Izuku The Timelord: Early Adv...

By NuclearLobsterman

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Alone, Izuku felt alone. Surrounded by people everyday, but the feeling still persisted. Was it because he wa... More

Chapter 1: Early Days....
Chapter 2: The Voice Calls....
Chapter 3: A Distressing Signal....
Chapter 4: Somewhere Unknown...
Chapter 5: A Trip Down Memory Lane...
Chapter 6: Arrival And Battle
Chapter 7: A Battle For The Mind
Chapter 8: Ten's Guilt
Chapter 9: A Promise
New Book just released!
Big Announcement

Chapter 7.5: The Aftermath

543 19 64
By NuclearLobsterman

Izuku's POV

White, pure white, never ending white. All I saw was the color white, I couldn't make out any other color. One moment I was beating the Varlet to a bloody pulp then next I a flash of light had appeared. I tried to lift up my hands to see my arms, but I only saw nothing. Then I realized, even in this pure white world I'm in I even can't see myself. I couldn't really see anything else at all. No furniture, no objects, no pillars, no floor, and especially no people. But I felt this inherit feeling with this white place. It was a feeling of similarity, a feeling of mutual understanding even, a feeling I can relate to with it.

Empty, I felt empty and this white room shares the same feeling I think? Both me and it are empty, one being actually empty with nothing in it. The other is thoughts and feelings filled with a sense of emptiness and unsatisfaction. Since I still harbored thoughts about the aftermath of my duel with the Varlet. Why am I unsatisfied? Didn't I win? I have beaten the Varlet in his own game. I didn't give him the chance to be satisfied a victory against me. I had won and he had lost. And yet after I had won...How come I don't feel like a winner? Most victors describe the feeling of winning as a moment of great emotions such as joy, excitement, ecstasy, etc.

And yet I feel none of that, the only feeling I have is just emptiness. Why is it like that? Why can't I feel like the victor for once? Did I do something wrong? Did I miss a page in the manual of how to be a winner? Was my victory not worth it enough for me to feel genuine happiness and joy? Was my victory only short lived? Just momentary pleasure, gone in the wind...And yet I never even had the satisfaction to enjoy it while it lasted. Didn't I work hard for this victory? Didn't I have to go toe-to-toe against a being that has vast amounts of knowledge about fencing and I had none? Didn't I have to improvise all of my movements to make sure I wouldn't be killed by him?

And yet...And yet...Why? Why can't I feel happy that I did all of this!? Why can't I pat myself in the back for defying the odds and winning!? WHY!?! Is it hard? For Kami-sama's sake it sure isn't! And yet I, Izuku Yagi, can't even commend myself for doing something! Or anything for that matter! Why can't I just be proud of my actions for once!? Why must I never have the satisfaction other people have!? Why can't I be happy!? Why can't I just enjoy it!? Why must I feel empty!? Why must I feel underwhelmed!? Why must I always be left discontent!? These feelings pf malcontent have gone far enough! And yet every single time! They always keep going farther and farther!

I!...I!...I...I...Why am I even angry about this? I've always felt empty when doing something...So why complain further? I know I had won against the Varlet and expecting for those feelings of happiness and all...But why bother when you know that you'll still feel unsatisfied...I never knew why I started to feel like this...Was it the lack of praise when I was younger? No, I never liked the praise and all...But I did like the feeling of being commended for one's actions...Sigh why do I even boggle about this topic? I've done it multiple times now...And yet I've never made a proper conclusion...

Maybe...Just maybe...I'm boggling over this because of the battle. How I was left unsatisfied by it and it's outcome...How the Varlet just stopped squirming after that last hit...How his body went limp and his blood-soaked eyes became lifeless...I remember the chill up my spine as I watched it...Wait...Why am I changing subject? Anyways, I'm boggling over this because the Varlet wanted me too. Maybe my feelings of victory were nonexistent because he had not allowed me too have any...Maybe he was the Victor after all...What am I even saying!? That's some conspiracy level of theorizing...Maybe there's another reason? Maybe I feel this way because of what I had done to him?

How I beaten him when he was down. How I'd shattered his nose, whilst continually slamming my fist unto it. How I had almost caused one of his eyes to pop out of his socket. I even remember him spitting out a few teeth after I had continually socked him in the face...What have I become? I...I would never do that...I would never wish that were to happen to me. And yet I had done it unto him, not out of him deserving it. But out of anger and my desire of watching him suffer and squirm...I was no better than a monster...I was no better than him...What have I truly become? Am I still Izuku Yagi after this? Or am I something much more sinister? Much more evil? Muchmore cruel? I don't...I personally don't know anymore...

Wait...Why do I feel shaking?...It's getting stronger...It feels desperate...and it feels frantic? Wait, I hear voices...It sounds unclear, wait its starting to sound much more hearable now?

"Wake up! Wake up! Please wake up!" a voice said.

He sounded frantic like the shaking, he also sounded English for some reason? British maybe? Wait, why does he sound so frantic? And why is he telling me to wake up? Am I asleep right now? Wait, I can see something! It's blurry, but at least something! It's getting clearer and clearer. Wait I can see something, it looks like a brown blur. Like a smudge even, and it's shaking...Is that the thing shaking me?

Oh wait it's starting to get clearer again. Is that a man? He looks European? Maybe he's the English speaking guy? Is he the frantic one shaking me? Why shake me? And wait...Are there two people standing beside him? There are people beside him, one red-headed woman and one black-haired one. Why do they also look so nervous and frantic? Am I dying or something? If so I don't certainly feel like it.

"Doctor stop shaking him! It's not going to wake him up!" I heard the dark haired woman said. She too was also English.

"Please please please please! Just wake up! Just show me any sign that you're alive! I beg of you!" I heard the English man said.

I was just so confused as too what is going on right now? And why is the red-haired woman staring at me with a look of horror right now! Wait, I feel sleepy...And a bit tired...

Transition Brought To You By Izuku in a backpack: 

No One's POV

The Doctor was shaking his son frantically, he didn't know why he had just found him passed out on an empty school entrance way. Noticing both of his burnt arms and the burn scar on his cheek. With no one picking him up or assisting him whatsoever, this sort of irked him. But those feeling were undermined by his fear and anxiety, since he was scared of what had happened to his son. Ignoring Martha's pleas for him to stop, he wanted to but he was too scared to stop.

"Please...Don't go...I beg of you...Please let me have this chance..." The Doctor thought.

At the verge of tears once more, his fear of Izuku dying consuming him. But those fears soon evaporated when his son had moved his arm touching his father's chest. This had reassure the Doctor that his son was alive, his tear retreating back into his eyes. Then pulling his son up and placing his son's head unto his chest. Then muttering in a quiet manner.

"You're okay...He's okay...He's unconscious and hurt...But he's okay..." The Doctor muttered.

"Doctor please sto-" Martha was interrupted.

By the Doctor quickly grabbing Izuku's body and lifting it up in a sort of princess carry style. Adjusting so that he would have a better grip and won't drop Izuku while carrying him. Then he turned his attention back to Martha, a serious look on his face. Then saying to her in an equally serious tone.

"Martha, catch." The Doctor said.

"What?" Martha replied.

Before seeing the Doctor quickly grab his Tardis key from his coat pocket. Then throwing it at her, Martha panicking as she went to catch the key. It landing on her right hand perfectly, as she heard the noise of the TARDIS materializing behind her. Then she turned quickly around and leaped towards the TARDIS, quickly placing the key into the TARDIS key hole. 

She then heard a click noise as it signaled that the door was open, but before she could open she was then gently pulled out of the way by Donna. As the Doctor then leaped forward in a hurry, running into the TARDIS interior room. Not noticing the repaired room, with both Donna and Martha running after the Doctor.

"Huh. Neat." Donna thought.

Commenting about the repaired TARDIS interior, before continuing to run after the Doctor. As the Doctor sprints to the hallway entrance door, not even waiting a second as the door opens. He then ran down the hallway in inhuman speeds leaving both Donna and Martha in the dust. Before stopping once he reached a certain area in the corridor, then snapping his attention to a room on his right.

The room was nothing special, just an automatic sliding door that he has for the rest of the doors in this corridor. But this door had something odd beside it, it had a hand print sensor on its right. As the Doctor then repositioned his way of carrying the unconscious Izuku, then being able to safely use his free hand. He placed it on the handprint scanner, as it glowed in response to the Doctor's hand making proper contact to it. 

Scanning his hand before making a beeping noise. The door then opening up, some cold air coming out of the door as it opened. When the door was fully open already, the Doctor didn't waste anytime leaping forward into the room. This room sort of brought out some old memories in him, old memories he had in this medical bay.

"I haven't been here in a while..." The Doctor muttered.

Before shaking off these memories, focusing on his injured son and how he could help him. Finding a suitable bed for his son, making sure it was comfy for him. Then gently placing him down on the bed slowly, making sure he wouldn't hurt him or be startled. Once his son was properly placed on his medical bed the Doctor didn't waste any more time. 

Immediately running across the room, going to a closet of sorts with a number pad on it. The Doctor quickly typing the right code, as he was then allowed access to the closet. Quickly opening it and grabbing a white T-shirt and white pajama pants. Before going to another closet with another numeric code pad, typing the code in. Then carefully opening the cabinet, as large amounts of cold air seep through the door. 

Revealing a glowing cyan green vial on a stand, locked unto it. The Doctor then grabbed it quickly, breaking the locking mechanism of the stand somehow not breaking the vial. Placing it on top of the pajamas he got. Before dashing his way back to Izuku. But as he was dashing his way back to Izuku the Doctor heard two voices enter the room.

"Doctor! Doctor! Are you in here!?" Martha said.

"Of course he is! Why else do you think that the green haired boy is laying there!? Or why this room's door is open!" Donna replied.

"Maybe he left to go in another room to get something!? So I'm not sure if he's in this room!" Martha replied.

But before Donna or Martha could reply and start bickering, the Doctor interrupted them. 

"Can both of you not bicker over me being in this room or not! There are more pressing matters going on! And I don't want you two bickering while I try and tend to this injured boy!" The Doctor said.

Raising his voice, shouting at the two. As both companions quiet down and look at the Doctor with shock and fear in their eyes. Shocked at the fact the Doctor raised his voice and shouted at them and the fear from the fact that he's angry at them, and knowing what the Doctor does when he's angry...

"Now will both of you not bicker and help me tend to this injured child!? If not then LEAVE this room immediately! I don't want one of you blocking my way! UNDERSTAND!?" The Doctor said.

His angered expression growing ever so stronger, causing both Donna and Martha to swallow a lump in their throats. Before both of them nodding at the Doctor's request rapidly, a droplet of sweat falling from both of their foreheads. The Doctor sees this and his angered expression weakens, then saying in a much normal tone.

"Good. Now Martha I want you to go to that cabinet on the top left side and grab some gauze pads, lots of bandages, and beside those stuff there's some small white bottles, get two and hurry." The Doctor ordered.

Martha quickly followed this order and turned around and quickly walked over to the other cabinets. As Martha went and left to get the stuff the Doctor wanted, he turned his gaze to Donna and said to her.

"Donna, I need you to help me in changing this boy's clothes. Are you up for that?" The Doctor said.

"Y-Yeah I'm up for that." Donna said.

"Good, I need you to help me with taking off his uniform. I'll work on the trousers and shoes, you try and remove his uniform and shirt." The Doctor said.

Going towards Izuku's bed, Donna following after the Doctor. But the Doctor suddenly halted and turned to Donna with a serious look on his face once again. Then saying to her in an equally serious tone.

"Donna, when you're removing his uniform. Make sure to be gentle and don't cough or sneeze, because we can't risk him getting infected burn wounds. Understand?" The Doctor said.

"Y-Yes I understand." Donna replied.

Her voice a bit stuttery because of the Doctor raising his voice and startling her. She was still a bit jittery because of this. But she shook her head a bit then replying once more.

"Yes, I understand and I'll make sure to be extra careful." Donna said.

The Doctor nodded in approval before heading towards Izuku's bed. Already starting to remove Izuku's shoes, untying the shoe laces then slowly removing them from his feet. Donna then followed, going towards Izuku and unbuttoning his uniform. Now fully unbuttoned, she slowly removes the left side of his uniform. Pulling it gently and making sure she doesn't make to much contact with his uniform.

Before his left arm was no longer inside of the burnt uniform arm sleeve. She then goes around Izuku's bed, now at the right side of the unconscious child. Then quickly and carefully removing the other arm sleeve. Now she only needs to remove the uniform that the unconscious Izuku was now laying on. But before she could do that she was curious and turned her head towards the Doctor.

Seeing the Doctor already placing the white pajamas over Izuku's legs. Now she knew she had to hurry up, so she slowly removed the rest of his uniform. Placing it on a nearby by chair, she expected him to be wearing a white dress shirt. But she was greeted by a simple a bit scuffed up and a bit sweaty white undershirt, so that made her job easier.

So she then slowly removed his white t-shirt, but as she pulled the shirt over Izuku's head, she saw something quiet shocking. She saw how underweight the boy was, I mean she could see his ribs and most of his bones, some of them just covered by a bit of fat and some muscle. This sight broke Donna's heart, since she has never seen someone this thin before. But she also wondered something else.

"Who could've done this too him...It's as if he's never been given a proper meal at all..." Donna thought.

But she knew she had to focus and help the Doctor, so she shook of those thought and slowly but surely removed his white t-shirt. Then placing it on his discarded uniform top, then realizing that she wasn't given the shirt she's going to place on him.

"Hey, Doctor could you um hand me the white shirt you're holding?" Donna asked.

"Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot to hand it to you a while ago." The Doctor replied.

Handing Donna the shirt she's going to place on the young boy. Taking a glance at his son's torso, a look of shock and concern on his face for a brief moment. Before going back to his usual neutral expression. This wasn't unnoticed by Donna however, but she chose to question him about this late. Since she was currently busy with something much more important.

As she rolls up the white t-shirt, before pushing the green haired boy's head through the head hole of the shirt. She found it a bit difficult since the boys large set of hair wouldn't allow her to just simply push it downwards. But now she was facing the hard part. placing both of his arms carefully into the sleeve holes. She knew that she would struggle with this, plus she also had to do two of them. So she resorted to the usual response to hard situation like these.

"Hey, Doctor I don't want to disturb you or anything. But could you help me place his arms into the sleeves? Because it would take me some time to do it on my own...You know, with being extra careful and all that..." Donna said.

The Doctor then turning his attention to Donna. Then replying.

"Sure, I'll take the right you take the left. Got it?" The Doctor said.

"Crystal." Donna replied.

The Doctor then went to Izuku's side, when he got close enough he grabbed the non burnt part of Izuku's arm. Donna doing so too, while also taking in a sharp inhale. Then the Doctor then chanting out.

"Ok, on my count we place his arms into the sleeve holes. 1, 2, an-" The Doctor said.

Before being interrupted by Martha arriving at the nick of time. 

"Ok, Doctor I got some gauze pads and a lot of bandage wraps, I couldn't specify how many you said. So I got four just in case. I also got the 2 bottles you want-Oh, are you two busy?" Donna said.

Finally noticing that both Donna and the Doctor were busy with something. The Doctor didn't reply just looking at Martha, before turning his attention back to Donna. Then repeating what he had said.

"Ok, 1, 2...3!" The Doctor said.

Both Donna and the Doctor carefully placing Izuku's arms into the sleeve holes. Being careful enough not to put too much pressure on his burns. Donna sighing in relief and wiping off some sweat with the back of her hand. The Doctor however went towards Martha and took the 2 bottles from her.

Then opening up one of the bottles, before tossing the other one to Donna. Donna, frantically caught it. Since she was caught off guard by the Doctor's actions. Before the Doctor telling her.

"Donna I need you to help me rub this cream on the burns. Use all of it, got it?" The Doctor said.

Donna nodding rapidly before opening up the bottle and placing some of the cream on the boy's burnt area of his arm. Before Martha said.

"Wait! We haven't cleaned the burns yet! We have to follow steps so that the burns wouldn't get infect-" Martha was then interrupted.

"Martha, this isn't normal burn cream. This is a special mix that just needs to be placed on the burnt skin." The Doctor said.

"Bu-" Martha once again interrupted.

"But there are more pressing matters at hand, I need you to assist me. And I won't take yes or no answers." The Doctor said.

Martha then nods her head in understanding. 

"Good, because I need you to get me something again. It's a syringe on a counter where you last were." The Doctor said.

Martha then quickly runs to where she were last time. Going to the counter top and finding an assortment of syringes, going through them and looking for the cleanest one. Then grabbing the cleanest one and running back to the Doctor in a quick pace. Almost crashing into him, before stopping and saying.

"Here, I got it. I got the syringe." Martha said.

Before the Doctor handed her the glowing green vial he placed in his coat pocket. Martha looked at this vial with confusion, since she has never seen something like this inside a vial. She then asked the Doctor, what was inside this vial.

"Doctor...I know I'm going to place this liquid into the syringe and all...But what's inside this vial exactly?" Martha asked.

"All I can say is, it's something that will aid in this boys healing process." The Doctor said.

"Is it safe?" Martha asked.

"Of course it is, why else would I inject it into him. And do hurry because time is ticking." The Doctor said.

Martha then took a sharp inhale, then started with the procedure in how to fill up a syringe. Opening up the vial first, sighing in relief at the sight of a small hole for the needle to go through. Placing the needle inside the hole, before bringing it closer to her, notably at eye level. Then rotating the vial and syringe. The syringe upside down, the vial also upside down. 

As Martha then pulls the plunger downwards, allowing the liquid to enter the syringe, with some air bubbles accompanying it. Martha notices this and places her free hand unto the syringe barrel, flicking her pointing finger on it. Causing the air bubbles to go upwards, before pushing the plunger causing the air bubbles to leave the barrel and enter back into the vial. Noticing that she doesn't have the right volume, she pulls the plunger down letting some more liquid enter.

Finally at the proper volume, she flips it right side up. Before gently and quickly removing the needle from inside the vial, then closing the vial up. Now she hurriedly hand the vial to the Doctor and says to him in a frantic voice.

"Is that the proper dosage?" Martha asked.

In a nervous tone, since she was worried she placed too much or little.

"It's the perfect amount. Good job Martha." The Doctor said.

Complementing Martha, causing her to blush a bit. But Martha knew it wasn't the proper time to dwell on that. The Doctor then turned towards Izuku, lowering his body a bit. And finding the perfect spot for him to inject this fluid into his son's body. Before finding a proper spot, before cleaning the area up. Before slowly injecting it into Izuku's arm, with Izuku's face scrunching up in reply. From the sudden feeling of being stabbed by a needle.

The Doctor then slowly pushes the plunger downwards, making the green liquid enter Izuku's arm. Before emptying it's contents, allowing all of the liquid to fully enter Izuku's arm. Before slowly removing the needle. After fully removing the needle he didn't cover it with a bandage or clean it up. Causing a lot of distress in Martha, then saying out loud.

"Doctor! Why aren't you cleaning it up!? Or placing a bandage on it!? It might get infected and-"

Before the Doctor could reply to Martha. Donna had interrupted her, saying in shock.

"L-LOOK!" Donna said.

Pointing at Izuku's arms, as light green veins glow on Izuku's arms. Before they climb up to his neck then to his veins. Then going downwards to his legs and toes, after the veins had stopped moving everywhere on Izuku's body. It had started pulsating and glowing even more, before Izuku's eyes dart open. Then starting convulsing intensely, his body contracting and shaking around.



Both Martha and Donna start panicking, Martha thinking that she had done something wrong with the procedure. While Donna was losing her shit over the fact that this boy was convulsing. Meanwhile, the Doctor had a calm look on his face with a small twinge of panic in his eyes. But he was all too calm, which bugged both Martha and Donna who both equally thought.

"HOW THE HELL IS HE CALM!" Both Donna and Martha thought.

Then the Doctor muttered.

"The effects are working...It's working too well..." The Doctor muttered.

As Izuku continued to convulse violently on the bed. His eyes now surrounded by green like veins, with him also making grunting like noises of pain. Donna having enough of the Doctor's calmness at the site of the boy in clear pain. Calling out to the Doctor to get his attention and say to him.

"DOCTOR! HELP HIM!" Donna said.

"Wait...Just wait a few seconds..." The Doctor said.


"This is supposed to happen Donna. I wouldn't just let him go through this with out trying to stop it." The Doctor said.

As The boy starts to continue to convulse in pain, his hands gripping the sides of his bed. The Doctor continues to hear this and couldn't help but get closer to his son's side. Gently grabbing his hand, preventing it from gripping the bed. And also holding his hand and allowing his son to grip his hand instead of gripping and almost tearing up the mattress.

Izuku now placing all of his strength into gripping the Doctor's hand. The pain becoming unbearable for him, as his grip continues to tighten. The Doctor flinches in pain a bit but decides to ignore it. Focusing on trying to comfort his son, as he traces his thumb on Izuku's hand. Muttering to him in a comforting tone.

"Hey...I know it hurts...But I'm here, so let out all the pain on me okay?...I'm here so don't worry...It will last for only a short while, I promise..." The Doctor said.

After he mutters that Martha then begs to the Doctor. Not being able to hear the boy's cries of pain and watching him convulse any longer. Grabbing the Doctor's arm and shaking it as she begs to the doctor.

"D-Doctor, please...P-Please help him...The pain is too much for him...I-I mean look he's convulsing! Just please help him! You can't just stand there and watch it happen!" Martha said.

"Martha, do you honestly think I wouldn't help him? Do you think I wouldn't try and stop him from feeling this pain? Do you think I would allow him to get hurt for no reason? Do you think I'll just sit idly by and watch my son suffer?" The Doctor asked.

Both Donna and Martha froze in shock, absorbing the Doctors words. And surprised to hear that the Doctor said that this boy was his son. Donna's mouth went agape from the shock reveal, just being told that her friend had another child. Martha was shocked to the point of a look of horror on her face. The reveal that her crush had another child, this time with a woman he loved.

"S-Son...!?" Martha said.

"Y-You have a-a-a-another child...H-How!? Wh-When!?" Donna said.

"I'll explain later on. There are more pressing matters as of the moment." The Doctor said.

Continuing trying to comfort his son, as both Donna and Martha were about to ask more questions about his son. But the Doctor shotting both of them a glare, causing both of them to shut up. But his glare towards the two weakened after he heard his son choking up. Turning his attention back to him gazing at his in pain son. Seeing how the effects of the liquid are getting stronger and stronger, a worried look on his face. Both Donna and Martha looked mortified at the sight.

But after a few seconds Izuku's choking noises had stopped, his convulsing had stopped. As he lied back down on his bed in comfort with no more pain, closing his eyes as he went back to sleep. This time a peaceful look on his face, his mouth agape still. As the green vein like lines on his body slowly darkened and receded. Going back to his injection spot, reducing itself quickly before disappearing into nothingness. His needle puncture wood also no longer there, before both Donna and Martha could comment about that.

Izuku's burns started to improve, a golden glow flashing over his arms. Before subsiding, revealing his burnt arms but in a better state. Looking much more better than before, the arm covered in the burn cream looked way better than the one without. The Doctor sighed in relief, gripping his sons hand slightly. Before letting it go slowly, placing it on the mattress.

"Sigh...That took way longer than expected...But at least the healing process had started." The Doctor muttered.

Before going towards a cabinet behind Martha and going to get something. As he was walking to get them, Martha had followed him wanting to ask questions. Sort of pestering the Doctor since she has no idea what had happened and what she had helped inject into that boy.

"Doctor, what had happened? Why was he convulsing? Was it the syringe liquid? Did I put to much into it, did he overdose? Was that the reason why he had convulsions? Was I the reason? Did I almost kill that child? What even is that liquid? Why did you inject that into him? And why did you stand there as he suffered through horrible pains!? I-" Martha was then interrupted by the Doctor.

"My son had just experienced side effects of the serum I had given him. These may include, convulsions, increased sense of pain, adrenaline boost, appearance of light green lines on skin and etc. He had gone through tremendous pain, but the serum ultimately helped him in the end-" The Doctor said.

Stopping momentarily, as he arrived to the place with the cabinet. Passing by rows of beds and other alien like medical equipment. Opening up one of the bottom cabinets under the table top, grabbing a bottle of antibiotic ointment and a roll of medical tape. Then continuing on with what he last said to a silent anticipating Martha.

"The serum ultimately helped him in the end by activating his regenerative cells. Speeding up the healing process a lot faster, as for the glow...He released regenerative energy through his pores, due to the fact that the regenerative cells in his body were building up in his arms. Thus causing a bright golden glow over both of his arms...With the exposed regenerative energy over his arms, it had somewhat healed my son's epidermis' appearance and some parts of his dermis. Though not fully healed, but with some time and treatment towards his burns. His arms will be as good as new." The Doctor said.

"W...Where did you develop this serum?" Martha asked.

"Oh, I had developed the idea of developing this serum in the early 70s. During my 3rd incarnation and with my partnership with UNIT. But I had tried experimentation and development during 1996 maybe? I think during my 8th incarnation? Either way, I had fully developed the final version of this serum just a few years ago...Around 2006 I believe?" The Doctor said.

"Ok, that was a big explanation...B-But is it true..? That the boy is y-your actual son..." Martha asked.

"Yes, he's indeed my son." The Doctor said.

"H-" She was then interrupted by the Doctor.

"I'll explain it later on..." The Doctor said.

In a cold tone towards Martha, as she replied with silence. Retreating to her own thoughts for now. Walking towards Izuku's bed in tense silence, neither wanting to speak or even make a peep on the trip back. Arriving back to Izuku, surprised to see that Izuku's other arms was already wrapped up and covered in cream. Thinking Donna had done it already, turning their sights to the certain red head.

Seeing how she was sitting down on one of the chairs, having a sort of thousand yard stare. Still thinking about the child's pained screams, how loud and gut wrenching they were. It scarred her, since she had never seen something like this happen to a person, yet alone to a child. While this being her first time witnessing such a thing, hoping this will also be the last.

The Doctor grew concerned over Donna and her mental state as of the moment. He couldn't just ignore his best friend's obvious trauma at what had happened earlier. Then speaking up and asking her in a worried tone.

"Donna, are ya alright up there?" The Doctor said.

"Y-Yeah...I'm b...bloody peachy..." Donna replied.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I should've warned both of you about the side effects of the serum...I take full responsibility for the trauma you two might have..." The Doctor said.

"I-It's okay Doctor...I-I'm not that affected by it as much..." Martha said.

The Doctor only nodding his head at Martha's statement, not finding the proper words to express what he wants to say properly. Meanwhile Donna hadn't replied to the Doctor's statement to her. Now thinking about the boy and how hew was the Doctor's son, how he was the important person the Doctor talked about. The revelation of the Doctor having another child had put her into deep thought.

The Doctor had seen the look on Donna's face and sighed. Walking away from both Martha and Donna, going towards the exit. The doors were about to open before the Doctor stopped walking towards it. Turning his back to where Donna and Martha were, he then said in a sympathetic tone.

"I know that what you had just witnessed was traumatizing and painful to watch, and I still deeply apologize for that. I know that some of you are still trying to process this newly given information about the boy, and his relationship to me. So I'm going to leave this room, to give you two some time to think and process this information much more thoroughly." The Doctor said.

Walking a few more steps towards the exit door, the door opening up in response. Just as he was about to leave the room, he had something else to say. Turning his head quickly and saying to the two.

"Also, I'll be leaving him in you care while I'm gone. So if he's may be having a seizure, do please notify me immediately. Thank you..." The Doctor said.

Before finally leaving the room, the door closing itself after. Leaving a quiet Martha and an equally quiet Donna. Left to think to themselves and try to process this information they have been given. Basking in comfortable silence, Izuku peacefully sleeping on the bed beside the two. Both of them making sure to be as quiet as possible while processing this information.

Meanwhile, the Doctor was walking down the long hallway he had just sprinted down earlier a while ago. Thoughts lingering in his head as he traverse this long corridor, before finally reaching the control room. Taking off his trench coat and throwing over one of the pillars, before walking to the console.

Placing both of his hands unto it, tracing his fingers against the smooth surface. Before starting to think about the situation he was in even more, but much more thoroughly......











































































Next Time On Izuku The Timelord........

*Author's Note:* I've come to terms that this chapter isn't a really good chapter, it was written quickly and wasn't really my best work out there. But I just had to write this chapter so that I could segue to a much better chapter I have been planning on for the long time.

So thank you for reading this note, and hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

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