The Walking Dead Game: Reimag...

By CornPaste

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This is a retelling of Telltale's The Walking Dead. It will involve some of my own characters and I plan to m... More

Episode One: When the Dead Started Walking
Episode 3: All I've Got
Episode 4: The Long Trek
Episode 5: Armed with Death

Episode Two: Nowhere to Hide

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By CornPaste

Lee POV:

I am awoken from my sleep by a loud crash. I look up to see a man standing in the entrance to the store. He is covered in blood and looks to be in pain. I look at his face and gasp at the familiar sight.

"Jay, what the fuck happened to you." Kenny questions.

"It's a long story. I need a doctor." Katjaa, Kenny's wife hurries over to Jay.

"I'm a veterinarian, and that's the closest thing to a doctor we have." She says with a worried smile.

Clementine and I run over to him. Clementine hugs him and he winces at the pain. "Easy there, Sweetpea." I say with a worried tone to my voice. I look over Jay and realize how serious his injuries were.

His left arm has several large lacerations and is bleeding profusely. His torso looks to be bleeding but I cannot tell the cause. Katjaa looks him over.

"Are you bit?" She questions with a frown.

"No, no. I fell through a roof and my arm got caught on some rebar. The rest of the blood ain't mine." He says, painfully.

I sigh in relief as I follow Katjaa and Jay into the backroom. Clementine wanted to follow us but Jay told her to stay behind. They sit down on a desk and Jay rolls up his sleeve.

"Shit... I didn't realize how bad it was." Jay stated through gritted teeth.

"Well you are lucky because it didn't hit any tendons or nerves." Katjaa then pulls out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.

"My favorite part!" Jay announces sarcastically. Katjaa pours the peroxide on Jay as he writhes in pain. He kicks the desk and curses profusely.

"Now time for the stitches." Katjaa says with an expressionless face.

"Do I have tooooo?" Jay whines with a sarcastic and comedic tone.

"At least you still have humor in these situations." I reply.

Katjaa finishes stitching and bandaging  Jay's wounds. We leave the back room and head towards Clementine. She squeals in excitement and hugs Jay.

"I t-thought I l-lost you." She cries while still hugging him.

"It's OK, I'm ok. You don't have to worry about me." Jay says comfortingly.

Kenny rushes over to us with a worried expression.

"I hate to break up this reunion, but we have a problem."

Just them we hear screams followed by a few gunshots. We see a couple of people bleeding with obvious bite wounds and an undead Rebecca lying motionless on the floor.

"Shit, the gunshot must have attracted the walkers!" Jay remarks.

We start to hear banging on the windows as we stand up and grab our weapons. One of the barricades burst open as a few walkers crawl through.

"What do we do?" Clementine frightfully questions.

"Well, there's nowhere to hide." I reply.

Kenny rushes over to his family as more walkers get in and start attacking people. Jay picks up Clementine and runs toward the back door. I follow closely behind.

Only a few other people make it outside. I recognize Carley, Jay, Clementine, Kenny, Katjaa, and Duck.

"We have to go back in and help them." an Asian man says.

"We can't, Glenn. You've seen how many walkers there are, it's just not possible." Jay says with a frown.

"He's right." Kenny and Katjaa say in unison.

An older man and a girl just sit in silence.

"Well, where do we go now?" Kenny asks with a saddened expression.

Everyone is silent.

"What do you think, Lilly?" Glenn asks

The woman, who I now know is Lilly, just shakes her head. We sit there for a while, contemplating, when walkers start to fill in at both sides of the alley.

"We need to push a way through." Jay commands.

Jay, Kenny and I start to attack the walkers at the less populated side of the alley. Carley shoots the walkers behind as we push through.

We finally make it to the end of the alley as Carley runs out of ammo. Glenn talks about a motel that we might be able to fortify. We agree to go check it out and we head out.

There are a few dead walkers and a few still living. We take care of them and we take out the bodies.


The remaining survivors work to fortify the motel. Glenn heads off to find friends and family.

Three Months Later

Jay's POV

We have been working on the motel for the past few months. We found a man named Mark with a car full of food and supplies. Lilly has taken a position as a sort of leader. Kenny and I butt heads with her often. She has become very sour to me since I knocked her dad, Larry, out at the pharmacy. Clementine and Lee get along very well. It feels nice to not have to look after her 24/7. Part of me feels like Lee should lead, but he says that he doesn't want too. He doesn't pick sides either.

Mark, Lee, Kenny and I went out hunting. I had caught a nice elk in my sight when we hear a scream in the distance.

"Who do you think that was?" Kenny asks.

"I don't know, I just hope it isn't Mark or Lee." I reply, worried.

We run into a clearing and see Mark and Lee standing next to what look like students.

"OH GOD, GET ME OUT OF THIS." A man yells. He looks to be caught in a bear trap.

"There's no release latch, I can't get him out." Mark says with a grim expression.

"We have to cut off the leg, the trap is attached by chains." I say. Lee looks down at his axe and nods. He starts to chop as the man screams. Kenny and I fend off the incoming walkers. My machete is covered in blood by the time Lee is done chopping.

One of the students ends up tripping and is devoured by walkers.

"TRAVIS!!!" the other student screams. He stands there in shock for a moment before I snap him out of it. We run back towards the motel. The man who Lee chopped the leg off of has lost a lot of blood, I dont think he will make it.

"OPEN THE GATES!" Lee yells out. Lilly and Katjaa rush to get the door open.

"What the fuck are you doing bringing more people here?" Lilly hisses.

"What did you want us to do, leave them out there?" I yell defensively at her.

"Well that's better than to bring more mouths to feed." Larry scowls.

"Let's just calm down." Lee says. Lilly tries to speak but I raise my hand and shush her as I walk over to the one legged man.

"Is he gone?" I ask.

"He died of bloodloss." Katjaa replies. Before we can do anything else the man awakens as a walker. It latches on to Katjaa and I pry it off. I drag it out of the truck bed and Mark comes over to finish it with the axe.

Once it is dead Kenny starts going off on the other student whose name we learn is Ben.

"I thought you said he wasn't bitten?" Kenny questions with anger in his voice.

"He wasn't, I swear." The student says.

"Well he came back and almost ate my wife." Kenny yells.

"Wait, you guys don't know?" "Don't know what?" "It's not the bite that does it, you come back no matter what."

People gasp, I'm speechless, and Clementine starts crying. She runs up to me and cries into my side. I just sit there dumbfounded.

"Were fucked." Lee and I say in unison.

Moments later we hear Carley and Mark shouting at someone in the distance. Two strangers, who identify themselves as Andy, and Danny, explain that they are willing to trade gas for food. Given our horrible food situation, we decide it is best to accept the offer. Carley, Ben, Lee and I decided to check out the farm. We meet the mother of the family, and Andy tasks Mark, Lee and I with freeing walkers of the electric fence. As we are clearing walkers, Mark gets shot by an arrow, and the electric fence turns on, burning my hand. I am separated from the others by the fence so I decide to make a run back to the house to turn off the fence.

I yell for Andy to turn off the fence. He does so and explains that the fence turns itself on sometimes. Mark and Lee return and Brenda usheres Mark inside to help him. Carley and Ben return with the rest of the group. I head into the house and ask Brenda for a bandage for my burnt hand. She happily hands one over along with some first aid cream.

I head out to the barn to wait for dinner and see Kenny and Lee talking by a locked door.

"What's goin' on?" I question.

"These people seem fishy to us and have been trying to keep us away from the door." Lee replies.

"So... uh, can you pick this lock, Lee?" Kenny asks?

"Why do you think that I can do that?" "Because you're, uh, urban?"

"Does that mean what I think it means." Lee glares at Kenny.

"I can do it. Just keep the family occupied." I say.

I start to pick the lock as I remember my rebellious upbringing. The door opens to a very bloody room with weapons everywhere. Lee and I look at each other before we are interrupted by the voice of Andy.

"Dinner's ready. We use that room to skin our animals. It is too messy to do it in the house."

We just look at him and ask him what is for dinner. He says it is steak and it starts to raise alarms in my head so I pull Lee to the side to talk to him.

"This is a dairy, not a ranch, where do they get the meat?" I ask him.

"I know this is a bit of a stretch, but I think they are cannibals." Lee replies.

"Do ya think they got Mark?" I ask.

"I don't know, but I think we should check it out." He says to me.

We walk into the house and look around to see if Mark is there. We don't see him and go to sit down.

When we are almost there I whisper for Lee to not let Clementine eat.

"Where is the bathroom?" I ask Brenda.

I thank her and walk upstairs but not to the bathroom. I walk into the bedroom where Mark should be but he isn't there. I see a bookshelf blocking a doorway.

I open the door to see Mark on the floor, legless. I look at him for a moment before running back down the stairs.

"DON'T EAT THAT! It's Mark's legs!" I yell, getting the attention of the people. Some people drop their forks, others just look horrified.

"Is this true?" Katjaa asks.

"Yes, it is. We need to make the most of what he have, he was gonna die anyways." Brenda says, almost emotionless.

Suddenly, Danny grabs Clementine's hair. I lunge forward with anger but I get a rifle butt to the face.

I start to wake up and see Clementine sitting next to me. She smiles when she sees me waking up and hugs me. I stand up and walk over to Kenny and Lee.

"How are we supposed to get out of here?" "I don't know?" "Well they've got Katjaa and Duck." I hear them muttering. They see me and before I can ask them what the plan is Larry interrupts.

"If it weren't for you, we would be in this situation." He says with a scowl.

"What did I do?" I ask him, genuinely confused.

"If you didn- AUGH!" Larry yells out, before falling to the ground silent. Lilly rushes over and says he's had a heart attack. Kenny and I look at each other.

"He's gonna turn..." I say with a frown.

"We've got to destroy the brain." Kenny says with a determined look. We look at Lee and he says that we gave Duck the benefit of the doubt, so maybe we should give it to Larry. I just stand there as Kenny grabs a salt lick and brings it down on Larry's head.

"NOOO" Lilly screams out.

"It had do be done." I mutter. Clementine runs up to me and cries into my side.

"Why did Kenny do that, Jay?" She asks with a scared expression.

I get down on one knee and say, "If we don't do that he would turn into a monster, and the we'd be trapped in here with it, so it had to be done, do you understand what I mean?" I ask with a comforting look. She nods and we get back to thinking about a way to escape. Lee notices a vent but he didn't have a screwdriver. I remember I have a coin and hand it to Lee.

He unscrews the vent cover.

The only one who will be able to fit is Clementine. Lee gives me a glance and I go to talk to Clementine.

"Can you go in that vent and see if there is a way to get out of here?" I ask with a concerned tone. She looks up at the vent for a moment and I reassure her. She agrees and I boost her up. We hear some concerning noises but she unlocks the door without an issue.

We step out into the butcher room and I spot my favorite machete. I smile and take it with its sheath. We hear some talking outside and see Danny setting some bear traps. Kenny and Lee sneak out. I sit behind a ways. I see Lee and Kenny duck into a stall. Danny walks up to the stall but before I could warn them Danny shoots. It misses Lee and I run out and tackle Danny. We wrested with the gun for a moment, but I managed to get the gun out of his hands.  I almost shoot him but he kicks me and I drop the gun. He gets on top of me and tries to strangle me but I grab a handful of dirt and throw it in his eyes. He grabs at his face and I grab his collar and headbutt him so he falls backward and steps in the bear trap. He falls down and I pull out my machete to finish him but I decide against it.

"You can't make me kill you. We need to work together for this world to work." I yell at him.

"You can kill by dad but you are gonna let this asshole live?" Lilly scowls.

"Larry was already dead. This 'asshole' is still alive." I retort. Lilly just shakes her head and grabs the gun.

We hear a scream from the main house so Lee and I run to it.

We make it to the house and Brenda heard us outside.

"Andy, Danny, is that one of you boys?" She questions.

"It's just me maw." I say, trying my best to impersonate Andy. It actually sounded pretty convincing, given that I have a southern accent myself.

We make our way up the porch and look through the screen door to see Katjaa being held at gunpoint. We make our way inside. Lee is much better talker so I let him negotiate. I see Mark's zombified corpse at the top of the stairs.

Lee slowly walks forward until Brenda gets caught by the walker. We ask Katjaa where Duck is and she says Andy had him. We walk outside to see Kenny negotiating with Andy who had a gun to the back of Duck's head. Kenny rushes forward and gets shot in the stomach.

I rush forward and shoulder tackle Andy down the hill. He gets up first and kicks me in the face. He tries to drag me but due to my weight he is unsuccessful. He tries to punch me but I block it and give him a right hook. He clutches his face and I stand up and throw him on the ground. I think about him grabbing Clementine's hair and a start to pummel him. I beat him until Lee pulled me off of him.

"Get offa me!" I say before realizing it was Lee.

He gives me an 'are you okay?' kinda look and I don't say anything. Clementine hugs me as we look back on the chaos which is now the dairy.

We walk along for a while until we hear a beeping in the distance.

"Daddy, what is that noise?" Duck asks.

We walk along until we see a station wagon full of supplies.

"This could feed us for the next long while." Kenny says.

"What if the people who own ot are still alive? Wouldn't it be bad to take the food?" Clementine asks.

I think about it for a moment before I decide we should take it.

"I think we should take it. I mean if the owners were alive they would prolly be here, dontcha think?" I say.

Lee looks at me for a moment before saying, "Even though I don't like it, he's right. The owners are probably dead and we need the supplies more than ever." Lee states.

I look at Clementine and she nods in understanding. I find a nice hoodie that looks like it would fit Clementine. She puts it on as we grab what we can. We start to head our way back to the motel.


This concludes part 2 of this book. Almost 3000 words and many hours later I have completed it. Just remember that this is the first time I have ever written a book. I know some parts are bad but I'm trying my best. I have plenty of ideas and criticism is welcome. I hope you enjoyed!


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