Ninja Storm: The Pink Ninja R...

By heilman4316

14.2K 357 14

Zoey Oliver lived in Angel Grove. She is the younger sister to Tommy Oliver. Oh, and she's a ninja. She recru... More

The Heart of Fire
Looming Thunder
Thunder Strangers: Part 1
Thunder Strangers: Part 2
Thunder Strangers: Part 3
Nowhere to Grow
Snip It, Snip It Good
Return of Thunder: Part 1
Return of Thunder: Part 2
Return of Thunder: Part 3
Return of Thunder: Part 4
Boxing Bopp-A-Roo
Brotherly Love
The Samurai's Journey: Part 1
The Samurai's Journey: Part 2
Power Enhancement
I Love Lothor
Good Will Hunter
Sensei Switcharoo
Brothers in Arms
Shane's Karma: Part 1
Shane's Karma: Part 2
Shimazu Returns: Part 1
Shimazu Returns: Part 2
Eye of the Storm
General Deception: Part 1
General Deception: Part 2
A Gem of a Day
Storm Before the Calm: Part 2
Family Gatherings

Storm Before the Calm: Part 1

190 7 0
By heilman4316

Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 30: Storm Before the Calm: Part 1

Grinning at the persistent clicking, Cam looked over at Zoey and Jenna. "What are the two of you doing? You've been typing away on those laptops for the past three hours."

Laughing, the girls looked up at the genius, "Finishing up some last-minute paperwork for the new school year." Zoey said, taking a drink of her smoothie, "My brother just got his doctorate, finally, and has decided to accept a teaching position at Reefside."

"Something about wanting the quiet life while still researching and protecting the Dino Gems." Jenna leaned back with a smirk, "Really not sure how that's going to work out for him, but we refuse to miss it."

"So, we decided go sign up for a Student Teacher Study program for a year. With both of our backgrounds and degrees in Science and History," Zoey beamed, "we've been approved to work in both departments."

"And done!" Jenna looked over as they stood up, "We'll be turning these in, along with our final paper for the year. If all goes accordingly, I just received my bachelor's in Snow Hydrology." High-fiving Zoey, she frowned at the confused look on the Green Ranger's face, "Oh, come on, Mr. Genius. It's the scientific study in the field of hydrology which focuses on the composition, dispersion, and movement of snow and ice. Things like snowfall, accumulation and melt are important hydrological processes in watersheds at high altitudes or latitudes."

"Yeah," Zoey stood up, "and she plans on continuing on so she can get her PhD in Glaciology. I'm so proud."

"I'm also minoring in Climatology and Paleoclimatology; which is one of the things I'll be studying with Tommy. Other studies are going to be Cryobiology, Crytheropy, Crypto Anthropology, Cryptology and Symbology."

"You really love your snow and ice." He shook his head as he and Sensei smiled at them. "You and Zoey just can't help yourselves with all those classes, can you?"

"Um, yeah. It's basically my whole core. I've always been drawn to it." She hugged Zoey around the shoulders, "Same way with Zoey here and her historical sciences. She just can't make up her mind about which one she loves more. Plus, I like puzzles."

"Says the girl who, just yesterday, decided she wanted to start studying Paleobotany. The reason being, and I quote, 'I'm sick of having the same hobby as a certain former Pink Ranger, and I need to up my game' unquote." She grinned at the pout on Jenna's face, "Zack started laughing so hard, we thought he was having an asthma attack. And he doesn't have asthma."

"Oh, shut it."

Just then, the rest of the Rangers came running in, talking excitedly.

"What's going on?" Cam asked, curious.

"Kelly is sponsoring Shane and Dustin in the US Action Games. We wanted to see if we could go?" Raina pleaded with Sensei.

"Plus, we all realized that we forgot to ask you three if you wanted to come with us." Tori said, wryly.

"So, it slipped all your minds?" Cam asked, amused. "I mean, Dustin, I can believe."

"Hey, I was the one who remembered," he defended.

"It's true. He was." Raina grinned up at him.

"That's a first." Andy smirked, smacking Dusting on the should

"Why aren't you entered?" Shane looked at Zoey, "I mean, out of all of us, I thought for sure you would have been the first one to sign up."

"I've got too much on my plate. Finishing up my school work for the year, getting set-up at Reefside High, moving completely in with my brother, extra training to help Andy, and extra magic training for myself. Not to mention dealing with an Evil Space Ninja bent on conquering the world." She stretched with a grin, "I knew about the games, but I didn't know you two were being sponsored. Congratulations."


"I can understand how this could have happened." Sensei said, nodding. "It is a great honor to compete in such an event. I can only imagine the excitement can be quite a distraction."

"So is it alright if we go?" Tori asked hopefully.

"Of course," He agreed, smiling at his students. The Rangers cheered, laughing in excitement.


At the Action Games, Kelly parked the Storm Chargers van amid a crowd of people. The Wind and Thunder Rangers got out, looking around them. Zoey, along with Jenna and the Lightning Rangers, parked her Jeep beside them. They piled out, looking around, excited for the games to get started. People rolled by on skateboards and rollerblades, while others wheeled in on bikes.

"You guys better check in, I'll make sure your gear's ok," Kelly shouted over the noise, and they nodded.

"We'll check this place out for, uh..."

"Let me guess, chicks?" Tori finished for Shane, who smirked.

"Now that you mention it," he nodded as he watched a couple of laughing girls run past, one of whom winked at the Red Ranger as she passed him.

Raina slapped Dustin's shoulder as he followed Shane's gaze; making him shrugged apologetically.

"Come on, I'll cruise with you," Cam smiled, jumping out of the van.

"Cyber Cam?" Blake asked.

"Not Cyber Cam." Cam laughed. "Who said the real Cam can't cruise?" he questioned, and the Rangers all laughed loudly.

Dustin grabbed Raina in front of the group, to her surprise, and dragged her laughing with him to sign in with Shane. Andy shook his head and followed behind them, while Tori and Blake disappeared into the crowd. Cam and Zoey were talking near some ramps with Hunter and Jenna behind them.

"How long do have they been hiding it?" Came asked, looking at the Pink Ranger.

"Dustin and Raina?" She chuckled, "Um, I think it was Totally Talented."

"Why hide it?"

"Have you looked at our group?"

"Point taken." He nodded, "Has Jenna gotten a Master name yet?"

She grinned, "She's can't decide. Master Lupa has been thrown around quite often. Along with Master Rage, Master Shiver, Master Frost, and Master Fang. It's alternating because of the duality of her Animal Spirit. It's not just a wolf, but an arctic wolf. So, we'll see. Something is bound to be decided. After all, our friend RJ is a Wolf Master and he doesn't have a name. Doesn't want one."

He nodded, contemplating he problem. Something across the grounds catching his eye. "Oh no," he groaned.

Zoey looked over and frowned, seeing Marah, Kapri and a group of Kelzacks. "Seriously. They really don't like the idea of a day off."

"Uh, Hunter? Jenna?" Cam called, trying to get their attention.

"Not now Cam," Jenna said softly, causing Zoey to turn in their direction.

"Save your make-out sessions for when Evil Aliens aren't interrupting our days off."

They looked up at her comments, frowning in irritation, and ran to join them on an empty ramp, facing off with the Fashion Rejects from Space.

"Oh great..." Kapri grumbled.

"Hey, you lost?" Cam called to them.

"Do we look lost?" Marah growled, with her hands on her hips.

"All the time." Jenna nodded.

"What a pain," Kapri sighed, pulling out the PAM and pressing a couple of buttons. "Kelzack Furies!" The new problem appeared at the top of the ramp, ready for battle.

Before anyone could do or say anything, Zoey stepped up and threw out her hands, sending out a massive blast at the Kelzacks. The wave of energy sent them flying back and disintegrating before they landed.

"What?!" Kapri yelled in anger, "How dare you, you pathetic Pink Knockoff!" She pushed a few more buttons on the PAM and called on triple the foot soldiers from before.

"I think we might need a few extra hands," Cam muttered, looking at their situation, "You wouldn't happen to have another blast in you?" He asked, looking at Zoey.

She shook her head, "The energy blasts take more out of me than the light manipulation. I don't have enough control for more yet." She narrowed her eyes, "Who does she think she is, calling me a Pink Knockoff? I'll show her a knockoff."

The Rangers moved faster, dodging its attacks, and the other Kelzacks joined in the fight. The four fought off the Kelzack Furies as best they could but were easily outmatched. Hearing yells, they looked around quickly to see three strangers running towards the fight. The untrained teenagers were clearly overwhelmed.

"You have to get out of here!" Cam yelled, shoving a Kelzack Fury back, while Marah and Kapri ran off.

"Dude, we're just trying to help!" one of the boys insisted.

"You can help by standing aside!" Hunter yelled, kicking a Kelzack running at him back. "And getting out of our way!" he added, tossing another Kelzack to the ground.

Then the Kelzacks disappeared, leaving no trace of why they were there.

"Kyle, you ok?" one of the teens helped their friend up as the Rangers walked over.

"What were you guys thinking?" Jenna demanded.

"We were thinking you were in trouble," the boy who had fallen said, "You should be happy we were there!"

"So, we should be happy that you ran headlong into a fight with aliens without a thought? Whether you could win or not?" Zoey asked, crossing her arms, "You're absolutely right. We should be. You didn't care if you had powers or not. You just jumped right into it, regardless if you would survive. Bravo." She clapped, "There's a problem with that. It wasn't a matter of getting people to safety or protecting those around you. That's not what happened. You were trying to show off, and it didn't end well for you."

"You know, you didn't seem like you were fairing too well, either." The blonde girl huffed.

"The difference being, we actually know what we're doing." Jenna told her. "You showed no experience in fighting. None. However, not the point." She pointed to them, "Like my friend said, you came in cocky. Thought you were going to take everyone of them down. That didn't work out so well for you, did it?"

"We were all lucky that they decided to de-materialize," Cam shook his, "You have no idea what you're dealing with."

"I'm gone," the boy in the middle shook his head.

"Me too," the girl agreed.

"Later dudes," the three stormed off.

"Airheaded brats. At least people in Angel Grove had the good sense to run away." Zoey muttered as they turned to the area where Marah and Kapri had been searching. "What were they doing here?"

"No clue. Let's call the others." Cam looked over as everyone nodded.


The Rangers, minus Blake, gathered around the railing of the area that the sisters had been, looking down at Cam who was investigating the field.

"They were interested in this area here." He said, calling up to the others, "But it might have just been a diversion."

"I don't see anything." Dustin shook his head.

"Hey, what's wrong with your amulet?" Shane asked, looking down at the Samurai.

"What do you mean?" he asked. He looked down in shock as it started to glow, and he went to grab it. He hissed in pain as he pulled his hand back.

"What is it?" Tori asked, frowning.

"It's frozen!" he exclaimed in shock.

"I didn't do it!" Jenna raised her hands in defense, causing Zoey to grin. Hunter just wrapped his arm around her.

"Frozen?" Dustin laughed. "Dude, it's like, 80 degrees out!"

"No kidding." Cam said, pulling the amulet off. "I better get back to Ninja Ops and do some tests on it there. See what this is all about."

"Do you need some help?" Zoey asked, looking concerned.

"No. Don't worry about it. I'll call as soon as I find something out." Everyone nodded as he left and went back to the games.


After Cam left, the others met back up with Blake and explained what had happened at the ramps. While they waited, they headed over to watch the first rounds of the skateboarding competition. They were standing in the crowd, cheering, when Shane's morpher beeped.

"Rangers, I'm sending the Zords to you," Cam spoke, "There's a big fish in a little pond you have to deal with."

"On our way Cam," the Red Ranger called over the cheering in the background. The group nodded to each other and moved past Kelly towards the exit.

"Where are you guys going?" She asked.

"Uh, bathroom," Dustin answered.

"All of you?"

"We'll be back," Shane said, "I promise!"

They gathered around the entrance and looked around to make sure that no one was there.









They Ninja streaked off and jumped in their Zords, forming their respective Megazords.


"You guys ready to roll?" Shane asked.


"You know it!"

"Let's flush this fish, once and for all!"

As they charged after Vexacus, the shark fired lightning blasts at the team, missing.

"Bring it!" Shane yelled, aiming a punch.

Vexacus blocked them by slashing at them with his sword. "You should watch your step!" He said, laughing when the Megazord fell to the ground.

"Come on, guys!" Shane encouraged, as they powered up their Zord.

"Lion Blaster!" They shouted, shooting everything they had at the Slimy Shark.

Vexacus spun his sword in a circle and deflected every laser that came at him.

"Strumming his pain with my fingers!" Shane said, strumming the Lightning Rift Blaster.

"Really, Shane?" Zoey shook her head, "That's just pathetic." She grinned as they summoned the Mammoth Zord and combined with it. Once more, they powered up their weapons and sent everything they had at Vexacus, causing a massive explosion.

When the smoke cleared, Vexacus was riding on top of the Land Shark, sailing full speed across the ground at the Rangers. They cried out as they were knocked through the air, causing their Zords to break apart.

"Victory is mine!" Vexacus declared, but the Megazords just got back up.

"I don't think so!" Hunter yelled at the giant shark.

"Rangers don't give up that easily, Vexacus!" Jenna yelled, "You should know that by now."

"It's Thunder time!" Blake called.

"Power Disk! Locked and dropped!" They yelled, calling on their Serpent Sword. With the sword in hand, the brothers charged, running at Vexacus with everything they had.

"Ready for more?" Vexacus growled, taunting them. He let out a cry as they struck him with the sword. They flipped over his head and grabbed him from behind, restrained him, and hitting him with their sword again.

"Look out!" Zoey yelled, noticing that something was wrong as a purple light appeared on the shark's chest.

He laughed, taunting them again. "Goodbye, Thunder Rangers!" he pushed down on their sword, swung his own around, and slammed it into their back and pinning them against him. The light grew as sparked ignited all over their Zord.

"It's gonna blow!" Shane yelled.

"Hunter!" Jenna yelled, tears in her eyes. "Blake!"

"Get outta there!" Dustin yelled.

Vexacus laughed just as he exploded, taking the Thunder Megazord with it. The force of the explosion was so strong, it pushed the others Zords back.

Zoey wrapped her arms around Jenna, trying to calm her down, when a dark purple orb flew from the crash, and disappeared.

"Come on," She said, soothing her friend, "let's get down there. It's gonna be okay. We'll find him. I promise." Nodded, the girls jumped from their Zord and joined the others at the crash site, trying to find their friends.

"Cam, we've reached the Thunder Zord wreckage," Shane reported, speaking into his morpher, "It doesn't look good." They looked around but couldn't find the brothers.

"Any sign of Hunter and Blake?" Tori asked, looking over at Jenna, "Anything at all?"

"I'm getting infra-red heat signatures in the area, but there's a lot of interference," The genius replied, "I can't pinpoint an exact location."

"Keep trying to establish contact. We'll head back to Ops and regroup!" Shane said, cutting off the connection. He looked over at the girls, trying to come up with something positive to say, when Zoey cut him off.

"Don't, Shane." She shook her head as Raina took over comforting the Purple Ranger, "We're Rangers. We all knew the risks. We keep the faith that we will find them. No matter what. Like I said before, Rangers don't give up. Ever."

"Agreed." Shane walked over to Jenna, who was looking better, "You good to go?"

She nodded, "Let's go find our friends."


Zoey swore under her breath when the Rangers finally got back to Ninja Ops, her anger barely controlled. "Not again."

"What happened?" Shane yelled, horrified at the scene in front of them. Everything was destroyed. The walls had collapsed, computers shattered, and small fires everywhere.

"It's trashed!" Dustin exclaimed, starring wide eyed at the scene in front of him. Hearing Raina start cursing in Spanish again, he shook his head and wrapped his arms around her.

"No..." Tori breathed.

"Cam? Sensei? Cyber Cam?" Shane yelled. "Where are they?"

"Don't worry, they'll be here somewhere," Dustin said, as they walked around, looking under the wreckage for any sign of their friend and Sensei.

"They have to be." Tori said, "If anyone can survive this, it's them," she nodded.

"I don't understand. What happened?" Andy looked around the room confused, "How did this happen?" Seeing Jenna's look of anguish, he walked over to her, "What is it?"


"What memories?" Shane asked, looking concerned as Zoey just held up a hand to make him stop.

"Not right now. We need to focus." She took a deep breath, "I need to focus." Closing her eyes, she sent out a small wave of pink energy out of her body. Looking at it, she nodded her head, "Find them." The energy wave shifted shape and turned into Vixey. The little fox started speeding through Ops, looking for survivors.

To be continued...

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