Ask or Dare Vegeta

By AllyCvidelfan

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Hello, this is my first ask or dare book. Here you can ask Vegeta questions or give him dares. Wish Veggie go... More

Ask or Dare Vegeta
My Punishment
Quess What Today Is


842 29 28
By AllyCvidelfan

Dare: I dare Veggie to sing the bingo song and do the dance moves again xD (like the movie)

Vegeta: *holding scraps of paper*

Admin: What are you doing Vegeta?

Vegeta: Just throwing some trash away. *let's go of paper over trashcan*

Admin: *snatches paper* Hey! These are all your undone dares!

Vegeta: Well you obviously don't care about them. You haven't made me do any dares for more than a week.

Admin: Hey that's not true! I care! I've just been busy with school. *does pouty face* I'm sorry everyone, but I'm back now.

Vegeta: But I don't have to do the dates...

Admin: Of course you do! And speaking of dares what's the next one? *reads dare* Veggie you're going to love this one *snickers*

Vegeta: *reads dare* What!? I'm not doing that!

Admin: But you did it before.

Vegeta: The only reason I did it then was because my family and the entire Earth was in danger! If you didn't know, the God of Destruction was here!

Admin: Of course I know that. What's wrong with just doing it one more time? It's not like everyone hasn't seen you.

Vegeta: I'm not doing that song unless I truly have to. Do you here me!?

Admin: Y- yes

Vegeta: Good *flies off*

Admin: Now what am I going to do? Oh wait I have an idea! I just have to make a call first.

In some random forest
Vegeta: *walking* I can't believe that girl, thinking I would sing that stupid song because of a stupid dare.

Beerus: Prince Vegeta. Nice to see you again.

Vegeta: T-that voice. *turns around* Lord Beerus. What are you doing here?

Beerus: I just came for a quick visit *yawns* Whis woke me to tell me that you had started something called an Ask or Dare book.

Whis: Yes. Along with the other saiyans of Earth, my lord.

Vegeta: You are correct Lord Beerus but that doesn't explain why you're here sir.

Beerus: Well I also heard your next dare was of your "bingo song". I didn't think it was that great but I thought I would help give you some inspiration for doing it.

Vegeta: But...

Beerus: Unless you want me to destroy Earth along with your precious wife and child

Vegeta: No sir!

Beerus: You better hurry and make a decision, I want to get back to my nap.

Whis: Ooo. And I have to go visit this "taco stand" I heard about in our last visit.

Beerus: Whis, bring me back a taco while I deal with the prince. Well Vegeta, have you made a decision?

Vegeta: *bows* I am ready to preform the song and dance Lord Beerus *thinks "that girl is going to pay for this"*

Beerus: Good decision

Vegeta: *jumps back* *starts bingo song and dance* Bingo! *stomps on ground* *moves and back and forth* Bingo! *brings and in and out* Bingo! *does pose* Fun Time Bingo, Ha! *spins on one leg* *punches arms up and down* Earth is a fun place to be-oh! *starts moving head back* The food is tasty too, YUM! *gets close and makes weird face* Let's! Let's be...*spins* friends-OH! *poses on one leg* Super fun time bingo... TIME TO PLAY SOME BINGO!

Beerus: *on the ground laughing*

Vegeta: L-Lord Beerus?

Beerus: V-Vegeta! *still laughing* I really need to tell you something

Vegeta: *confused*...

Beerus: That was really Whis, hahaha, but I'm not actually Beerus.

Vegeta: *starting to get mad* What do you mean your not Beerus!?

Beerus: It's me Ally!

Vegeta: What!?

Beerus(admin): *sitting on the ground* I used the dragon balls to wish for me to look and sound like Beerus for one hour and I invited Whis for it to be more realistic.

Vegeta: *hears a sound in the bush* What was that?

Lesly: *peeks from behind the bush* Yay Veggie you actually did it!

Others: *peek out from surrounding bushes*

Maya: I got to tell Goku about this.

Softie: Hey I got it on video! I'm going to put it in YouTube!

Rosa: Yah! Vegetables is going to be famous!

Neko: Goten has to see this!

Carlita: Wow Veggie! ^_^

Kaylee: This is real torture! :3

Everyone else: Hahaha, Yay Vegeta!

Vegeta: What are all of them doing here!!?

Beerus(Admin): I invited them silly. *poofs back into self* Hey look I'm back!^-^

Vegeta: *turns Super saiyan* I WILL END YOU ALL!

Admin: Uh oh O.O Vegeta is mad, everyone run/fly away!

Everyone: *still laughing* *scatters*

Admin: Wait for me! *tries to fly away*

Vegeta: Where do you think your going *grabs me by my braid* It's time that you repay me for what you owe me.

Admin: OW! Let go of my hair! I mean... gulp... uh oh. Keep asking or daring everyone... You know... if I survive this.

Sorry for not updating in a while but during the week my days are basically school, eat, swim practice, and sleep. Oh and if I didn't mention your name in the chapter your included in the everyone else but I just ran out of things I thought people would say.

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