Friends? (MLPEG X Male Reader)

Od JLoom19

28.5K 350 458

A new student transfers to Canterlot Highschool. As he arrives a lot of strange things start to happen. Now h... Více

The New Guy
Welcome to Canterlot High
The Guardian of Canterlot
Helping out a Princess
Opening up a Little
Friends Once Again
A Night to Remember
More than one Surprise
It Takes One to Know One

A Weekend to Remember

1.4K 21 7
Od JLoom19

It was another day at Canterlot High School, the sky was gray the screams of students could be heard throughout the buildings, and just all of the school was lit up in flames....

Y/N: What the?! Why is the school on fire?!

Y/N could not believe his eyes, as he stood in front of the school, he saw the flames rise higher and higher, as that happened, he started to see many familiar faces trapped in the fire.

Flash: *freaking out* Y/N help us!!

Sweetie Bell/Apple Bloom/Scootaloo: *crying* Save us!

Celestia: *scared* Y/N!

Luna: *scared* Please!

As Y/N saw them burning in her tried to....well he...he couldn't move.

Y/N: *trying to move his body with no luck* Why can't I move!? I need to do something! I've got to save them!

???: *cynical feminine voice* Oh? Do you now? 

???: *corroded male voice* And why would you want that?

???: * buff masculine male voice* Wouldn't it be best to see them burn?

???: * deep male voice* Have them fall and rot why you stand above them?

???: * gruff male voice* All the chaos and Madness?

As Y/N heard those voices, he tried to at least turn his head to see where they were coming from, but he couldn't even do that. He could only continue to feel helpless and watch the people he got to know burn and suffer. Speaking of burning, Y/N could suddenly feel like the back of his right shoulder was on fire itself.

Y/N: *in pain* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

As the pain from his shoulder began to slowly spread, Y/N's body fell forward to where he hit the ground hard. The pain continued to increase as his body began to spasm. It was like all of his scars all over his body were being cut freshly open all at once. Then as Y/N merely lifted his head, there in front of him stood surprisingly Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Juniper, Wallflower, Vinyl, Octavia, Trixie, Sunset, and Sunrise.

Y/N: *calling out to them* G-Girls! Please!!!!......H-Help! Help me! T-The school, we need to-

Twilight: *looking hurt* Y/ could you?

Y/N: W-W-Wha-

Sunset: *tearing up * Why did you do it?!

Trixie: How dare you?!

As the girls started to berate Y/N and yell and scream at him, Y/n could merely stare at them shock.

Y/N: *mortified* W-Why?

???: Did you really think they'd help you? You're the reason the fire started in the first place. Why would anyone want to help or even be around a MONSTER like YOU?

As Y/N heard this new voice, it sounder so familiar, but he couldn't put his head around it. Yet, just as Y/N thought it couldn't any worse, he witnessed all the girls backing up...into the fire.


As Y/N started to hear the girls scream, he felt depressed and enraged at the same time. He felt it so hard, that his pain increased to where somehow blood started to come out of his mouth and even more terrifying his eyes. What made this scene even more terrifying was the fact the blood wasn't red... but black. Y/N started to shake once more, but this time he felt his body somehow transforming to where more black blood started to not only pour out of him, but actually start to wrap around his entire body. This was a new pain that was going through his body and once again he couldn't do nothing about it. The pain continued to suffocate Y/N all the way up to the point that-

Y/N: *instantly sits up* GAH!!! *Instantly breathes in and out repeatedly*

Y/N frantically looked around at his surroundings, and as soon as he did, he realized that he was no longer in front of Canterlot High, but instead sitting up in his bed in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. It finally took all of that for Y/N to realize that it was just a dream...or in his case a nightmare.

Y/N: *instantly lays back down* Damn......not again.

Indeed, sadly this wasn't the first time Y/N had this sort of nightmare before. Ever since his powers first manifested at a very young age, he would start having odd dreams involving others with those odd five voices, some kind of freak accident or natural disaster, and something horrible happening to Y/N. Yet oddly enough, when Y/N moved to Canterlot, he never really had these type of nightmares...until now...and yet now a new detail to his nightmare was this new voice. The last unknown voice sounded so familiar like he should instantly know who it was, yet he still couldn't figure it out!

???: *mumbling* Mmmmmm~

???: *mumbling* Hmmmmm~

As those two voices started to make noise, Y/N instantly knew who those belonged to and furthermore now remembered that he wasn't exactly alone in his bed.

A/N: Just imagine it's Sunrise wearing this

As Y/N saw how both Sunset and Sunrise were on either side of him, he saw that they both were still asleep. The two had their own room, yet just about every night since they moved in with Y/N, they would always somehow end up in his bed. Not much happened except the usual hug or spoon, or even on rare occasions cuddling or "teasing". Now as for that last one, it was mostly the Shimmers who teased Y/N, but he'd easily get them back for it ten-fold.

Right now, both of them had an arm around Y/N. While he did enjoy it, he felt like he needed to get up. Yet with his current predicament, that would be a little difficult. Deciding to see if he could make a little "cheat", Y/N focused on the girl's hold on him, and with a small concentration use of his telekinetic power, he slowly but carefully lifted their arms to where Y/n quickly slid out and carefully got out of bed. When he was touching the floor, he stopped his power and quietly went to his restroom.

Splish! Splash! Splush!

As Y/N splashed water om his face, many thoughts were swirling his mind.

Y/N's Mind: "Why did it start up again?, Why was the school on fire?, Why couldn't I move?, Who were all those voices and why was that new voice so familiar!?, What was the deal with that blood ? Why did my right shoulder start hurting? Why"-

Knock! Knock!

Y/n quickly shut off the faucet, dried his face and hands, and opened the door to see a concerning looking Sunset and Sunrise.

Sunset: *concerned* Everything ok Y/N?

Sunrise: *concerned* You were in there for an hour with the faucet on.

Y/N: O-Oh, I was? Well I was just, I mean I really had to, I just really........*looks down and sighs* Sorry. I...I had a nightmare and couldn't sleep.

Now if it was anybody else, Y/N could have easily lied his ass out of any situation, yet with Sunset, Sunrise, and many of the girls, Y/N recently felt like just telling them the truth. Now he never really went into any specifics if they weren't asked, but he did always tell them the basic truth. This was new territory for Y/n, yet so far it seemed to be doing fine.

Sunset: *sympathetic*Oh no.

Sunrise: *same as Sunset* Do you want to talk about it?

Y/N: Uh, not really. We still have like four or five hours till we have to go to school, and I'd rather just go back to bed.

Sunrise: Well, if that's what you want.

Sunset: Do you want us to leave you be, or maybe...*starts to blush and looks away*......we could cuddle?

Y/N: *with a faint faint blush* Ya know...I wouldn't mind the cuddling.

That was a good enough answer for both Shimmers to smile and quickly take Y/N by the hand (each) and all three of them get back in bed and lay in silence. As both Shimmers snuggled up close to Y/N's chest, Y/N merely put an arm around them both and savored the moment. Not that long ago, these two were technically one and were somewhat an enemy to him, yet now here they were in a somewhat similar situation to Y/N on trying to change for the better. Now Y/n felt like he had found someone who he could relate to even if it was just a small percentage. With that, just like the Shimmers, Y/N started to close his eyes and slowly go back to sleep.

Time Skip

As it was coming close to another day of school ending, Y/N was slowly making his way to the front. As usual, as he went down the hallway, he noticed (or pretended not to notice) that many of the students were still whispering and talking about him. After the Fall Dance Incident happened, it seemed Y/n would never be able to get back his somewhat calm and quiet life ever again.... then again, he was friends with Rainbow Dash AND PINKIE PIE.

Yet the very next day, just about almost everyone would try to surround Y/n and try to talk to him. Luckily for him, he used his powers to get away, but after a while it was just becoming so annoying. Thankfully though, most of them started to back away when he had to defend Sunset and Sunrise. That happened when the two told everyone what had actually to them at the Fall Dance and what went down. They only wanted to make amends with everyone, yet there were a lot of those that were still skeptical of the Shimmers, yet when some tried to talk bad about them, they instantly felt Y/N right behind them with what looked like a scary death glare. Needless to say, that shut them up.

Though that was now the case, that didn't stop Y/N's friends from talking to him, and this time he actually started to talk back more and no longer run away or escape them. In fact, he was slowly warming up to a lot of them. For instance, in a few seconds, even with today being a Friday, Pinkie Pie was going to tackle him, now usually he'd get out of the way or leave with a good distance, yet now.

Pinkie: *frontal pounce* Y/N!!

As Pinkie pounced right in front him, Y/N merely caught her and was still walking out to the front with now Pinkie on his shoulder like he was a giant, with her sitting on his shoulder.

Pinkie: *giggles* You're getting used to this~.

Y/N: *rolls eyes and smiles* Please Pink, with you I don't I'll ever be able to get used to. You always keep me on my toes.

Pinkie: I can keep you on your back if you want~.


Applejack: Hey der Sugar Cube!

Luckily before who knows what would have happened with Pinkie, Applejack saw Y/n coming and decided to greet him and have a quick chat with-

Applejack: Hey Y/N, I- *sees Pinkie on Y/N's shoulder*.....

Pinkie: *waves down to Applejack*.....

Applejack: *stares at Y/N*.....

Y/N: *stares at Applejack*.....

Applejack:  ......

Y/N: ......

One Moment Later

As Y/N was walking to the exit with Applejack and Pinkie Pie on his shoulders, he actually didn't mind it. As he went through the doors and out onto the front, he carefully kneeled down so "AJ" and "Pink" could get down. Once secure, Y/N just stood up and stretched.

Y/N: *rubbing his shoulders* So A.J., what did you want to tell me earlier?

Applejack: Oh well ya see-

Rarity: Oh Darling~.

Rainbow: Hey Y/N!

Trixie: *smiling* There you are Y/N.

Vinyl: *waves at Y/N*

Almost by instinct, the rest of the girls showed up and all wanted to talk to Y/N. As he saw this all play out, Y/N merely whistled loud and clear to get all of their attention.

Y/N: Alright, alright ladies. Let's all settle down. Then and only then will you tell me. One at a time might I add.

After a short breather, they all had calmed down. Noticing this, Y/N decided to continue.

Y/N: Ok, now one at a time, what do you all want to tell me?

Applejack: Well, I was wonderin if you weren't busy this Saturday if you'd want to come to ma family's farm. Granny will be makin all kinds of apple dishes and could always use someone else's opinion.

Fluttershy: I-I was going to ask if you wanted to help me at the animal shelter on Sunday. They'll be having Adoption Day for the animals so they could hopefully find and have owners.

Pinkie Pie: I was gonna ask if you wanted to bake a cake with me at my place on Sunday. We could make all kinds of tasty treats and desserts together.

Rainbow Dash: The new Daring Do book is coming out on Saturday, and Daring Do herself will be giving them out along with her autograph! Did you want to come with me?

Rarity: I wanted to ask you darling, if you would want to come visit me at the boutique and perhaps even try on and model a few new outfits for me tomorrow.

Juniper: Some new movies are coming to the mall theater, and I was hoping if you wanted to come see them with me on Saturday.

Vinyl: I'm getting a new shipment of records and instruments this Saturday. Wanna swing by and test some out?

Octavia: The Symphonic Orchestra is coming to Canterlot for a one-night event on Sunday and I was hoping you'd like to accompany me.

Wallflower: I-I was just wondering if on Saturday you'd want to visit Canterlot's Garden. It's in the park, and maybe we could go.

Trixie: I have a performance at the mall on Sunday and was wondering if the great and amazing Trixie's assistant could help her perform once again.

Sunset: Well Sunrise and I wanted to see if you just wanted to hang out with us at your place.

Sunrise: Yeah

The rest of the girls: *hearing what Sunset said* WHAT?!?!

When all the girls had given Y/N their own invitation to be with them, they all started to once again talk over one another. That of course led to many of them arguing with each other, which almost made them all go physical, yet thankfully Y/N interrupted before any hair could be pulled or clothes ripping off...actually Y/N kind of regretted stopping it now...

Y/N: *waving his hands up* Woe woe woe! Girls! I get it! You all want me to spend time with you on the weekend.

Fluttershy: But you can't really be with ALL of us.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah. A lot of those things are almost all at the same time.

Y/N: Uh, actually I can.

Y/N then closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, instantly another Y/N poofed right by him.

Y/N/YN Clone: *at the same time in sync* I can duplicate myself remember? *clone vanishes again*

Y/N: So technically I CAN be with all of you at the same time.

Applejack: *concerned* But won't that tire you out?

Y/N: *shrugs* Maybe, Maybe Not.*smiles* But I'm willing to give it a shot for all of you.

Girls: Aww~.

Juniper: But wouldn't that mean that technically only one of us would be with the original you, while the others had clones? Nothing really wrong with that, it's just... *puts her fingers tips together*...

Y/N: *nods* I get it, you all want the actual me. I understand how you might feel, but that's why I have a solution. Do all of you have a piece of paper by chance?

As the girls each pulled out a piece of paper, Y/N had them write down their names on it and folded them all up.

Y/N: Alright now all of you have your backs facing me and don't turn around till I tell you got it?

As the girls turned around, not even a few moments later, Y/N told them to turn back around. When they did, they all saw Y/N... or more like Y/N and his clones, each holding a piece of paper with one of their names on it.

All Y/Ns: *in sync* Now, the "Y/N" that is holding your paper will be the one going with you. I'm pretty sure you can't really tell us apart, so no one really knows who the actual Y/N is. That way you can all at least believe that the real one will be with you.

And he was right. While the girls tried their best to figure out which Y/N was the original, in the end they agreed to this method without finding the actual one...well almost everyone. As everybody went their separate ways, Y/N made sure no one was around, then he poofed all of his clones away to where it was just him again.

Y/N: *sighs and smiles* Well, looks like this is gonna be a fun weekend.

A/N: And that's the end of this chapter

Until Next Time :)

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