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Dare: I know veggie hates worms! So I dare Vegeta to eat worms and wish that his hair was made out of worms!

Vegeta: *training*

Admin: *throws a paper airplane that lands in his hair*

Vegeta: *takes it out* What's this?

Admin: Your next dare *sarcastic voice* you're going to love it.

Vegeta: *reads dare* Not doing it! *starts flying away quickly*

Admin: *flies after him* You have to do the dare

Vegeta: *keeps flying* I'm not getting near those creatures

Admin: What a shame. Goku isn't afraid of worms. He must be a better saiyan than you.

Vegeta: *stops* I'm the one that's the better saiyan

Admin: Prove it

Vegeta: *lands on the ground* let's finish the dare

Admin: Yay! *sets down a table and chair*

Vegeta: *sits down* Where are the...w-worms?

Goku: Here they are! *puts bowl full of worms on the table*

Vegeta: He's not supposed to be here!

Admin: Calm down Vegeta. He just came to bring the dragon balls.

Goku: Yea *puts dragon balls down*

Vegeta: Fine *looks at worms* They're moving...

Admin: Yup, and you have to eat them

Worm: *looks at Vegeta*

Vegeta: *jumps back* I'm not touching it!

Admin: *picks up worm* They aren't too bad. I'm naming this one Wormy

Wormy: *wiggles around*

Vegeta: S-see you like them. That means I shouldn't eat them

Admin: Well you can't eat Wormy but you have to eat the rest of them

Goku: *picks up a worm* I wonder if they taste like gummy worms

Admin: No, bad Goku. That's for Vegeta

Goku: Okay

Admin: Now, Vegeta. Hurry up and finish the first part of this dare

Vegeta: Why did it have to be worms... *picks one up and eats it* It's wiggling in my throat!

Admin: One down a few dozen to go!

Vegeta: *starts eating more while holding in tears*

Goku: Poor Veggie. He really looks like he's suffering.

Admin: I know right. He probably will need a shot to make sure he doesn't get any diseases *holds up needle*

Goku: SHOT!? O-Oh look at the time. I have to go...get away from that needle! *flies away*

Vegeta: *throws the bowl away* I'm done...*shivers*

Admin: Good, now the next part of the dare *looks at dragon balls* Rise Shenron!

Shenron: *rises* State your wish

Admin: I wish Vegeta's hair was made out of worms!

Shenron: You really want to waste a wish on that?

Admin: We have our reasons

Shenron: *turns Vegeta's hair into worms* Your wish has been granted. Now I'm going to leave before you can think of any other wishes *leaves and dragon balls scatter*

Admin: Now how are you doing Vegeta?

Vegeta: *rolling on the ground* They are wiggling on my head and I can't get away from them!

Admin: Another dare done, bye guys! *waves* Say bye Wormy

Wormy: *wiggles around*

Vegeta: *gets a hair razor* I need to get rid of them!

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