Things will never be the same

By rydellingtonstuff

6.1K 292 51

"Ellington please. Let me explain." Rydel begged, gently grabbing his arm. tears filled her eyes as he pulled... More

Dancing with another man.
Things will never be the same
Life Changing.
Leaving Hospital.
Falling out.
Goodmorning ?


267 17 2
By rydellingtonstuff

short chapter because im trying to make the story last longer. don't forget to tell me what you think! :)

Rydel scrambled out her car and ran inside the hospital as fast as she possibly could, not letting the fact she wasn't wearing shoes stop her. she flew into the hospital and up to the desk.

"What room is Ellington Lee Ratliff in?" Rydel half-yelled causing everyone to stare at her. she didn't care. the lady behind the desk looked at her, scared.

"Im sorry miss but Ellington isn't accepting visitors right now" the lady stuttered in fear but Rydel wasn't going to back down.

"Please. he's the only one I love with all my heart. please" she muttered, a tear falling.

This seemed to guilt the lady as she pushed the clipboard with his room number on, close enough to Rydel for her to read it.

'room 222-Ellington Ratliff'

Rydel nodded her head in thanks and strode off in search of the room. she fled down past each room, reading the numbers on the doors. she grew more anxious as she edged nearer.

"220...221...." She muttered and suddenly paused, "222." Rydel stared at the cream-white door for a minute before gently pushing down the handle. the door slowly opened.

Rydel took a deep breathe and stepped inside.

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