Set Free

By DeviAlexas

1.2M 40.1K 1.8K

'So here I lay here in the cold, mentally shattered, physically broken, bleeding out and waiting for the swee... More

Authors Note


10K 357 16
By DeviAlexas

So I told the girls about my quick visit with Selene the other day. I explained how she told me I had to be the one to train them. But that she wouldn't give me the reason why, or explain anything else to me.

"So you're saying Selene told you that you have to train us?" Layla asks with a confused look on her face.

"Yep." I nod my head.

"But she didn't tell you why you have to train us?" Alexa asks next.

"Nope." I pop the 'P' as I shake my head.

"Well that's just fucking great, another damn puzzle." Layla huffs.

"Tell me about it." I say as I roll my eyes.

Alexa suddenly cheers up and claps her hands together "Sooo... when do we start?"

Umm... why is she suddenly all excited?

Layla and I share a look before we both look at her like she's bat-shit crazy. Layla looks back at me and shrugs her shoulders, she's just as confused as I am obviously. Alexa just keeps looking back and forth between the two of us.

"Well?" She says after neither of us answer her.

"We'll start tomorrow. But why are you suddenly all excited?" I ask.

"Because I have to train regardless. This way at least I get to learn from the best, it gives me a better chance of not dying." She smiles at me and I'm wondering when exactly she hit her head.

I look to Layla for reinforcement, but she just gives me a 'meh' face and says "She has a point, you are the best."

"UUUGGHHHH!!!" I groan dramatically as I throw my head back "Fine! Starting tomorrow you're both my bitches, understood?" I give them each a pointed look.

Alexa actually salutes me and says "Aye, aye captain!"

Layla laughs and does a mock salute of her own before saying "Yes ma'am!"

I roll my eyes at them but salute back "Dismissed!" 

We all laugh as we walk back towards the pack house. They're going back to their mates, and I have a pizza to help make. I find Talia already in the kitchen, but by the looks of it things aren't going as planned.

She has a mask on her face and has her head turned away from the pizza she's attempting to make. Her body is as far away as she can possibly get it, so her arms are stretched as far as they go trying to put pepperonis on the pizza.

I can't hold back my laugh as I ask "What's going on in here?"

She looks at me, then back at the pizza as she throws the pepperonis in her hands at the pizza.

"I can't do it!" She yells.

"Why not?" I'm fighting not to laugh at this point.

"The damn smell!" She pushes the pan away from her "This horrid fucking smell!" She cries out.

She then turns to me with large watery eyes "And I fucking loved pizza!" She screams before she breaks down crying.

Oh shit...

I'm not laughing anymore. I walk over to her and pull her into a hug. If this is what pregnancy does to you, count me out.

"We don't have to do pizza. We can do a cake or something else." I try to calm her down.

It doesn't work, she just starts crying harder. I don't know what to do, I don't deal with crying or emotions. I feel like a deer caught in the headlights.

No wonder they freeze up...

She finally calms down enough to talk "But it has to be pizza, he wants pizza for dinner." She says between sniffles.

"But honey if you can't stand the smell then..."

"IT HAS TO BE PIZZA!" she starts bawling again.

I grab her head and bury it into my shoulder while stroking her hair "Shh, okay it will be pizza. How about you go take a shower and relax, and I'll make the pizza?"

She sniffles more as she pulls her head back to look at me "you'd do that for me?"

"Of course." I smile sweetly at her.

Anything to get you and your hormones away from me right now... I love you... but Jesus take the wheel.

She dries her eyes and smiles at me "That sounds good, thank you." She hugs me once more before letting go.

"It's no problem, really. Now you go relax, I got this." I shoo her out of the kitchen.

As soon as she's out the door I flatten my back against the wall. Placing one hand on my chest and the other over my mouth, I struggle to keep myself from laughing. I really regret suggesting we look through Pinterest.

Once I calm down, I get to work on the pizza. The one Talia had attempted to make was well, useless. I tossed it in the trash and got started on a whole new one. About forty minutes later I had a pizza that said 'you're gonna be a daddy' with a heart shape all done in pepperoni. Cutting pepperonis wasn't as easy as I expected.

Once I place it in the box I linked Talia to let her know it was done. About twenty minutes later she comes down into the kitchen and takes a big sniff and smiles.

"Mmmm... smells delicious." She says as she deeply inhales once more, I just stare at her dumbfounded.

What the... are you kidding me?! Pregnant women are something else...

I finally smile back at her "I'm glad you like it."

"Like it? I love it! KC will be lucky if he even gets to see a slice of this pizza." She laughs as she lifts the lid of the box giving the pizza a longing look.

I place one hand on my hip and the other closes the box as I stare her down "After the work I put into it he better at least see the whole damn thing. That's the entire reason for the pizza, remember? Plus I'm dying to see his reaction to seeing it."

She laughs and backs up as she places her hands up in surrender "I'm joking, of course he's going to see it. Don't worry, I'm going to record it and you'll be the first I send it to. And thank you for making it."

Just as she finish speaking to me her eyes glaze over slightly, someone's linking her. Once her eyes clear up they go wide as she looks at me.

"He's on his way! I gotta go!"

She gives me a quick hug and grabs the pizza before rushing out of the kitchen shouting out "Thank you!" as she goes.

I just shake my head and smile to myself. I'm honestly really excited about all of this. Her being pregnant, waiting to see KCs reaction, waiting to see all our friends reactions and finally seeing the packs reaction. Just as I finished cleaning up the kitchen Zane walks in.

"Hey." He says while scratching the back of his neck and looking at the floor.

Uh oh...

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