Famous or InFamous (KDA x Mal...

By PrimeJ13

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The story of a young introverted college student who meets new people, comes out of his shell and kicks ass... More

Meet the main characters
Chapter 1: Back to school
Chapter 2: Opening up and a reunion
Chapter 3: Shopping and a chase
Chapter 4: Tension
Chapter 5: Investigation, Confrontation, Revelation
Chapter 6: Collaboration
Chapter 7: All I want for Christmas is you
Chapter 8: Identity revealed
Chapter 9: Dark side
Chapter 10: Stalker alert
Chapter 11: Loss
Chapter 12: Games
Chapter 13: All good things come to an end
Chapter 14: Prison life
Chapter 16: Lovers quarrel
Chapter 17: Flight
Chapter 18: Relaxation
Chapter 19 Concert and Complications
Chapter 20: Marriage and going public

Chapter 15: Freedom

1K 35 11
By PrimeJ13

Thursday, june 24th 2021

I was in the training room and I think the excitement improved my combat abilities. I was tearing Eugene's projections of DUP soldiers apart like paper. Smoke dashing through one before tearing it in half with my new chain, then I threw a sulfur bomb into a group before blowing them up with a cinder missile. I absorbed the smoke around the area before surrounding myself with it and launching myself high into the air. I used my thrusters to increase my velocity and landed with a big smoke explosion I call this move....the orbital drop. All of a sudden I was shot from a distance I quickly absorbed some neon and returned fire. I aimed for the heads which lead to mass disintegration. I used lightspeed to close the gap and slash relentlessly with my neon sword. Then I jumped into the air and sent out a neon wave that trapped anythjng it hit in a stasis bubble. I then fired a torrent of neon blasts. I landed and after a short delay the blasts detonated leaving nothing standing. I call it the radiant sweep. I looked around a bit with glowing eyes. All of a sudden I heard the hand clapping of Augustine.

Augustine: Fantastic job Joe! I think that was a new record. Was it a new record Chris?

Chris was one of the surveillance officers.

Chris: Indeed it was ma'am.

Augustine: Such a shame you're leaving today. Are you sure you don't want to stick around a little longer?

Joe: Positive.

Augustine: Well, it was worth a shot I guess.

She came up to me and took the cuffs off.

Augustine: How about I make you a deal?

Joe: What deal?

Augustine: Since your sentence technically isn't over and you're just out on parole, you'd neet to see a parole officer every once in a while and you wouldn't be able to leave Piltover for another four years. The deal is we forget about the parole offficer and even the four years you need to stay in Piltover.

Joe: And what would you need in return?

Augustine: Simple. You keep an eye out for conduits for me. I heard those girls you're so fond of are planning to go on tour across Runeterra. You can go with them and do whatever you like as long as you report any conduit you encounter back to me. You can detain them until we arrive, but if they prove too much trouble then you're permitted to use lethal force.

Joe: I don't get it. Why not use other conduits or your army?

Augustine: Some of the conduits here can't be controlled like you. I have things that I can use against you, but someone like Eugene who is all alone would just go off the grid. As for why I'm not sending my soldiers....unlike you they can't take on a more powerful prime conduit.

I let out a sigh. Doing this for the ability to go on tour with the girls was worth it.

Joe: Fine. I'm in.

Augustine: Good.

She then clasped an armband onto my right arm.

Joe: What the? Why the power cuff?

Augustine: It isn't a power cuff. If it was you would feel weaker right now. This is simply a tracker so we know where you are at all times, it also doubles as a communicator. We have soldiers all over the world. If a conduit proves to be too much to handle you can simply call for backup. If you happen to cross multiple prime conduits I will come along as well.

Wait a sec...

Joe: You're just planning to have me be a part of your army aren't you?

Augustine: Guilty as charged. You can take the opportunity to make a change, to help save our race. You know what can happen to inactive or even untrained conduits. Most of us get completely outclassed by elementals. You can help prevent that by sending them here to curdun cay station....the conduit sanctuary.

Not like I got a choice in the matter.

Joe: For now...I can only say yes to the four years I owe...everything after will have to be decided when the moment arrives.

Augustine: Fair enough.

I shook her hand to seal the deal.

Augustine: Head back to your cell, your belongings are waiting there. You can stay for lunch if you wish, but knowing you....you probably want to get to those popstars of yours as fast as possible.

Joe: You know me so well. I'll let you know when a conduit turns up.

Augustine: We will meet again Joe Jackson until then.

Joe: Until then....Brooke Augustine

I left the trashed arena and headed back to my cell, upon arrival I saw Eugene sitting on his bunk with a sad look on his face. I'll miss the guy....

Eugen: Hey Joe....

Joe: Hey...

Eugene: I guess this is it huh? It was fun while it lasted.

Joe: You know what they say about stars that burn half as long.

Eugene: They shine twice as bright.

Joe: Hey...this isn't the last time we'll see each other kid. Here.

I went over to the wall and used my neon powers to engrave my phone number into it.

Joe: Hit me up when you're out. We'll hang out. Just two conduits tearing up the streets. Although the girls will probably come as well. After the last time I was out alone I doubt they'll let me do it again. Anyway, what do you say?

Eugene: That would be awesome.

He came over and gave me a hug which caught me off guard, but I eventually hugged back.

Eugene: See you in 11 years big bro.


Eugene: I mean...uhm....I'm sorry...that just...kinda slipped out.

Joe: Heh...relax. I guess I can be your older brother kid.

Eugene: Thanks, Joe.

Joe: But that also means that you better answer the letters I send you.

Eugene: Of course.

Joe: Take care kid. Don't do anything I wouldn't.

Eugene: Of course.

I grabbed my stuff and left. On the way out I gave a big goodbye to Carlos. Before entering the helicopter I went to one of the prison bathrooms to get out of the prison rags and into more comfortable clothes. I put on my beanie and let out a contempt sigh.

Joe: I missed this feeling.

I then arrived at the helipad and saw the officer that was in charge of me for the past year.

Joe: Okay, I'm ready.

Officer1: Understood sir, we are ready for take off.

Joe: Wait, sir?

Officer1: Yes, the director has stated that any prime conduit working for the DUP shall only be outranked by the director herself. As such, us soldiers are supposed to show you the respect you deserve.

Joe: And that doesn't anger you in any way?

Officer1: No sir! It is only natural that artificial conduits such as myself follow the orders of prime conduits such as yourself.

Joe: Interesting. What is your name and rank soldier?

Gus: Private first class, Gus Johnson sir!

He salutes and really tries his best to make a good impression.

Joe: Relax Gus. I don't expect you to be all 'Sir, yes sir!' Just be normal.

Gus: But sir...

Joe: That's an order.

Gus: Sir! Yes sir! Apologies, force of habit.

Joe: No worries.

We got in the helicopter and started flying.

Pilot: Where should we drop you off sir?

Joe: Just on the outskirts of Piltover. I wanna go on a run.

Pilot: Copy.

The longer the flight went on the more I was bursting with anticipation. Free world here I come.

Pilot: Just a heads-up sir, ETA is 2 minutes.

Gus: Oh, sir before I forget. Here.

He hands me a badge.

Gus: The director instructed me to give this to you. This badge proves you're a high ranking officer of the DUP. Simply show this to the local law enforcement and they shall stay out of your way.


Pilot: We have arrived sir.

Joe: Thanks. Gus I hope to see you again sometime, so don't die....that's an order.

He smiled a bit at the order.

Gus: Of course sir!

He salutes, I open the side of the helicopter and jump out. I was falling for a bit and as soon as I got close to the ground I activated my thrusters. Once on the ground I took a deep breath and then exhale before yelling.


I then ran through the entire city at lightspeed. The taste of fresh air was exhilarating. I ran all over with a big smile on my face. Out of the corner of my eye I see a net fly towards me. I quickly sidestepped. Looking where the shot came from I saw a girl in a purple dress and a top hat. She was also carrying a rifle. Wait...is that Caitlyn?

Caitlyn: Sir I must ask you to show me your license, otherwise I must ask you to stop using your powers in public.

The badge should be enough right? I grabbed said badge and showed it to Cait who immediately took a more respectful stance.

Caitlyn: Apologies sir. I didn't know...

Joe: Come on Cait...stop with the whole sir thing. We're friends aren't we?

She took a closer look with a raised eyebrow before her mouth fell open in shock.

Caitlyn: Joe?! What the? When the? Last thing I heard you went to prison.

Joe: I did. Just got out today.

She gave me a sisterly hug.

Caitlyn: Wow. It's great to see you again. Wait if you just got out how did you become such a high ranking officer in the DUP?

Joe: Officially I'm on parole, but the head of the DUP made me an offer. I basically get my freedom immediately, but I have to be part of the DUP for the next four years.

Caitlyn: Impressive. Are you heading back to your special girls~?

Joe: Does everybody know about that?

She looked at me with a deadpan expression.

Caitlyn: Joe, we went to school together. Everyone there knew. You didn't exactly keep it secret.

Joe: Anyway. I'm heading to my family first. Then to the girls. Speaking of girls, how are things between you and Vi going?

Caitlyn: Great! Since I'm the sheriff of Piltover she became my deputy.

Joe: Nice to hear, well I gotta bounce. Who knows maybe we might work together in the future. It was nice seeing you again Cait, take care.

Caitlyn: You too.

I then ran off to the address mom gave me. I arrived and saw that they were still living in a mansion. Not as big as the one in Noxus, but still pretty big. I went to the door and rang the bell. Not a minute after and the door swings wide open and I was engulfed in a bear hug.

Lilith: You're back!

Joe: Hey mom. I'm home.

Lilith: It's so great to see you outside again. How I've missed you honey.

Joe: Missed you too mom. Is anyone else home?

Lilith: Only Sam, Emily is at school, Bradley and his girlfriend are in Ionia, and Veronica is in Noxus right now.

Joe: Bummer, I was hoping to say a quick hello to them before I leave.

Lilith: Wait, leave? Why would you leave?

Joe: Mom, I still have five important ladies to visit.

Lilith: Well, according to Ahri they won't be home until 8pm. So you can spend some time here. See your new room and all.

Joe: Sure thing.

So I did just that I checked my new room, which was about the same as the old one. I checked my closet to see it empty. Oh...right...Ahri took my clothes. I grabbed my phone and call Taric.

Taric: What do you want?

Joe: Hey T, I'm back in the free world. How about we make a new song? Like a comeback?

I heard a snort on the other side of the line.

Taric: Kid didn't you get the memo? You're out.

Joe: Out?

Taric: Yeah, out. I found a new goldmine. Someone who you couldn't even hold a candle to. Don't call this number again.

He hung up and I looked at the phone in shock....THAT BASTARD! I punched my desk and almost broke it in two. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. Now wasn't the time to deal with backstabbing idiots. I went downstairs into the living room and saw Sam sitting on the couch. I quietly went over to him and hugged him. He quickly turned around.

Sam: JJ!!

He immediately leaned into the hug.

Sam: You're back! I missed you!

Joe: Missed you too little bro.

For the next three hours we continued talking, but eventually it was time for me to leave.

Joe: Hey mom? You don't happen to know their address do you?

Lilith: Of course I do! What kind of mother in law would I be if I didn't occasionally visit my daughters in law?

A furious blush crept onto my face.

Joe: Mom!

Lilith: Relax honey, I'm joking....mostly....

She hands me the address and I speed off.
I arrived at a tall building and entered. I went to the front desk and talked to the concierge.

Concierge: Hello sir, how may I help you?

Joe: I'm here to visit KDA.

He just raised an eyebrow.

Concierge: And who are you to them if I may ask?

Joe: A school friend.

Concierge: I'm afraid the ladies aren't in at the moment. I advise you try again at a later date.

Joe: I know, it was supposed to be a surprise.

Concierge: I'm afraid I can't let you go up sir.

Damn, this guy isn't budging. As I thought about what to do now, I saw a familiar tall purple guy.

Joe: Mr.Mundo!

Please work. He turned around and looked at me. Then he got a huge smile on his face and he came over.

Mundo: Joe!

Joe: You actually remember me?

Mundo: Of course! Mundo remembers every friend of KDA. What brings you here?

Joe: I was planning to surprise the girls, but this guy.

I pointed to the concierge.

Joe: Won't let me up.

Mundo: Mundo sees. Jeremy! This man may enter and leave as he pleases. He is a great friend of KDA.

Jeremy: Of course.

He turns to me.

Jeremy: My sincerest apologies sir.

Joe: No worries, you were just doing your job.

Mundo: Follow Mundo to the penthouse.

I followed him to the elevator and he pressed the button to the top floor. After a short elevator ride the doors open and we stand in front of another door. Mundo presses a keycard against it and opened the door. The inside of the penthouse was a mess to say the least. Mundo hands me the keycard.

Mundo: Take this, Mundo will get a new one.

I looked down at the card, but when I looked back up Mundo was gone.

Joe: How the hell?

I shrugged it off and entered the room. I looked at the clock and see that I got an hour to spare before the girls return.

Joe: Time to clean this mess up.

So I started by grabbing all the garbage and putting it in trash bags, then I picked up the clothing laying around. It ranged from coats, to blouses, to skirts and underwear.

Joe: When did they get so sloppy? I mean from Akali I kind of expected it, but Ahri? Or Kai'sa?

After the clothes were in a laundry basket I cleaned the rooms. Eve's was by far the cleanest, followed by Seraphine and then Ahri. Kai'sa's room had a lot of crumbled up tissue paper and that was about it. Then came Akali's room. It was like a warzone. Ramen cups everywhere and clothes all over the floor. One singular cup of ramen even managed to stick to the ceiling. So with lightspeed the room was clean pretty fast. Then I threw everything in garbage bags and took them out. How you may ask? By throwing them off the balcony and disintegrating them of course.

Seeing as there were still a couple of minutes until they came back I searched through the cabinets for a glass and something to drink. I eventually found a bottle of whiskey so I added ice to the glass then poured the whiskey over. I sat down in a chair facing the balcony and just waited. Soon enough the front door opened and some people came in.

Seraphine: Did Mundo actually hire people to clean up?

Evelynn: It would be in their best interest if they didn't touch anything inappropriate.

Joe: Like what? The underwear you left laying around?

I took a sip from the whiskey and even though I couldn't see them I'm sure they were looking right at me.

Akali: Who are you?

Ahri: And what are you doing in our home?

Joe: Is it that hard to believe that I just wanted to see you again?

Evelynn: Do we know each other?

I took a last sip from the whiskey.

Joe: I'm barely out of prison only to find out that you forgot about me? That kinda hurts Eve.

Kai'sa: Baby?

I put the empty glass on the table beside me and stood up before turning to face them with a smile on my face and my arms outstretched for a hug.

Joe: Hey girls, how's it going?

Kai'sa was the first to run into my arms

Kai'sa: I missed you so, so, so much baby!

Then Ahri joined in, I noticed she had tears in her eyes.

Joe: Are you really that sad to see me that you had to cry?

Ahri: I'm not sad you big dummy!

I chuckled a bit.

Joe: I know.

Then came Akali, Sera and finally Eve who wrapped her lashers around us.

KDA: Welcome home.

Joe: Thanks, I missed you girls too.

For the next twenty minutes we just stood there and hugged.

Joe: So, Kai'sa? When can I expect my Shepherd's pie?

Kai'sa: Tomorrow's dinner.

Joe: Love you...

Kai'sa: Love you too.

Akali then looked at my left arm.

Akali: You really did get the tattoo!

Joe: Told you I would.

Evelynn then noticed my hand.

Evelynn: Did you get our initials tattooed darling~?

The others then looked at my left hand as well.

Seraphine: You're right!

Ahri: I think it's sweet, but why did you do that?

Joe: Back in Curdun Cay the people there experimented on us.

Akali: What?

Joe: Yeah. Every other afternoon they would run tests on us. On my first day they cut me open without anesthesia only to figure out why I have scars.

Kai'sa put her hand over her mouth and a couple of tears slid down her face.

Seraphine: How horrible....

Joe: During the second half of my sentence they started poking into my brain and as a result I lost some memories. I got your initials tattooed in order not to forget you.

Kai'sa: That's so sweet.

Akali: Thankfully that's over now right? I mean...you're free. You never have to see the DUP again.

Joe: Uhmm....about that....

Evelynn: What did you do?....

Joe: I kinda....sorta...had to join the DUP....


Seraphine: After everything they did to you?!

Kai'sa: Are you sure that's wise?

Joe: Not like I had a choice in the matter.

Ahri: What do you mean?

Joe: Normally I would be on parole right now. That means I would have to stay in Piltover and occasionally see an officer for the next four years, but in order to travel Runeterra with you for concerts or something, I joined the DUP. I am basically a free man, but I have to report and take in any conduit I come across for the next four years.

Akali: You did it so you could stay with us?

Joe: Of course....I would do anything for you.

In the hours that followed we just had dinner and talked...a lot. 12 am came pretty fast and Eve grabbed my arm.

Evelynn: Darling it's good to have you back, but I need you. I need to feed.

I sighed, this is gonna be a long night.

Akali: Why do you get him first?

Evelynn: I haven't fed in a year. I need this. I don't know how much longer I can go without it.

Akali: Fine, but tomorrow is my turn.

Everyone agreed and I followed Eve to her room. We entered and she quickly got undressed.

Evelynn: You have no idea how much I missed you.

Joe: I know, but try not to leave too many scars.

Evelynn: No promises, now undress.

Chapter 15 done. A bit of a chaotic chapter, but I hope you enjoyed. Feedback is always appreciated and I'll see you in the next one. Prime out.

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