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______ ❝ it was late at night, you held on tight. ❞ ash-tray x female ! oc More

special announcement!
angus ♡


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ISABELLE FACE WAS BRIGHT-RED FROM THE LEVEL of embarrassment she was feeling at this moment, she was drunk of her ass, sitting on the toilet after throwing up in front of the guy she just met a couple days ago. The brunette sat up from the seat and walked over to the counter, pulling the handle on the faucet and running the water over her hands after she finished she sat on the counter in silence. Ash furrowed his eyebrows at how unusually quiet Isabelle was being, but him being the nonchalant teen he was, he didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry." Isabelle blurted out, she was still tipsy but sober enough to know she actually meant the apology. Ash-tray cocked his head to the side, his hands in the pockets of his nike-jumpsuit so he could better hide the glock on his waist band. "What you apologizing for Ma?" Ash asked, his naturally deep voice sounded more intimidating then usually, maybe it was because she still had alcohol in her system but she was flustered. Ash tray noticed how red her cheeks were and let out a breathy chuckle. "Yo, are you fucking blushing?"

Isabelle gaped at his questioned, instantly shaking her head with denial but Ash and herself knew it was a lie. Isabelle refused to give him the satisfaction on making her blush, not when his ego was already bigger than him. "Please, I don't blush at midgets carrying guns that weight more than them." The brunette lied, rolling her eyes and glancing up at Ash who shot darts into her with his eyes, it wasn't a shocker that Isabelle's humor was more offensive than she knew so she would constantly have to reassure people of her motives. "Calm down angry bird, I was just joking, midgets are definitely taller than you." Isabelle snorted, earning yet another death glare from the buzz-cut-boy.

"You talk a lot of shit for someone who's shorter than me, little girl." Ash snapped back, cocking his head when Isabelle gasped in shock. The buzz-cut boy raised his eyebrows with curiosity, wondering what slick come back she was gonna say next. "Congratulations Ash, this is the longest conversation we every had. I think you spoke a total of 20 words!" Isabelle exclaimed, her face lighting up with sarcasm and Ash-tray couldn't help but chuckle at her statement. "Funny, know let's get the fuck out this smelly ass bathroom before i puke, like you." Ash teased, a gasp was heard from the brunette beside him and he just laughed more, wrapping his arm around her frame that was inches shorter than him.

Isabelle rolled her eyes at the young-boy who was leading her out the bathroom. "Come on ma, y'know i'm just playing." Ash chuckled, his hot breathing tingling on the tanned-girls skin as he whispered in her ear. Isabelle scoffed loudly, turning towards his arm and removing it from around her. She turned back to the buzz-cut boy recognizing his usually big brown eyes were red and low. "And... you're high. Should've knew you weren't being nice to me while sober. And calling me "ma", really?" Isabelle snickered, but ash didn't find her theory amusing he was actually hurt that she though he had to high to talk to her, but like I said early, he wasn't gonna say it. "Whatever, let's go Fezco's waiting." Ash informed, rolling his eyes and grasping onto isabelle's wrist and pulling her away.

• • •

ISABELLE WAS ASLEEP IN THE CAR, HER HEAD RESTING ON Rue's shoulder, both the brunette's being fast asleep. Fezco was driving his car, occasionally glancing back to make sure the two were okay and his brother doing the same. But fezco noticed it wasn't rue he was looking after, he fucking hated rue and thoughts she was annoying, but Isabelle, yeah he thought she was annoying also but he didn't fully despise her which was surprising for himself and Fezco.

"You dropping her off home?" Ash-tray asked, glancing to his brother who eyes were glued on the road. Fezco eyes flickered to get brother and back to the road, nodding his head. "Rue, yeah, I don't know what Kid back there lives so ima have to ask her." Fezco answered, his voice slow and tired as usual. Ash sighed to himself, his mind drifting back to the conversation Isabelle and him had while looked in the closet, he couldn't come up with any reason why her dad would hit her, she was smart, funny and over all kind. Shit, did ash just think that? Anyway moving on, he didn't want Isabelle to be in any danger after she told him that. "Don't bother, she spending the night at ours." Ash blurted out, tightening his jaw while rearranging his seating.

Fezco turned to his younger-brother with lowered eyebrows, confused on what the hell he was talking about. "You letting someone stay over, you must be 'whipped than a motherfucka." The ginger chuckled, turning the steering wheel and stopping as he pulled up to Rues house. Ash rolled his eyes, glancing to the backseat and watching as Isabelle's eyes slowly drifted open, instantly noticing the eyes on her but she ignored it and turn the her friend who was also just waking up. "Oh shit, this is my crib." Rue recognized, wiping her high-eyes and unbuckling her seat belt. The teens body shifted back a bit as she felt arms wrap around her torso, glancing down she saw Isabelle hugging her. Rue confused glanced around, hesitating before hugging back. "Be safe, yeah?" Isabelle asked, pulling away from the hug and lecturing her old-friend. Rue nodded her head, her curls moving up and down as she did so.

"Yeah, For sure, Thanks Fezco for the ride, Thanks ashtray for your usual anti-socialness." Rue muttered, giving Isabelle a smile before opening the car door and shutting it close. Isabelle hummed in amusement at this girls words, she was way to tired to laugh or make slick remarks so she just shut her eyes once again, about to drift off into another slumber until she realized she never gave them her address. "Oh shit, you need my address." Isabelle realized, reaching into her pocket to pull out her cellphone but before she could text maddy a voice interrupted. "Nah, we don't. You staying at my crib." Ash deadpanned, glaring her through the rear-view mirror, he couldn't miss the confused expression on her face.

"...Says who?" Isabelle questioned, cocking her head to the side with confusion. Yeah, she thought Fezco was a chill, laid back humble dude but she did just meet them today. Ash rolled his eyes, glaring back to the brunette who was sitting up. "Says me, now shut the fuck up and sit back." Ash rasped, leaning his head back into the seat and exhaling in exhaustion. It's been a long night and everyone just wanted some rest, Isabelle more than anyone so she listened to the buzz-cut-boy without an argument and leaned back into the seat which shocked ash-tray since she always had to have the last word.

Isabelle closed her eyes once again, not opening them until they arrived at the house she was supposedly crashing at. The sound of the tire squeaking and the felling of the car no longer moving made the girl open her eyes slowly, she noticed they were parked outside a small-house that she might've passed on the way to the new city. Sighing tiredly, she unbuckled her seat belt and unlocked the car door, stepping onto the concrete floor and glancing up. Her eyes connected with Ash's that were still low but not red anymore, he grabbed isabelle's wrist and walked her inside his house.

Once again isabelle didn't argue with him, he waited for his brother to unlock there door before he walked himself and the brunette inside. "Goodnight kids, no funny business." Fezco muttered, waving to his brother and new friend before turning away and walking toward his room. Isabelle snickered as she waved back, watching the older man drift into the darkness. "You wanna shower? You can borrow my clothes." Ash tray offered, raising his eyebrows at Isabelle who was drifting off from exhaustion. She only then realized ash was talking to her when he cleared his throat, "Hmm, oh yeah, thanks ash." Isabelle smiled, and ash just nodded his head, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a key that unlocked his door. He walked inside and seconds later walked back out with a t-shirt and pair of boxer, the brunette squinting.

"There new, fresh out the pack." Ash informed, reaching his hand out to hand over the pair of clothes to the girl sleeping over. Isabelle thanked him once again and grabbed the clothes, walking over to the bathroom door and showering. Ash cracked his door open for the brunette to enter when she was finished, he lifted his shirt and took the glock around his waist-band off, placing it under his mattress. After making his bed up, he turned off his television and changed into his pajamas, by pajamas it was grey-sweatpants and a graphic-tshirt.

Isabelle had just got out the shower, she used mouth wash since she didn't have a toothbrush but luckily for her, her breath wasn't that bad. She re-wore the push-up bra from earlier and changed into the buzz-cut boys clothes, his style in clothing scared her because he didn't give her anything long sleeves. Which meant her fresh-cuts were visible for anyone to see, she didn't wanna bother looking for make up since it was straight men living here so she did a quick prayer that somehow, someway, ash-tray or fezco wouldn't see them. The brunette flickered off the bathroom light and shut the door walking back to the room that was cracked and had a light flashing from it.

Ash-tray head snapped to his door once he heard it creak, his eyes softening when he saw it was just Isabelle smiling awkwardly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The brunette spoke softly, her hand filled with her old pair of clothes she recently wore. Ash shook his head, sitting up from his bed and walking over to Isabelle. The buzz-cut boy took the clothes from her hand and placed it in a hamper beside his bed. "You good, I'ma go get you some blankets so
hold on." Ash grumbled, glancing up at Isabelle who nodded her head, he was about to walk out his room until he glanced down at the girls outfit, a smirk tugging up on his face on how big his shirts was on her.

His smirk quickly faded when he eyes settled onto her arms, a frown appearing on his face remember how she admitted her dad used to hit her, but they looked new. "Ash?" Isabelle wondered, tilting her head to the side as the boy continued to stare at her. Ash hummed, lifting his head at the brunette who awkwardly stood there. "Oh yeah, my fault." Ash remembered, glaring the girl with anger as he walked out his room. Isabelle furrowed her eyebrows but shrugged it off sooner or later, she hesitated before she took a seat on the boys bed, her eyes faltering to her wrist.

For the short time i knew Isabelle I always recognized her cuts, Of course i didn't say anything because i knew how it felt to hold a secret you didn't want anyone to know. What i didn't know is why she did it, she never told, I guess i'll never know. Isabelle lifted her head at the sound of the boys door opening, there stood Ash-tray with a blanket and pillow in his hand. He walked over to her and placed it beside her without saying a single word, normally Isabelle would ask if everything was alright but she was far too tired to argue with him. "I'll see you in the morning, I guess." Isabelle muttered, pursing her lips as she used her arms to lift herself up, she leaned down to grab the blankets but a hand grabbing her wrists stopped her.

"Nah, you can take the bed." Ash offered, releasing his grip from her and grabbing the blankets for himself. Isabelle rolled her eyes, sighing before she grabbed ash's wrist, ignoring the confused look on his face. "You're not sleeping in the couch of your own house, we can share if you want." The brunette argued, glancing up at the boy who already held eye contact. Isabelle gulped, nervous by how intense ash was staring at her, he look extremely pissed off, clenching his jaw ash looked down at his wrist that still had the girls hand attached to it, once again he noticed her scars and pulled out her hold.

"Whatever i'll take left." Ash sighed, rolling his eyes and walking over to the left side of his bed as Isabelle went to the right, she lifted up the covers and laid her body on the bed-sheets that smelled like ash, weed, cologne and washing powder. Isabelle turned her head to opposite way of ash to avoid eye contact and she assumed he did the same. The room lights was dimmed and Isabelle and ash shut there eyes, but only one of them could go to sleep. Isabelle couldn't stop thinking about the time in the closet where ash saw her scars, yeah she lied and said her dad did it but deep down it still scared her that someone would figure out.

Isabelle sighed, rearranging her position for the fourth-time and trying to get comfortable, she didn't know she was being annoying until she tried to move again but a hand grabbed her waist, holding her steady. "Stop fucking moving." A deep-raspy voice whispered in her ear, from the level of anger and nonchalant in her tone she knew ashtray was annoyed. Isabelle rolled her eyes that weren't visible to the buzz-cut boy. "Sorry, I can't sleep." Isabelle apologized, exhaling when she felt the hand move from around her frame, She didn't notice how nervous she was until he let go.

"Not my problem, shut the fuck up." Ash mumbled, shutting his eyes and not caring how rude he sounded. Isabelle quietly scoffed, turning her whole body the opposite way to face Ash's back but to her surprise he was already facing that way. Now the two thirteen-year-olds were face to face, both there hearts racing with nerves. "Oh." Isabelle blurted, her gaze with the boy starting to make her extremely anxious. Ash wanted to laugh in her face but he had to keep on his angry act so he rolled his eyes, and Isabelle had enough. "Okay! Did I do something to make you mad? Because it seems like you're upset." Isabelle asked, his whispering voice a little louder than before from the frustration she was feeling.

Ash scoffed at her, he thought it was hypocritical how she was the one whisper-shouting at him when he was the one suppose to be mad. "You wanna know what the fuck you did Isabelle?" The young-boy asked, shooting dart with his eyes at the girl who nodded her head. In that moment Isabelle felt like she could've quite literally shitted herself, she winced in pain when she felt a cold-touch trace over her cuts, pulling on her arm and lifting it from underneath the cover. Isabelle glanced up at the buzz-cut boy who was examining her arm, the hispanic-girls anxiety was going through the roof.

"I—i told you my dad that." Isabelle lied, the stammering in between her sentences told a different story, a story that Ash believed. Ash-tray clenched his jaw, his big-brown eyes darkening with anger. "Stop fucking lying to me Isabelle, I know you did this shit yourself!" Ash shouted, his harsh words made the brunette's eyes glossed with tears, she couldn't find any words in her vocabulary to respond with, he finally knew her biggest secret and they just met. Ash face softened when he saw he was making Isabelle cry, he sighed to himself before creating eyes contact with the fragile-girl.

"I'm sorry, I ain't mean to make you cry B, i'm a fucking Dick." Ash admitted, his cold thumbs connecting with the girls face to wipe away her hot-tears. Isabelle shivered at his cold touch, glancing up at the boy who looked genuinely sorry, something she had not seen all day. Isabelle opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, she didn't know what to say and Ash could see this so he spoke first. "Can I ask you something tho?" The buzz-cut boy asked immediately getting a head nod from Isabelle.

"Did you make up your dad hitting you as a excuse?" Ash questioned, raising his eyebrows slightly. It might sound like a dickish thing to admit but ash hoped she said yes, he wouldn't have to worry about Isabelle getting abused or killing the son-of-a-bitch. Isabelle blinked a tear away, exhaling before shaking her head. "No, I wish but everything I said was true except he never made those marks, I did." She admitted, and it honestly felt good getting that off her chest for so long, she was scared that something would change and ash wouldn't want her around or something but his gaze stayed the same, genuine.

"Damn, that's some fucked up shit. And i'm serious about earlier, I ain't mean to scare you or anything B, I just got mad seeing you hurt yourself." Ash explained, watching as the brunette nodded her head in understanding. "I get it, I would feel the same way." Isabelle agreed, but honestly she didn't know why ash cared so much, they just met and from what she could see he hated her guts. Ash didn't respond, he just continued staring at her with soft eyes, feeling extremely guilty for how he approached the situation. Isabelle eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips, quickly recognizing her mistake she turned away clearing her throat. Ash chuckled at her, shaking his head with amusement. "Good night Isabelle." Ash whispered, glancing once more at the brunette who smile softly

"Good night Ash-tray."

• • •

aw i miss them

also i placed it in order so it's not confusing for the new readers <3

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