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By -chxrriishii

112K 3.8K 1.8K

โŒœ โ€ข ยฐ '๐–ฌ๐—†๐—†...' ยฐ โ€ข โŒ โ˜ฝ โ—œ โžด ๐‘ฏ๐’–๐’๐’•๐’†๐’“ ๐’™ ๐‘ฏ๐’–๐’๐’•๐’†๐’“ ๐‘ฝ๐’‚๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’–๐’” ๐’™ ๐‘ด๐’‚๐’๐’† ๐‘น๐’†๐’‚๐’…๐’†๐’“ ... More

Happy New Year :D


10.6K 374 155
By -chxrriishii

└────── ☁️ ──────┘
↠ C h a p t e r 2 -
Just ✘ Keep ✘ Going. ↞

𝖶𝗈𝗋𝖽 𝖢𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍 | 𝟥𝟤𝟦𝟫

The group walked off of the ship, Y/N dragging Gon along. His eyes wide to see a new area. As much as he traveled, he's never seen a place like this before! Kurapika and Leorio began to walk to a map, Y/N letting go of Gon and beginning to sniff at a stack of boxes behind them. "Thanks a lot, captain! That was a lot fun!" Gon cheered, pumping his now free hand in the air.

The tall and rather big man laughed and placed his hand on his belly. "I gotta admit, I had a pretty good time myself! Oh, let me give you two a bit of advice. As a small token of my appreciation. Y/N, you might want to hear this." Y/N let out a gentle growl before heading over to Gon, taking his hand in his own again.

"Advice, sir?" Gon asked, glancing at Y/N before up at the taller.

His gaze leaves the two and points at something in the distance. Y/N tilted his head to the side and look around the large man, his e/c eyes straining to see nothing in particular. "Look, ya see that big cedar tree? The one up a top of the hill?" He asked, turning back around and keeping his thumb pointed towards in.

Gon hummed and nodded while Y/N blinked and straightened his back. 'A wah tree?' "You'd want to make your way there first, it's a shortcut to the Hunter's Exam." He spoke. Y/N perked up, a small hum leaving his lips. "A shortcut?! That's great! So just head for that tree, huh? Thanks for the tip, captain! You're the best!" The smaller boy smiled, beginning to walk away.

Y/N bowed slightly, before waving his free hand frantically. "Good luck, you two!" The male called. "Thank you, again! Have a safe trip! Take care of yourself!" Gon yelled, waving to the big male. Y/N let out a small hum of satisfaction before twisting his whole body around and catching up with Gon's pace. The male smiled and lightly squeezed the demon's hand.

"Kurapika! Leorio! The captain said we should head to that big cedar tree on the hill!" Gon spoke, walking to the two males.

Leorio hummed and furrowed his eyebrows, "that's odd..." He muttered. "What is?" Gon asked, Y/N tilting his head to the side. "Well... it says here that the exam is somewhere in Zaban City, see?" He spoke, taking a note off of the map and showing the two. "Also, that tree is the other direction of the city."

The demon hummed and furrowed his eyebrows, beginning to rub his temples. The group grew quiet as they began to think. A soft hum left Y/N's lips as he turned his body, beginning to drag Gon with him once more. "Are we going to the tree?" He asked, skipping up towards him. Y/N hummed and glanced out the corner of his eye. "Y/N and I are going to check it out ourselves! Find out what the captain was talking about." He called, matching his pace with Y/N.

Leorio began shouting, causing Y/N to twitch from the loud noise. Why must his vocal chords produce such loud noise. After what felt like milliseconds, Kurapika ran over and joined the two. "So glad you could make it!" Gon laughed. The demon let out a gentle hum, nodding his head. "Yes, I was also curious to see what the captain is talking about." Kurapika spoke, placing his hand on his chest.

The muzzled boy grunted and grabbed on Kurapika's hand, beginning to swing all three of their arms. The blonde let out a soft chuckle while Gon smiled widely. "Hang on, you three!" Leorio yelled, running to catch up with the three boys. Y/N tilted his head back trying to see the tall man, but decided against it and fixed his posture before turning his head.

Y/N sighed and turned around. He could smell someone else... the same smell on those boxes. To be completely honest, he smelt like BO. The very scent made the male gag, a gentle growl heaving his lips. "Are you alright, Y/N?" Gon asked, tilting his head to the side. The boy nodded, shaking his head with a shiver going down his whole body. His e/c orbs glanced at the blonde who's cheeks seemed red. He panicked and pulled his hand away before clinging to Gon.

"H-Hah?" Leorio blinked and looked at the boy. It was such a swift movement and for what?

Kurapika let out a gentle gasp, "is there something on me?" He asked as they entered a town. His cheeks were back to their normal color... Was he just seeing things? A soft whine left his lips, the short male beginning to bow multiple times as a way to beg for forgiveness. "I-It's alright! Don't worry about it." Kurapika chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. Y/N immediately grabbed his hand and held it in his own, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"Why did you pull away?" He finally asked.

Y/N came to a stop and used his foot to trace into the ground 'Sic' is what is spelt. He then pointed to his cheeks. "Oh! His cheeks are red?" Gon asked, tilting his head to the side. "Ah, I promise I'm not sick. Sorry to worry you, Y/N." Kurapika smiled, placing his hand on his chest. The male let out soft sigh of relief before nodded and pressing his hands together.

The male blinked and sniffed at the air, looking around. "What is it, Y/N?" Gon asked. He carefully lifted his hand, two doors opening. It scared the male, causing him to jump back. Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika jumped as well... not as frightened as Y/N who was gripping at his chest and heavily breathing through his nose.

Leorio grunted while Kurapika careful pulled Y/N back up to what looked like an old woman. The demon's confused gaze looked around the area, his legs slowly spreading before he just plopped on the ground. A soft hum left his lips as he leaned forward. His gaze lifted again, how come they were wearing silly costumes?

Are they to perform! Oh, how exciting! Y/N's confusion turned into amazement, his eyes sparkling as he paid close attention. Will there be magic tricks? "Exciting." The old woman spoke, Y/N tilting his head to the side. "Exciting?" Leorio muttered, his head tilting as well. "Exciting." She repeated. Leorio cocked his eyebrow and repeated as well. "Exciting."

The boy looked between the two, his eyebrows furrowing. Exciting circus? "Time for an exciting multiple quiz!" The elder yelled as the people next to her started playing instruments. Now this, was exciting. Y/N's e/c orbs sparkled, beginning to clap his hands. He then froze, 'Quiz? How.. to?' He let out a panicked hum before falling back, his legs shooting up in the air before smacking back on the ground.

A soft chuckle caused the male to look to his left, Kurapika holding his hand over his mouth. "I'm guessing you don't like quizzes that much." He spoke. The male shook his head, his hair rubbing on the dirt. The elderly woman spoke once more, "let me take a guess. You kids are headed for the cedar on the hill, aren't you? There is only one way to get there and that is to pass through this town. The only way to pass is if you answer my question correctly." Y/N blinked. Question, as in one? He can do that, he has enough brain power!

Leorio's eyebrows furrowed. "Hold on, what's going on here?" He asked, obviously fuming. The woman didn't seem to care, for she just ignored Leorio's question. "You have five seconds to answer. If you're correct you can move on. If not, you are disqualified for this year's hunter exam." Y/N's eyes widened. His breath hitched as he stared... There was a cloud shaped like a kitty in the sky.

A gentle hum left his lips as he raised his hand, pretending the pet said cloud. He flinched as he saw a new pair of legs waltz by him, blocking his floaty kitty! He smelt of the boxes and the one walking behind them. The male sat up, a gentle growl leaving his lips. Gon blinked and placed his hand on Y/N's head, the male immediately growing quiet and leaning into the green boy's touch.

He had just lost his gold star... for he was too busy focusing on the soft touches Gon gave him. Is this what it felt like when he did this to other people. A soft hum left his lips as he rested his head on Gon's leg. "Mmmm... that's nuts! Different people would answer that in different ways! There's no right answer for that question, it never has been!" Leorio yelled, causing Y/N to jump out of his dream like state.

Kurapika let out a small gasp, slowly bringing his hand to his chin whilst closing his eyes. "There's... no right answer... I see." The woman let out a sound of questioning, Kurapika's eyes snapping open. "Leorio—" He was interrupted by the elder woman. "That's enough! I don't wanna hear another word out of you, say anything but one or two, you will be disqualified."

Y/N let out a gentle growl, his e/c eyes narrowing. She didn't have to yell. He doesn't have partial hearing so there's no reason to scream. "Now... here is your question. You learn both your son and your daughter have been kidnapped. You will only be able to rescue one of them. Choose one for your son and two for your daughter. Who will you rescue?" She asked, holding up her fingers.

The demon blinked and looked up at Gon who just smiled back. Y/N tilted his head to the side and closed his eyes, giving a smile aspect. He flinched and turned his head to Leorio to see him in the air with a stick, heading towards the old woman. Y/N squealed and scrambled onto the table the woman sat up before jumping into the air.

He grabbed onto the stick and yanked it from Leorio's grasp. He tried to throw it away... but he accidentally smacked the tall boy in the head so hard it broke in half. Leorio groaned and fell on the ground, Y/N sticking the landing with his hands out like a T - pose. He soon let out a whine and attacked Leorio in hugs, patting his head multiple times.

"U-Ugh! It's fine, Y/N. Just get off of me!" The man yelled, Y/N jumping right off.

Kurapika let out a frustrated growl. "Will you just calm down?" He asked, keeping his voice low. "How the hell do you expect me to calm down?!" Leorio asked, Y/N waddling towards the elderly woman and leaning over the table. He patted her head, a soft hum huffing through his muzzle. "The correct answer is silence." Kurapika spoke, his eyes narrowing slightly.

He looked towards Gon and ran over, parting the boy's head as well. Gon laughed and patted Y/N's head as well. The two showing their affection to each other. "Which means... where that other guy went was not the right path, was it?" Kurapika asked, causing the two boys to pause their pat - athon. The elderly woman carefully rested her chin on the back of her hands. "This is correct." She spoke. "Yet, you boy with the bamboo muzzle."

Y/N blinked and skipped towards the woman, tilting his head to the side. "You already knew the answer, have you been in this situation?" She asked. "Well... He is mute." Leorio spoke, placing his hands on his hips. "Yes, but I have to agree. He is mute so he had the answer before she asked which one we would save." Kurapika smiled, a sense of pride in his voice.

The demon squealed and plopped on the ground, beginning to roll around in the dirt. He wasn't very fond of compliments but he was going to bask in the look and tone Kurapika spoke. "That doesn't answer my question." She hummed. Y/N popped up, looking at the woman. "Have you been in this situation before?" The male blinked and began to play with the sleeves of his haori.

He hummed before holding his hand up and slightly shaking it. "So - So?" The woman asked, a smile crossing his lips. The male hummed and placed his hand on his cheek, a sweat drop running down his forehead. A door opened, causing the boy to snap his attention towards the door. "Take this path for two hours, you will reach the cedar tr - He's already gone." The woman hummed, watching Y/N race through the dark area. "Thank you!" Kurapika yelled, before running after the muzzled boy.

"Thanks! Take care of yourself!" Gon laughed, following after. "I'm so sorry! I hope you can forgive me!" Leorio screamed before hurrying after. "Oh - Okay." The woman chuckled, scratching her cheek.

Surprisingly, the two hours turned into four. Y/N whined and dragged his feet, his eyes watering from the sleepiness. He hadn't slept in at least eight hours... that's a long time! He likes to live in two hour intervals. "Y/N, do you want me to carry you, you're slowing us down!" Leorio whined. The male immediately jumped in the chance and nodded his head frantically.

The tall male crouched down, Y/N crawling onto his back and hugging his legs around his waist and his arms around his neck. The male sighed and rested his head on Leorio's shoulder, his breaths slowing as he tried to fall asleep on this man's bony shoulder. "Hey look!" Gon smiled as they stepped onto grass.

The demon lifted his head, his eyes widened from the large tree. Is that the Cedar Tree. A happy noise came out of him, sounding like a mewl, gasp, and grunt at the same time. "Hello? Hey! Is anyone home?" Leorio asked, softly bouncing Y/N up on his back. "I guess not..." Gon muttered before pushing the doors open. "Coming in!"

Y/N blinked and made direct eye contact with some magical beast. He held a woman hostage and a man whine and hugged at his stomach. "It's a Kiriko..." Kurapika muttered, his eyes widening. Why is that man acting like that? Y/N could smell nothing wrong with him... The kiriko jumped out of the window, Y/N letting out a gentle hum, pushing off of Leorio and jumping out of the window as well.

This seemed like BS. He picked up the scent easily, crawling up a tree like a kitten climbing up an owner's pant leg. He crawled onto a branch, blinking and sniffing around the area. His closed his eyes and sniffled. His eyes soon shot open, his pupils forming slits before resting back in their circular shape.

He grunted and jumped from branch to branch, following the scent. "Kurapika!" Gon yelled. Y/N noticed the green haired boy on the opposite side of the tree. He quickly whipped his head back to focus, as much as he wanted to nap and wander, he also wanted to figure it out. The scent then took a sharp turn.

Pushing off of the tree, Y/N followed it. He landed on the ground and found a small cave, carefully walking in. He let out a small hum as his eyes slowly adjusted to the dark area. "How'd you find me?" A gruff voice asked. The kiriko appeared in the moonlight, Y/N blinking. It looked... so soft.

The male took a few steps forward before running into the belly of the kiriko, softly petting its fur. What also raised his suspicion was the odd scent called 'no aggression'. He hummed and backed away before the creature could hug him back. "Did you know this was a trial?" He asked. The boy shrugged and lurched forward. "How did you follow me?" Y/N pointed to his nose. "Keen sense of smell, eh? Does it have to do with you being mute?"

He hummed and tilted his hand left and right before shrugging. He reached for his notepad, his eyes widening. Had he forgotten it on the ship. He let out a whine and smacked himself in the face before pouting. "Let's head back to the cabin, shall we?" The beast asked, walking out of the cave. Y/N paused and pointed at his muzzle. "Ah! Kirikos are capable of human speech!" It laughed, waltzing out.

Its walk soon became a run, Y/N sprinting after and keeping rather good pace. His hands rested but his sides, his eyes filled with confusion. He wanted a nice nap but now he had to run more than he ever though he would in a simple rescue mission. Yet, of course luck was on Y/N's side. As he saw his three friends, he tripped over a tree root and face planted on the ground. "Y/N!" The three yelled. The male hummed and sat up, rubbing his face before walking to the three. "Are you alright?" Leorio asked, trying to hold back a laugh.

Y/N huffed and sat on the ground, crossing his arms. "Oi, this kid could tell us apart!" A higher pitched voice announced. Y/N looked up to see not one, but two kirikos! He tilted his head to the side, confusion lacing his features. The one Y/N had walked back with had a lower voice... wait which one was it again. He looked between the two, a gentle whine leaving his lips. "How many years has it been since someone told us apart?" The lower voiced Kiriko spoke.

Gon smiled large, basking in the compliments. Kurapika let out a small chuckle and lowered his head before flinching and glance to his right. Y/N had his head on his leg with his eyes closed. The male hummed and gently began to massage his fingers on the boy's scalp. Listening to the praise from the two children and supposed parents. "Wait, did Y/N pass?" Gon asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Y/N? Oh, yes! Y/N! He was able to track me all the way to our hiding spot for when we had switched!" The lower voiced kiriko spoke, placing his clawed hands on his hips.

The demon let out a soft sigh as he was picked up by one of the children, the girl now forming Kiriko. She placed the boy on her soft back, himself gently nuzzling into her fur and gripping onto the soft texture. She then picked up Kurapika, looking at her family members before taking off.

They were now taking the four to Zaban City where the exam would take place. Y/N and his friends had made it to the exam, it was too late to turn back now! Though, the soft fur of the kiriko made the small boy remember...

'I love you, my little Y/N!'

'Oi, sport! Give me a good kick in the leg, cmon!'

'Elevator one says stop... Don't take your muzzle off, silly boy!'

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