The Sorcerer's Stone | Hermio...

By MartyMcMe1

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Thomas Jacobs was just a boy who spent all his life in an orphanage. He never knew who his parents were, just... More

Chapter 1: The BOYS Who Lived?
Chapter 2: The Story begins
Chapter 3: The Letter
Chapter 4: You're a wizard
Chapter 5: Getting prepared
Chapter 7: Welcome to...Hogwarts!
Chapter 8: First Day
Chapter 10: Harry Potter vs Draco Malfoy
Chapter 10: The Troll Problem
Chapter 11: Quidditch
Chapter 12: The Christmas Gift
Chapter 13: The Mirror of Erised
Chapter 14: The Forbidden Forest
Chapter 15: The Sorcerer's Stone
Chapter 16: Into the Trapdoor
Chapter 17: The Talking Doors
The End

Chapter 6: The trip to Hogwarts

186 5 1
By MartyMcMe1

Later back in the Leaky Cauldron, Hagrid, Harry and I were at a long table, eating soup. I was thinking of this person Hagrid talked about, you-know-who. Harry was thinking that he killed his parents, I thought the same thing. Everything is too quiet, Hagrid soon notices this and asks, "You all both al' right? You two seem very quiet." Harry decided to speak for both of us, "He killed my parents-he killed our parents, didn't he? The one who gave me this. You know, Hagrid, I know you do." Unlike Harry, I didn't get a scar, as far as I know of. Hagrid sighed and pushed his bowl away, he said, "First, and you both have to understand this, 'cause it's very important. Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago, there was two wizards who went as bad as you can go. The first wizard's name was V-...his name was V-...", "Maybe if you wrote it down?" I asked, "No, I can't spell it." he sighed, "All right." He leaned in and whispered, "Voldemort.", "Voldemort?" Harry said aloud, "Shh!!" Hagrid said, "This wizard might be bad, but then, there is someone else, something else. Some call him a myth, a legend. They say that he could destroy armies with just a snap of his finger. The only one that have ever gone toe to toe with him was Dumbledore... and your  parents, Thomas.", I gulp, was he really that strong? "What's his name?" Harry asks, "No-one has ever figured it out, he just disappeared. But many called him... Azrael, The Dark Horse." Harry and Thomas look around to see if anyone heard the names, the Hagrid spoke, "It was dark times, Harry, dark times. Voldemort and Azrael started to gather some followers, brought 'em over to the dark side. Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead. Both your parents fought against him, but nobody lived once he decided to kill 'em. Nobody...not one. 'Cept you both." 

"Us? Voldemort and Azrael tried to" Harry asks, I'm still processing everything, I fiddled with the Locket around my neck, "Yes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead, Harry. A mark like that only comes from being touched by a curse...and an evil curse at that. And your parents, Thomas, gave you that necklace to protect you, a kind of invisible spell. that's why it took so long for us to find you." I speak up, " What happened You-Know-Who, or Whos?". Hagrid gave a look then said, "Well, some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there, still, too tired to carry on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're both famous. That's why everybody knows your name. You're the boy who lived, Harry. And you, Thomas, you are the boy that lived and got away."

King's Cross Station

Up on a crossing bridge, Harry and Thomas, with their cart of their baggage, equipment and Hedwig and Mist, walk beside Hagrid. A couple look at Hagrid, suspiciously. This causes Hagrid to say, "What're you looking at?", at the couple. Hagrid checked his watch, " Blimey, is that the time? Sorry, Harry, I'm gonna have to leave you both. Dumbledore'll be wanting his- well, he'll be wanting to see me. Now, uh, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here's your tickets." he says. He takes the tickets out of his pocket and gives them to us, he then says, "Stick to it, Harry and Thomas, that's very important. Stick to your ticket." Harry and Thomas look at their tickets with confusion plastered across both their faces, "Platform 9¾? But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake. This says Platform 9¾. There's no such there?" Harry says, but by the time we look up, Hagrid was already gone and they were alone with just each other. 

Harry and Thomas walk down the lane between trains. A man rushes by and says, "Sorry." Thomas sees a guard, "Excuse me, excuse me." Thomas says, trying to get the guard's attention, "Right on your left, ma'am." the guard says, speaking to another woman, he finally looks down at Harry and Thomas, "Excuse me, sir. Can you tell us where we might find Platform 9¾?" The guard, thinking this is a joke and is annoyed, says, "9¾? Think you're being funny, do ya?" He walks off. Harry and Thomas then notice a woman, daughter, and four boys walk by, pushing carts. the woman says, "It's the same year after year. Always packed with Muggles, of course." Harry and Thomas look at each other in surprise, "Muggles?" Harry says. 

The land stops by a platform and says, "Come on. Platform 9¾ this way! All right, Percy, you first." the woman says. Then, a tall boy with red hair, who must've been called Percy, comes forward and runs towards a brick wall. Amazingly, he disappears right into it. Harry and Thomas are amazed, " Fred, you next." the woman says, she refers to 1 of the 2 boys who must've been twins, because they look exactly alike!

"He's not Fred, I am!" The other twin says, "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother." The other twin says. "Oh, I'm sorry, George." the mother apologizes. Fred moves towards the brick wall, stops and says, "I'm only joking. I am Fred." he says, He runs through the wall, and is followed by his twin brother. Harry and Thomas shake their head in disbelief. Harry and Thomas finally build up the courage to ask the woman how to get to Platform 9¾, they walk towards the woman, " Excuse me! C-could you tell us how to-" Harry stumbles upon his words, but the mother knows what he was talking about, "How to get on the platform? Yes, not to worry, dear. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well." She pats a red haired boy who must've been called Ron, who then smiles, she then continues speaking, "Now, all you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." Harry and Thomas ready themselves to run, "Good luck." the daughter of the woman says. Harry and Thomas take a breath, "You ready?" Thomas asks, "Nope. You?" Harry replies back, "Nope." they then both run at the wall, Harry first, then Thomas. They both shut their eyes and emerge on the other side a magnificent station at Platform 9¾ with a red train, which is the Hogwarts Express, and bundles of people. A whistle blows, and Harry and Thomas sigh with relief.

Later on the Hogwarts Express,

Later on, the Hogwarts Express is travelling through the countryside. Harry is in sitting silent as Thomas is reading his Mother's book along with twirling his wand between his fingers. They were both in a train compartment, and Ron appears in the doorway, he asks, "Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full.", "No, not at all." Harry says, Thomas was too focused on his book, Ron sat next to him, he introduced himself, "I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley." Harry shakes his hand, Thomas puts the book down to talk, "I'm Thomas Jacobs, and this is Harry Potter." Ron goes agape, with shock plastered across his face, "So-so it's true? I mean, do you really have the...the..." he refers to Harry, who was just as confused, "The what?" he whispers and asks, "Scar...?", Thomas rolls his eyes as Harry speaks, "Oh." Harry lifts up his hair bangs to reveal the scar, "Wicked. And you, your parents were legends.", "Thanks, don't get that a lot." Thomas replies. A woman with a trolley then comes by the compartment, full of sweets, "Anything off the trolley, dears?" the woman asks, Ron hold up his mooched sandwiches and says, "No, thanks, I'm all set." He smacks his lips, Thomas then decides to do something to help Ron, "We'll take the lot!" Thomas says, holding up a sack of coins, Harry too. "Whoa!" Ron says in amazement.

A bit later, Harry, Ron and Thomas are not sitting together eating bundles of sweets. Ron's rat, Scabbers, is perched on Ron's knee, a box over his head. " Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans?" Harry questions, "They mean every flavour! There's chocolate and peppermint, and there's also spinach, liver and tripe. George sweared he got a bogey-flavoured one once!" Ron said. Harry quickly takes the bean he was chewing out of his mouth, afraid he'll get what George got. Thomas and Harry each pick up a blue and gold package, with chocolate frogs inside of them, Thomas is concerned and asks, "These aren't real chocolate frogs, are they?" Ron then smiles and says, "It's just a spell. Besides, it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard. I got about 500 myself. Harry and Thomas both open the package, and a chocolate frog jumps onto the window and climbs up, "Watch it!" Ron exclaims, "The frog reaches the open gap in the window, and jumps out. Oh, that's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with." Harry looks at the image on his card and sees Dumbledore. Thomas on the other hand looks at his card, but nothing was on it. He saw something deep in the darkness of the card, slowly calling him. Thomas, Thomas! Suddenly, a man appears on the card, but he couldn't see his face, he had a black robe, black...well everything. the man slowly took off his hood, but just as he did, the card cracked and wave of pain ran through his Thomas's fingers, causing Thomas to drop the card. Harry looked at him in concern, "You all right? Who did you get?" Thomas looks back at his card to see Dumbledore there. He shakes his head and picks up the card, pretending nothing happened, "I got... Dumbledore."

"Nice." Ron says. Ron's rat then squeaks, "This is Scabbers, by the way, pathetic, isn't he?"

"A little." Harry says.

"Fred gave me a spell as to turn him yellow. Want to see?" Ron asks excitedly

"Yeah!" Harry and Thomas both say. 

Ron clears his throat and begins to say the spell, "Ahem. Sun-" But he was interrupted by a girl with bushy brown hair, dressed in robes, appears at the doorway.

Thomas pov,

"Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one." she asks.

"No." Ron replies. 

I go back to reading my book so long until Ron did the spell; the girl must've noticed that Ron was doing magic, because she then asked, "Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then." 

Ron cleared his throat again, "Sunshine, daises, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!" He zaps Scabbers, but nothing happens. Ron shrugs. 

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? Of course I've only tried a few simple spells myself, and they've all worked for me. For example..." she says as she comes to sit down next to me, I don't take my eyes off the book. She points her wand at Harry's glasses and he tenses, "Oculus Reparo." she says. The tape on the nose-band of his glasses vanishes, repairing his glasses as if they were good as new. Harry takes them off, amazed. "That's better, isn't it?" 

She then look at me with wide eyes, then back at Harry, "Holy Cricket, you're Harry Potter and Thomas Jacobs!" I do a simple wave, "I'm Hermione Granger...and you are...?" 

She looks at Ron who with his mouth full said, "I'm...Ron Weasley..." 

She looked at him disgustedly, "Pleasure. You two better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon." She said, standing up, I take my eyes off the book and finally look at her. She was...pretty, stubborn, but pretty. What! What am I saying!? She was about to leave when she looked back at Ron, "You've got dirt, on your nose, by the way, did you know? Just there." She points at the dirt on his nose, but Ron scratches his nose, embarrassed. Guess we have to get in our robes now, we're close to Hogwarts.

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