Zombieland Saga: Encore

By BlackvoirYanderevoir

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Franchouchou are back...but they have new friends from the graves! Meet their new backstage group and team, K... More

Kyle, Red, Alex and Steve Bios
Chapter 1: Good Morning Encore Saga
Chapter 2: The Deader, the Redder Saga
Chapter 3: Shady Guerrilla Saga
Chatper 4: Power Spa Saga
Chapter 6: SayMiatriSsWell Saga
Mia, Max, Ollie and Mori Bios
Chapter 7: Love me to Death Saga
Chapter 8: Young Dead Love Saga
Special Chapter: Zombotland Saga
Chapter 9: Shocking way to go Saga
Chapter 10: Storming Hearts Saga
Chapter 11: Blazing Glory Saga

Chapter 5: Touring Dead Saga

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By BlackvoirYanderevoir

A/N: I have only planned out for the first half of this chapter. This Chapter will introduce the tour bus Franchouchou deserves.

*Insert Intro*

Everyone was down at the basement for another meeting. As everyone was waiting for Kotaro, they looked at the others, including Red, who was looking very relaxed.

Saki: Why are you looking so relaxed?

Red: I have a announcment after this thing, but now...

Kotaro then came in, wearing a Drive-in Tori T-Shirt, making Saki excited, knowing what it is.

Kotaro: Good Morning, Ladies and Gents.

Kyle: Morning.

Sakura: Good Morning.

Kotaro then walks over to the board, getting their attention.

Kotaro: As some of you didn't know, a storm did hit here a while ago and some parts of Saga are still being rebuilt.

Kyle was thinking about what he was talking about.

Kyle: I think I heard something about that before?

Kotaro: Anyway, do any of you remember what I'm wearing?

Saki: That's the Drive-In Tori Shirts we got when we did the commercial!

(Had to put in Tae, since she's the only one who wears it)

Everyone looked at her, a bit creeped out.

Kotaro: Anywho, they said they wanted to make another commercial after the storm, and I thought more the merrier.

Everyone was liking the idea...until Red interrupted.

Red: Can I have an announcement, myself?

Everyone then looked at her.

Kotaro: What is it?

Red: We have a tour bus now!

Everyone looked at her, thinking she was crazy.

Ai: Your kidding?

Red: I'm undead serious. Someone offered us one and I took it.

Kotaro was not pleased.

Kotaro: If you spend any of me money, Your going back where I found you!

Red: Don't worry, I didn't spend anything.

Alex: How did you even get it?

Red: Well the Scrapyard where I got the couch, the owner remembered seeing me with you guys, thinking I'm part of you. I told him I was part of you guys and then...

Everyone was not interested.

Red: Anyway, long story short, He said we can have a used tour bus, free of charge.

Saki: So where is it?

Red: In front of this place. I did give him the location.

Everyone: What?!

Red: But I did tell him to destroy the address when he dropped it off. If anyone wants to see it, come with me!

Kyle, Sakura, Alex, Steve, Ai, Saki, Junko and Lily were the only ones who followed Red outside too see the tour bus. Once outside, everyone saw the Tour Bus...which has seen better days, as it was all rusted.

Lily just looked at it and said this.

Lily: What is that Garbage?

Red looked at her.

Red: It's a tour bus!

Steve: Are you sure?

Ai: It looks like a huge, rusted brick!

Red: Well he did say it did belong to another band from the 90's...who did disband after a while...

Junko: Which band?

Red: He can't remember.

Sakura then realised more material near it.

Sakura: Did he also give you this stuff?

Red: Well I did ask for a few other parts to fix this thing us.

Ai: And whats with the black plate things?

Red looked at the Black Plates she was talking about.

Red: Thoses are One way glass. I'm going to use it on this thing.

Sakura: Why do you need one way glass on this thing?

Kotaro: So you all going to be looking at a pile of junk or do a commercial?!

Everyone saw Kotaro ready to leave.

Red: You guys can go ahead, We'll catch up later.

Kotaro just ignored her as everyone else got on. After he left, Red was ready to start her project.

Red: Right, to work for me.

She then got to it. After a few hours, she was finished building the tour bus. She brought the others outside to see her masterpiece.

Kyle: So your finished?

Red: Yep, and I'm quite happy too.

Everyone looked at the Tour Bus, as it was much bigger than Kotaro's van ever was.

Kyle: Impressive.

Red: Thank you, my friend. Wanna take this thing for a ride?

Alex: Sounds fun.

Red: Right, come on board.

Everyone headed on the Tour bus and looked around. They saw the back was fully blinded and Black, thinking that part was what Red used it the one way glass for.

(The bus looks something like this)

Red was ready to drive the Bus.

Red: Fingers crossed this works.

After Red tried starting up the engine, she did try it again.

Red: C'mon, work!

After trying to make the engine work for a while, the Bus started up.

Red: We have life!!!

After starting up the Engine, Red drove the Bus around to the Drive-In Tori to see the others. As they were driving, they saw more parts of Saga.

Red: How are you guys liking this thing so far?

Steve: This is great. Didn't think you could make anything like this?

Alex: It's cool how this place is like a home.

Red: Well yeah, this think has everything we need, A kitchen, sleeping area, a bathroom, I even put in a full gaming set up behind me.

Kyle: You out did yourself, Red. Not bad at all.

Red smiled and went back to driving.

Meanwhile with the others, they were ready to start the commercial.

As they were about to start filming, Kotaro was thinking.

Kotaro: Where are those free loaders?

As he was thinking, he saw a Tour bus he never seen before, as it had Franchouchou's name on the side. It caught everyone's attention, making the recording go on hold.

Kotaro: They didn't!

Director: You know who owns that Bus?

They saw the Bus then stop at the Drive-through window, wanting to order something.

Kotaro: I'll be right back. I'm going to have a little talk with the driver!

Kotaro then headed to the Tour Bus.

Back with the others, Red opened the Window, ready to order. Kyle was surprised on how big it was.

Kyle: Are you sure no one would go flying out of there?

Red: Hey, who's the driver here?

He didn't question her as she was ready to order.

Intercom: Hello and welcome to Drive-In Tori, how may I take your order?

Red: Uurrr...yes, I would like...uurrr...how's the chicken in this place?

Intercom: It's as fresh it is it...but we're kind of closed because we're going to record our new Commercial.

Red: I mean I'll pay!

Intercom: Oh yes, you all will pay.

They all didn't understand and headed to the next window. As they headed to the next window, they were thinking.

Alex: That Intercom person sounded like Kotaro a minute ago?

Steve: You must have been overhearing him again.

Kyle: She wasn't lying, they did sound like him.

They made it to the other window, as Red wanted to rant at a person.

Red: Right, Ok Mr. funny man, if you won't give us anything to eat, I'll be happy to get you...

After she saw who was at the window, she saw it was defiantly Kotaro, looking very unpleased. Freaking out, Red closed the Window.

Red: ...They aren't open yet. Let's go somewhere else...

Then their was a knock coming from the outside of the Bus. They did open it, revealing a very mad Kotaro and a very interested Franchouchou, all wearing...chicken outfits?

Red: Well cock-a-doodle-doo to you all.

Kotaro: Very amusing. Now...WHAT IS THIS THING?!

Red: It's a stinking Tour Bus! What did you expect? An Ice cream van?

Alex: Well I did remember seeing some tubes in the freezer and...

Kotaro and Red: Not helping!

The Director looked at the bus as the others were interested.

Director: We'll take a little break if anyone wants to.

As everyone was waiting, Franchouchou looked around the Tour Bus.

Sakura: This is amazing. How did someone fix this thing up in one Day?

Red: Well it was a bit of a rush, but I needed a new engine for this thing.

Junko was a bit confused on why the rest of the windows were all Black, but stll seeable.

Junko: Why are the windows like this?

Red: That's the one way glass I used.

Lily: Why do we need one way glass?

Red: So we can be in our Zombie forms when were going to places. We can see them, they can't see us!

Saki: Eh?

Red demonstrated by putting her butt on the window, but it didn't get everyones attention.

Kotaro was looking around the Bus, seeing another Make up Equipment drawer.

Kotaro: Well at least your well prepared when your in public.

Alex: I thought I could learn to do it myself.

Kotaro then picks up her face and makes her look at him, romantically.

Kotaro: Well I could use someone else to put on the make up on the others.

Alex: I...I...

Alex looked at him and blushes...until she slaps him.

Alex: Sorry, but your...your...not my type!

They then heard the Director come back on board.

Director: Are you all ready to start filming again?

Kotaro: I guess we are.

Saki: Well be right out...but only if you put these jokers in the commercial too!

Saki now wanted Kyle and the others to be in the commercial too.

Kyle: Wait what?

Director: Excellent, I'll get their costumes for them.

Kyle: Costumes? I better...think about it.

Before Kyle could escape, Saki grabbed him and pinned on the couch, but not before sitting on him.

Saki: Your going to be part of this if you like it or not!

Kyle: *Gulp* Yes, 2.

The Director came with the costumes for the others.

Kyle: Thanks. Me and the others will be out in a second.

Kyle went back and gave them their costumes. The Rest of Franchouchou left the Bus, but Tae stayed on.

Red: Oh, very funny Yamada, you think you can get special access?

Sakura got Tae off the Bus, until she heard everyone starting to change.

Kyle: Ok, so the girls have the chicken outfits while we both get these chick outfits.

Sakura and Tae snuck back on and overheard them.

Steve: I think I did see you looking at Yugiri and Sakura when they got off.

Kyle: I-I-I mean I wasn't looking at them sexually, it's because...their outfits makes them more interesting, that's it!

Sakura and Tae overheard them and did peak at them changing, as well as Yugiri looking at them too. They then saw Red and Alex come out of the bathroom, in their underwear.

Red: What's going on out here?

Alex was embarrassed coming out in her bra and panties.

Alex: Red did want to see if you two are ok?

Yugiri: (Whispering) I didn't know Lady Red's underwear was that red.

Red: Lady Red? No one calls me that unless it...

She then realised Tae's head peeking from the curtains.

Red: Tae!

She stomps over to them all and opens the curtains, revealing 1, 5 and 0 all peaking at them.

Red: Oh my god! What are you doing spying on us! We're almost naked!

All three of them headed off the bus as Red was ready to close the doors.

Red: Perverts!

She then closed the doors in anger.

Saki: Did she come out in her underwear?

Ai: I think she did.

After everyone was ready, the others came out, wearing the outfits they are going to wear for the commercial. The Boys  are wearing the costumes Ai, Yugiri and Lily were wearing, while the Girls were wearing the Same as Sakura, Saki, Junko and Tae were wearing.

Red: When did we become chickens? And why do we all have to look like chickens?

Steve: Well to be honest, female chickens aren't called that, their called hens...

Red: I don't care what their called, I just wanted chicken!

Kyle went over to Kotaro, who kind of improved them being in the commercial now.

Kyle: Hey Kotaro, I think we should leave Re...8 out of this.

Kotaro: Why?

Kyle: Because she just wanted some chicken to eat, not dress up as one! I think if were not careful, she may become a fried chicken. Maybe turn us into friend chicken too!

Kotaro and Kyle both saw Red, who was looking very mad, not getting chicken.

Kotaro: How about this, once the Commercial is done, I'll offer you all a dinner at this place. How does that sound?

Red: Sounds good to me.

Both of them saw Red already behind them.

Red: So is it true?

Kotaro: Yes...if you don't mess this up!

Red did like the offer, so she tried.

Everyone was ready to do the commercial and made sure Red didn't screw up.

(The Commercial lyrics are Japanese in the video, but I'll put them in here.)

Try the yakitori plain, or a chicken riceful, Healthy and delicious salads too

Great service with a smile, Stop by and stay a while


Drive in, dine in, take it to go. From Saga, dear home. Everyday is yummy.


At Drive-In Tori!

After the Commercial went off without an issue, they thought the Commercial went well.

Sakura: Nice Job, Red.

Yugiri: You were really mature doing this.

Saki: You weren't bad.

As they were complementing her, they saw she started smiling evilly.

Kyle: Red, what are you thinking?

Red: This! Hey, that camera still recording?

Cameraman: Yeah?

Red: Great, film me!

They filmed her sitting on the table, as she did something drastic.

Red: Why did the chicken cross the road? To get away from them!

She finished by pointing at Saki and Tae. Kotaro saw she was doing something dumb and did something about it.

Kotaro: Get her off the set!

Then someone picked her up, as she yelled out at them.

Red: What do you mean?

They all saw Red being carried off back to the Tour Bus.

Kyle: Now about the Chicken dinner?

Kotaro: Well, when though she didn't do anything to ruin it, and being a man of my words, you all deserve it.

Red overheard them talking.

Red: Thank you! Didn't I say your my favourite Boss yet?

The Person carring her threw her on the Bus, which didn't hurt when he was thrown in.

Red: Didn't hurt.

After everyone got dressed back into their normal clothes, but Red was still wearing her chicken outfit.

(Had to use Saki, My first option was Tae)

Lily: Why are you still wearing yours, 8?

Red: I hilariously like it now. They said I can keep it, so it's my new onesie.

Saki: Well you better be careful if 0 doesn't try and eat you.

Red: I'll make sure...wait what?

They looked at Tae, who was staring at Red a lot.

Red: Well make sure she doesn't because it might be me cooking her.

Kotaro kept looking at them, thinking he might have brought back a little much to handle.

Kotaro: I might need more help from more bodies to resurrect?

*Insert Outro*

A/N: I'm not pleased with this chapter, but it was mostly on the tour bus, which will be the new Transport for Franchouchou.

Next Chapter I'm going to bring in Mia and Max into the group, as well as more songs.

Also, next chapter will have another rewrite of a FNAF Song, just to get the Jingle out of our ears.

Up Next: SayMiartiSsWell Saga

Word Count: 2507

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