The daily life of a full-leve...

By Darkknight123457

46.7K 973 12 Author: Erting Category: Rebirth through time Release time: 2021-10-21 Late... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26-27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180

Chapter 55

247 5 1
By Darkknight123457

Chapter 55

    When the boss saw Qu Zhong's sure look, he let go of his dangling heart. The three of them worked together to lift the child to the table and found a coat to cover him, and then they looked at the door.

    Duan Weiguo and Qu Zhong returned to the table and continued to eat the rest of the breakfast.

    A small group of people gathered at the door, and what had just happened in the store had already aroused the onlookers of passersby.

    The operation of the three people was photographed just now, and the courageous one took a few steps closer to see the child's current state.

    They didn't know whether the child was cured or not, when they saw the person on the table suddenly turn over, and the lady boss who was guarding him quickly reached out to stop him.

    "This is turning over from deep sleep." Someone pointed out immediately, and another voice immediately questioned: "How is it possible, I just saw the child twitching."

    "You see it yourself."


    "It's really sleeping."

    The noodles brought by the boss were all soaked, and the taste was really not delicious. Qu Zhong hurriedly ate it with the principle of not wasting it, and there was no sign of an ambulance outside the door.

    "Why is there no sign of an ambulance yet?" Duan Weiguo wiped his mouth and looked out the door.

    Just as he was talking, the child's stomach suddenly remembered the sound of gurgling, and then Liu Junjie woke up faintly, and the first sentence turned out to be: "I don't want pepper for my powder."

    This made the onlookers relieved. , Everyone watched with a wry smile as the child rubbed his eyes and sat up.

    "Okay, it's alright, let's go, let's go." The

    proprietress also exhaled, and while helping the person sit on the stool, she let the crowd spread out, and they couldn't continue to do business when people surrounded them.

    "What's your name?"

    Qu Zhong and the two were not in a hurry to go back, Duan Weiguo simply found a stool to sit down and continued to ask the child.

    "My name is Liu Junjie."

    The child rubbed his eyes and couldn't remember why he was here for a while. Qu Zhong smiled and continued to ask, "Why are you still coming to school when you have a fever?"

    "I just feel a little dizzy, and my aunt said I have a cold and eat something hot. It will be fine." Liu Junjie replied obediently.

    Qu Zhong didn't want to ask other people's family affairs, so he could only ask him: "Do you remember your parents' phone numbers?"

    "I don't remember." The child shook his head: "They are very busy, and they have several mobile phones, I don't

    remember the numbers. "

    There will be uncles and aunts coming to pick you up from the hospital, you have to be obedient." Qu Zhong reached out and rubbed his head, only then did Yu Guangli see a medical staff pushing a car coming.

    After entering the store, several people directly asked who the patient who needed an ambulance was. The boss pointed to the child: "It's this child, who just passed out."

    One of the female doctors looked at the child, waved back, and pushed the child. The people in the car leave.

    After a careful examination, the female doctor touched his face: "Are you still feeling unwell?"

    "I'm hungry." Liu Junjie replied.


    "The child had a convulsion due to a high fever just now, and we dealt with it by physical cooling." Qu Zhong explained.

    "Convulsion is not a trivial matter." The female doctor stood up and said to Qu Zhong, "We will take the child back to the hospital for an examination. Are you the guardian?"

    "No, we are diners who came to eat noodles." Qu Zhong replied.

    "Thank you for your first aid. If the rescue is not timely, the infant's convulsion may cause epilepsy." The female doctor took the child's hand and gently coaxed: "Let's go to other places first, I will call your parents and ask them to deliver it to you. Let 's eat." The

    child nodded, obediently making Qu Zhong feel a little unusual.

    Just as the doctor was about to leave with the child, Qu Zhong suddenly said, "Please wait."

    The doctor turned his head, and Qu Zhong suddenly raised his hand violently. Seeing that he was about to slap Liu Junjie's face with a slap, the frightened female doctor subconsciously hugged the child and yelled at him, "What are you doing?

    " The child may have been abused, please check with the doctors." Qu Zhong looked solemn.

    When Liu Junjie saw the slap, he subconsciously did not close his eyes but hugged his head, his whole body shrunk into a ball.

    The female doctor could also feel the trembling of the child in her arms at this time. She pulled the child's collar and saw no scars.

    "We'll check in detail, thank you."

    "You're welcome." Qu Zhong shook his head, asked for a bun from the boss and handed it to him: "I want to give you a bun, and you can eat it in the car."

    "Thank you, uncle . ." The child smiled again when he saw Baozi, and carefully took it over.

    Qu Zhong squatted down and took out a key from his trousers pocket. There was a green

    sachet . He smiled and took off the sachet and handed it over: "Uncle, you are so cute, this is for you. Toys."

    Liu Junjie looked at Qu Zhong with his big eyes, took the sachets and buns, put them together, and hugged them tightly around his chest.

    Qu Zhong smiled again and said: "When you are afraid, hold the sachet tightly, it will protect you." The

    doctor just thought he was joking with the child, and quickly took out a notebook and handed it to Qu Zhong: "Because you have done this to the child. Medical measures, we have to record them for inspection, please leave your phone number."

    Qu Zhong knew that this was to prevent medical conflicts between the hospital and the patients, so he took a pen and wrote down the phone number.

    The ambulance drove away, and the breakfast shop was quiet again.

    "Boss, check out." Duan Weiguo hurriedly urged Qu Zhong to return to the hotel when he saw that the matter had been settled.

    This little episode passed quickly, but Qu Zhong didn't take it to heart at all.

    Back at the hotel, it was almost eleven o'clock. Qu Zhong saw that it was almost noon, so he simply went back to his room and continued to rest, waiting for the wedding to start.

    At five o'clock, the music played in the hall.

    Qu Zhong was sitting at the main table as a relative of the bride, and Duan Weiguo was pulled to the next table by Lu Song. There were three tables on the main table alone.

    A hall that can accommodate hundreds of tables is full, many of them are soldiers in military uniforms, and of course there are also many successful people in suits and leather shoes.

    Quan Zhengming rarely wore a formal suit, and as soon as he sat down, he began to sigh, and Qu Zhong asked, "What are you sighing on a good day?"

    "Every family has a scripture that is difficult to read!" Instead, he sighed inexplicably. Unexpectedly, Qu Zhong raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile: "There are not one or two people who are jealous of my aunt's things."

    "You know?"

    "Is it yours? What new ideas do the younger brothers and sisters have?" Qu Zhong asked with a smile, Quan Zhengming nodded and sighed: "It's really the right choice for me not to get married."

    "There is no suitable one, it's good to be alone." Qu Zhong also said Agree.

    The two are obviously more than 20 years apart, but the tone of their speech is completely like a friend. The key is that neither of them feel anything wrong.

    "I'll eat more later, and there will be a lot of noise after the wedding." Quan Zhengming said.

    "Which one of your

    younger siblings is making trouble again?" Qu Zhong asked.

    "The youngest of our family is arguing about my mother's share."

    "Is this because the box of real estate certificates is important." Qu Zhong hit the nail on the head, and Quan Zhengming nodded in admiration, and then smiled bitterly: "My sister still I want my dad to write a will."

    "Anyway..." The wedding music suddenly sounded, and Qu Zhong's last sentence, accompanied by the host's voice auditioning the microphone, made Quan Zhengming ashamed: "Without those real estate certificates, my aunt will not Bad money."

    "Today we have a happy gathering..." The

    host's impassioned opening remarks interrupted the conversation between the two, and Qu Zhong looked up at the stage.

    After the opening remarks, it was finally the bride and groom's turn to appear.

    Considering the age of the two, there are no romantic auxiliary words, and a very old song became the accompaniment. Zhang Chaoyang and Quan Shengli joined hands and walked slowly from the door.

    Zhang Chaoyang wore very light makeup, a red dragon and phoenix gown, and a simple bun on his gray hair, with two colorful gem hairpins from Qu Zhong, and no other accessories.

    Quan Shengli was wearing military uniforms, and the two simply walked over the long stage and walked to the middle of the stage one step at a time.

    There are thousands of people in the hall, no matter if someone is laughing in secret or sending blessings, the two elderly newcomers are walking forward firmly.

    Zhang Chaohong, who had been following the two of them, burst into tears long ago, and didn't stand still until she walked to the main table.

    Qu Zhong stood up and took the lead in applauding vigorously.


    After a long time of applause, the wedding finally went on in a lively atmosphere.

    After the wedding, Zhang Chaoyang and Quan Shengli stood at the entrance of the hall to see off the guests.

    Zhang Chaohong put down the big things in his heart and began to think about his family again. Duan Weiguo had to rush back to school to deal with work. The three of them said goodbye directly at the door.

    Quan Shengli also knew that a few people were very busy, so he didn't leave anyone, but said that he would see each other soon.

    As for the property issue mentioned by Quan Zhengming, it was a family matter, and Qu Zhong, a next-generation relative, was not qualified to ask.

    On the other hand, Quan Zhengming offered to send the three of them off, and Qu Zhong guessed that he must have something to say.

    When the three returned to

    the room to pack up, Quan Zhengming picked up a huge bag and found Qu Zhong, the bag was familiar, it was the bag that Zhang Chaohong used to hold his dowry.

    "This is..." Qu Zhong wondered.

    "My dad and aunt said it's more reassuring to leave things to you for safekeeping."

    "I keep it?"

    "Well, my sister... is a bit arrogant." Quan Zhengming considered his words before describing: "She may go directly in the door. Flip things."

    Quan Zhengming hasn't said it yet, it's not just that simple, I'm afraid he will directly say that these things are relics left by his mother, and then slander Quan Shengli for using things to subsidize outsiders.

    "Old Master Quan... oh no, it's someone who can't be ruled by my aunt." Qu Zhong was surprised, a little curious about the third young lady who was said to be messing around.

    "I'm spoiled by my grandmother, I'm not afraid of the sky." Quan Zhengming curled his lips: "My dad is used to her, or he will let her be."

    Qu Zhong didn't plan to ask in detail, and immediately put it in front of Quan Zhengming's Noodles opened the bag, counted things before packing.

    Inside the bag was not only the dowry brought by the Duan family, but also the dowry gift from Quan Shengli—27 real estate certificates.

    As soon as the things were put away, Quan Zhengming's cell phone rang, and after hanging up, he smiled wryly, "Sure enough, there was a quarrel."

    Qu Zhong didn't tell Zhang Chaohong about the whole family until the car was driving on the highway.

    "These people are so rich, why are they still not satisfied." Zhang Chaohong sighed and asked a question that no one could answer since ancient times.

    Tongzhou City, the first famous hospital.

    In the emergency department ward, a young male doctor continued to examine Liu Junjie. The CT sent by the examination department just now showed that the child had minor closed injuries to his lungs and liver.

    That is to say, the child's chest and stomach have been hit, but there is no trace of the blow on the appearance.

    As for the child's high fever and convulsions, after physical examination, there is no serious problem, and the child's fever has subsided without taking any medicine.


    The doctor who was examining suddenly took a deep breath, and the assistant nurse next to him quickly asked, "Doctor Zhuo?" He said, "How can you be hurt here?"

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