Wait...Where is my home ?

By _Shironeki_

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(This story is the sequel of "Wait...the princesses are my mates ?!" if you don't want to be lost, I suggest... More

Ch 1-The Letter
Ch 2-The Meeting
Ch 3-The Girls
Ch 4-Flashback
Ch 5-I Am A Mother?
Ch 6-Little Prank and "complications"
Ch 7-Imagination Or Memories Of The Past?
Ch 8-Answers
Ch 9-Let's Start Our Attack
Ch 10-Are You Still The Y/n We Once Knew ?
Ch 11-A "Fun Time" With Liliana (lemon🍋)
Ch 12-A Demon ?
Ch 13-Slaughter Of Innocent People
Ch 14-Fk/n is Y/n?
Ch 16- Captured
Ch 17-How Do They Know Me?
Ch 18-I Will Make Sure You Hate Them
Ch 19-A Letter From Her Ex-mates
Ch 20-A Little Side Effect
Ch 21- Yes Madam (lemon 🍋)
Ch 22- A Relaxing Day
Ch 23-They Are My Children!
Ch 24-I Will Not Let Anything Happen To Either Of You!
Ch 25-Their Father?
Ch 26-A Plan
Ch 27-A sandwich with a hot angel and a sexy demon (lemon🍋)
Ch 28-Saving Two Phenomena
Ch 29-Black Blood
Ch 30-A Talk With Myu
Ch 31-It's Spreading
Ch 32-I Remember Now!
Ch 33-So...What Now?
Ch 34-To Polífos
Ch 35-The Talk Between The Horsemen And The Princesses pt.1
Ch 36-The Talk Between The Horsemen And The Princesses pt.2
Ch 37-The Tensions Are Slowly Disappearing
Ch 38-Evil Is Crawling Closer
Ch 39-M.
Ch 40-Your Name Is Y/n
Ch 41-Wait...Your highness?!
Ch 42- Liliana's Mom
Ch 43-Surgery
Ch 44-Meeting The Mother-In-Law
Ch 45- Riding A Titan (Lemon 🍋)
Ch 46-Back To Polífos
Ch 47-Losing Control
Ch 48-Polífos Is Attacked
Ch 49-A Deal From M.
Ch 50-Back To The Camp
Ch 51-Tomi
Ch 52- M. is coming
Ch 53- A Bit Of Hope
Ch 54-The Final Battle (pt1)
Ch 55- The Final Battle (pt 2)
Ch 56- The Final Battle (pt 3)
Ch 57-The Final Battle (pt 4)
Ch 58- The Final Battle (Last Part)
Ch 59-Spare
Ch 60-The Wedding

Ch 15-Nobody touch what's mine!

1K 49 28
By _Shironeki_


Everyone parted ways, as Fubuki was going to go and talk to Myu someone stopped her, it was Wanda.

Wanda: listen to me, I hope for you that you will be able to prove that Fk/n is Y/n because if there is even a single small doubt in your head...I will kill this leader and the other in the most painful way.

Fubuki: *growl* I won't let you hurt Y/n

Wanda: we will see

After Wanda walked away toward Myu's chamber while Fubuki glared at her.

Fubuki: (Y/n... I know that it's you...don't worry help is on its way, we are going to bring you back!)
Present (3rd POV)

Today was the day when the Order of The Four was going to capture the horsemen or at least their leader and get answers. They did everything according to plan, they spread rumors about the village being a place where the Order of The Four was resting for the night. They even sent fake letters with the coordinates of the town and a description about it saying that the town held most of the Order of The Four's resources. Now all they needed to do was wait for the horsemen to arrive.

--------------With the Horsemen--------------

Hector, Scarlett, and the horsemen were in a meeting discussing the information they received from one of the guards.

Hector: so as you know there have been rumors concerning a town where most of the resources of the Order of The Four are stocked.

Annie: yes we heard about this too

Liliana: are the rumors false or true?

Scarlett: well we sent a guard to the coordinates that were written on the paper and there is a town with a lot of crates and people with the coat of the Order of The Four.

Dalia: alright then what's the plan?

Hector: since there are not many people there and it's just a mission to destroy resources, Liliana, Ana, Dalia and Annie will go there and take care of the objective.

Y/n: *raise her hand* hmm

Hector: yes Fk/n?

Y/n: what about me?

Hector: oh right...Scarlett will replace you for now

Y/n: what?! Why?!

Ana: honey the Order of The Four wants to capture and question you

Liliana: exactly you need to remain here to make sure that they won't be able to get you

Y/n: b-but...*looks down* I want to help, after what happened yesterday

Dalia: besides what if something goes wrong, you are not like us, you are human or at least part human.

Annie: you only have your demon form that can help you and I don't think you want her help

Y/n: I guess you're right...then at least promise me that you will be okay

Ana: *smile* of course hun *kiss Y/n*

Liliana: of course babe after all I still want to play... besides I talked to Ana about something and she wants to spend some time with us *wink*

Y/n: *blush* o-okay

Dalia: *pout* hey no fair! *turn to Y/n* well I need to come back or else the kids will miss their favorite aunty *smirk*

Annie: *look at Dalia* they like you because you behave like a kid too *smile at Y/n* don't worry love I will come back to you

Scarlett: *smile and hug Y/n*, of course, I will come back, our children need us

Y/n: *smile at everyone* alright then I trust you

Scarlett: *nod at Y/n* of course, my beloved, now let's start this mission and come back home as soon as possible

After that the horsemen left the camp on their horses, after around two hours they stopped in front of their objectives and entered inside. But to their surprise, the small town was unguarded which made the horsemen suspicious and look around. Scarlett walked to a crate and when she opened it, it was empty.

Scarlett immediately contacted Hector who was with Y/n

Hector: yes my dau-

Scarlett: it's a trap! There are no resources in those crates and there is nobody in the village!

Hector: what?! Come back now!

Scarlett: yes that's what we were going to-*BOUM*

Scarlett looked to her right and saw that Liliana had been sent into a wall by some kind of red magic.

Y/n: Scarlett baby what was this noise?!

Scarlett: I just saw Liliana being thrown into a house we can't run away I think we are surrounded

Y/n: then i-

Scarlett: SHIT!

Scarlett was caught off guard when someone in her half-tiger half-human rushed her destroying the phone by accident while Scarlett cut off her arms with her scythe.

Scarlett: damn I was scared for a sec-

Scarlett couldn't finish because Fubuki rushed her too, she prepared to run when she felt something holding her in place, vines were holding her legs. But before Fubuki could hurt Scarlett someone shot an arrow piercing her stomach before she shot another one at Linnea, piercing her right eye.

Scarlett: what are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be with Annie?

Ana: no she is holding back the other three but we need to get away from here now *see a huge ball of blue fire coming to her* oops I don't have time to dodge it!

The flames engulfed Ana but no screams were heard, after a few seconds the flames dissipated and Ana was standing in some kind of golden shield.

Artoria landed beside Fubuki who was now in her half-werewolf form, Linnae who ripped the arrow out of her eye with the eye slowly regenerating, and Jinka who had now both arms back.

Scarlett: damn it's going to be hard to get away from here

Artoria: *glare at Scarlett and Ana* I command you both to tell me where your leader is!

Scarlett: *smirk* sorry honey but the person you are trying to reach is unavailable, please kindly fuck off

Artoria: *growl* if you don't want to tell me I guess I have to kill you

Scarlett: you can always try lizard!

Then Artoria, Fubuki, and Jinka ran at Scarlett and Ana while Linnea was covering them from behind ready to cast illusions or stop the movements of her enemies.

Ana and Scarlett tried to fight the four of them but each time one of them would be able to hurt one of the princesses Linnae would protect them. By casting illusions or using the nature around them to bind them. After a moment of fighting Ana had the left side of her body burned while Scarlett had one of her arms broken while one of her legs had been stabbed by the sword of Artoria.

Liliana wasn't doing much better she was summoning skeletons while attacking Wanda with her swords but it seems that seeing the skeleton just made Wanda even madder and after a moment of fighting, Wanda was weakened and one of the skeletons was able to stab Wanda's stomach but Wanda didn't back down, instead she retaliated and she was able to break one of Liliana's horn making her shout in pain. But she kept fighting unfortunately the pain in her head was growing more and more.

As for Dalia and Annie, they were having a lot of trouble, Asha kept summoning her monster while Ahri and Aria were weakening Dalia and Annie. Annie knew that she could transform and easily dispose of them but if she did that, Artoria could follow back to the camp, and then it would be game over for them. Beside something in the back of her head told her that she shouldn't kill them but she didn't know why. Anyway, after fighting for a long moment one of the creatures that Asha summoned was able to clamp its jaws around Annie's waist and tore off the armor...and half of her torso before he launched her into a house which broke down on her. Dalia became distracted for a split second because of Annie but it was enough for Ahri and Aria to slam her to the ground and try to take her weapons. Dalia didn't want to let them win so she engulfed herself into ice and made it impossible for anyone except Y/n to bring her back.

The horsemen were going to be defeated.

------------With Hector and Y/n--------------

(Y/n POV)

After my Scarlett said "SHIT", the call was canceled making me scared. I immediately tried to run out of the room but I was stopped by Hector who stood in front of me.

Y/n: What are you doing?! I need to help my mates!

I tried to push past him but he wouldn't budge, after a moment he grabbed my shoulder and held me in place.

Hector: and how are you going to help them?! There is a huge probability that the people attacking the horsemen are the Order of The Four and the princesses! How are you going to fight against them when you have no power?! Tell me!

Y/n: *bite her lips hard* I will just have to ask " her" for help

Hector: what?! Are you crazy?! Do you not remember what happened yesterday!


Hector:...*smile* alright *hug Y/n* promise me you will be careful

Y/n: *hug back smiling*, of course, I will, I still have to give you grandchildren

Hector: *stop hugging Y/n* ohh I would like that, I would be granddad Hector! Ahahah yes, that is a magnificent idea! And the children will sit on my shoulders

Y/n: *shake her head smiling* I swear sometimes you remind me of a giant insect with ice on his body.

I then started leaving but before I could get out of the room.

Hector: Y-Fk/n, you better come back safe and sound you hear me?

Y/n: of course I will, I can't leave you alone old man

Hector: *smile* alright then go save them

Y/n: *nod*

After that I walked out of the room, put my armor on, and got outside of the village, I closed my eyes and tried to talk to "her". After a moment I felt as if I was transported somewhere else and when I opened my eyes, I was in a meadow and I was met with a beautiful sight.

(Ignore the wolf in the picture above ⬆)

The sky was blue, pink, and purple, the moon shone upon the meadow with its beautiful light, and giant mountains rose up to hide partly the moon. The sky was crossed by meteor showers and the ground was covered with luminous plants and mushrooms while the sky was filled with giants luminous butterflies.

But when I turned around something much more gloomy could be seen, the moon was blood red, the sky was a mix of black and red. No mountains were hiding the moon and all the vegetation seemed to die, the trees had no leaves and the grass was as black as charcoal. And the sky was filled with some weird insects with four wings and a huge mouth with sharp teeth. I could even see some man-made creation, there was a house which was similar to the temples that the humans build in Asia except that it had many holes in it and it seemed that the second floor had been destroyed, a cave that had its entrance covered with rocks and dirt. A big cottage on a mountain which seemed close to collapsing, another house next to a lake who was covered in black moss. And finally a big castle far away except that it was completely ruined. I turned around again and tried to find " her", after a moment of wandering around I found a huge purple cube, I thought about dismissing it and it did. When it disappeared I saw "her" on the ground in a fetal position, she turned to me, and as soon as she saw me, she glared at me.

???: what do you want?!

Y/n: calm down I just want to talk

???: oh you want to talk?! Then why don't you go talk to your mates because I sure as hell don't want to hear your pitiful whining!

Y/n: that's the thing...I need your help, they are in danger and I need to borrow your strength


Y/n: *kneel on the ground* please I beg of you, let me borrow your strength

???:...tch you are a fucking disgrace, DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SELF-RESPECT?! KNEELING LIKE THIS YOU-


???:...(tch I hate it! I hate people like you so much! But this is something I can respect, that's why I hate it)


???: *sigh* fine you won, stop kneeling I don't like it. I will give you my power so you better use it right you hear me?!

Y/n: *smile* thank you

As I was walking away, I stopped because I just remembered something

Y/n: *turn around* by the way, what's your name...you used mine but what is yours?

???: I don't have one...I was born recently so nobody gave me one

Y/n: really?! Then I guess I will name you...hmm...Hel!

???: Hel...*smile*...my name is Hel

Y/n: *smile while walking away* well then I'm counting on you from now on partner!

???: w-wait *Y/n turns around* I'm...I'm s-so...sor...whatever *turns her head with a slight blush of embarrassment* I'm so-sorry for what I said

Before I could answer her, I reappeared back into the real world in front of the camp. But as I did I felt my mate's pain and I immediately rushed to where I could feel them.

Hel: (so I have just one question, I have an...original addiction I guess)

Y/n: really what is your addiction?

Hel: (I love to eat brain!)

Y/n: brain?....as in human brain?

Hel: (nope squirrel's brain...OF COURSE HUMAN BRAIN YOU DUMBASS!)

Y/n: what the fuck?! Why?!

Hel: (it's the fault of this black and white parasite! Oh but don't call him a parasite, he is easily offended)

Y/n: alright we'll talk about that later, for now, we need to save my mates

Hel: (alright...)

After a few minutes, I could finally see my mates and I became mad, Dalia was locked inside a huge ice coffin, Liliana was on the ground with one of her horn broken, Annie had her hands and feet slashed off and was being blindfolded and gagged, Ana was being held to the ground by the crystal crocodile thing and Scarlett was being punched and kicked by one of the princesses.
(Scarlett POV)

Artoria: I said *punch* tell us *kick* where your *punch in the stomach* fucking leader is *kick in the head*

Scarlett: *cough blood* haa haa fuck, why don't you *smirk* go fuck yourself

Artoria: *unsheath her sword* I guess you won't say anything, then you can die *bring down her sword*

Fubuki: Artoria no!

Scarlett: *close her eyes* (sorry my loves, I guess I won't come back home...please Fk/n) *a tear slide down her eye* (take care of our kids)

Before the sword made contact with my neck, someone stopped it and I heard the sound of Artoria grunting. When I opened my eyes, I started crying because Fk/n had to become this demon again.

Scarlett: *cry* F-Fk/n, are you...

Y/n: don't worry my beloved...*turn around and smile at Scarlett with warm eyes*...it's me Fk/n

Scarlett: I see...*smile* I'm sorry you have to see us like that

Y/n: it's okay, listen I can't protect you...tell Hector that I'm sorry okay

Scarlett: w-what are you

As I looked around, I saw many dark portals being created under us and I understood what she wanted to do but I couldn't stop her, the last thing I saw before everything went black was Fk/n turning back to the princesses and the others

Y/n: and now I'm fucking pissed, nobody touch what's mine!

And after that everything went black
And done :)

So did you like it?

I hope you did, it was _Shironeki_ 🔥✌️🔥

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