The Corruption

By Katie9950

805 69 2

A pegasus named Diamond, and an earth pony named NightMare, have been at war for centuries. NightMare despera... More

Chapter 1: Fading Faith
Chapter 2: Relationships
Chapter 3: Royal Battles
Chapter 4: The Difference
Chapter 5: A Reason For Corruption
Chapter 6: A Misunderstanding
Chapter 7: Not Enough
Chapter 8: How Foolish Of Me
Chapter 9: Better Ever Since
Chapter 10: Thankful
Chapter 11: Always Welcome
Chapter 12: Seeing A Friend
Chapter 13: Catching Up
Chapter 14: A Stuttering Question
Chapter 15: Picnic Blushes
Chapter 16: Picnic Conversations
Chapter 17: Blushing Whispers
Chapter 18: Making A New Friend
Chapter 19: Traveling Settlement
Chapter 20: The Pie!
Chapter 21: Sweet Confusion
Chapter 22: Flaming Fury
Chapter 23: Evil Idea
Chapter 24: Overthinking
Chapter 25: Lets Have Some Fun
Chapter 26: Relaxing Flight
Chapter 27: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 28: Sleeping With The Stars
Chapter 29: A Shocking Morning
Chapter 30: Panic At The Poster
Chapter 31: Calming Down A Pegasus
Chapter 32: Hyped Up
Chapter 33: Unknown Fear
Chapter 34: A Question Without An Answer
Chapter 35: Flame Of Threats
Chapter 36: Worried Pacing
Chapter 37: Painful Waiting
Chapter 38: Were Coming
Chapter 39: Painful Relief
Chapter 40: Your Fault
Chapter 41: A Threatening Situation
Chapter 42: Disbelief
Chapter 43: Doing What You Have To Do
Chapter 44: Me And My Big Mouth
Chapter 45: Behind The Cave Bars
Chapter 46: The Parasite
Chapter 47: Confused Exhaustion
Chapter 48: Finding Friends
Chapter 49: Helping Out
Chapter 50: Doing Your Part
Chapter 51: Wanting To Come
Chapter 52: Stay A Little Longer
Chapter 53: Greeted With A Hug
Chapter 54: Pony With A Plan
Chapter 55: Getting To Work
Chapter 56: Greeted By Royalty
Chapter 57: Warning The Princess
Chapter 58: Needing Help
Chapter 59: Praying For Help
Chapter 60: A Light From Above
Chapter 61: Will You Help Us?
Chapter 62: Centuries Of Tears
Chapter 63: Angry But Sad
Chapter 64: Staying In Control
Chapter 65: Taking Control
Chapter 66: Are You An Angel?
Chapter 67: Dangerous Capabilities
Chapter 68: Sudden Appearance
Chapter 69: Am I Important?
Chapter 70: Leaving & Coming
Chapter 71: Powerful Surprise
Chapter 72: Taking A Stand
Chapter 73: Struggle To Defend
Chapter 74: At The Drop Of Blood
Chapter 75: The Wind Of A Princess
Chapter 76: Worried Recovery
Chapter 77: Embracing A Friend
Chapter 78: The More The Merrier
Chapter 79: Pacing With Worry
Chapter 80: Doubt Of My Part
Chapter 81: Waking Up Confused
Chapter 82: Fearful Shadow
Chapter 83: Corrupted Princesses
Chapter 84: Am I Dreaming?
Chapter 85: Glowing Figure
Chapter 86: Who are you?
Chapter 87: I Am You!
Chapter 88: Slow Process
Chapter 89:Dont Underestimate The Power Of The Corruption
Chapter 91: Heading Home
Chapter 92: Embrace The Worried
Chapter 93: Curious Eyes
Chapter 94: I'll Be Fine
Chapter 95: Sneaking Out
Chapter 96: Bumping Into The Right Person
Chapter 97: Unexpected Eyes
Chapter 98: She Dissapeared?!
Chapter 99: Confused Tears
Chapter 100: Walking Away
Chapter 101: Familiar Awakening
Chapter 102: Aware Of You
Chapter 103: I'm A Pawn
Chapter 104: Forceful Understanding
Chapter 105: Looking In The Mirror
Chapter 106: Confessing
Chapter 107: Do It Together
Chapter 108: Getting Some Ideas
Chapter 109: Impatient Aggrevation
Chapter 110: Loosing Control
Chapter 111: Fears Coming True
Chaoter 112: Causing Pain
Chapter 113: Changing From The Inside Out
Chapter 114: Planning Royal Help
Chapter 115: Unexpected Company
Chapter 116: Can We Trust You?
Chapter 117: Frozen Face Expressions
Chapter 118: Dont Be Surprised
Chapter 119: Get Used To It
Chapter 120: Pointless To Fight
Chapter 121: I'll Never Give Up
Chapter 122: Word Of Power
Chapter 123: Escape From Hell
Chapter 124: Thinking Of Those In Need
Chapter 125: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 126: No More Corruptions
Chapter 127: Relief To Be Me
Chapter 128: A Week Being Free
Chapter 129: Thank You

Chapter 90: Now Isn't A Good Time

3 0 0
By Katie9950

Diamond starts thinking about everything. All the thoughts filling her head made her dizzy. Everything around her then started spinning. Diamond falls to the ground, to dizzy to stand up. The impact of hitting the ground then caused her to faint. Before she was totally out, she heard a faint evil laugh come from Desolation.

*Pinkies POV*

The three ponies, including the Princess, all stand around Diamonds bed. Diamonds expressions had been changing while she sleeps. Out of all the expressions though, there was not a single smile.
Pinkie flies up a bit to stretch her wings.

-Pinkie: Maybe we should come back later. She seems to be in deep sleep.

-Princess Velvet Sunset: I agree. She needs her rest, and I believe Galaxy needs to get home to her family. Your daughter is probably worried sick.

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