Austin Mahone Imagines.

By CookieMonster101010

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Just loads of Austin Mahone Imagines that I made for all you beautiful people. Read to get the feels :') All... More

Imagine 1# - Movies
Imagine 2# - Interview
Imagine 3# -Joker
Imagine 4# - Music
Imagine 5# - Cinema Date?
Imagine 6# - Concert
Imagine 7# -Possesive?
Imagine 8# -Meeting him
Imagine 9# - Unexpected
Imagine 10# - Not a bad boy?
Imagine 11# - Hanging out
Imagine 12# -Caught on camera
Imagine 13# -Blind date
Imagine 14# - Singing to you
Imagine 15# - Meet & Greet
Imagine 16# - Bad Boy
Imagine 17# - Prom
Authors Note ***Important***
Imagine 18# -Fighting
Imagine 19# -Awkward
Imagine 20# -Knew it
Imagine 21# - Special
Imagine 22#-Embarrassed
Imagine 23# - Oops
Imagine 24# - Problems
Imagine 25# - Winner
Imagine 26# - Relationship Goals
Imagine 27# - Christmas Spirit
Imagine 28# - Classic
Imagine 29# - Wedding
Imagine 30# - Cute
Imagine 31# - Sorry
Imagine 32# - Surprise
Imagine 33# - Brother
Imagine 34# - Proposal
Imagine 35# - Sign Language
Preference 1# How Austin Asks You To Prom
Preference 2# Your Names In Eachother's Phones
Preference 3# The TV Show You Both Watch
Preference 4# - Him As Your Brother
Preference 5# Fall By Justin Bieber
Imagine 37# - Jealousy

Imagine 36# - Theme Park

821 25 20
By CookieMonster101010

Imagine going with Austin and 'The Crew' to the Theme Park:

You and 'The Crew' ;  Austin, Alex , Robert and Zach have always been close, from the day you all met at Austin's house.

Today was an average day filled with boredom so you decided to phone up 'The Crew' to hang out which they agreed to, almost immediately.

Soon enough the doorbell rung multiple times, letting you know that they had arrived.

You let them in as you opened the door for them.

They all greeted you with a quick hug.

You closed the door behind when they were all inside and you headed straight to the living room since you knew that's where they would most likely be.

"Hey {y/n}! Do you have any other plans today or is it just hanging with us?" Robert boldly asked. "Umm... I honestly didn't really plan anything so I was just hoping I could get you all to hang out with me" you responded with a slight shrug.

"Well... We knew you would probably not have any other plans because we're pretty much the only people you are friends with" Zach said and as soon as he'd finished talking, you sat on the couch and threw a cushion right at his face but sadly he caught it before it could've smacked him.

"I have plenty of friends Zachary." you protested as you crossed your arms over your chest.

"Yeah, yeah" Zach rolled his eyes at you whilst shaking his head from side to side.

"Zach, you're just too self-absorbed to notice" you muttered loud enough for him to hear.

"Uhh I feel extremely offended. Plus, that's not me, that's Robert you're describing" Zach pointed at Robert who was casually sitting on the couch with his feet on the table, trying to get comfortable.

"Woah I am not self-absorbed. Zachary over there, just doesn't want to know the truth so he passes it on to me because I'm an easy target." Robert complained as he crossed his arms.

Austin begun to errupt into fits of laughter, finding it difficult to breath.

"Alright, guys stop. There's too much banter here that I can't catch my breath." Austin coughed trying to get oxygen back into his lungs.

Zach, Robert and you raised your eyebrows at Austin clearly not amused.

"Sooo how about we go to Alton Towers?" Alex suggested, bringing back the good vibes into the atmosphere.

"Sounds good to me" Zach said with a smile growing on his lips.

"I'm up for it!" Robert said as he stood up with a huge grin.

"Alright, I'm cool with it are you {y/n}?" Austin asked you with an innocent look in his eyes, pleading you to say 'yes'.

"Hmm sure. Let's get going then" you told them as you got your jacket and Austin grabbed his car keys, following you closely behind.

You were all squeezed into Austin's patterned Range Rover as he begun to drive.

"Yo! put some music on!" Zach yelled at Austin who was currently waiting at a red traffic light.

Austin touched a button that switched on the radio and soon enough the empty spaces began to fill up with the melodies of the songs playing.

A familiar song begun to play and you all started to grow smiles.

"HOLY SHIT IT'S MY JAM! HOLD MY BAG ALEX!" Robert yelled as he threw his bag over to Alex who sat on the other side of you.

"TURN IT UP!" Robert continued to yell as Austin turned the volume higher making Robert dance aggresively in his seat beside you.


"OH, DID I SAY TOO MUCH? I'M SO IN MY HEAD WHEN WE'RE OUT OF TOUCH. I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE YOU AND I WANT YOU. DO YOU WANT ME? DO YOU WANT ME TOO?" Zach joined Robert singing at the top of their lungs whilst moving constantly to the rhythm.

"It's like everything you say is a sweet revelation." you sang the beginning of the second verse.

"All I wanna do is get into your head" Alex continued the song with a huge grin expanding over his face.

"Yeah we could stay alone, you and me, in this temptation." Austin added whilst bopping his head to the beat.

"Sipping on your lips, hanging on by thread, baby."  Zach sang with all of you.

"LATE NIGHT, WATCHING TELEVISION BUT HOW'D WE GET IN THIS POSITION?" Robert begun to scream making yall roll down the windows.

"IT'S WAY TOO SOON, I KNOW THIS ISN'T LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Austin yelled, anticipation floating around in the atmosphere.

Everyone went silent and looked at you, waiting for you to say the next line.

"But I need to tell you something" you said whilst wiggling your eyebrows.


After the song ended, you guys had arrived at the theme park and you could feel the eagerness in the atmosphere.

You all ran out of the car and joined the queue to get your tickets that will allow you all to go on any ride you wish to go to.

When you all had your tickets, Robert decided he wanted to try out the Smiler.

"Are you seriously going on that? Last time there was an accident on it and some teenagers got really badly injured." Alex tried to reason with Robert but he was determined to go on it so you all just let him do what he wanted.

"You know what? YOLO. See ya in the after life." Robert yelled as he ran up to a group of children who were waiting to go on the same ride.

"Let's hope he'll be alright" you said slightly unsure if to pull him out of the queue.

"We can all go on Oblivion whilst Robert's on the Smiler?" Zach suggested whilst pointing to a rollercoaster that was filling the air with screams from the people currently on it.

You all agreed to go on Oblivion, you squelling at every drop, Zach closing his eyes for most of it whilst pulling the wierdest faces, Austin laughing like a maniac at each turn the rollercoaster took and Alex crying at the speed of every movement.

By the time you all hopped off the ride, Robert stood outside the Smiler, extremely pale almost like he'd seen a ghost.

"Rob you okay?" Austin asked beginning to worry about his friend's health.

"That was terrifying and at one point the ride stopped due to technical difficulties and I wanted to get off but they wouldn't let me" Robert explained with pure fear in his eyes as he slightly begun to shake at the memory.

"So basically you shit your pants" Alex summarised with a small chuckle.

"Look who's talking the one who was crying throughout the whole ride on Oblivion" Zach commented whilst rolling his eyes.

"Let's just go on another ride." you broke up the tension between the three of them.

"Let's go on Thirteen" Zach exclaimed whilst he pumped his fist in the air due to his sudden idea.

You sat next to Austin in one of the carriges, the nerves building up inside of you as the man pulled down the bar that would hold you both safely inside.

"Are you nervous?" Austin asked you, with a sincere smile.

"A bit" you gave him a cheesy grin, forcefully showing off your teeth at him.

"Don't be. Just have fun, keep your eyes open and enjoy my company" Austin wiggled his eyebrows trying to make you laugh which he succeded.

"You are soo cocky it's ridiculous" you playfully rolled your eyes at him, giving him a light punch in the arm.

"COME ON, START THE RIDE!" you heard Robert yelling at the man.

"Okay in 3,2,1 Have a great time!" the man shouted as he pressed the green button after his countdown, making everyone shout in fear of what's to come.

While the rollercoaster followed its circuit, Austin entwined his fingers with yours as you both grinned and laughed at the sound of people screaming.

When the rollercoaster dropped, you shut your eyes tightly whilst squeezing Austin's hand which comforted you as he rubbed his thumb over your hand to calm you down.

Then the ride begun to go backwards which shocked you, making you open your eyes almost immediately.

"SHIT I'M GONNA DIE RIGHT HERE! ON THIS RIDE! HELP ME MUMMY!" you heard Alex yell in fear which made Austin and you share a knowingly look whilst letting out a chuckle.

"ALEX I LOVE YOU! REMEMBER ME WHEN I'M GONE!!!" Robert shouted making Austin burst into fits of laughter as your smile grew wider whilst the rollercoaster kept going backwards.

"I'M DYING ALREADY! AUSTIN, {Y/N} I LOVE YOU BOTH AND I HOPE YOU LOVE ME BACK!" Zach screamed at the top of his lungs making you cringe as the ride came to a hault.

Everything was silent until Austin begun to scream like a little girl when the ride had already ended, pretending to be terrifed just to make everyone laugh.

"Young man, the ride is over no need to scream." one of the guys dressed in a black coat making them seem mysterious and creepy tapped Austin on the shoulder making him shut up.


"Austin stop lying. I never screamed" Robert said clearly in denial, not wanting to embarrass himself whilst crossing his arms over his chest, shaking his head from left to right.

"Robert this recording says otherwise" Austin said whilst holding up a DVD which he purchised from the shop that showed all of your reactions on the ride.

"What the--- Hey! Give that to me!" Robert came to the relization he could be watching himself being a wimp and tried to grab the DVD from Austin clearly desparate.

"Wait till we get home and watch this" Austin said giving Robert the most evil and wicked smile you had ever seen making you chuckle.

"Ha Robert you're such a child" Zach teased him whilst sticking his tongue out at poor Robert.

"Don't think your screaming isn't on the tape because it is" Austin told Zach whilst raising an eyebrow at him in disapproval.

"Well I'm dead" Zach said whilst hiding his face in-between his hands.

"Alex you're on it too so don't think you can get away soo fast" Austin said to Alex who wanted to sneak out of the drama, going unnoticed before Austin called him out.

"How about we go to the booth and take some fun photos to remember this?" you suggested, trying to break the ice.

You all agreed and slid into a booth that captured 4 pictures of you all doing silly faces, smiling, holding up random gang signs and Austin sneakly moving your face towards his making you both kiss.

Once you collected the pictures Robert, Zach and Alex begun to wolf whistle as they saw the image of Austin and you kissing making you feel sheepish.

"Hey guys wanna go cinema? I'm sure we'll be able to catch the last session for the new movie!" Alex suggested clearly enthusiastic.

"Sure" you all replied in unison.

------------------------------ In the Theatre ------------------------------

"Who's gonna sit with who?" Zach questionned, raising his eyebrows at you all.

"I'll sit next to Robert" Alex said with a friendly smile.

"I'll sit next to Alex then" you stated whilst wrapping your arm around Alex's shoulder in a playful manner.

"And I'll be next to {y/n}" Austin said whilst snaking his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him and away from Alex.

"I'll be next to Austin then" Zach said as he pressed the small computer screen to select our seats.

-------------------------- During the movie ----------------------------

"Psst Austin can I have some of your drink? mine is finished" you whispered in his ear hoping he'd let you.

"Yeah sure" Austin simply replied, passing you his bottle of water.

When you satisfied your thirst, you gave Austin his drink while snatching a few of his popcorns.

"Hey! That's not fair" he protested in a quiet voice, not wanting to draw attention or disrupt the people watching the film.

"Too bad. I already ate them" you whispered back with a sly grin on your face that was barely visible due to the darkness surrounding you all.

"You owe me" Austin said whilst crossing his arms over his chest, turning his attention back to the movie playing on the screen.

------------------At your house with the boys---------------------

"That movie was sick. I've never been soo amazed in my life" Robert gushed with a wide smile on his face like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

"Robert you've been talking about it the whole hour please shut up" Zach complained, his temper rising by each minute Robert spoke about the film.

"Fine, but it was awesome and you can't deny it" Robert commented as he raised his chin up and closed his eyes while leaning back onto your couch.

"It's getting kinda late, I think I should hed home or else my mum will surely not be happy" Alex said as he stood up, awkwardly sticking his hands in his front jean pockets.

"Me too" Zach joined Alex by the door.

"Well, I guess I should leave aswell. Austin are you coming with us?" Robert asked, patiently waiting with Alex and Zach beside him.

"Yeah, you guys wait outside. I'll be right there in a few" Austin gestured for them to leave.

"Soo you still owe me for stealing my popcorn" Austin stated whilst swinging forwards and backwards on the bawl of his feet.

"You were serious?" you said with your mouth wide open in disbelief.

"Yup. So I was thinking of a way that you could pay me back and fair enough I came up with the perfect idea" Austin said with a smirk slowly appearing on his face.

"Go on, get to the point" you hurried him, already wanting to hear what was his 'perfect' idea.

"Okay, why don't you go on a date with me? as a way to pay me back. You know you owe me so there's no way escaping it" Austin suggested with a sly smirk on his face, knowing you can't say no to him.

"Fine but only because I owe you and you're my best friend" you said finally agreeing to his plans which made him pump his fist in the air and do a wierd victory dance.

"See ya tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 9pm. Be ready for your Prince Charming." Austin said before he left, sending you a cheeky wink and waving a quick good-bye.

I guess you have no choice but to go with Austin and see what happens.

Hey peeps!

I hope you enjoyed that Imagine!!!!!!!!!

Feel free to comment your thoughts or opinion on this Imagine!

I'm gonna start doing perferences aswell so keep an eye out! <3

The song for this Imagine is: I really like you by Carly Rae Jepsen.

Love you all xxxx - CookieMonster101010

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