Ninja Storm: The Pink Ninja R...

By heilman4316

14.2K 358 14

Zoey Oliver lived in Angel Grove. She is the younger sister to Tommy Oliver. Oh, and she's a ninja. She recru... More

The Heart of Fire
Looming Thunder
Thunder Strangers: Part 1
Thunder Strangers: Part 2
Thunder Strangers: Part 3
Nowhere to Grow
Snip It, Snip It Good
Return of Thunder: Part 1
Return of Thunder: Part 2
Return of Thunder: Part 3
Return of Thunder: Part 4
Boxing Bopp-A-Roo
The Samurai's Journey: Part 1
The Samurai's Journey: Part 2
Power Enhancement
I Love Lothor
Good Will Hunter
Sensei Switcharoo
Brothers in Arms
Shane's Karma: Part 1
Shane's Karma: Part 2
Shimazu Returns: Part 1
Shimazu Returns: Part 2
Eye of the Storm
General Deception: Part 1
General Deception: Part 2
A Gem of a Day
Storm Before the Calm: Part 1
Storm Before the Calm: Part 2
Family Gatherings

Brotherly Love

501 11 0
By heilman4316

Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 14: Brotherly Love

Everyone was in Ninja Ops watching Zoey and Jenna spar. After a few blocks, Jenna cried out as pink fox shot out and slammed her into a wall. Laughing, Zoey ran over to check on her. "Are you ok?"

Grumbling, Jenna just sent her a look, "Vixey? Really?" she asked, dusting herself off, "Was that necessary?"

"You're the one that's supposed to be ready for her Master's Test," she said, patting her on the back, "which means, you have to be ready for anything."

"What's a Vixey?" Tori asked as everyone was looking on in confusion.

"Her Fox." Jenna explained, "Since our Animal Spirits are a part of us, it's just weird calling them Fox or Wolf." She walked over gave Hunter a hug, "So we gave them names."

"I named mine Vixey. As in Vixen, meaning female fox." Zoey said, walking over, "And Jenna named hers Tala, which is Native American for wolf." She stopped and smirked, pointing her finger at her friend. "I've been meaning to tell you something."


"Big brother knows all!"

"You told your brother about me?!" Horrified, Jenna leaned her head on Hunter's shoulder.

"Actually, no, I didn't." Curious, Jenna looked up, "First of all, our brothers know about the Ninja Academies because of Zordon. Which is why we were able to get away with going all these years." They nodded in agreement, "Secondly, you're talking about Jason and Tommy. They would have figured it out themselves. Which is why I told them about the morpher the day I got it. I needed a cover story for coming to Blue Bay." Then she grinned, looking back at Jenna, "And lastly, I didn't have to say anything. They've seen us fight our whole life. Hell, they taught us most of what we know. Jason called you in Europe and told you about the Academies. Then you show up at Kelly's shop here in Blue Bay. You think they're not going to see the Ice Ninja Ranger, with the way she fights, and not figure it out?" She rolled her eyes, "Please. I called Tommy to let him know that you were back from Myanmar and he admitted that they figured it out. All of them."

"I'm dead."

"You? Oh, no. See, you'll get a little reprimand for not coming to them about the morpher. Then they'll praise you for following in your big brother's footsteps." She grinned and pointed a finger at Hunter, "However, they've never met the boyfriend." Hunter's smiled dropped, "And you know how protective they are of us. They've given all of our past boyfriends the third degree, while restraining themselves. The big bad Power Rangers." Laughing, she continued, "But this will be the first time one of us has dated a fellow Ranger, that they know about, and had the ability to go full Dragon on them." Hunter looked scared. Like really, scared.

"Dragon?" Blake asked, amused.

"Well, Tommy's first Zord was the Green DragonZord. And Jason's second Zord was the Red Dragon Thunder Zord."

"My advice, dude," Shane said as they all laughed, "Run."


They all walked into Storm Chargers talking. Zoey was walking backwards while talking. "I'm telling you, J, you're going to pass. You just have to have faith in yourself." Not paying attention, she backed right into someone. They both turned around at the same time to apologize. "I'm so sorry..." Trailing off, she squealed excitement. "Emily!" She threw her arms around the older woman. "What are you doing here?" She moved to the side so Jenna could hug her sister-in-law.

"We came to look at a potential space for the new dojo and thought we'd see how you two were doing." She commented leaning back to look at Jenna. "You came back awful quickly." Smiling, she waved her hand before Jenna could comment, "Don't worry. He's not mad at you. He's actually quite proud of you. They all are."

The others looked on curiously as the three women turned to them, "This must be your team?" Seeing the shocked faces, she corrected in a whisper, "Oh, stop. I didn't say what kind of team."

"Guys, relax," Zoey consoled, "This is Emily Scott, Jenna's sister-in-law. She knows everything." The relaxed but stayed guarded. Especially Hunter.

"Um, you know, I think I'm gonna go the track." He looked at the others, "Blake, Dustin, wanna come with me?"

Laughing, Zoey grabbed Hunter's arm before he leave, "Now, now, Hunter. He's not in here." Grinning, she pointed to the back of the store, "Now, come sit down with the rest of us so we can enjoy our visit. Now." She ordered, pushing him forward.

"I love it when she gets like this." Emily commented, following beside Jenna, "She gets more and more like Tommy every day."

"I'll take that as a compliment." The Pink Ranger yelled, elated.


After a lengthy visit, and some interesting stories about Zoey and Jenna, they all decided to take a walk down to the Motocross track.

"You know, Em, we were just talking about Jason during training earlier." Zoey commented with a smirk.

"Oh, really?" She looked on, curious. Everyone, but Hunter, laughed, "What about?"

"Oh, just the past." Zoey smirked, "you know, school, friends... exes."

Emily looked at her with a knowing smile, "Really? Anything of interest?"

Before anyone could comment, they were surrounded by Kelzacks. They got into a circle, surrounding Emily. "Emily, stay in the middle." Jenna called as they started taking out the red and black freaks one at a time. Next thing they know, two more people jumped in to the circle and was fighting off the ones getting past the barrier.

"Hey, guys," Zoey yelled, "nice of you to show up." Laughing, Jenna looked over at her brother, "You two think you can handle these freaks while we take on Dog-Face over there?" She pointed over to where a dog-like monster in an oversized kimono stood next to Zurgane.

"We're not that rusty, Baby Girl," Jason Scott, the original Red Ranger said as he side-kicked a Kelzack coming at his wife, "go take care of business. We've got this."

"Be safe!" His companion called, tornado kicking a Kelzack into another.

Everyone nodded and ran over to the Faceless General and his new pet. "Hey, Zurgane!" Dustin called out, "What? You get so desperate you had to get help from a dog pound?"

"Dog pound?" The monster cried out indignantly, "I am the Great Nogitsune! Let's play a game!"

"I am so insulted right now." Zoey looked at him in disgust. "Shane, can we please morph so I take this Fox Imposter down, now?!"

"Um..." Everyone but Jenna looked at the Pink Ranger in confusion, "Sure. Yeah. Ready?" he called as they lined up.






"RANGER FORM, HA!" they morphed and took off to take on the monster.

"Would you lookie here?" the monster laughed as he to Zoey, "Someone pretending to be me!" he laughed before slamming a giant fan on the ground, sending a shockwave through the team of 7.

"Pretending?" Indignant, she looked at the others, "Did he just..." Furious, she lifted her Glaive and charged the monster.

"Give it up Pink Poser!" He demanded, "You're clearly outfoxed!"

"You are so going down." She and Jenna charged at the monster. Shane and Hunter took on Zurgane, while the other three took on more Kelzacks.

Before the giant fan could come back down, Zoey and Jenna did identical hand gestures.

"Fox Fire! Blazing Inferno!"

"Artic Ice! Freezing Glacier!"

Their attacks shot out at the monster sending him back. "Hey, no fair!"

"Poser, am I?" Zoey smirked under her helmet, "I'll show you a poser."

The girls gathered energy by moving their arms around. "Call to the best inside!"

"Release the Fox!"

"Uncage the Wolf!"

A pink fox and a purple wolf shot out and aimed straight for Nogitsune, making him cry out as he shot backwards and landed on the ground.

The others joined them as the twisted fox got back to his feet. "You Rangers think you're so smart," pausing he lifted his fan, "try this on for size." Lifting his arm, he shot spinning acorns at the rangers making their suits spark. "How do you like that, huh?" Waving his fan again, something that looked like mushrooms with teeth flew out. "Ha, ha, ha!"

Groaning from the Rangers started to stand back up, "What?" Nogitsune said in disbelief, "Why can't you Rangers just stay down?"

"That's why we're Rangers," Shane said, "because we never give up."

"Come on guys, let's put them together!" Hunter called out, and the Wind and Thunder Rangers combined their weapons into one huge one.

"Artic Flame Shot!"

"Thunderstorm cannon!"

"Fire!" Nogitsune cried out as the attack slammed into him, destroying him.

It wasn't long before a scroll came down and brought him back, larger than ever.

"The Great Nogitsune is now greater than ever!" he roared from above as they looked up.

"Ok. I am so over this Poser," Zoey said, turning to Shane, "Can I turn this freak in a Fox Skin Rug? Please? I bet he'd look great in Ninja Ops. I could stomp all over him."

"Cam, the Zords!" Shane called into his morpher, grinning at Zoey.

"On their way!"

The Zords appeared nearby, and they jumped into them, forming their Megazords.

"This is just sad," Jenna complained as Jason walked over to her, "I hate being sidelined."

"Been there, done that." He commented as she demorphed

"Where'd Tommy go?"

"Went on to the meeting so I could keep an eye on Emily during the battle. Won't take long." They walked away so they can get out of the way of the battle.

"Serpent Sword!"

"Ram Hammer!"

"Fox Fire!" the three attacked Nogitsune, knocking him back. He staggered back, before waving his fan multiple times. The Rangers cried out as they were thrown backwards.

"I'm so done with this guy," Tori groaned.

"You and me both," Blake agreed.

As the zords stood back up, Shane commented, "Alright, guys, let's finish this!" Cam sent the three Power Disks. Two of them to call on the Mini Zord. The third to summon Zoey's Bow. Shane and Hunter summoned the power spheres, which burst open and combined.

"I am Mini Zord! Thunderstorm Megazord formation, engaged!" the two zords combined, creating the Thunderstorm Megazord.

"You think that worries me?!" Nogitsune yelled in anger, "Come on Rangers. I can take anything you throw at me." He tried shooting another blast of energy at them but the Megazord deflected it. "That's cheating!"

"It's called winning, you Cheap Knockoff!" Zoey yelled as she pulled up her bow.

"Fox Fire!"

"Lion Blaster!" They shot at Nogitsune together, making he scream out before collapsing and exploding.


Walking back to the track, the Rangers caught up with Jenna, her brother and sister-in-law. "You know, it really sucks not having a Zord," She pouted, "it's not fair."

"Aw, honey," Zoey exclaimed in sympathy, hugging her friend, "I sorry!"

Laughing, Jason tugged Zoey over for his own hug. "Hey brat. How are you doing?"

"I'm good," She looked up at him, "did you find a good spot for the new dojo?"

"A couple of prospects. Nothing concrete yet. Tommy went on to the meeting so I could stay with Emily." He finished before turning to the rest of the team, "Now, how about a proper introduction?"

"Sure. Guys, this is my brother, Jason Scott," Jenna said, as put her arm around him, "the Original Red Ranger of Earth. As in the first Mighty Morphin Red Ranger." Grinning up at him, she continued, "He is also the Gold Zeo Ranger."

"Temporarily," Jason corrected, "I was only holding the powers so they wouldn't disappear. Just long enough for Trey to pull himself together," he paused, "literally."

"Second then. Temporary or not, it still counts." Jenna poked his side.

Laughing, Zoey put her arm around his other side, "Jason, let me introduce you to the rest of the Ninja Rangers, since you already know us." Pointing as she spoke, Zoey continued, "That's Shane Clark, Dustin Brooks, and Tori Hanson. The Wind Rangers. And you can guess their colors," turning, she pointed to the brothers, "and that's Hunter and Blake Bradley. The Thunder Rangers. A little more complicated on the colors. Hunter is Crimson and Blake is Navy."

"This team is full of first." Jason said, shaking his head, "You guys are gonna make some people happy, I can tell you that much."

"What do you mean by that?" Tori asked, confused.

"Well, you're the first female Blue Ranger," he said, shocking the Ninjas, "and he's the first male Yellow Ranger."

"Are you kidding me?" Dustin exclaimed, incredulously.

"Yep. Also, this is the first team that's ever started with just three Rangers. The first team to have a Purple Ranger. And actually, the second team to ever have two Rangers of the same color." Jason finished, nodding his head.

"That would be Time Force with the Red and Quantum Rangers." Jenna nodded.

"I didn't know any of that." Shane confessed, shaking his head.

"Yeah, I feel kind of bad." Tori said, looking a little down.

"Don't worry, guys, every new team of Rangers seem to bring more and more surprises. Like your Ninja powers." Jason said, hugging the girls more.

Zoey noticed Hunted trying to easy his way out of Jason's eyesight. Grinning mischievously, she called out, "Where ya goin', Hunter?"

Looking up panicked, the Crimson Ranger tried to excuse himself, "Actually, you know, I think I was supposed to help Kelly with something at the shop. Um... I'm just gonna catch you guy later." Before he could leave, Shane latched onto his arm, pulling him back.

"Kelly doesn't need us for a few more hours, at least," grinning, Shane continued, "no reason why we can't just chill out for a bit."

"Yeah, Hunter," Tori pipped in next to Blake, who was trying not to laugh at his brother, "I was actually hoping you could clarify something for me."

"Um... yeah, sure." Looking put out, Hunter had no choice but to stay.

"How is it, that you, Blake and Zoey had never met before you came here, as you introduced yourselves to each other, but she knew who you were to Jenna when she showed up last week?" Tori finished as the others, minus Hunter and Jenna were laughing.

"Um, well, uh, you see...." Trailing off, Hunter quickly looked from Jason to Jenna, in a panic. "A little help?" He whispered.

Jenna looked up at her brother as he frowned down at her, "See, Tori, the thing is...." Stopping she looked at her boyfriend, "I got nothing."

"How about somebody get something and start talking. Now." Jason order, as he let go of the girls, and walked over to stand next to Emily.

"Jason, don't be rude," She admonished her husband, "You're scaring the poor guy."

"I don't mind." Jason smirked, "Now start."

"Ok. Ok. I'll start." Zoey step to the center to get Jason's focus on her, "I had never met them before, ok. That much is true. But I did know who they were." She stopped when everyone looked at her. "If you'll recall," she looked at the others, "I gave a few hints about it." The brothers nodded in understanding.

"What?!" Shane and Dustin exclaimed, "Are you kidding? All that grief you gave them, and you knew who they were the whole time?"

"Yeah, and here's why." Pausing, she looked at Jenna, "We're best friends. Have been since I moved to Angel Grove. We tell each other everything. Including, sorry Hunter," she grinned, "boyfriends. We learned a long time ago to be careful who we tell anything to, because our brothers are extremely protective. Especially when it came to boys. They're very intimidating. I'm sure you can imagine why." Walking to stand next to Jenna, she continued, "She's met my boyfriend, because we started seeing each other when we were still in high school. But since Hunter and Blake had never been to Angel Grove, and our schools never did anything together, though I had been there before, we never met. But I did recognize them from some of Jenna's pictures. It took a minute for it to click in my head exactly who they were, but I got there."

"And why did you pretend you didn't know who they were?" Shane asked.

"First of all, we were in the middle of a situation that I will not go into, it's in the past," Hunter and Blake sighed, looking relieved, "secondly, I made a promise to Jenna to not tell anybody until she got up the nerve to speak with Jason." Pausing, she rolled her eyes, "And Tommy. She was in Europe, and I didn't want to risk saying anything until I spoke with her. Do you have any idea how hard that was for me?"

Jason held up his hand. "So, if I got through all of that correctly, and I know I did," he pointed to both Jenna and Hunter, "you two are dating. Right?"

"You know, I really think I should go to the store and help Kelly." Before he could move, a hand fell on to his should holding him in place. Unbeknown to him and the others, someone had come up behind the Rangers to hear the end of the conversation.

Jason, who had started toward Hunter, stopped and smirked. "Hey, bro. How did the meeting go?"

"Real well, actually. But we can talk about that later." The hand on Hunter's should tightened slightly, "So, Jenna has a boyfriend, huh? One she didn't tell us about. And he's a Ranger, too?" Everyone was looking on in shock as Hunter just stood there, frozen in fear. Well, except Zoey and the Scotts, who were grinning. "This makes things a little more interesting; don't you think Jase?"

By this point, Zoey had started laughing. "Guys allow me to introduce you to my big brother. Tommy Oliver. Aka, the Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, the White Mighty Morphin Ranger, the White Ninjetti Ranger, the Red Zeo Ranger, and the first Red Turbo Ranger." Looking proudly at her brother, she walked over to give him a hug. "Did you and Jason find a place for the new dojo?"

"I think so. We'll have to give it a little more thought, though." He let go of the Crimson Ranger so he could hug his sister. "Just so you know, Kit is in heaven with her room."

"Of course, she is. I designed that room especially for her. What fox wouldn't be happy with the ultimate cat tree covering the walls of the entire room? Not to mention a deluxe dog house, bed and food bowls included, and a plethora of toys." Grinning, she guided her brother over to Jason. "What pet wouldn't love that room?"

She linked her arms through both former Rangers and made them look at her. "Now, as much as I am enjoying this, and I am enjoying it, it has to stop. I give Hunter a lot grief, and that is going to have to be enough for you two. They're both technically adults, both Ninjas and Rangers. And you need to let it go." She stopped, then smirked at Hunter, "At least until we're no longer active, and I'm not here to give him hell. Then it's fair game."

Laughing, Tommy nodded, "Alright, sis. You win. For now. We won't mess with him." He gave Jenna a hug. "We'll behave. We promise."

After being elbowed in the ribs by his wife, Jason sighed, and nodded. "Fine. We'll wait." He then turned to the girls, "We have to get going. We love you. Call you later."

"Who's watching the twins?" Jenna asked, hugging Emily.

"Your parents. Mine decided to pack up their Winnebago and retire to the road. How often they'll be home, I have no clue."

"Good for them. They earned it."

"Oh, before we leave." Tommy turned back, "Kat had the baby."


"A little girl, with a full head of blonde curls. 6 pounds, 8 ounces. 19 ½ inches long." Emily confirmed. "They named her Willa Kate Cranston."

"Nice! I love the name. Good mixture of William and Katherine. It's perfect." Jenna linked arms with Zoey, "Best honorary aunts, coming through!"

"The next generation of Power Rangers has arrived!"

"Let's not go there." Tommy shook his head as everyone laughed. While Hunter was relieved not to be in these Legendary Rangers crosshairs anymore.

For now.

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