Ninja Storm: The Pink Ninja R...

By heilman4316

14.2K 358 14

Zoey Oliver lived in Angel Grove. She is the younger sister to Tommy Oliver. Oh, and she's a ninja. She recru... More

Looming Thunder
Thunder Strangers: Part 1
Thunder Strangers: Part 2
Thunder Strangers: Part 3
Nowhere to Grow
Snip It, Snip It Good
Return of Thunder: Part 1
Return of Thunder: Part 2
Return of Thunder: Part 3
Return of Thunder: Part 4
Boxing Bopp-A-Roo
Brotherly Love
The Samurai's Journey: Part 1
The Samurai's Journey: Part 2
Power Enhancement
I Love Lothor
Good Will Hunter
Sensei Switcharoo
Brothers in Arms
Shane's Karma: Part 1
Shane's Karma: Part 2
Shimazu Returns: Part 1
Shimazu Returns: Part 2
Eye of the Storm
General Deception: Part 1
General Deception: Part 2
A Gem of a Day
Storm Before the Calm: Part 1
Storm Before the Calm: Part 2
Family Gatherings

The Heart of Fire

1.9K 23 2
By heilman4316

Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Character profile:

Name: Zoey Paige Oliver (Marie Avgeropoulos)

Age: 19

Height: 5'4"

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue/Almost Purple

Chapter 1: The Heart of Fire

Angel Grove. Home to the annual Power Rangers Day. A day dedicated to the multi-colored heroes who saved not only the city, but the planet. A day that's become more than just a celebration of the local heroes. But all Power Rangers in existence. This day has become so popular, that it's turned into a full week of entertainment. From the fair, cosplay, picnics & games and a weeklong endurance challenge.

It was during this year's endurance challenge that the returning champ, 19-year-old Zoey Oliver, was crossing the finish line on the final event of the competition. Barely out of breath, Zoey was jogging in place to keep her blood flowing, when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. Turning, her eyes widened as she smiled, "Hey, Tommy! Did you enjoy the race?"

Tommy Oliver, Zoey's older brother, nodded. "I did. Congratulations on another win. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, big bro." she replied.

"It's a shame you ran it solo." He rolled his eyes at her, "You know, you could have gone with her."

"You know why I didn't."

"I'm fine." He hugged her, "You don't need to stop everything in your life for me."

"It's not stopping," She defended, "it's pausing. Sort of. I'm still taking classes."

"Not the point." He sighed as she just crossed her arm in determination, "Fine. So, what's on the agenda for the rest of the day? You actually going to hang out with the rest of us? We're going to be doing some sparring later."

"I would, but I'm teaching a class after the award ceremonies. I had to get special permission to be late every day this week, so I can compete. Plus, Sensei had something important she wanted to discuss with me, so I don't know how long I'll be gone." Zoey replied, "I'll come by the Youth Center when I'm done."

"No problem." Tommy said. "We'll see you tonight. Free smoothie, on the house."

Zoey laughed. "Does Jason know it's on the house? After all, he does own the place."

"Of course. It was his idea." He smiled. "And he's not the only one who owns it."

"Eh. Semantics." She shrugged, "You guys seriously need to stop buying things."


Zoey took off right after the ceremony. She waited until she was out of the sight of anyone else and sped the rest of the way to Stone Canyon in a blur and came to a stop at the base of a mountain range. She looked around and walked through the shadows of two boulders. She stopped as she reached what looked like an oasis. The wind picked up as she stepped onto the lake. It felt walking on solid ground as she went through a portal to a different world.

Once through, she could see beautiful green grass and trees. Ancient temples, complete with training arenas, could be seen in the middle of the land. Walking through the Academy, she could see her fellow students training. Each student dressed in black gear with either an orange or pink outline. She was about to pull off her workout clothes she wore at the competition, to reveal her own suit, when someone called her name.

"Zoey, there you are." She turned around to face her Sensei. She was an older woman, with grey streaks running through her auburn hair. She was a kind and patient woman, with calm green eyes that seemed to be aware of everything. When she looked into your eyes, it felt like she could see right through you.

"Sensei Rekka? How can I help you?" Zoey bowed respectfully, "I thought we weren't meeting until after classes."

"I would like to speak with you now. Please." At her teacher's request, she followed her into the main building and up the stairs to her office, shutting the door. Zoey had been inside the office many times, usually for a lecture on not pulling pranks on her fellow students or to receive some award for one thing or another.

"I have received word from Sensei Watanabe that the Wind Ninja Academy has been attacked," Zoey's purple eyes widened as she stared at her teacher. "All but three of the students have been captured, and neither of us have heard anything from Sensei Omino. I fear the Thunder Ninja Academy has also fallen." Sensei turned around to Zoey. "And we don't have to worry about the others."

"Because of how well protected they are." Zoey tilted her head, curiously "Um, no offence Sensei, but why are you telling me this?"

"You were my best student, Zoey. And I know that it is only a matter of time before the Flame Ninja Academy is attacked as well." Zoey stared at her, still not understanding. "I want you to have this." Her Sensei held out a small wooden box that had been on her desk for as long as Zoey could remember. Slowly, the girl took it from her and opened it to reveal a large device that was black in color, with pink and gold streaks running along it. It held a pink disk with a Fox on top.

Though she feared she knew exactly what it was, she asked anyways. "What is this?"

"This is your Fire Morpher," She explained. "Sensei Watanabe has passed on the three Wind Morphers to his remaining students. I am not sure of the two from the Thunder Ninja Academy or the other two schools. But this one is for you. All you do to activate it, is say Fire Storm, Ranger Form." Zoey stood in stunned silence as the woman explained this to her. She couldn't believe this was happening. Her? A Power Ranger? Like her brother?

"But... why me?" She managed to ask after a moment. "You have an entire school of amazing students and teachers out there.

"Oh, Zoey. You were a 3-time junior black belt by the time you were 12. At 19, you've become a second-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, a third-degree black belt in karate and Aikido, and a first-degree black belt in Judo, Muay Thai, and Jujitsu. You have mastered every Fire Form taught at this Academy. And though you've graduated, first in your class I might add, you still come back and teach. You always put others before you. You are an honorable young woman with a kind heart. You are the right choice to be the Pink Fire Ninja Ranger." She smiled. "And before you say anything, this has nothing to do with your brother." She spoke as she pushed the box back toward the young Ninja, "You've earned this." Zoey picked it up, and sighed.

"Ok... if you're sure." She agreed, taking the morpher from the box. Before she could place it on her wrist, an explosion outside shook the building, making them fall to the ground. They stood up, and raced over to the window.

"Hurry. There's not a moment to waste. You must get to safety. I fear that giving you that morpher was not a moment too soon." Sensei said. "Stay hidden. You cannot be captured. It could mean the end of us all. Do as I say. Go to Blue Bay. Help the others." Zoey nodded, watching as she ran out of the room. Slipping the morpher into her pocket, Zoey returned the box to the table and ran out of the room.

"Sensei Rekka, what a pleasure it is to finally meet you," Zoey skidded to a stop and peered around a corner. She found her teacher facing a strangely clad man with a long black ponytail. He wore a long black coat, and was accompanied by two strange girls, and two creatures. The other Ninjas were all desperately trying to defend themselves.

"Lothar. I knew you would return one day. But be assured, you will not succeed." Sensei told her attacker firmly, falling into a fighting stance.

"Sensei..." Zoey whispered, torn with wanting to help. She closed her eyes for a moment in frustration as she fought to do what her Sensei asked of her. She glared out the window, making her decision and ran away from the ensuing fight.

She needed to get to Blue Bay. But she needed help. So, she went straight to Angel Grove to the Youth Center to find Tommy.


She ran in and went right to the training mats. There was her brother, sparing with his best friend and fellow former Ranger, Jason. "Hey, Zoey." Tommy stopped to speak with her. "I thought you had class?"

"I did, but something's happened. Something major. I need your help."

"What is it? Are you hurt?" Tommy asked.

"No, I'm not hurt. But an evil space Ninja named Lothor has captured my Sensei and all of the other teachers and students. Then they destroyed the Academy."

"What?" They both exclaimed.

"My Sensei gave me this." Zoey held out her arm and showed them her morpher. The look on their faces was one of resignation.

"What are you supposed to do now?" Jason asked, looking concerned.

"I need to go to Blue Bay Harbor. Sensei said the Wind Academy has also fallen, but Sensei Watanabe and his son survived. They gave the Wind Morphers to the only three surviving Wind Ninja students. I need to join them." She replied, determined to complete her task. "I have to do this. The Power chose me."

"Yes, it did." Tommy nodded, "Well, we'd figured it would happen to you sooner or later." He thought for a moment. "We'll need to find someone for you to stay with while you're there. I don't know what you'll do for a job, but I'm sure that won't be hard for you to find."

"I can see if Sensei Watanabe has a spare room." She shrugged, still worried.

"Hey," Jason said, "didn't Kim's cousin Kelly move Blue Bay? She bought that action sports store there that she was always working at."

"Storm Chargers." She smiled, "I called it, man. Cheerleading just wasn't her thing." She nodded, "It's perfect. I'll go to Blue Bay and seek Sensei Watanabe at the Wind Ninja Academy. Afterwards, I'll go to Kelly's place and see if she'd be willing to take on a new employee. I only have one problem. What am I going to tell our parents?"

"Don't worry about it," Tommy said, "I'll talk to them. Say that you've decided to continue your online classes but transferred your credits to Blue Bay, because you've been offered a job. Or something like that. I'll figure it. Just make sure you call in with them from time-to-time." He hugged her, "And hey, it's not that far from the house."

"About a 30 minute drive, but I can get there in like five minutes with Ninja Streak." She chuckled as he just shoved her, "Don't think you're getting away from me that easily. Daily calls are coming. Be prepared."

"She's got you, bro." Jason chuckled, "I swear she is getting more and more like you every day. It's impressive."

Tommy rolled his eyes, "Alright. I'm heading home first thing in the morning. I'll drop you off in Blue Bay on my way. I know you were packing things up to move in with me, so just take a regular go bag for now. We'll get everything else packed up and shipped to Reefside."

"Thanks, Tommy. I appreciate it."


Tommy pulled up in front of Storm Chargers and sighed, "Leave your bag in the jeep. I'll take it home. You can Ninja Streak back later for it after you get settled."

"Will do." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, "Love you. Take care of you. I'll be by later."

"May the Power protect you, little sis."

With a nodded, she got out and, after watching him drive off, walked into the store. She looked around in fascination, taking it all in. There wasn't anything like this in Angel Grove. "This is awesome."

"Hello, welcome to Storm Chargers." A red-haired woman came up to her and smiled, "Are you new?" She paused as Zoey returned the smile. "Wait, Zoey?" The teen nodded, laughing, "Oh, my gosh. I haven't seen you in ages. Tommy called and said he was going to be dropping you off. How are you?"

"Hi, Kelly. Long time no see." They shared a brief hug, "How's business?"

"It's good. Staying busy. Um, Tommy said you needed a job?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna be staying in Blue Bay for awhile and thought you could help me out."

"I'd love to. It's not the Youth Center, but I think you could handle it."

"I think so. I mean, I've never sold sporting goods before, but I am an extreme sports enthusiast, and I partake in quite a few competitions."

"Sounds good to me. Let me know when you get settled in, and we'll get you started." Kelly patted her back before walking off to help another customer. Well, Zoey thought, one problem down.

Looking around, Zoey went straight for the motocross section, while trying to figure out how to find the Wind Ninja Academy. "Can I help you find something?" Said a voice behind her. Zoey looked around to see a young man about 18, with brown hair and wearing a yellow checkered shirt.

"Oh, um, I'm just looking for right now, but thank you." Zoey smiled at him.

"No problem. I'm Dustin. You're new here, right?" He asked.

"Yes. Just got to town this morning." She smirked, "Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah, a little. I know almost everyone who comes in here. And if I don't, they're usually tourist, part of the sports circuit or just moved to town. Hey listen, um, if you ever need a tour of Blue Bay, I'd be happy to show you around."

"Dustin, there's a customer asking about those new gloves that came in. Wanted to know who all have used them, or something. I don't really know. Could you help?" Standing behind her was a guy about Dustin's age. He wore a pair of shorts and a baggy red hoodie and had short black hair. "Excuse me, I need to steal him for something. Sorry." He apologized.

"Um, no problem. I'm just heading out. Thanks for the invite Dustin. I might take you up on that." She smiled at him before walking off.

She was just walking out of the store, checking her phone for messages, when she heard screaming nearby. Zoey reacted instantly and started running toward the sounds. She followed the noise, and shortly after, encountered a monster chasing off civilians.

"That's right run from Hogger!" he laughed, and Zoey frowned. She sped forward, Ninja streaked up and planted a kick in the back of his head. The pig monster stumbled and fell as Zoey landed back on the ground. "Who did that?!" He snorted, leaping up and spinning around. "Who are you?" He sounded surprised.

Zoey sighed, and grabbed the front of her shirt and pulled, revealing her Ninja gear, which had the pink line down the front and a patch over the heart with a pink fire symbol on it.

"A Ninja? Where did you come from?" The monster yelled. "Oh, well. Doesn't matter. Three or four, I'm gonna turn you into slop!" He mocked, and ran at Zoey. He threw a punch, and Zoey's head leaned to the side to avoid it.

"I really hate when people underestimate their opponent," She commented, before swinging a kick that was more powerful than he expected. The monster cried out and staggered to the side. "You know, you kind of look like a Pudgy Pig reject. Have the villains gotten so desperate that they're stealing from past villains?" Zoey moved faster, flipping the monster over before moving out the way. Hogger stood up and, dizzy, growled at Zoey.

"That's it. No more Mr. Nice HOG!" He roared, blasting dark energy at her. Zoey was able to avoid it, but she felt the power behind it. As she turned back to the monster, he slammed his fist into her chest and she cried out, stumbling. Still on her feet, she looked back at Hogger.

"Very good," She smirked, "But not good enough. Looks like I get to try this thing out sooner than I thought." Zoey said, pulling the morpher out of her sling bag and put it on her wrist.


The wind picked up around her, and when it died down, she stood in a pink suit, with black netted sleeves and leggings. The image of a fox was on the helmet above the visor, and the fire symbol on her chest.

"Power of Fire!" Zoey called.

"Shiny suit, but it won't do much to help you!" He yelled, and Zoey shrugged.

"Well, I've been around the Ranger world most of my life. This is the first time I'm getting to wear the suit." She grinned as she drew her glaive. "Let's see if I do it justice." She ran toward the alien, facing him head on. Years of training kicked in, and she met him blow for blow.

"Dude, where'd she come from?!"

Zoey kicked the monster back and instead of just stumbling, he went flying backwards. She looked over, and saw three other Rangers in Red, Yellow and Blue. "Forget where she came from, who is she? I thought we were the only ones left!" The one in Yellow exclaimed in confusion.

"I think the symbol on her suit belongs to the Flame Academy." The one in Blue stated.

"The what?" The Red Ranger asked, causing the girl with them to groan in frustration.

"I'm still here you know!" The monster recovered, and Zoey swung her glaive up, catching him as he got close. Hogger roared out in pain as Zoey turned to face him again. She returned her glaive and held out her hand.

"Fire Bow!" Zoey summoned a pink bow and aimed it at the monster.

"What are you going to shoot me with, air?" the monster demanded

Instead of replying, she pulled the bow string back to charge it.

"Fox Fire!" She called, and a starburst of pink arrows shot at the monster, slamming into him. He cried out, before falling backwards, exploding.

"That was awesome!" The three ran over, and Zoey turned to face them. "I've never seen moves like that before, it was amazing." The Yellow Ranger said, practically vibrating with excitement.

Zoey nodded her head, "Thank you."

"Excuse me, but um, who are you? No offense, but we weren't told of any other Ninja Rangers out there."

"Well, I'm from the Ninja Flame Academy in Stone Canyon. Though, I live in Angel Grove. Lothor attacked my Academy." Zoey told them softly. "Everyone was taken. My Sensei told me that Sensei Watanabe had given the Wind morphers to his three remaining students and asked me to join you. That was minutes before the attack and the whole Academy was blown up. Everyone was taken. Along with my Sensei."

The Blue Ranger put her hand on Zoey's shoulder. "We're going to get those other Ninjas back. Will you help us?"

"Count on it." She nodded, determined to rescue her Academy and save the world.

The other girl demorphed, revealing an athletic blonde, "Hi. I'm Tori."

Zoey followed suit and demorphed, ready to introduce herself.

"You?!" The other Rangers demorphed, and Zoey's eyes widened as she looked up at the two boys from the sports shop. "You're the Pink Ranger? How?" The one in red asked.

"Well, my Sensei gave me the morpher, and I used it," Zoey replied with a shrug.

The boy in yellow held up a hand, "I'm sorry. He didn't mean to sound so surprised. It's just that, um... well. I mean, you look... um... hmm..." he stuttered as he stared at the newest Ranger. He exchanged looks of shock with the other guy. They were surprised to see someone so cute, wearing daisy duke shorts and a long sleeved pink cropped top, kicking butt.

Zoey laughed. "Look. I've been training in martial arts since I was 3. I graduated top of my class six months ago. A little early by normal standards, but Sensei had put me in an accelerated program due to my previous martial arts knowledge. She chose me. I accepted. That's all there is to it. You don't choose the power. The power chooses you."

"Excuse them. Their mouths can sometimes get the better of them." Tori stood beside her, "Mouth number one, is Shane." She said, pointing to the boy in red first. "His accomplice is Dustin." Nodding to the one in yellow, Tori smirked, "Not the first time they've had to pry their feet out of those mouths."

"That was yesterday." Dustin sighed, "Which is why it was so shocking that Lothor had already sent out another monster." He smiled, "And we made up for it by introducing you to that guy from the beach."

"We better get back to Ninja Ops and introduce her to Sensei," Shane said, shaking his head, not wanting to encourage the wrath of Tori again. Or relive the image of two of them. Tori linked her arm with Zoey's, happy that there was another girl on the team.


"Welcome, Zoey Oliver, to the Wind Ninja Academy. Sensei Rekka has told me so much about you," Sensei Watanabe said as Zoey bent down in a bow, unphased by the fact that he was a guinea pig.

"It is an honor to meet you, Sensei. I thank you for allowing me onto your hollowed grounds and hope I can bring honor to the Flame Academy under your tutelage."

"I've heard of you. You helped upgrade your Academy's computer and security system." Sensei Watanabe's son and computer genius, Cam, commented.

"It nearly killed me when I realized they still had a paper filing system. I had to do something." Zoey laughed. "Besides, they were still using a bound catalog for their books and scrolls. I was about ready to scream." Cam leaned back in his seat, looking impressed.

"Dude, isn't this weirding you out? You're standing in front of a talking guinea pig." Dustin stated, confused. "I mean, it's still weird to me."

"Doesn't bother me. If I can handle holding a conversation with a talking floating head in an energy tube, a guinea pig is a cake walk." Zoey explained, furthering the confusion of the entire room. "Um, remind me to explain who Zordon of Eltar is. That's a conversation for later."

"Confusion aside, we are grateful for your arrival. We will need all the help we can get to defeat Lothor and save the captured Ninjas," Sensei said, making Cam smirk from his seat.

"Especially someone with your experience and expertise," Zoey couldn't help but grin. "I mean, we already knew about your accolades at the Flame Academy, but seeing it was so much better. We were watching the fight with Hogger. That was really impressive." The genius nodded in appreciation.

She smiled at him in appreciation, ignoring the glares the other three had thrown at him. "Sensei, you wouldn't happen to have a spare bedroom I could use while I'm here, would you?" She asked. "I don't have any family in Blue Bay. And I could really use a place to stay."

"That would not be a problem. Cam can show you to a room you can stay in." Sensei replied, "What about school?"

"Oh, I'm 19. I graduated from high school last year and have been taking some time to figure out what I want to do next. I've been taking online college classes since I was 15." Zoey always felt weird trying to explain herself. Her school wanted her to graduate when she was 15, but she refused. She wanted to finish with the rest of her friends. So, she started taking college courses 3 years before she even graduated high school.

"Since you were 15?" Asked Cam, impressed.

"Um, yes. I started college classes on top of my high school curriculum. I already have my bachelor's degree in computer science. I want to eventually get a degree archeology." Zoey was fidgeting with all the looks she was receiving.

"Really? What field?" asked Cam.

Zoey looked up at him, "I want to study historic, classical, and prehistoric archeology. I also plan on minoring in paleontology, anthropology, and ancient civilizations." She laughed, "I love history and science. And if I can study both at the same time, the better. Those fields are a great mix of both."

Sensei looked over at Zoey, "I applaud you on achieving such a feat at an early age. If you do decide to start taking more classes, I'm sure Cam would be glad to help you. In the meantime, welcome to the team, Zoey."

Zoey smiled, already feeling welcomed by this team.

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