Making Deals: Entangled Love

By kortase

226 82 3

"rules of engagement" he says as he motions for me to take a sit on the couch. "there are rules? What engagem... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 37

1 2 0
By kortase

Julls POV

I woke up early in the morning feeling like exercising, actually swimming but my pool is small unlike that of Antonio, so I went to the gym pool. I miss Antonio's place sometimes but don't tell him I said that.

Antonio came back very late last night from his family home I'm guessing and as always he was gone by the time I returned from the gym. I took a shower.

I made breakfast for myself alone as usual but I made a bit extra just incase I have uninvited guests although I doubt I will be seeing Deon again. I didn't fail to notice Antonio's mood change after I told him of Deon's visits. I made sausages, toast, eggs with tomatoes and enjoyed by myself.

My meal is disturbed by the renovators, I open for them and direct them to work. Today is the last day and I can probably move Antonio's things back before the end of today surely the smell of paint has faded by now since they painted early morning of yesterday.

Returning to my living room I had lost my appetite and felt full so I take my plate to the kitchen but there's another knock on the door and I call the person in thinking it's the renovators still but Claire comes in.

"ooh girl put that down, I haven't had breakfast" she greets rushing to take my plate

"relax I made extra" I say loughing at her behavior

"what? , you were expecting your hot husband" she mocks me

"it's called married life try it" I retort back handing her a plate of food

"ooh no I don't think so love." she says and accepts the plate "thank you" she adds

We move to sit in my small dining area with me carrying juice for her.

"I have good news for you" she says grinning widely, I could tell she is in a good mood, "guess what" she adds. Okay now she's annoying.

"Claire bear just come out and tell me and stop abusing me" I say whining and she loughs

"you're no fun. I got you a movie role" she says smiling

"what??" i say excited, this is what I have been praying for

"yes you will be starring alongside Ricky Ricky as his spy girlfriend in the movie" she says shoving food in her mouth and doing a jumpy dance in her seat.

"oh my God this is wonderful, and I don't even have to audition?" I ask screaming in joy

"ooh no, I personally went to meet with the director and Ricky Ricky budged in and said you will be perfect and that was the end of it" she says proud of herself

"ooh, eeeh, yooh...." I say dancing "that's what I'm talking about" I add getting down with my celebration dance.

"they said you have to come in as soon as tomorrow" she says loughing

"wait I can't" I stop dancing "I have to over see 'good times' production tomorrow since I'm the producer now" I say sadly

"it's cool don't stress about this, we can see it tomorrow where you'll be introducing yourself in a way though so they know you" she rolls her eyes, "and then I can take care of it for you it's not like you need me to babysit you in the movie" she finishes and goes back to eat

"ooh yes, you're a blessing Claire" I say attacking her with kisses

"I know, stop now" she says loughing.

"let's go pop a bottle of champagne" I say excited. I missed being this excited.

"ooh yes, let me finish eating first" she loves food.

"ooh wait I can't leave here I have people renovating remember" I say, damnit I forgot about the renovations.

"eish, let's just have champagne come to us then" Claire says. I love her positivity. Just as I was about to agree the bell rang again, my house is busy as of late.

I welcome my mother in law what a surprise.

"mama how are you, what an unexpected surprise" I greet her at the door and hug her, she is so warm.

"I hope you forgive my budging in unexpected like this" she says humbling herself.

"it's no problem at all please come in" I welcome her inside.

"Julls baby, I was hoping we go out for brunch perhaps" she says and then takes note of Claire

"ooh hello dear" she says to Claire and before she could respond she continues "oh I'm sorry I didn't know you have a guest, I guess I can wait" she says, she's so different from my mother. That woman would have demanded all my attention with no consideration for anyone else but herself.

"ooh no Mrs Zyne, I was just leaving" Claire says finally finished with her food. We know she wasn't leaving but I appreciate her lie.

"but ma we can't go anywhere, I have renovators here I can't leave them alone" I say and ma thinks for a minute and then turns to Claire

"I'm sorry dear what's your name?" she asks

"I'm Claire mam" she answers

"ooh her manager" mama says

"yes and best friend" Claire says grinning like a fool

"ooh this is great, can you please attend to the renovations until we are back, I really want some time with Julls. We won't be long" ma requests

"no problem at all mam" Claire says

"you can call me Amber dear, any friend of Julls is a friend of the family" mama says the most loving things. Claire smiles widely nodding in return.

"okay let me get my bag then" I say and go upstairs to get my bag and we left in mama's car, her usual SUV with a driver of course.

We went to 1 of our company diner that I've never been to, probably because it was the Zyne's owned. The diner is beautiful, it kind of reminds me of my place its very homey and colorful

"this diner is my baby" she says smiling noticing my liking to the place

"I love it" I say back

"I thought you would" she says and we are led to her VIP. The place has soft music, I'm telling you its the perfect place.

"Julls you know I have always wanted to have a daughter and I want us to bond and do mother, daughter stuff" she says as soon as we are seated. I don't even know what mother, daughter stuff is, its like I never had a mother. I get emotional and she notices.

"is there something wrong, are you alright dear?" she asks concerned

"ohh no, I would like that very much ma" I swallow the bitterness and smile and she smiles happily as well.

"so what renovations are you doing?"

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