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"you're my endorphin, bae. you make me feel good." She told me with all the sincerity and love inside of her... More



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(here's the chapter, I hope you enjoy!)





𝘼𝙐𝙂𝙐𝙎𝙏 29𝙩𝙝 2021



10:32 𝘼𝙈


"Hi Lauren!"

I waddled over to Lauren and I embraced her in a faint hug, I didn't want to squeeze her too hard, because beyonce says that I don't know my own strength when it comes to hugging now. She smiled back at me as I looked around her apartment.

"Hi, Nikabear! I just have to get my purse and I'll be ready to go! I have to get my children back from school by 2;30, so we have a couple of hours to shop around before then, Is Beyonce outside waiting for you?" I nodded with a smile.

Beyonce wanted to stay in the car and wait for me because she swore she was uncomfortable in other people's houses. I didn't necessarily blame her though, knowing her she'd probably just stand there awkwardly with a mug on her face. That's my baby though. She had been in a bad mood today, I think she is feeling a little jittery because it is getting closer and closer to the due date of Ciel.

I choose not to bother her right now, but I can tell she's nervous, I'm nervous too, but I cant necessarily do anything but comfort her, She's always wanted this and i'm glad that I can finally give it to her. I know she will feel better as the day progresses, Beyonce is always like that, she had minor mood swings through out the day, I learned that through observing her mannerisms, I know what irritates her and when to bother her or not.

I just can't help but feel a little insecure about how the baby will shift our dynamic. Will she still find me attractive as much as she did when she first saw me? I know childbirth can take a certain toll on your figure, hence the way you appear to the outside world. Sighing, I brushed my hair out of my face and put on a smile, I couldn't stress myself out with things like this, especially since I've always been so nervous, This could trigger a panic attack, and I can't afford that, not with the baby so near.

Lauren came back with her purse swinging over her shoulder and she smiled at me, her hazel cheek imprinting a small dimple at the flexing of her jaw. Lauren is so beautiful.

"Ready to go Nika?" Nodding my head, I adjusted my olive green Chanel handbag on shoulder.

"Yes, let us venture onward!" She giggled and lead me out of the door, locking it behind her. I got into the car where Yonnie was sitting there waiting for me with a small smile on her face. Lauren said that she would take her car and follow us there. It made since, especially since she has to get her sons after.

Putting my handbag in one of the many holsters of the car, I put on my seatbelt and adjusted the chair to my liking, as I was fumbling with the seat, I heard Beyonce chuckle from beside me. Looking up at her, I smiled. I wonder if she's feeling a little better? She has a habit of bottling things up, and I want to be somebody that she can talk to, I don't want her to carry all of this anger and resentment with her all the time, It's not good for her; for anybody in that matter.

I softy spoke to her in a calm tone, i wasn't sure if she was "fucking with me" right now, as you would say.

"Hi, Yonnie." She stared at me for a few seconds until her face broke out into a big smile, showcasing all of her pearly, straight teeth.

"Hey Baby, You feeling alright? Is my son good?"

She put her larger hand on my protruding stomach, rubbing it around in circles, despite her recent mood swings, she has been increasingly calm with me. I hope this is helping with with communicating her feelings better. I placed my hands on top of hers, following her movements, our hands now going in circles around my stomach.

"Yes, I'm feeling fine, and you soon is as well. Are you?"

I hope that she'll open up to me about how she's been fairing lately, she hasn't necessarily been her usual confident self, even when she isn't having a mood swing. Blowing a deep breath out of her nose, she sighed. Taking her hand off of my stomach, she placed both of them at 10 and 2 on the steering wheel, her tattooed arms flexing with every movement she makes as she pulls off from the pavement of Lauren's driveway.

"I'm just nervous, that I won't be a good parent you know? This is like my first child, and I gotta admit, i'm mad scared." Looking ahead, I could feel her mood change, she's doubting herself, her eyebrows always furrow when she does that. I gasped at her self doubt and she glanced over at me quickly with a worried expression.

"You good baby--my son straight? you needa go to the-" I waved my hands around to stop her incessant rambling. I looked at her with love in my eyes.

"Yonnie, i'm fine! But you can't doubt yourself like that! I was just surprised at you. I promise that you'll be a great parent, you're already a great parent to Chocolate! And you treat me with so much love and respect, there's no doubt in my mind that you'll be amazing, and I'll be right there by your side." I finished my sentence with a smile.

This seemed to cheer her up and she rolled her eyes at me playfully. As we stopped at a red light, she leaned down to my chubby cheek and placed a kiss on it. Feeling my heart flutter, I kissed her back. I swear I fall more and more in love with this woman every day. She stared at me and smiled.

"Thanks Ma, I feel better.."

I nodded adjusted my seatbelt again, planting both of my hands on the sides of the big seat. Kicking my feet back and forth I made a noise of agreeance and smiled.

"Of course! That's what I'm here for!" She looked at me with a certain sparkle in her eyes that I couldn't figure out. She focused back onto the road and bit her lip.

"Yeah." She muttered.




I waddled ahead of Yonnie while Lauren stayed besides me. Beyonce always does this, stays behind while I walk ahead of her. She says it's to protect me. How sweet. We were in the baby clothes isle searching for some things for our baby boy. Lauren had went to the other end of the section, and it was our strategy to work our way into the middle then compare the clothes we got.

I figured it would be nice to Invite Lauren because she has two sons herself, so she probably knows a lot about children, plus I'm her friend and I don't really spend as much time with her as I should. She always ahs to go to work, while I stay at home and be a pregnant lady. I do miss my job though, when Beyonce found out I was pregnant she made me stay with her and I couldn't come anymore. I eventually quite and I told them it was because of a "family emergency".

Admittedly, I miss work though, I loved the children i was around, being a nurse, I wanted to always be around children, and they always loved me. I have a few children that I miss seeing, I wonder what they're doing right now? I hadn't bothered to really think about it, but maybe a few months after Ciel is born, I could go back to work? I'd have to ask Bey about it. I love her, but I don't want to be completely dependent on her all the time. I want to be able to have my own money and care for myself when she isn't around.

It gets lonely sometimes when Yonnie is out on business and I'm bored at home with chocolate. I try to occupy myself with weird stuff like trying to learn to swim, I giggled at the thought. Bey and I should go to a waterpark or theme park when some time after Ciel is born, I think that'd be nice for us. Bonding as a new family, adorable. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I turned around to be faced with my wife. She was holding a pack of tampons and a pack of pads. She also had some baby diapers in her assigned cart. Looking at her, I raised my eyebrow in surprise.

"Yes Love?" She grunted and handed me the packages almost robotically.

"These for yo' pussy right?"

"Yes Yonnie, why do you have them?" She put her hand son her hips and rolled her eyes, flexing her jaw, she smacked her teeth and gestured her free hand to my lower genital area. The face tattoo under her eye moved as she gestured my body.

"For when you start bleedin'! Duh!" Okay Miss attitude. I slowly took the packages and placed them into the cart, with Yonnie still staring at me, I glanced back to her looking confused. Turning to her, I giggled.

"Watchu' laughin' fore?"

"Baby, I don't have my menstrual cycle because I am impregnated!" She glared at me.

"What the hell is impregnated and why do it sound bad?"


"Yonnie, It means i'm PREGNANT, hence, my protruding stomach, and the reason we are here today?"

Her eyes widened and she nodded her head slightly.

"Awe, well why ain' you jus' say that?"

Good Greif.

"That's what I meant love."

"Well you can still get um for when you push my son out." I looked at her in surprise.

"Wow, that's a great idea baby!" She began to smirk, oh lord.

"Yeen let me finish. Thas' if you make it to yo' six weeks untouched..." Looking me up and down, she bit her lip.

"Geez, I haven't even got this one out yet!" I laughed.

"Yeah but i'm talkin' bout when he get out."

"What makes you think I'll get pregnant again?"

She wrapped her arms around my waist and brought me to her, she smelled so good. leaning down to bite on my hear, she started to leave a hickey on my neck.

"Cuz I know you gon' give me my football team, ain' you?"

Her voice was so deep and sultry. I pulled away from her and looked her up and down. She had on some black bottega combat boots with some grey sweatpants, she wore a black tee-shirt with some simple diamond chains hanging from her tattooed neck. Her curly hair was put up into a ponytail in the middle of her head. she had on her grills as usual. This woman was so fine and she was all mines. She could have all the children she wants from me.

"Mhm.." I looked at her, biting my lip. She smirked.

"you like watchu' see?"

"mhm.. can we go home?" I was tugging on her sweatshirt, She makes me so horny. She let out a deep laugh and removed my hand form her and intertwined it with her larger one.

"No baby, later I promise." Sighing, I pushed the cart with my free hand.

"Okay.." I know I was pouting, I didn't care, I wanted some dick.

Beyoncé's hand wrapped around my throat, gripping it slightly, but not too hard, just enough to let me know she was serious. She whispered into my ear sternly.

"Don' you fuckin' dare act a fool in this store, for I take you inside that bathroom an' fuck you up.." I whimpered, this was torture.

"But I just want to suck it.."

"Onika." Oh, she was serious, she never uses my real name.

"I'm sorry baby..." She nodded.

"Ian' mad. is yo' hormones. Come on, We gotta shop for my son. I want 5 kids by the way."


"UNT UNT!" She laughed at my reaction.

"Mmcht. Why?"

"You don't have to push them out of your Vagina!"

"Iont gotta puss-"







"3?" she nodded with a smile.

"Is that good baby?"

"Yeah, I know twins run in my genes anyway so i'm good."


"Nun." Beyonce smiled and rubbed my waist, I was kind of tried.

"You tired mama?"

"Yes baby.." She nodded and picked me up, placing me inside the cart. I giggled, feeling like a child.

"Ma how big yo' pussy is?"

I- that's a new question.

"I'm not quite sure, pads usually go by flow heaviness, not how "fat" somebody's vaginal width is." I explained to her slowly.

She smirked.

"Well I gotchu' the largest size since you be takin' all this dick I got." She said with a proud smile, Nodding. I gestured with my hands for her to lean over to me. She did as told.

"I love you Yonnie."

"I luh' you too." I hugged her and told her to get the blue shirt that i saw on the rack. Lauren had come back with a bunch of clothing by now.

"Hey Mother and Mother! You want to see some of the clothes I found?" I nodded and Beyonce verbalized my response.


She nodded and put her hands back in her Jogging pants pockets.

Lauren showed us all of the cute clothes she thought of for Ciel. I loved them and so did Beyonce, we continued to look though, Beyonce pushed the cart with me in it while observing the clothing. I felt safe by her presence. We kept looking around until beyonce found all of the stud clothing. Here we go.

"Mink! Watchu think you like this?!" She exclaimed holding up a white t-shirt and some jeans. Golly, she's about to be dressing our son just like her. I nod my head and smile at her choice. It's fine, as long as she's enjoying herself.

It was so cute, she was smiling wide and showing me the clothing. It was honestly such a cute sight. Our dynamic is so cute, She actually doesn't talk much unless it's around me or her workers, and even when she talks to them, her speech is limited. as where i'm always singing or talking to myself, she is silent in the comfort of herself. I smile thinking about it, it's so interesting to see her like this, all excited.

I'm so happy I can do this for her, she's been through so much, and I know she's wanted this all her life. She had picked out all these sweat suits and little gym shoes for the baby about now and it hasn't even got here. I ordered some strollers and other basic things that I'll need, i'm putting together a nursery for the baby when he gets a little bit older, but until then, he'll sleep in our room.

Lauren and I were just talking about the baby. She stood besides me while I sat in the cart. We heard beyonce muttering and smiling to herself. She was trying to see if the pacifiers we got for the baby were the correct size. She came over to me and smiled.

"I can't wait for my son to get here.." She wrapped her arms around my waist as best as she could, due to the hinderance of the cart and kissed my neck. giggling i leaned into her embrace. She mumbled into my neck, I caught a whiff of her minty breath.

"I Luh' you so much.." A tint of red flew across my cheeks. She's making me so flustered, i'm already hormonal! Reaching my hand up t caress the sides of her face, I rubbed on her chiseled cheek lovingly. For her body to be so soft, she sure had a jawline.

'I love you too Baby."

"AWWWWW!" Lauren was instigating us and taking a picture with her phone. She giggled and started singing.


I burst out laughing with a cackle while Beyonce just rolled her eyes playfully. She had grown to be a little more cordial of Lauren, and I appreciated that. I was glad to have her because her and Carl were like my only friends. I wanted to take Carl to the barbershop with Beyonce and I when we got home too, She said she needed to get her hair cut.

"WHAT? You guys are adorable!!" I waved her off with the shake of my hand and looked off shyly. Beyonce nodded once.


I noticed many things about Yonnie, one of them was how she often said 'thank you' and your welcome. It's always "yeah.' Pretty funny to be honest. We all laughed a little and continued to look for more clothes.

We shopped and browsed for a few more hours, We didn't just stay inside the target though, we went to a couple of stores, and Bey's truck ended up being filled with all sorts of things. She really went all out, and I could tell she did her research because she seemed very mindful. We eventually said bye to Lauren in the parking lot and now we were on our way to the barbershop.

She was driving with one hand on the wheel like always. Admiring her features, I sat back in the passenger seat and let out a deep breath.

"Yonnie!" She jutted her head up at me, her eyes still on the road.

"Yeah Ma?"

"What are you getting at the barbershop?" Her eyebrows scrunched up in mild thought.

"I guess Imma get a line up. I lowkey want to cut my hair off and get a fade,but then I'll look too much like a nigga."

"Well, I mean, you already do look so much like one, so I guess your correct!"

She chuckled, her deep laugh vibrating through the car as the bass blasted through the speakers, she turned it down a little so it was bearable for me. I silently thanked her and she smile din acknowledgement.

"What're you laughing at?"

"I'm jus' rememberin' when you couldn't figure out if I was a nigga or not. Had you so fucking confused for those few days!" She snickered at me and I blushed in embarrassment.

"Okay but can you blame me! You look so ambiguous! I couldn't tell! Damn near everyone calls you sir!" I laughed along with her.

"Yeah, I know, it was just funny seeing you confused, I knew you were confused when I saw you at the club. Shaking and everything."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my caramel arms over my swollen breasts.

"Bye Yonnie!" I playfully retorted.

"Mmcht, yeah aight."

I enjoyed her company.





I pulled up tot he barbershop and looked at Mink. She usually don't go with me but I wanted to have her wait for me so I could show her off to everyone. I knew the owner personally, He was Chris' dad. He was pretty cool, and always got me right when I needed it. I think it was because he was scared of me though, In fact I think I scared most men.

I looked at my beautiful baby and smiled at her. Look looked over to me form playing with the hem of her little Microsoft shirt. She smiling, the action letting her chubby cheeks and beautiful dimples pop out.


"Yes Love?"

"We here, you ready to come in wimmie?"

She nodded her head excitedly. There wasn't anything to be excited for forreal. I jus' think she ain' never been to a barbershop before, she was clapping and shit. Something tells me Mink jus' been sheltered all her life. I nodded my head towards the door and got out of the car, going over to open the door for her.

Picking her up, she latched her arms around my neck and her legs behind my small waist. She was tracing my tattoos with her finger as I closed the door and locked my car. She suddenly gasped and I smirked, she found it.

"Yonnie! Is this forreal??!" I nodded, smiling at her.


"Yeah, two actually." She smiled at me and started kissing all over my face, almost throwing me off balance. She got me looking real crazy in this parking lot. I laughed at her dramatic display of affection.

'It was gon' happen sooner or later. I love you." She rested her head in my neck and muttered into me. I couldn't hear her the first time so I told her to repeat. She picked her head up and stared into my eyes.

'I said I love you so much.." Her brown orbs boring into my hazel ones. I smirked and nodded at her.

"I got you two times on my neck because my heart beats two times faster whenever i'm around you. That sounded corny as a bitch but i'm still savin' some space fore my kids." I concluded with a smile.

"I'm going to get your name tattooed on me too. We have soul ties now, You've made my life so much better, thank you for everything Beyonce."

"Of course, you the love of my life, Its jus' what I wanted to do." I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"You ready to go in now baby?"

She was sobbing now, and I just shook my head at her. I had been saving some free space on my neck and I got "OTM" tattooed on the side of it, on the front of my neck, above my Addams Apple, I got "MINK" tattooed on there as well. I meant it when I said I loved her, she meant everything to me and I know I found my soulmate, I had got it about two days ago when I was out for business. It's not like I was hiding it or anything, I guess she just finally noticed.

"Yes, i'm ready!" Keep carrying me please...."

She rubbed her big head on my neck, It was still slightly sensitive but I liked the pain. I think I might be a masochist somewhat, this shit felt good. I bit my lip, she was gon' make me act up.

"Ma, c'mon, you kissin' and rubbin' on my neck and shit is makin' me feel some typa way, come on fore I walk in there on hard." She immediately shot up and sniffled. She so cute.

"Okay baby."

We walked in and as usual everyone's eyes were on me. I saw the usual suspects, the owner, a couple of studs, wannabe thugs, and normal patrons. They all shivered at the sight of me. I let off an especially dark aura this time, Mink was here and I don't want no problems. The Chris dad came up to me with a smile and I adjusted Mink on my other arm while dapping him up.

"Hey BK, you want your usual line?" I nodded with a small smile, he was always real cordial to me, He knows that Chris works for me, and I always make sure to pay him enough to sustain his family. I respected him, and I talked to him a little now and then when I come over Chris' house to play the game.

Speaking of that, when I get home, I need to hop on it. I ain't played in a while.

"Yeah, Jus' ,my usual. This my Wife."

He looked at her with a smile and held his hand out. Mink grabbed his hand and shook it firmly. Ole professional businessman acting ass. She so white acting sometimes. I'm damn sure if she ain't find me or date Meek, she would end up with some white man named Watson or some shit.

" Hello! Very pleasure to make your acquaintance!" Smiling wide, her pretty white teeth showed. Clinton looked at me in slight confusion. I nodded.

"You gon' get used to it. She said it's nice to meet you." She snapped his fingers and chuckled. Turning back to Onika he grinned.

"It's nice to meet you too. BK, you got a baby on the way?" I nodded.

"Yeah, she all mine."

I glared at the rest of the people in the shop who were just staring at her. Once they felt my stair they eventually backed off and minded they fuckin' business. They knew not to fuck with me today.

"Oh! Alright, well come on and let me get you right!" I went over to the chair and sat down with Mink in my lap. She laid against me and played Roblox on her little phone while I got my hair cut.


We just got out of the barbershop and I looked at myself through the rearview Mirror. I looked good as a bitch. He really got me right. Mink looked at me all lustfully, she liked my haircut too i guess. He had gave a nice ass line, and haircut that faded into my long curls. Mink suggested it, and i was fuckin' with it. Something different.

Driving home and pulling into my driveway, I had picked up Mink and taken her into the house with me. her ass was sleep and drool was coming out of her mouth.

Ole pregnant ass.

Shaking my head, I kicked the door closed behind me and sat her at the dinner table. I heated up the left over Chinese food that her ass ordered. We were still eating on this shit, I ain never letting her order again.

I then heard an irritated squawk and turned around to the most terrifying surprise of my life.

Chicken nigga was sitting on the table staring at me with a fucking mug. Who the fuck let this ANIMAL roam freely around the house. I smacked my lips, Mink did this shit. He jumped on my face and started pecking me, making me drop the food, we were wresting on the floor for a good minute, me screaming and yelling.





Mink had finally popped up from her seat and looked over at the mess me were making on the floor, she hurriedly picked him off of me and placed him on top of the table. There were father sin my hair and I was breathing hair. I swear I hate him.

"Baby! Are you alright!?" Mink checked my body for any injuries and scratches. My baby so cute but I don't know why she like that chicken so much.

"I'm good baby." She looked up at me shyly.

"I'm sorry daddy, I was sleep.." I chuckled as she tried to get on her tip toes to kiss me. I leaned down to her level and kissed her. The kiss started to get nasty and I started feeling on her ass. I was about to deepen the kiss when chicken nigga started again.

I kissed my teeth.

"Mane Chocolate will you shut the fuck up!? Like damn!" Mink gasped.

Here she come to this nigga defense, like he ain' just attack me. She grabbed it and started to pet it, looking up at me, she gave me puppy eyes.

"Yonnie! Don't be mad, maybe it's just his love language! You know he has abandonment issues and ADHD!" I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips.

"ADHD?- How come he only got it with me then??"



"Awe, I'll make it up to you love!" She said, smirking. and trying to run her hands through my hair to get the feathers out.

"Even with feathers in your hair you still look ravishing! only 8% of humans can truly cultivate hormonal attractiveness." I raised my eyebrow at her, I loved when she talks like that. I pulled her into me.

"You know I love when you talk that scientific shit..." She rubbed on my body, stopping at my print.

"Will you allow me to collect some data to prove my hypothesis?"

"And whas' yo' hypothesis?" She whispered into my ear, pulling on my collar to get my face down to her level.

"That I can make you orgasm 3 times in under 10 minutes..." I smirked.

"Let's go test that theory. You good with that?"


"What about the animal?" She waved me off and smiled.

"He roams around the house, He'll be fine!" I nodded, my eyes low.

"Aight, c'mon baby."

She nodded and kissed me again, I picked her up and descended up the stairs. I feel like i'm in heaven. She's made me so happy.

I been through so much shit, and now after all these years I got all this love.

I feel so happy.


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𝘽𝙄𝙂 𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎 𝙃𝘼𝙋𝙋𝙀𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙉𝙀𝙓𝙏 𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙋𝙏𝙀𝙍! (𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙖 𝙛𝙚𝙬 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙞𝙢 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨! )


((𝙗𝙩𝙬 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞'𝙢 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙨𝙤 𝙛𝙖𝙧! 𝙄 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙞𝙩! <3!))




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