Hide and Seek - Dnf

By S_E_R_A_N_A

15.9K 459 183

Two friend groups that hate each other. George is in one, Dream is in the other. One day, George's friends d... More

Author's Note
Important Notice!
2-Hide and Seek
4-Cold Sweat
10-Failed Search
11-Panic Arises
13-The Freeing
14-Disaster Strikes
16-In return
17-Search Party
20-We shall.
21-The plan
22- The End
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2 - Just An Agreement?


630 19 11
By S_E_R_A_N_A

[Dream's POV]

As I watched George reading the texts, his eyes first went completely blank, then widened in shock. He stared down at the texts, an expression of panic briefly crossing his face.

"George?"I asked softly.

He snapped out of whatever trance he'd been in and looked abruptly up at me.

"Yeah?"A smile adorned his face, but those furrowed eyebrows gave it away."What's up?"

"Um...what's wrong? Did anything in the group chat upset you or something?"

"No! It's fine!" he hurriedly scrolled up.

"George. Give me the phone."


I sighed and reached my arm out, grabbing the phone before he could utter another word. He watched on in defeat and let me take it.

I scrolled down to the newer messages, wondering what had upset George. Then, I came to a section of the chat that I didn't recognize. As I read, I mentally cursed at myself for not checking first. Why did I let George read this?! They were literally making him out to be a villain!

I glanced up from the phone. He was staring at me with terrified eyes. I looked back down at the texts and re-read them. Though they were rather bizarre, there were parts that made perfect sense, and I had to agree that Wilbur could never have done any of that. I also remembered having seen Wilbur all morning, him having been in every one of my classes that morning. But could George have actually done that? I was lost in thought, only brought back to reality when there was a sharp intake of breath and what sounded suspiciously like a whimper.

I glanced up and met his mismatched eyes.

"George? It's fine. I'm sorry. I should've checked before choosing this conversation. I'm sorry for those false accusations. It's fine. You don't have to take offense to any of them. They mean nothing."

He said nothing, and instead started sniffling.

At this, I started panicking. "Hey—it's ok! Please don't cry!" I'd never really been the best at comforting people, usually leaving such things to Bad or Karl.

It was no good. He kept on crying. I put a comforting arm around him, and rubbed small, gentle circles into his shaking shoulder. The boy relaxed slightly, but still looked extremely guilty.

"T-thank you, but—"

"Not now George. You can tell me later."

"N-no! You don't understand!"

"Yes I do, and I know that you're not in the right state of mind. Whatever it is you want to tell me, you can tell me later. Please don't say anything that you'll regret."

I pulled him into a hug. He really needed it.

"Dream—"he tried to pull away, but I only pulled him closer.

"Not now. Really. Whatever you have to say can wait."

He sighed, seeming to give up. Finally relaxing, he allowed his arms to wrap around me. I heard quiet sniffles coming from him once more. This time, I let him cry, thinking that it would be better to just let him be.

He shifted his position, turning sideways so that it was more comfortable for me. I smiled slightly and pulled him off the cold, hard floor onto my lap. He sighed contentedly and buried his face into my hoodie.

Soon, his breathing evened out and I could tell he'd fallen asleep. I laid my head on his and fell asleep soon after.

*A few hours later*

I woke up, still feeling pretty groggy. All the events of the morning came rushing back to me. I glanced down at the small figure of George, who was sleeping peacefully. How was it physically possible for a person to sleep for this long? He looked pretty adorable when he was sleeping, not gonna lie.

I slid an arm underneath his legs to support them, using the other one to gently support his back before standing up and walking over to my phone, which I had accidentally slid a good way across the floor of the dark room. After successfully sitting him down without disturbing the sleeping boy too much, I checked the time, taking care to keep the screen away from his eyes, as to not accidentally wake him up.

He stirred, but soon settled down again. I let out a breath of relief I hadn't even realize I was holding.

While waiting for George to finally wake up, I found my mind drifting back to what he was going to tell me. Was it actually something important, or was I just overthinking everything?

After much debating and internal warfare, I came to the conclusion that I was just overthinking.

Just then, George moved. There was a muffled groan. I looked down to see his eyelids fluttering open, sleepy eyes scanning all their surroundings. He seemed at peace, very much in contrast to how he had been before falling asleep.

When he caught sight of me, he gasped and got up abruptly, backing away at such a pace that he was bound to fall. As he neared the corner of the room, I saw a ledge that I had not seen previously. Oh shit. He was going to hit it.

"George look out—"

Too late. There was a bump and he hit the edge of the sharp ledge, backing up while clutching his side in pain.


I sighed and went over to him, helping him back over to the wall on the far end. After I'd carefully inspected the skin with a flashlight to make sure no blood had been drawn (there wasn't, thank goodness), I straightened up, helped him sit down, sat down cross-legged myself, turned to him, and said, "so..."

"Yeah?"He seemed to have been expecting this, I could see it in his eyes.

"You know what I'm gonna ask, so come on." I kept my gaze on him, seemingly trying to pierce his soul.

"Please don't get angry at me—" He was visibly growing more anxious.

"If you did nothing wrong, George, then there's nothing to worry about."

He let out yet another shaky breath. "That's just the thing, Dream. I did do something wrong. You may as well kill me right here and now."

"What?! Why?" His answer horrified me.

"Because it wasn't Wilbur who exposed your secret to the school—it was me."

Word Count: 1059

(Current Read Count: 98)

When I wrote this, the Snf meetup had just happened and I was literally freaking out while watching the stream. Just thought I'd put it out there for a reason as to why the chapter was so...weird.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this chapter! Bye! 😁

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