Down with the Plot (Naruto Va...

By Random_Writer_27

69.2K 2.5K 2.9K

Y/N L/N is... unique. She is the type of person to see the best in people, and will sacrifice everything if i... More

Important A/N
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Hokage Bokage

4.3K 146 133
By Random_Writer_27

~In which they take you to their leader, and are deemed too immature to be a threat~


You kept eye contact as you gripped the grass behind you and shakily stood up.

"What's your name?" Kakashi asked with a tone of softness and authority, you could see his hand was dangerously close to his kunai.

You took a deep breath and looked the man in the eye as you said:


Yeah, Jk:

"Y/N L/N. Call me Y/N, Kakashi Hatake."


"How do you know my name?" Kakashi asked suspiciously, a slight growl in his voice as he tightened his grip on his kunai. Who the heck is this kid? Are they even a child?- What if they're a ninja come to assassinate the village posing as one? I should kill them right here, just to be safe. I could-

You snap your fingers in front of his face. 

"Tis' the ability of my clan, the L/Ns." You reply, breaking his train of thought. 

"The L/Ns? Never heard of them. And what do you mean by 'special ability'? Do you mean a Kekkai Genkai?" Kakashi interrogated, about three seconds from taking a crash course in 'how to hide a body'.

"We keep to ourselves. As for your other question, our ability is known as 'Animanga'. It allows us to interact with this universe's timeline, showing us the past, present, and future of this world and its inhabitants. By using this ability, I was able to see yours." You say calmly. You could almost see the reflection of your silver tongue in the lake.

"And how do I know you're telling the truth?" Kakashi asked. If he was being honest, he was a bit curious of this supposed prophet. "How do I know you didn't just hear my name from somewhere?"

You smirked. Closing your eyes, you made a bunch of random hand signs including the peace sign and the Vulcan's 'live long and prosper', before snapping your eyes open dramatically.

"Kakashi Hatake." You began. "I have just one thing to say to you: Rin."

Kakashi froze.

"How..." He began, but you cut him off.

"Magic. Oh, and, uh... I'mallalone'causemyclanisgoneandIhavenowheretogoso... TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER!!" You yelled dramatically, startling Kakashi out of his momentary daze.

Oh mages of Wattpad, Gods of Anime, please let this work-

Kakashi just nods, releasing his grip on his kunai.


And that friends, is how the Hokage ended up with an unconscious girl being dropped not-so-gracefully in front of him.

"Kakashi, who is this?" He asked, cocking a brow at the unconscious female on the ground in front of him.

"Y/N L/N. She has the ability to see the future, apparently." Kakashi replied.

"See the... future?" The Hokage asked incredulously.

"I to was skeptic at first, Lord Hokage, but the girl proved her abilities to be true."

"And how did she do this?"

"She knew about Rin."

The Hokage was taken aback to say the least, but he kept his composure and replied in his usual, logical manner. 

"Rin, you say? So what she claims is true, she really can interact with the timeline itself. In this case, we must protect Miss L/N."

"Protect her? What if she's a threat to the village? What if she came across this information by other means? We already have Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata to look after! We should at least assign ANBU to monitor her activities.." Kakashi trailed off as he looked at the place where the girl is sleeping, or rather, was.

Kakashi and the Hokage are alerted by a sudden crash outside his office door, which is slightly ajar. 

Rushing outside they see you running in circles as ANBU attempt to intercept you, failing miserably. Kakashi and the Hokage watch as one launches themselves at you, misses, and falls to the ground receiving a face full of dirt.

"I AM SPEED!!!" You screech, continuing to run in circles as more ANBU attempt to stop you.

"Does that really look like a threat to you, Kakashi?" The Hokage asks, a slight chuckle in his voice.

"No." Kakashi replies truthfully, eyeing the scene in front of him.

They walk over to where you are currently being pinned down by about several ANBU, yelling something about kneecaps.

You shut up when you see Kakashi and the Hokage approaching. 

The ANBU release you when the Hokage motions to them, and you stand up, dusting yourself off.

"Are you, Y/N L/N, a threat to this village?" He asks you.


"Are. You. A. Threat. To. This. Village?" The Hokage repeats, s l o w l y.

"Oh. Uh, no?" You reply, unsure. I mean, you will probably destroy some stuff while you're here... No, not probably- will. Yeah, mixing you and OP jutsu-magic is not a good idea.

"Good. Well in that case, welcome to the the village of the hidden leaf, Miss L/N." The Hokage says with a smile.

It takes you a full second to register what he said.


'Hey, where ya from kid?' 'Uhh...'  Yeah, it would not have gone well.

The Hokage nods. 

"THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!!" You jump around him and Kakashi at speeds faster than light, attacking them with hugs them from all sides.

"Now, Miss L/N.." The Hokage says seriously. "There are still some details to work out. Kakashi tells me your clan has passed, is this true?"

You stop moving and stand in front of him, eyes lowered to the ground. Your family is still back home, in your world... They're probably worried sick. What happened to your body? Do they think you're dead? Missing? Or did all memory of you get wiped from their minds?

You are alone. No family. No friends. No one to rely on... You're-

The Hokage snaps you out of your thoughts as he continues speaking, noticing your body language.

"Well then, due to the nature of your situation, I believe it would be wise for you to join the academy so we can both protect you and monitor your abilities."

Translation: We don't trust but are using grown-up talk to make it seem like we do. 

"Thank you Hokage-sama." You say, pushing away the upsetting thoughts. "I won't let you down!"

"That's good to hear." He says, kindly. "Now, as for your residential arrangements, there is an apartment that we have had trouble filling due to its size, but I believe it could be suitable for you."

"Apartment?" You asked, a hint of hope in your voice. Naruto lives in an apartment... Oh spirits of Wattpad, allow my apartment to be next to Naruto!

"Yes, apartment. Kakashi will gladly show you the way, won't you Kakashi?"

No, Kakashi will not. Kakashi would rather pay for Naruto's ramen for the rest of his life. Kakashi would- 

"Of course, Lord Hokage."

Kakashi took your wrist and dragged you throughout Konoha, answering your questions to the best of his abilities. 

"What's that?"

"Ichaku's ramen."

"Can we get some?"



"Because I said so"

"But why?"

"Because I'm not a baby sitter."


"Because I'm a ninja."


"Because I am."



"Because why?"

"Stop asking me why."




Kakashi was about 3 seconds away from drop kicking a child in self defense. His sanity was being viscously attacked.

"We're here." He said, letting go of your wrist.

"Cool!" You say happily. "What's my apartment number?"

Kakashi hands you a key with the number '51' engraved on it.

"Go ahead and get settled in, I have to go now." He said, eying your expression out of the corner of his eye. He seemed to be able to tell exactly what you were thinking by his next sentence.

"Don't you dare say it."


Kakashi let out an exasperated sigh before jumping away. You turned around and entered the building, making your way to the top floor. 47... 49 ... 51! Putting your key in the lock, you turn it and push open the door. 

(A/N: Ok, so, I have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER what number Naruto's apartment is, so I just went with '53', which would be the apartment next to yours since it alternates between even and odd on the left and right sides of the corridor. Also, if anyone does know, please comment it so I can fix it up.)

Your breath hitches. This... THIS IS AMAZING!

(A/N: Picture at the beginning of the chapter) 

Within the grey-walled room is a white couch, round white table with matching chairs, and the best part: A wooden ladder leading up to your bed, which is stored as a separate level above your little living area. It's compact, sure, but it's cozy and open at the same time. 

All in all, you loved it. 11/6. 

Climbing the ladder you flop onto the bed and snuggle into its warm covers. You allow yourself to drift off into a much needed sleep. 

You have a new life now, one where you can change the world for the better. One where you can make new friends, and have a whole new family. After all, blood is blood, but our friends are the family we choose.

You have been given the chance to change the course of history. To alter reality for the better.

You smile to yourself as darkness overtakes you.

Down with the plot.



Hey all! 

Next chapter is the one you've all been waiting for:


And you know what that means~

Everybody's favorite Duck butt, Ramen boi, Billboard brow, Bug bestie, Cloud gazer, Dog lover, Shy bean, and Bag o' chips will be making an appearance!

And trust me, you'll enjoy it...

See you in the next chapter, 

- Rando ;)

Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

Does author-chan have something up their sleeve?

Why yes, yes I do.

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