Pirate Au (An Amphibia Fanfic...

By MarcyToast

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When a sailor sees a mermaid one night he alerts the town Sasha wants to catch it and show the town her accom... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 1

389 4 0
By MarcyToast

Sailor's POV

I was on a scouting rout in the night I didn't think it was too bad nothing really happened I just had to check the rout for scouts to pass threw next morning I went into the captains deck for a minute just to check if I'm on the right track then something hit the boat "Wooh what was that" I asked myself I walked out on the main deck and went to the wooden railing and stared in the water something came out and swam around the boat I knew what it was when it showed it's body a mermaid I couldn't believe it a mermaid right here near the bay I saw it swim away I was speachless for the rest of the time I was checking the rout I made it back to town in the morning.

Anne's POV

I woke up and got ready I was going to go fishing today with my friends the plantars friends I'm glad I made I went out and went to talk with the plantars I saw them down the road I ran down to them "Hey guys you ready" I asked "Yeah Anne ready as I'll ever be" Sprig said "Let's go" Hop Pop said "Yeah I'm ready" I said we walked down to the dock and I scared sailor ran up to the towns people "Clam down, clam down tell us what happened last night" one towns person asked him "I was checking the rout for the scouts and something hit my boat then I went out to check it out and I saw a mermaid" he said "A mermaid" the town person asked "Yeah a mermaid" he said "Ok it didn't hurt you right" the town person asked "No it didn't it just scared me" he said "Ok let's try to figure this out" the town person said then someone came from the crowd "Did you say there was a mermaid" she said I knew who it was Sasha the person who wants to inpress everyone in town "Yes I did" the sailor said "Well then someone better catch this mermaid" she said "Well who" he said "Someone who is brave, strong, and the best...me" she said I rolled my eyes at her "That's a good idea Sasha you'll catch the mermaid" he said "Yes it is" she said I stopped listening to her and turned around to talk with the plantars "We need to find that mermaid and relocate the mermaid before Sasha finds it" I said "Good idea Anne we don't want Sasha to hurt it" Hop Pop said "Let's cancel the fishing today" I said "Got you Anne" Hop Pop said we dropped off our fishing stuff at home and ran to the docks we got our boat ready and sailed out after the whole day we started looking in the water for the mermaid "Hey Anne" Sprig asked me "Yeah what" I asked "Do you think this was a bad idea" he asked "No Sasha would get the mermaid and probably hurt it why would you ask that" I asked "Sorry I was just trying to ask" he said "It's ok Sprig but this mermaid is in danger we aren't backing down Sasha is going to hurt that mermaid if we don't do something and the town people believed her" I said "Ok, ok I get it we need to save this mermaid and Sasha is going to hurt it if we don't do something it was just rushed the first time and I couldn't catch up but now I know thanks" he said "Yeah but don't say that again I care about this mermiad I don't want them to get hurt or worse" I said "Yeah I know" he said I turned around and looked back into the water just thinking "Did that sailor really see the mermaid" I asked "I bet he did everyone always believes him no matter how weird it is one time he told the town he saw the kraken and everyone believed him haha" Sprig laughed "He did" I asked smiling "Yeah he did I even believed him that time then I thought it was stupid" he said "Well now I believe him I believed he saw a mermaid" I said "Yeah we all do" he said I looked acrossed the water the sun was almost down "Good thing we took off before Sasha did she was still showing off to the town when we took off" I said "Yeah good thing" he said we stayed there for a minute looking at the sun going down I kept staring into the water from time to time just to check if the mermiad would pop up and show themself I want them to show us themselves I just want to see them we need to find them quick Sasha is probably already going on a hard mission "Ok well I'm getting sleepy I'm going to go to sleep now" I said "Ok goodnight" Sprig said "Maybe you should come to sleep with me I don't think Hop Pop wants you to stay up too long" I said "Ok I'm coming" he said we went into the cabin deck and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't fall asleep I sat up and walked outside it was night and cold I looked into the water the moon's refelction helped me see my face I was waiting for something a boat I looked back to the town man we were far farther than I expected I looked back into the water I waited for the mermaid to come up but nothing I thought nothing would happen then something hit the boat I was knocked off but I grabbed the wooden railing haft of my body was in the water I least I didn't fall in I pulled myself up and was catching my breah the plantars felt the boat being hit by something "Anne are you ok" Hop Pop asked me "I'm fine I'm just wet" I said "Yeah you look wet" he said "Aren't you going to know what happened" I asked "Yeah why are you wet" he asked "Something knocked the boat I almost went overbored but I caught myself" I said "Ok good let's get you inside the cabin deck and dry you off" he said "Ok" I said then we went back inside the cabin deck and dryed myself off I think that something was someone possibly it was the mermaid after we dryed myself off we went to sleep.

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