorelei actually impressed Raven. No other woman had the guts to walk into Raven's pub with their head high like that. But Lorelei seemed to be the odd apple in the barrel, and Raven liked it.

"Say I give you the job, you'd have to move in immediately. Can you do that?" Raven studied the young girl's facial expression. She seemed so miserable—unhappy. And the will to help burned in his chest.

"Yes, sir, but—"

"But what?" Lorelei's shoulders tensed, and she looked intently into Raven's eyes. Maybe that way he'd be more willing to have sympathy and compensate with her.

"My little sister. I can't leave without her," the emotions in Lorelei's eyes didn't go unnoticed. Raven sucked in a breath and leaned forward.

"How old is she?"

"She's five," Raven closed his eyes and considered it for a moment. He loved kids, but would it be a good idea to live with one? He'd lived alone for the longest time, even though his father stayed right next door.

"So it'll be you and her?" Lorelei nodded hesitantly, "what happened to your parents?"

The hurt that flashed across Lorelei's face caused Raven's heart to tremble, "my mom died a few years ago, and my father... he's," I can't leave her behind because of him, "he drinks too much and it's not healthy for either of us to live with him anymore."

Raven could tell that there was more to it, but didn't want to intrude. The emotional scars sat heavy on Lorelei's shoulders, and anyone could tell, even the most oblivious people.

"Can I meet her first?" Lorelei had snuck out while she was asleep. Her father wasn't at home yet, and she needed to get back before he did.

"She's at home right now," I guess I can wake her, "do I have to start tonight?" Please say yes.

"I'd prefer that. You'd get the night to settle in, and start work tomorrow," Lorelei felt relieved. I won't have to see my father ever again then, if fate allows.

"I live on Ivory Road. We can go now," Raven stood and stretched his arms. He had nothing else to do for the night anyway. And he wanted to get Lorelei settled in safe and sound.

"Good. I'll drive you there, and give you sometime to pack your things, while I speak to your little sister," Raven grabbed his overcoat and car keys. Papa Colt was going to be surprised when he sees two young girls show up with his son.

"That'll be wonderful."

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