Closed Gaps

By ambievertfaria

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๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšซ NOW DISCONTINUED ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšซ Kim Namjoon is a 26 year old single father of Kim Yeji and a company owner. Namjoo... More

Author's Note (โ—โ€ขแด—โ€ขโ—)
Characters โ™ก
Chapter 1: Alarm Clock
Chapter 3: Rainy Memories
Chapter 4: Colourful Date
Chapter 5: Confession
Chapter 6: Refreshing Pain
Chapter 7: Negative Nostalgia
Chapter 8: First Kisses
Chapter 9: Highschool
Chapter 10: Cherry Blossoms
Chapter 11: Tears as Rain
Chapter 12 : Touch the smile
Chapter 13: Worst Times
Chapter 14: Camellias and Promises
Chapter 15: Stand by Me
Chapter 16: Hollow

Chapter 2: Family Sunday

104 3 1
By ambievertfaria

Namjoon Pov

"Is that my little girl?" My mom said smiling happily as we entered the house. 

"Halmoni!! Annyeong!" Yeji smiled. Eomma bent down and pat her hair, leaving a soft kiss on her forehead.

"It's been so many days since I saw you, sweetheart"

"What do I do..Appa doesn't let me come!"

"That's enough, I did now, didn't I ?" I cleared my throat, distracting them from their conversation

"You both make yourselves comfy and have breakfast first" mom said.

At the dinner table, I started putting the plates and stuff in the table.

"Joon-ah, you don't have to do all these, I can do all these" my mom interrupted

"Wae? I'm not a guest here, as well do some helping. I don't want to be useless" I defended.

"It's not like that, honey. You're my son, I know I didn't raise you like that. Besides it wasn't about you being useless. It's about you breaking these" Yeji immediately burst into laughter after she said that.

"Eomma! How dare you say that in front of my child?" I shook my head, dramatically.

"Well, just give these to me and enjoy your visit at your mom's place for the first time" I knew, it was her way of pulling my leg reminding me how rare I visit them.

Well it's not like, I'm fucking busy 24 hours with rarely even time for Yeji and most importantly myself.
No, totally not that

The four of us sat in the table, mom passing us the breakfast items one by one.

"Mmm, halmoni. This strawberry pie is so good! I haven't had it in years!" Yeji said, clearly satisfied with her pie.

"You just said you hate strawberries this morning while brushing your teeth, honey" I teasingly said.

"Papa, you need to find the difference between a strawberry flavored toothpaste made for a 4 y/o and a strawberry pie made by halmoni" She rolled her eyes. Eomma and Appa burst into laughter after hearing her give lecture.

"You might have to work with your confidence a little, honey. You gotta respect your Appa you know?"

"Ah please Namjoon-ah, she isn't wrong. Strawberry flavored toothpastes are only made for toddlers just like different candy flavoured medicine syrups made for kids" My Appa defended.

Talk about family betrayal

"Alright, enough. Drop the strawberry toothpaste thing. You know Joon-ah, you could've told us that you were visiting, I would've made more stuff for Yeji"

"Eomma, you need to get that I don't get all of the time in this universe to pay you guys recent visits. I try to balance all out, it's not that easy"

"So you'll rather make the kid forget that her grandparents exist? You know, that's why I've been suggesting-

"Ahem..I think we shouldn't go any further in this topic at breakfast table, honey. We should talk about this later" Appa cleared his throat, stoping mom from saying further.  What was she talking about though


After breakfast, we decided to take rest and to stay here for some hours or so. Yeji went to the guest room, apparently she saw some interesting books in her Bujida's room. So, she gotta investigate what was it about.
Curious princess.

It's so hard to tell that she's only 5, turning 6 next October. Because she literally talks like an adult, sometimes even shocking me with her ideas and speech. She has her love towards sweets, especially strawberry related things, stuff toys, lip glosses and books. She may have gotten this habit from no one other than me; courtesy of me reading and discovering books in front of her I guess.

Other than that, I think it's also an affect of Yoongi hyung constantly babysitting her. His literature enthusiast ass will like to fill literally everyone with tons of philosophies. Hence, I also think she got her this side from him.

"Ahem... Namjoon?" Eomma cleared her throat, distracting me from my thoughts.

"What is it mom?" I said looking over her. 

"Aish.. where are your manners old man?"

"Mom.. it's probably you who started to call me that in front of Yeji..she calls me that every now and then"

"Well you are an old man aren't you?" I rolled my eyes.

Jesus, I'm only 26. Not that old. 26 year old, a single father, an amazing business man and successful.

I don't need anything other than that. But saying these things to my Asian mom will literally get her beating the hell out of me.

"No matter how much you defend that you're getting old, we all know it's time since you got into a relation-

"Don't even finish that sentence, Eomma" I warned, now focusing on the emails on my phone.

"What's with people cutting my words? Let me just finish, Joon-ah-

"Eomma, you're just wasting your time by getting me into this conversation. We both know, it isn't gonna work, never did"

"Namjoon, it's been years, honey. Stop giving yourself pain you don't deserve. Start living your life"

"You think I'm not living my life? And why should I care the fact that it has been years? I'm not grieving over that anymore" Yeah, I totally wasn't..the bruises in my body will prove it.

"You want me to believe that you're happy in this life? It's only because of Yeji, Joon-ah. You think we don't know that? The bruises in your wrist, we haven't seen that? It hurts us, honey"

"If you guys know so much, you should just let it go. I'm not doing anything for myself anymore." That was one of the first truth I've ever said to my parents.

I've never really did anything for myself since the past few years and I don't even know why. Maybe I do..but I don't like to put much thoughts to it knowing it'll only make the case much worse.

"It's not only about you, son" my Appa spoke.
"Appa, I-

"If you think, we are suggesting this only for you then you're wrong. Well yes, it is for you. But it benefits Yeji too" I raised a brow, wanting him to explain. I'll be pissed as hell if they mention the thing I think they're gonna.

"Yeji is growing up, becoming a young girl. You know what that means, she needs security, safe environment, healthy environment, guidelines. You're a great dad, but she needs another parental figure in this too, son. You need to put yourself into her situation"

"Appa, you don't think I don't provide Yeji the security that she needs, right? Because you and me both know, I'm fucking aware in those cases" Eomma grasped

"No, Eomma. And talking about Yeji needing another parental figure, I do exist. What is the thing I can't do that another parent would do for her?"

"Many, you can't cook" I cracked a humourless smile.

"Besides my weak points, Appa"

"Stop defending what you already think is truth, Namjoon-ah. You've been living in denial for years now. You're a great parent, no lie. But even the greatest single parent out there needs another partner with them, Joon. One parent isn't enough for them"

"And Yeji might not realize what is missing now because she's still a kid, a smart one, yeah but still a kid. She'll know the things that is missing her life when she grows. And then you'll be devastated to fill her wishes, but can't because it always isn't easy to cope with new environment. It is when you can't understand single thing about environment"

"It's better you start introduce her to that environment now, maybe she'll start to cope with it from now on? It's also good for you too, honey. Parents don't say things that means wrong for their children"

"So you guys suggest I get into a relationship? Years after I've regretted it? And is still regretting it?"

"Give it some time, we didn't said it has to be in months. Discover yourself more, Joon. Go on dates, give yourself time. Just some months without priorities..a month with just yourself"
I stared at her, as if forgot how to speak.

It sounds so easy saying it out loud, but it isn't. God..why the simple things in life isn't easy for me? Why is it so hard accepting myself? Finding time for myself? People are out there, living there dreams with the motto 'You live only once'

"We've seen you suffer too much, son. I wanna see more grandkid before I die. I wanna see you to be happy with a full family before we die.. you're our only child" Appa said.

"That's why.. that's why we-

"That's why we what? Eomma..what did you do?" I asked her squinting my eyes.

"You k-know my friend Yoona? Well.. her son happens to be single and gay to as much as I've heard. Really a cute guy"

"Eomma.. don't tell me you've set me up with a stranger. I don't remember agreeing into this, even seconds ago"

"Chill Joon, it's just one date..that guy is real nice"

"Appa not you too!" They both smiled foolishly.

"Namjoon-ah, it's just a date. He's a really nice guy. Pretty too! I don't want to die without seeing my other grandkid"

"You guys already dreamt of me having kids with a stranger?! Jesus, what are you two made of?" I yelled out in frustration.
Then the bell rang.

"What are you guys talking about, may I know?" A very familiar girl wit pink hair came in, wearing a pink hoodie matching her hair.

"It's about that guy, your Eommi set Joon with" Appa whispered in her ears.
Well it's not whispering if I can hear it.

"Ah that guy? Geez, Joon just meet him nah! He's a real cute guy, I've met him too!" She squealed happily.

"Nayeon, you bitch! Where did you came from?" I teasingly said, quickly engulfing her into a hug. She smiled.

"Aunt Nayeon!" Yeji came out of nowhere hugging her legs as she can't reach the older girl's height.

"If it isn't my little Barbie! How are you sweetheart?"

"I'm good, it's been so many days since I last saw you!" 
"Aww, cutiepie. Me too! I swear I'll visit you more often, with sweet strawberry treats next time, alright? For now, go play with your toys while I'll talk with you papa?" Yeji nods and runs to the other room.

"It has been a while, big bro" She sighed, jumping into the couch

"Yeah, you rarely visit now. What happened?"

"Graphic designing is a bitch..what do I do. Man..I really miss living high school life" she says her face full of nostalgia.

"Yeah, those days used to be good. How's your love over Kai yet?" I smirked reminding her of her previous relationship.

"Ah.. don't ruin the mood. You're meeting mom's blind date for you aren't you?" She said changing the topic we were discussing earlier

"Do I have a choice?" I said shaking my head, sighing. 

"Don't worry, he's a nice guy. You deserve him. Live a little" I nod softly, her words are true.

If they're forcing me to this. Why not give it a try. What's the worse that could happen?

"I already told Yoona about you! She's quite impressed already. We're going to their house next week!"

"Eomma! Not next week, I have important meetings!" I defended

"Oh please, cancel your fucking meetings and just try to get laid" I slapped her head.

"Aish, bitch. My lil girl is there.."

I sighed at her dumbness. Nayeon has been always like that. She's my cousin sister. Well she's more my own sister rather than cousin. Her parents died when she was only two. We basically grew up together. She's like my best friend.

Rest of the day went quite smoothly. Yeji and I left bidding goodbye to the others. It's always fun for both of us when we're around others. Yeji enjoys it a lot. My precious sunshine 

I don't want to loose her, ever. She's one of the reasons I'm this much successful. But I'm afraid I always don't have the time to look after her. Only if I were straight then I'd marry a girl. What man will be ready to take care of my princess other than myself? I kinda hope the guy mom talked about is decent. I mean it's her idea and I shouldn't trust her too much. Moms are always a step ahead in these matters. I don't even know, if I can figure if that guy is good or not. It's been years since I've dated, found myself in this situation. Not after him.

It's always hard when I thought of it like that, because years ago I've made a mistake. Regretted it. I don't want to make that scenario again. I'm worried if I'll make a good impression or not.

Damn..I almost forgot. I took my phone, dialing my assistant's number.

"Hello, Sir?" The familiar voice answered

"Hyung, how many times do I have to say to call me Namjoon.. NAMJOON"

"Ah..okay Namjoon. Whats the emergency?"

"Listen I need you to reschedule my plans for this week. I have some things to take care of"

"But why.. this week we have the deal with the Min's. It's really important, Namjoon-ah"

"Jin hyung..I really can't. Mom set me up with this date..and I really can't say no even if I want to"

" a date is the matter" he spoke as if poking me.

He's always like that. Even though he's my personal assistant and older than me but he's super talented and humble. And man.. Jin hyung's humour is another thing.
"Hyung don't-

"Aish..Joon you could've said it was a datee. I would've rescheduled your meetings right away. Damn"

"Please..everyone's more excited about my date than myself"

"You don't want to?" You know you can-

"I don't even know it myself, hyung. It's just that..I never really spoke to someone like that in the past few years. First work, then Yeji, then family. Life didn't gave me a chance to ever look for.. that again"

"You still didn't forget him, did you?" I sighed.. shaking my head even though he can't see me.

"Joon-ah, he doesn't deserve your tears you know that right? It's been years, he didn't look back, never really cared about you. Just.. left you and Yeji there "
"I know.."

"I know I'm just your personal assistant so I don't-

"Jin hyung.. you're not only my personal assistant but an older brother too! I never really had any brother figure other than you.. really"

" make me sound so old. I'm only 30!" He defended

"-And married!"

"You can get too! Just.. don't hold yourself back for someone who doesn't deserve you. Everyone needs love in their life..many people choose the wrong ones sometimes and loose hope but you'll always have a goes on, man"
[damn I be making emotional paragraphs in my stupid stories]
Thank you, hyung. You always know what to say"

"Don't mention it. I'll reschedule your plans and email the new schedule to yo-

"Yah hyung!..stop talking in the phone already! Sleep, bitch. You already ruined my mood. And is that Namjoon? Tell him I'm still waiting for the tangerines he ate!" Someone spoke in the background.

" death is here..hehe"

"Is that Yoongi hyung? Damn.. I'll bring him tangerines soon!"

"Yeah hear that babe? He said he'll bring you sum! Alright bye boss, call you tomorrow!"
"It's Namjo-

The line went dead..ah Jin hyung and his pranks are never getting old. I turned the light off. Hitting myself to sleep [Does that even mean anything]

well there's slight hope this week will go interesting. Can't wait to meet you, Park Jimin
                      ~Author's Note~

Hello again! ^^

I decided to post two chapters at a time, so I won't pressure myself out to post more whenever I don't have time ;-; [ye.. I'll do that to myself for no reason, just self hate/j]

And the picture above is Yeji :D
Of course she doesn't look even as near as Hwang Yeji, but she looked cute :(

Song of the day is Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish

Word count: 2740+ [oops-]

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