The daily life of a full-leve...

By Darkknight123457

46.7K 974 12 Author: Erting Category: Rebirth through time Release time: 2021-10-21 Late... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26-27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180

Chapter 171

125 3 0
By Darkknight123457

Chapter 171 One more

    The purple bracelet on Gu Kunshan's wrist looked like a cheap item, and a knot for a string of beads was exposed at the rough interface.

    Jiang Ying's body that could not move and the bright color of fear on her face immediately showed the extraordinaryness of the bracelet.

    Seeing this, Gu Kunshan not only quickly confirmed the strangeness of Jiang Liu and several others, but also completely relieved.

    As long as he acts according to what Qu Zhong said, the "demon and ghosts" in the family who don't know what they are will have nothing to do with him.

    "Xiao Liu..."


    Jiang Liu's fall immediately caused a panic, Gu Zhen and Gu Kun hurried to help people, but Gu Kunshan, who was standing, did not stand still, and bent over symbolically stretched out hand.

    "Don't come near me..." Jiang Liu showed no appreciation, and waved his arms frantically, burying his entire face in Gu Zhen's arms.

    Her fierce reaction verified Gu Kunshan's guess just now, because the hand he stretched out just now was the one with the bracelet.

    Gu Kuncai glanced at the two of them inexplicably, and didn't even notice the strangeness of his wife.

    "Uncle, I'll take you to wipe the water!"

    Gu Yi was like a person standing outside the circle, watching the performances of several people in the circle with cold eyes.

    The expressions of several people in the living room were very interesting, some were frightened, some were stunned, and some were dumbfounded. Except for Gu Zhen, no one really cared about whether Gu Liu was injured or not.

    There were shouts of soldiers and horses, but they were all to hide their thoughts of not being able to see others.

    After watching it for a while, he suddenly lost interest, stood up and walked a few steps towards the kitchen.

    The cold kitchen is actually the cleanest place in the entire Gu family. There is only a bright frying pan on the stove, and the plastic packaging on the pot handle has not been removed.

    Gu Yi sat down on the countertop, his two long legs crossed and straightened, and he irritably took two puffs of a cigarette.

    Seeing Gu Kunshan walking in two steps slowly, he also handed over the cigarette case.

    The two uncles and nephews sat on the cupboard and on the island, and both smoked cigarettes silently.

    The cigarette was lit, and the sedative effect of nicotine finally eased Gu Yi's irritability. He sat at the door of the kitchen, and as long as he looked up, he could see everything that was happening in the living room.

    Gu Zhen and Gu Kun worked together to help Jiang Liu up, and took care of him into the room directly opposite.

    Jiang Ying glanced in the direction of the kitchen several times, and for the last time, she directly collided with Gu Yi's eyes. After shaking her body, she quickly got up and entered the room where Jiang Ying and several others were.

    In the huge living room, in the end, only Wu Zhenzhen, the mother and daughter, were left to sit in it, looking at each other.

    "Tell me, what are the two sisters Jiang Liu going to do?" Gu Yi exhaled and asked suspiciously.

    "I don't know!" Gu Kunshan answered honestly.

    He wasn't addicted to cigarettes, so he kept holding them in his fingers after taking a puff. He preferred the smell of tobacco in his nose rather than the feeling of cigarettes entering his lungs.

    But now the smell of tobacco is covered up by the smell of incense sticks next door, and the only pleasure of smoking is gone.

    After answering Gu Yi, he got up and went to the living balcony behind the kitchen, and put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

    After Gu Yi took a few puffs, people followed into the balcony.

    "Why don't you call Qu Zhong and ask, since we all found out that they were wrong, we just left like this, I always feel uneasy!" Gu Yi said.

    Although he said that he would not care about the life and death of Gu's family, when he really encountered such a matter of life and death, Gu Yi still felt a little worried in his heart.

    After waiting for a while, Gu Kunshan next to him did not respond at all.

    "Uncle?" Gu Yi looked up.

    Gu Kunshan looked straight at a small door next to the living balcony, as if caught by something.

    He took two steps forward, raised his hand and patted Gu Kunshan twice, and was suddenly distracted by the sweet smell wafting out of the room.

    The two stared blankly for several minutes before Gu Kunshan and Gu Yi suddenly shook their bodies as if they had been burned, and then invariably reached into their trouser pockets.

    The amulet in the trouser pocket suddenly became hot just now, and both of them felt as if their thighs were scalded.

    "I'll call Qu Zhong right away!" Gu Kunshan took out the amulet and held it in his hand, and cold sweat unknowingly fell on his forehead.

    He just glanced at the room inadvertently just now, and a picture suddenly flashed in his mind.

    In the high school classroom full of pink mist, he was confessing to the female classmate he had been in love with for a long time. The feeling in the scene was so realistic that he could even feel the heat exhaling from the other person's breath.

    Just when the girl was about to nod her head in agreement, he was instantly pulled back to reality by the pain, and there was still a faint pain in his thigh.

    Not only was the touch of his skin reminding him of what had just happened, but when he lowered his head, he realized that a pink mist was being absorbed by the bracelet, and the beads began to flash with a shallow light.

    Gu Yi next to him seems to be in a more serious situation than him. When Gu Kunshan took out the phone and was about to open it, he was still smiling, the corner of his raised mouth was still smiling, and even his eyes were sloppy.

    Gu Kunshan said nothing, took off the bracelet and put it on Gu Yi's hand.

    The picture just now and the colors in the mist all indicate that the things enshrined in the room are definitely not a serious Taoist dharma.

    And the occasional flash of lust in Gu Yi's expression made Gu Kunshan's secret path not good.

    The thing inside is a monster that can confuse people. Gu Yi was pulled by the amulet and once again sunk into the illusion woven by the mist.

    Gu Kunshan held his breath and hurriedly pulled Gu Yi back to the kitchen.

    After closing the door of the balcony, the fragrance disappeared, and the feeling of dizziness was also relieved.

    Turning to look at Gu Yi again, he found that his expression had returned to clarity, but he still seemed a little confused, as if he still had some nostalgia for his talent's dream.

    Gu Kunshan saw that he even licked the corner of his lips and muttered: "It's a pity I didn't eat it!"


    After being speechless for a while, he shook Gu Yi vigorously and asked: "What did you see just now? "I see..." Gu Yi raised     "It's not a dream!" Gu Kunshan frowned, and his suddenly high voice attracted Wu Zhenzhen's mother and daughter in the living room.     Gu Kunshan stopped abruptly when he received the inquiring gaze. He took two steps forward and closed the glass door before continuing, "I think it looks like something bad."     "Call Qu Zhong!" Gu Kunshan said. A look of panic appeared on Yi's face.     The shock brought by this immersion made him unable to calm down, and the layer of cold sweat on his back was even more horrifying.     The dancing women in ancient costumes in the picture are so real, the numbness of the tulle passing over her cheeks is confusing, and the steaming delicacy on the table, even the fragrance is very realistic.     Now that he has completely escaped from the illusion, a feeling of emptiness has arisen in his mind, and his head unconsciously begins to recall that touch.     In the dream, a beautiful woman asked him if he wanted to stay and have a good time together.     He hesitated for a few seconds, and only said that he should taste the food in front of him first. Before the food he just picked up was fed into his mouth, he was pulled back to reality.     Gu Kunshan looked solemn, instructed Gu Yi to look in the direction of the living room, and called Qu Zhong.     Unexpectedly, the phone was hung up after two rings. Just when he was about to call again, Qu Zhong's video invitation was sent.     The video is connected, and Qu Zhong's first sentence is: "Are you confused?"

    "I see..." Gu Yi raised his hand and scratched his face, feeling a little embarrassed, but as soon as he started his head, his expression changed, and he finally realized that something was wrong: "I actually dreamed during the day..."    Once the body enters the dead peach blossom, it only takes a few days for the person who has been hit by the peach blossom evil to appear the trend of physical exhaustion, and at most three days, there is no cure and death.     Therefore, Dingmao Peach Blossom is also known as Peach Blossom Tribulation, which is basically a taboo technique in the folk.     The breath of Dingmao peach blossoms on the Gu Kunshan amulet is prosperous, and the pink is already red.     It shows that this formation has absorbed the qi of many men and women, and the evil spirit has been formed, and it has already contaminated human life.     The Peach Blossom Array is just superimposed on it to cover up the existence of the Peach Blossom Demon.

    The two of them were shocked, and they didn't even bother to ask how you knew, they only nodded in shame.

    "I just saw..." Gu Yi did not hide it, and recounted what happened in the dream in detail.

    Especially when it comes to those delicacies that can only be seen in books on the table, he even described a pity.

    In such a tense atmosphere, Gu Kunshan was also amused by his choice to eat first and then laugh out loud.

    Qu Zhong seemed to be picking vegetables in the valley. As soon as Gu Yi finished speaking, Xia Zhou's wild laughter came from outside the screen, and even Qu Zhong looked a little choked.

    After a few people laughed for a while, the dignified atmosphere in the air also lightened.

    In the picture, Qu Zhong looked calm. He stretched out his hand to pick a cucumber and asked him, "Brother Gu, where is the bracelet I gave you?"

    "Gu Yi is wearing it!" Gu Kunshan replied.

    "Show me the bracelet!"

    Gu Yi consciously took off the bracelet and pointed it at the camera, Qu Zhong watched for a few seconds, and his expression suddenly seemed a little bit like a smile.

    "This is the Peach Blossom Array!" The

    Peach Blossom Array is just the lowest form among the thousands of formations. It is often used to seek marriage and to test the loyalty of partners.

    Only men and women seeking marriage will wear amulets with this formation to increase the chance of encountering love.

    This formation has no harm to the human body, and the effect is also minimal.

    It should be...

    When Gu Kunshan took out the amulet in his pocket, Qu Zhong immediately saw the Taohuasha superimposed on it.

    The light powder of the evil spirit absorbed by the amulet is slightly reddish, and it is the Dingmao flower in the peach blossom.

    Dingmao Peach Blossom is in charge of prostitution and desire for peach blossoms.

    People who have been caught in this peach blossom calamity, their minds gradually become crooked, and they are addicted to the happiness brought by wine and sex all day long.

    But this Peach Blossom Tribulation already has a suffocating aura, which is why it creates an illusion. If it wasn't for the amulet to pull the two back, I'm afraid they would have entered the formation early and become the next person in the formation waiting to be slaughtered by the things in the room.

    This is the sorcery used by the mortal warlock. It should not have such great power itself, and even the magic talisman he gave can be affected.

    The things enshrined in the room are the key. Qu Zhong's aura didn't sense the aura that didn't belong to this world. He could only make a conclusion by seeing it.

    Putting down the hand to continue picking, Qu Zhong and Lu Jun signaled, walked under the tree and sat down, and continued to ask the two, "Have you ever been in that worship house?"

    "No!" Gu Kunshan shook his head, remembering just now The scene was still pale with lingering fears.


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