The daily life of a full-leve...

By Darkknight123457

46.7K 973 12 Author: Erting Category: Rebirth through time Release time: 2021-10-21 Late... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26-27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180

Chapter 21

415 9 0
By Darkknight123457

Chapter 21 Going to School

    This reminder woke Zhang Wei's mind like a thunderbolt, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

    Yes! He owns a grilled fish shop. Even if the fruit can earn one yuan per pound, the time and labor costs he spends on picking and transporting it are significantly higher, although he can raise the price.


    it will cost him more energy at once, not only may he put down the operation of the grilled fish shop, but also may be completely misdirected by a little money.


    Phew—" After a long exhalation, he waved to Zhou Xianhua as a gesture of invitation, while he was thinking of discussing the fish with Qu Zhong alone for a while.

    "Then I will thank Boss Zhang for his step back on behalf of the school children."

    Zhou Xianhua looked overjoyed and bowed his hands to Zhang Wei before proposing that he wanted to add other fruits to the original contract.

    Duping Middle School has been in chaos for the past two days because of this extra meal incident, and there are people everywhere who come to ask about the situation.

    Originally, Zhou Xianhua could leave this matter to Duan Weiguo, but he also thought about the job evaluation that will arrive at the end of the year. If he can perform well in this matter, it will be of great help to his future promotion.

    After thinking about it, he will be so concerned about it.

    "There are only so many people in your school. You can't contain the fruits on my mountain." Qu Zhong pointed to the third and fourth hills, dumbfounded.

    As the fruit trees planted later matured one after another, the tops of the two hills were now full of all kinds of fruits that could be picked. There were thousands of students in Duping Middle School, and it was impossible to digest so many.

    Seeing that Zhou Xianhua still had an expression of disbelief, Qu Zhong pursed his lips and had no choice but to take the person to the top of the third hill.

    In the past, the fruit was picked on the No. 4 hill. No one had ever climbed the No. 3 hill. After walking for about ten minutes, Zhou Xianhua immediately believed what Qu Zhong said. This two steps is a fruit tree, and it still falls on the ground. Less ripe fruit, they are like entering a huge orchard, where do you need to look up.

    "Then let's add another 1,000 jin for a week."

    After thinking about it, Zhou Xianhua decided on the quantity, but...he thought he was bold in ordering, and he was slapped in the face again a few days later.

    Zhang Wei, who had stopped thinking, looked at the fallen fruit, and shook his head regretfully: "What a good fruit, it's a pity to rot."

    Seeing that Zhang Wei's expression was calm, Qu Zhong didn't hesitate, put his own I talked to him casually about the idea.

    "Do you want to open a self-service orchard and let the people in the town pick it yourself?"

    "Yeah!" Qu Zhong nodded, bent over to pick up a fruit, wiped it casually and took a bite.     He said inarticulately

    : "We don't have any extra people in our family, so we can only let others pick them by themselves."     "Then I'll go back to the store to help you promote it!" Zhang Wei said quickly.     "I will also tell the parents of the school!" Zhou Xianhua will definitely not fall behind. This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone. It can not only sell well with parents, but also leave a good impression on Qu Zhong.     "Then I have to thank the two of you!"     Qu Zhong smiled and bowed his hands. He had no intention of rejecting him at all, but he was also planning to put the recruitment on the agenda.     ***     Degree Ping Town.     Early in the morning, there were several waves of customers ordering meals at Dad's Grilled Fish Shop. The waiter in the shop, Zhang He, smiled and registered the phone number with the menu.     He looked at a middle-aged man who had just registered with some doubts: "Brother, I have already noted your order, what else do you have to do?" The     middle-aged man smiled and touched his flat head: " I'm waiting to buy some fruit, and my mother won't forgive me if I don't buy it back."

    Unexpectedly, as soon as his voice fell, someone at the door of the store responded immediately: "That is, I have eaten your fruit. My parents said that it was the taste they ate when they were young. Now I'm waiting to come here to buy some and bring it back for business."

    "My daughter also said that the peaches here are delicious."

    "My wife said that bayberry is the best. It's very sweet!

    " People thought there was something lively to see here, and they all stopped and came over.

    The characteristics of Chinese people... Where there is liveliness, there are people!

    Zhang He's eyes were also very fast. Not only was he not annoyed, he also moved some chairs outside the door for the standing guests. Suddenly, the place turned into a teahouse.

    The chef in the store looked anxiously to the side of the road for a few times, and finally couldn't help urging Zhang He to call Zhang Wei: "You call the boss, you don't know how many fish there will be today, let's not call the number. Put more!"

    Zhang He nodded, just about to take out his mobile phone, the familiar van suddenly appeared.

    Didi -

    Zhang Wei honked the horn in the car, reminding the staff in the store to come out and lift the frame, but his eyes drifted to the door and looked at his customers.

    "What's the matter, this is a meeting!" When the

    car door opened, Zhang Wei asked Zhang He in a low voice.

    "Dad! They're all here to buy fruit." Zhang He replied with a smile, and his eyes suddenly saw the fruit on the second row of seats: "Didn't you say buy more, why is it similar to the previous one?"

    "Let 's In the future, I will focus on the store, just bring the fruit with me!"

    Zhang Wei didn't explain much, opened the co-pilot's door and took down the fruit frame.

    "Yo! Today's peaches are so fresh!"

    "Look at that purple plum, isn't it the kind we ate when we were kids."

    "How come I haven't seen it before!"

    Zhang Wei's fruit box was raised to the door amid the eyes of the crowd and the sound of discussion. Seeing that someone was about to bend over, he hurriedly raised his hand and shouted to stop: "We will bake fish in the future. The store only provides two hundred catties of fruit every day..."

    "Two hundred catties is not enough!" As soon as he said this, some people in the crowd were immediately dissatisfied, Zhang Wei smiled and waved again: "I will tell you the location of the orchard, everyone. You can pick it yourself."

    "Orchard?" "Yes, it's in     Yunshan

    Village, not far from our town. You can drive there in half an hour."


    Many young parents responded immediately, and some of them were familiar with each other, and they were planning to go together on the weekend. In this way, no one raised any objection to the small amount of fruit in front of them, and only a few people who thought it was troublesome still didn't take it. Take this to heart.

    On the school side, Zhou Xianhua was a few hours behind Zhang Wei before returning to school. The pickup truck he brought couldn't hold the extra fruit, and finally Qu Zhong used an off-road vehicle to help him pull it to the school.

    At this time, it was just time for lunch, and Qu Zhong was just able to find Duan Weiguo for lunch before returning.

    The grandfather and grandson discussed it for a long time, and finally decided to go to the school cafeteria to have something to eat. In the afternoon, Qu Zhong also went to the county town to buy some fry to put into the pool.

    The cafeteria of Duping Middle School is built next to the family building of the school. The two-story building is quite large. As soon as you walk in, you can feel a cool breeze blowing, which is unexpectedly cool.     "This canteen is good!" Duan Weiguo proudly raised his hand and gestured

    : "This was donated by a wealthy businessman who returned from the country, and the facilities are the best in Yijiang County!


Seeing the long queue at the gate, the people who came out without exception were holding a few fruits, it was the No. 4 hill from the back mountain.

    "Come on, let's go to the teacher's window to grab a meal!"

    Duan Weiguo was very calm about this, and led Qu Zhong to the depths of the cafeteria.

    "Doctor Qu!"

    Suddenly, a female voice called out. Sister-in-law Liu and Liu Bin trotted to the two of them in surprise with their lunch boxes. Qu Zhong turned around and waved helplessly at the two of them: "I haven't even got my doctor's qualification certificate. I'm here, but I can't afford the title of a doctor."

    "It's alright, alright!"

    Liu Bin waved his hands again and again, turned to Mrs. Liu, and explained, "Go home and bring Yu Ting to Doctor Qu, and I'll give it to Mrs. The principal and Dr. Qu are having meals."

    "No, I have a meal card." Duan Weiguo wanted to refuse, but Liu Bin's figure was already in the crowd, and Mrs. Liu, who was here, also signaled to the two, and stepped on the He ran with a few centimeters of high heels.

    Both of them are in much better mental state than when Qu Zhong first met. Sister-in-law Liu is wearing light makeup today, and she is much younger than she looks.

    "Let's find a table and sit down!" The

    two of them were standing in the aisle. There were always people coming and going to greet Duan Weiguo. Qu Zhong felt like he was being watched and just wanted to find a seat quickly.

    Finally, in order to facilitate Liu Bin to see, Duan Weiguo chose a position close to the aisle.

    "Come here, eat whatever you want!" I

    didn't expect Liu Bin to go alone, and when he came back, he even found a helper to help him carry the plate.

    That's it... and eat something casually, this is to order all the dishes!

    The person who helped was Xu Mo, the cook in the cafeteria, and Liu Bin's brother-in-law. When he heard that the doctor who saved his nephew came to the cafeteria for dinner today, he wanted to cook two dishes immediately.

    So as soon as Liu Bin finished speaking, he immediately picked up: "Come home another day, and I will give Dr. Qu a table."

    Qu Zhong felt that he could not get rid of the name of Dr. Qu, and he smiled helplessly. It's a tacit approval of the name.

    The plate was put down, but Xu Mo had no intention of leaving. He stared at Qu Zhong with his eyes open, his face full of curiosity and excitement.

    Qu Zhong holding chopsticks: "..."

    Not to mention that Jiang is still old and spicy, Duan Weiguo was chatting with the two while eating as usual, and even chatting about the year-end planning of this year's school.

    In the spirit of not wasting food, Qu Zhong could only work hard.

    The pork ribs that were stewed with firewood and dryness had to be swallowed hard. Xu Mo was still beside him asking about the taste, leaving Qu Zhong without a chance to breathe.

    Fortunately, Mrs. Liu came back very quickly. The arrival of her and Liu Yuting finally moved everyone's attention from him to Liu Yuting.

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