Everlasting Requiem [BoyxBoy]

By LFMH021

125K 3.6K 3K

Everyone in Seirin wonders why Kuroko Tetsuya cannot refuse any of the Generation of Miracles - especially hi... More

Everlasting Requiem
Chapter Two!
Chapter Three
Chapter Four!
Chapter Five!
Chapter Six!
Chapter Seven!
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine!
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17
Untitled Part 18
Chapter 19
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter 20

3K 115 28
By LFMH021

OH, by the way, I cried when I made this chapter. I don't know if you'll also do. -grins-

"Everlasting Requiem"

Akashi was the first one who went out of the car after they arrived in front of the burnt house and approached the two bodies which laid on the ground few meters away from the white house.

"I'll take care of Kentarou." Kamura Hideki offered.

"Tetsuya!" The heterochromatic-eyed yelled as he shook the teal-head phantom player awake. "Tetsuya!"

He looked at the ground and found that they're surrounded with pool of blood.

"Tetsuya!" He shouted.

Kuroko Tetsuya slowly opened his eyes and then smiled. "S-Sei-kun?"


"Funny, I think this happened before..."

"That called dejavu." He pointed out.

Kuroko snorted silently and then touched Akashi's cheek with a hand wrapped with blood. "But this time, the difference is...it really is my time."

"I order you not to say that, Tetsuya." He snarled.

"Just accept it, Sei-kun...I'll never open my eyes again...but still I want you to be happy...Find someone else...someone who'll stay with you until you die." Tetsuya murmured.

"Quit kidding."

"I'm always serious, you know that." Kuroko replied and then gave the sweetest, most innocent, warmest and gentlest smile he could manage. "I...I love you, Sei-kun. I'll always stay beside you...G-Goodbye..." He whispered and then closed his eyes. And his hand fell on his side.

Akashi's eyes widened and then he touched the teal-head's hand. It's cold. "Tetsuya?"

No more reply.

"Tetsuya, I command you to open your eyes!"

Still no response.

No, please, no... He begged. His Tetsuya is...gone?

"Tetsuya!" He cried out loud as his tears dropped into the phantom player's face.

"Aka-chin." Murasakibara called out as he bent down and placed a hand on the red-head's shoulder. "Do you want us to go to the hospital now?"

Akashi wiped his tears, stood up and looked at Aomine. "Daiki, carry Tetsuya to the backseat; I'll accompany him there. Make Dad and Tetsuya carry Kentarou and Helden Nomaki at their car instead or I might kill him."

Aomine squatted and carefully lifted the teal-head's body. "Tetsu, don't you dare die without our permission! And we will never give you permission to die, so wake up." He snapped in a whisper and opened the backseat door of the Akashi's automatic van and placed Kuroko in the backseat, his head on top of Akashi's lap as the latter held it with care.

He took the teal-head's cold hand and held it tightly against his chest. "Stay alive, Tetsuya. Stay alive."

His eyes widened a fraction when Kuroko's hand suddenly moved -very slowly and weakly though-and squeezed his hand. Akashi looked down at the teal-head and saw that Kuroko's lips twitched upwards then his lips formed a small smile as a drop of tear fell on his cheek.


Kise and Aomine arrived with two plastics full of different kind of juices which they bought through the vending machine at the second floor of the hospital where both Kuroko and Kentarou were brought to.

Two hours had passed since the two were brought to the Emergency Room, but there was still no news about either of their condition and the wait made everyone outside of the ER impatient and worried to the point that no one dared to speak or even leave.

"Drink this." Aomine suggested as he placed a cold oolong tea in a can between Akashi's palms. "It wouldn't help if you bottle up what you feel and blame yourself. Tetsu is not the type to blame anyone for his misfortunes, and he's strong, so don't worry so much."

Akashi eyed the can in his hands and smirked at Aomine. "You can actually say pretty cool words too, Daiki, I never knew. Did you say that so Kise will think you're cool?" He teased, opened the can and drank two gulps of its content.

The blue-head blushed and protested with a loud voice, "HEY! That's harsh!"

"SHH!" Few nurses shushed as they all glared at him with penetrating eyes.

The ace covered his mouth and sat back on his seat, throwing a death glare at Akashi, who repaid him with a scarier one which quieted Aomine.

"By the way," Kagami started, feeling a lot more welcome to speak now than he did earlier.

"Yeah?" Takao, who was drinking his orange juice, was the one who replied. "What is it?"

"Just wondering where Isshin Toshita, Haizaki Shoujo and Hanamiya Makoto are..." The taller red-head mumbled, then scratched the back of his head.

"Mmm...I remember seeing Kuro-chin's brother dragging them to the police station right after Kuro-chin and the one from Awase -I forgot his name-were admitted to that room..." Murasakibara mumbled as he munched his potato chips which Himuro bought for him.

"It's where my Father and Mother are in charge at." Takao added with a grin. "So they'll surely

"How about Kamura Hideki?" Aomine, who was now more confident to talk since Akashi wasn't looking at him-added.

"He drove Helden Nomaki towards where the latter works at and will tell them everything he did. He brought Akashi's parents with him and they will all show evidences, so cases will be filed on him." Midorima answered as he opened one of his closed eyes.

More noises and chatters were emerged when all of them started to talk with one another, even Nuriko and Kazuhiko Kuroko were dragged to different conversation and Akashi could feel all of their anxiety and concern, but just hid them by laughing and pretending that everything would be alright although no one really knew what would happen and what happened with the two inside of the ER.

But Akashi brushed off every question or comment which was for him for he was in no condition to laugh or even smile; he's good at pretending but he vowed that he wouldn't do it this time. His former teammates or even not his former teammates could make him crack even just a small smile with how ridiculous they could be. Even Kise, who was still blind at the moment, could still be as childish and playful as he was when he still could see and that only proved that he could be himself whether he could see or not.

Takumi suddenly appeared out of nowhere and watched as the others didn't even notice his appearance. He raised an eyebrow at Akashi, and the latter just shrugged.

"No, putting mayonnaise on okonomiyaki is delicious!" Kise protested.

"SHHHHH!" The nurses which were stationed on the information near them scolded.

Aomine grinned. "Ha-ha, busted."

"Aominecchi, you meanie!" Kise mumbled.

"The thing you suggested almost made me puke, Kise." Midorima complained.

"Eh?" Kise sulked. "But it is delicious!" He urged with determined tone.

Takumi sat on the vacant seat beside Akashi's and shook his head in disbelief. "Now I see why Tetsuya loved you guys so much. You and your teammates' randomness will surely make anyone crack a smile, even my own expressionless brother." He murmured.

"I would take that as a compliment for our team and I shall thank you for that." Akashi replied.

The light on top of the ER's doors turned off and the door opened which silenced everyone and even made the atmosphere chillier than earlier when they just arrived.

"How is he, doctor?" Takumi asked right after the doctor came out of the Emergency Room.

No reply.

"Doctor, how is Tetsuya Kuroko?" Kagami shouted.

The doctor just stared on the ground.

Akashi stood up and glared at the man. "How is Tetsuya's condition? Answer me or I'll really kill you."

The doctor gulped and then took a deep breath. "His surgery was successful-"

"I'm glad-"

"But..." the doctor interrupted.

"But what?"

The doctor's eyes were filled with sadness. "He lost a lot of blood and his body was badly bruised and injured...Looks like his own body chose its own decision..."

"I don't quite get it." Kazuhiko murmured.

But Akashi did and he gasped, "No, don't say-"

"He's in comatose and we don't know if he'll ever wake up again." The doctor finally announced.

"Doctor Konohita, you've got to be kidding us!" Kazuhiko growled in anger as he grabbed the doctor's collar. "You already stitched back the hole in his heart right? You also removed the bullet which almost killed him right? He should be waking up after few days! Tetsuya's strong!"

The brunette doctor gulped and wiped his sweat before murmuring his reply, "I am fully aware of that for I have been his doctor since he was born and I know how strong he is. He even took his first surgery at the age of seven and still survived although the chance back then was 50-50, but not because the first time worked, it will always do... He has...experienced much more pain, emotions, sufferings these last few years and that affected his heart's condition more than it should..." He paused and looked up with disappointed eyes. "His heart's condition is greater than it was before when he first had his surgery...if ever he will wake up, he could immediately move around after few days...and even play basketball. I...We did our best, but this was the best we have done. It's up to him if he'll ever wake up again or sleep for all eternity.."

The waiting area outside the Emergency Room was suddenly filled with deafening silence. Even the nurses and doctors who passed by the area suddenly felt the ones outside's emotions.

"Was that friend of them which was murmured to have been in coma?" One nurse murmured to another.

The other nodded. "It seems so. Did you see how they looked? They faces struck my heart..."

"It feels like I also lost something precious to me just now... Just looking at how frustrated and sad they were...almost made me tear up." The first one mumbled and wiped the tears which were forming in her eyes.

"I just want you know that the one named Kentarou was fine and will wake up after few days..." The doctor in-charge of a certain phantom player added and bowed to the latter's parents and brother. "I need to attend another errand, so will you excuse me?"

Kazuhiko smiled a little but it didn't reach his eyes. "Of course, thank you."

The brunette doctor smiled. "You finally came back to your old self, Kazuhiko. I'm sure Tetsuya-kun will be very happy if he knew about it." He commented.

Kazuhiko's eyes widened and he bit his lip and stifled the sobs which were about to break out from his mouth. "I...I was too late. I came back but I was already too late and wasn't even able to protect my own son...Truth be told, it was all my fault...All mine..." He hissed and covered his face.

"He still smiled...He still smiled although we always left him alone. He still greeted us politely when we went back home...He always cared and tried to act like he wasn't feeling anything...It hurts me...It hurts that I realized how unreliable I was...How I didn't even notice how lonely he looked..." Nuriko Kuroko murmured and watched as teardrops fell on her open palms.

"He was the most understanding person I've met...A person that never turned his back on me...Someone to treasure but for these past few years-all I did was neglect him and ignore his calls. How can I call myself his brother...?" Takumi Kuroko grunted and pulled his hair in exasperation.

"Kuro-chin..." Murasakibara mumbled as he stared at the white doors of the Emergency Room in daze. "Kuro-chin...?"

Himuro patted the violet-eyed's head and smiled as gentle as he could. "He'll wake up, I know he will."

For countless times, his partner would usually nod and agree with his optimistic urges and words, but this time the center didn't reply and just hid his face against the black-head's hair.

"Kuro-chin..." He repeated with much more shaky voice now.

Takao looked up at his partner and smiled, but his mile didn't even reach his eyes. "Shin-cha-"

"Shut it." Midorima cut in with a cracked voice.

Takao pulled the green-head's lower and placed the latter's face against his the crook of his neck and shoulder. "It's alright, Shin-chan...It's alright." He mumbled and closed his eyes as the green-eyed silently sobbed the teal-head's name.

Kise smiled. "Kurokocchi...Kurokocchi is a very kind person. He love basketball so much and I thank this sport for letting us meet. He actually stirred something inside of me..." He paused and wiped his tears. "He liked me although I'm annoying...He cared for me although I was always bugging him...He...He..." He trailed off and broke into a cry, "Kurokocchi!"

Aomine smacked the blonde's head. "Shut it."

"D-Demo...Kurokocchi is-Aominecchi...? Are you crying...?" Kise mumbled and tried searching for the blue-head's face; upon reaching it, he trailed his fingers and felt the dried tears on his lover's cheeks. "Aominecchi..."

"I shouldn't have let him go...I shouldn't have turned my back at him when he tried to bump fists with me back in middle school. I...I spent many months wasting my time by making him my enemy...I'm such an asshole. I was...I...Tetsu..." He grunted and growled in anger.

Kagami sniffed and wiped his tears as he looked away. "Kuroko...Kuroko, you bastard, why are you making me cry...Why-Why...Urgh..."

Akashi stood up. "Excuse me." He murmured and went to the elevator and went inside.

"Where is he...?" Himuro trailed off.

"Let him be." Midorima murmured and wiped his tears as manly as he could. "He needs space as of the moment."


Akashi reached the rooftop and opened its door before going out to take a breather. Well, that was his excuse so his tears wouldn't pour down yet, but as soon as he closed the door behind him and just right after he figured out that no one's there with him-he broke down and traitor tears went down on his cheeks and wetted them.

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

I never cried...I never did and just did once when I lost one of my eyes...but it was just because of pain...

This time...this time...I cannot take it anymore...

"Akashi-kun! Do you want to go and hang out with us?"

He turned around and found Kuroko behind him with a slight smile on his lips. "You want me to come?"

The phantom player nodded and took his arm. "You're our captain and we're not complete without you! We might just be teammates for you, but you're special to us...Come."

He then let his subordinate drag him towards the others as they all welcomed him.

"If not because of him...maybe our bond wouldn't be as strong as it was now." He murmured and looked up at the darkening sky. "Tetsuya."

Drops of rain poured down suddenly from the countless clouds.

"Tetsuya!" He shouted but no one heard him for a loud downpour and he was sure he was grateful for it.


Three weeks have passed, but still no sign of the teal-head waking up. Everyday, one of the witnesses would come to visit him, but he never responded, not a move of even a finger, not a twitching of his eyebrows and not even a nonchalant word out of his mouth as a mumble. It was just him, lying on the white bed covered with a white blanket, wires attached on different parts of his body, bandages all around his chest and around his head, dextrose and IV fluids to keep him alive and...a basketball ball on his bedside table to make him happy when he accidentally woke up when no one was around to greet him.

The weeks passed...coldly and sadly. The next competition which was announced was the World Cup. A group of sponsors and trainers will choose members of different schools to participate their special training to form the team of Japan which will compete against other countries' teams. Many players will be chosen to participate for the special training but only eighteen members will be chosen to form the Team Japan -they will chose sixteen members for substitutions and so that they have reserved members if there will be two or three games in a day-and as of the moment, the trainers are still choosing for the players to participate for the training.

No one among the Generation of Miracles really cared because they couldn't called themselves members of the MiraGen if one of them was blind and their phantom sixth man was in comatose. What's the fun in participating if we aren't complete, was all of them thought.

But since their coaches and schools asked for it, every High School in Japan gathered in one place in Tokyo as the trainers would finally announce who the pre-chosen ones were.

"We chose fifty participants of the training, but only eighteen will be chosen for the real tournament. Every person whom I will call, please step up to the stage."

The guy beside the announcer said the listed names in mild tone and speed, so no one would mishear him or wouldn't hear his name.

"Akashi Seijuro, Kotaro Hayama, Reo Mibuchi, Eikichi Nebuya of Rakuzan High. Daiki Aomine, Momoi Satsuki -as a manager-of Touou High. Murasakibara Atsushi and Himuro Tatsuya of Yosen High. Midorima Shintarou and Takao Kazunari of Shuutoku High. Kise Ryouta of Kaijo High. Hanamiya Makoto of Kirisaki-Wait, uh, he was unlisted since a case was filed at him and bad behavior among players are not allowed. Let me say the others instead then, KiyoshI Teppei, Kagami Taiga, and Kuroko Tetsuya of Seirin High..." He enumerated more names and the ones he had already called stepped into the stage but after everyone was called, one person was missing and it was between Kiyoshi and Kagami.

But no one really noticed for Kuroko had always been invisible, yet there are few people who did and it certainly pained them seeing that spot empty.


Another two weeks passed, but still no sign of the phantom player waking up.

The pre-chosen ones' training started few days ago and Akashi decided to pay a visit at the teal-head's room an hour before going to where their training was held.

"Who is it you'll visit?" The nurse in the Information Booth asked right after he entered the automatic doors of the building. Her eyes softened upon recognizing him. "It's to visit Kuroko Tetsuya-kun again right?"

He glared at her but she dodged it by busying herself in searching for the visitors' record. She searched through piles of books and found it under the Basketball Monthly which was few inches away from the receiving phone. "Here, please sign here." She requested and pointed the place where he needed to fill on his name.

He signed it then noticed the page where the Basketball Monthly was. He narrowed his eyes to see the image clearer and then smirked before heading towards the elevator.

She blinked as the red-head left with a smirk. She looked down at the page where their magazine was at and gasped. "W-Wait, these guys...They were also the ones waiting for Kuroko-kun when he was raced to the ER...And this is Kuroko-kun right?" She read through the article and froze. "Those people are from the famous schools around this area and also the former Generation of Miracles...?!" She exclaimed and fainted with shock.

"O-Oi, Nanami!" Another nurse gasped. "Nanami...!"

The nursed named Nanami mumbled, "They're so...good...to...be true..."



Akashi entered Room 150 with the name tag after Kuroko's name. He sighed and closed it with soft 'click'behind him before grabbing the monoblock chair around a corner and placed it beside the phantom player's bed. "Hah, such exhausting days..." He murmured and sixed the blue-head's disarranged hair. "How are you lately, Tetsuya...?"

He got no reply, but he continued anyway.

"I just came to visit and see how you are and looks like you're looking better. I'm glad. By the way, you were chosen to be part of the pre-chosen ones for the World Cup. You shouldn't slack off or the coach and trainers will scold you. Funny, they are stricter and harsher than I am, but don't worry, I know how to answer back to them." He assured.

Yeah, it was something to be proud of, Akashi-kun.

He squeezed Kuroko's free hand lightly and smiled as g\tenderly as he could. "I hope you wake up soon, Tetsuya. Everyone hopes you do; don't make us wait for so long, you know that we're impatient." He added and stood up.

He went towards the door and opened it. He took a last turn and whispered, "I love you, Tetsuya."


"So, what is it you want to talk to me about?" Akashi mumbled as he wiped his sweat with his white and as soft as cotton towel. They just finished their morning and currently at break, but right after they were dismissed from the court, one of their trainers called for him.

"You are already one of the Chosen Ones for Team Japan."

"I know." He replied.

The trainer's eyebrow twitched with how confident he sounded. "And I want you to recommend me some worthy for your expectations players, so I will have more option."

He enumerated about twelve players -he mostly know all of them-and the last two names he mentioned were Kise's and Kuroko's.

"No, I don't think the last two you mentioned will be needed. Kise's blind as of the moment and useless. Kuroko's in coma and will be no help at all." The trainer objected with disgust.

It took most of his self-control to not punch his trainer. "Those two are very capable to play on the real matches, Sir."

"How so? Kise still has no donor of eyes and Kuroko's condition is still unstable, he could even die any moment from now."

Akashi's eyes widened a fraction when someone else took the older man's collar and lifted him. "Daiki, what-"

But the rage and anger at the blue-head's eyes quieted him down and he knew that Aomine has a right to say something. "You asshole! It wasn't their fault that they are currently in their conditions! You! Aren't you one of Awase's trainers? Is that why you're in favor of the pre-chosen ones from that school?! Ugh!"

"L-Let me go!"

Daiki threw him on the ground. "Don't you dare trashtalk those two again or you'll suffer more than what you did earlier." He growled.

"I was just telling the truth! Those two are nothing but nuisance and burden if you add them to the Chosen Ones!"

Akashi's eyes narrowed which made the trainer gulp and take a crawl backwards -if that's even possible-and when the red-head's cold gaze turned into a glare, the trainer flinched like he was struck by lightning. "F-Fine..." He hissed in mental and psychological pain. "The World Cup will start three months from now...A-and...I will give you a month, if the two of them wouldn't recover after that given time, they will not be part of the Eighteen Chosen Ones..."

"I don't like being ordered around, but deal." Akashi murmured and turned around now.

Aomine followed behind him. "Oi, Akashi, are you sure about that?"



"We don't even know if Ryouta will ever have a donor and Tetsuya's condition is still unstable."

"Then why-"

"Because I have no other choice. Would you rather see them smiling half-heartedly as they bid us a 'good luck' when we leave for the World Cup?" Akashi demanded.

Aomine winced. "Uh, no."

"That's what I expected." He mumbled.

Tetsuya, please wake up...


Another two weeks passed, and almost everyone was losing hope that either Kise or Kuroko will get into the Chosen Ones.


Kise suddenly got a text from the hospital where he was admitted when he lost his eyesight. When Aomine read the message a loud for him, both the blonde and the blue-head jumped in happiness.


In Room 150 of still-unnamed-hospital with the name tag of Kuroko Tetsuya, a certain boy with teal-colored hair, teal-colored eyes, fair complexion started to open his eyes slowly.

He moved his fingers and they did as they were ordered.

Nigou who was sitting on top of the window sill stirred and turned his head towards his master before barking in joy.

Kuroko then fully but slowly opened his eyes and blinked. "Where am I?"

Authoress' Note: Hiya, minna! It took me a lot of time to make an update!

It took two hours and seriously, I also cried on the first part of the chapter.

I don't know how that ended like that, but I hope it was worth your time.


Oh, by the way, let me bring you happiness on the next chapter!


Akashi opened the phantom player's room's door and sighed. "That was exhausting. I apologize for not being able to visit for almost a week, Tetsuya." He mumbled and closed the door behind him.

"Come and sit." A voice offered.

He sat on the chair placed beside Kuroko's bed and ruffled his hair. "When will you ever wake up, Tetsuya?"

"Um, I'm already awake, Sei-kun."

"And now, I'm also hearing voices. It must because of exhaustion." He mumbled.

"No, you're not hearing things. I am awake and alive, Sei-kun." The voice complained.

"Tetsuya, you are actually driving me nuts. Maybe I should take a nap or else I might end up in the mental hospital instead." He suggested to himself.

"Am I also invisible to you too now, Sei-kun?" The voice grunted.

"No, you conscience who sounds like Tetsuya, I'm not going to give in." He replied.

He blinked when his face was suddenly forced to turn towards where the blue-head laid at-"T-Tetsuya?!"

Setting Skip...

The doctor slowly removed the bandage around his eyes and Aomine waited patiently infront of the blonde model.

When the bandage was fully removed, Kise was instructed to open his eyes. He did the blinked.

"Can you see me?" The doctor asked to the blonde.

Kise nodded.

"How many is this?" The doctor asked as he made a two with his hand.




He then pointed at Aomine.

"An overcooked dough cake." Kise responded instantly.

"Good." The doctor agreed.

Aomine's eyebrows twitched with the insult. "HEY!"

Authoress' Note: Did I spoil the next chapter so much? Aw, did I?

You will still wait for it though, right?

Please say that you will! -sad face-

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