Famous or InFamous (KDA x Mal...

By PrimeJ13

40.8K 951 348

The story of a young introverted college student who meets new people, comes out of his shell and kicks ass... More

Meet the main characters
Chapter 1: Back to school
Chapter 2: Opening up and a reunion
Chapter 3: Shopping and a chase
Chapter 4: Tension
Chapter 5: Investigation, Confrontation, Revelation
Chapter 6: Collaboration
Chapter 7: All I want for Christmas is you
Chapter 8: Identity revealed
Chapter 9: Dark side
Chapter 11: Loss
Chapter 12: Games
Chapter 13: All good things come to an end
Chapter 14: Prison life
Chapter 15: Freedom
Chapter 16: Lovers quarrel
Chapter 17: Flight
Chapter 18: Relaxation
Chapter 19 Concert and Complications
Chapter 20: Marriage and going public

Chapter 10: Stalker alert

1.5K 44 6
By PrimeJ13

Friday 15th of january 2020 7pm

It was a friday like any other. The girls and I were just chilling, watching tv while cuddling. I was stroking Ahri's tails.

Ahri: It feels nice spending an evening like this.

Kai'sa: I know what you mean.

Akali: Yeah, it's just so calm.

The moment was ruined by my phone ringing. Seraphine was calling.

Joe: Sorry, gotta take this. Hello?

Seraphine: Joe I need your help.

Joe: What's wrong?

She sounded pretty terrified.

Seraphine: Someone's following me. I think it's my coworker I told you about.

Oh shit.

Joe: Okay calm down. Did you go check the bus like I told you?

Seraphine: I did, but the next one comes in 30 minutes. I can't wait around the bus station with him arround.

Joe: Okay, where are you?

Seraphine: A couple of blocks away from pantheon's.

Joe: Head to Olaf's seafood shack. I'll meet you on the way.

Seraphine: Okay, please hurry....I'm scared.

I hung up the phone and jumped of the couch. The girls all looked at me with confusion.

Evelynn: Everything okay darling?

Joe: Kali can I borrow your bike?

Akali: Sure, but isn't it a bit late?

Joe: I know, but I need to go pick up a friend real fast.

Akali: As long as you pay for the next refuel.

Joe: Deal.

She tossed me the keys, I grabbed our helmets and practically ran to the garage. I arrived got on the bike, put on Akali's helmet and drove to Olaf's. On the way I ignored multiple red lights and after ten minutes of driving I spotted someone with familiar pink hair walking at a fast pace and a dark hooded figure walking behind her and starting to catch up. I stopped the bike in front of her and held out my spare helmet.

Joe: Get on!

She got on the bike and put on the helmet.

Joe: Hang on!

I sped off down the road. Sera was holding on tight and I could feel her trembling. After a couple of minutes driving, we arrived at her apartment. I parked the bike in the garage and we went upstairs. As soon as we got in she hugged me tightly and started crying.

Seraphine: Thank you Joe....if you didn't come, he would have....he would have...

She couldn't finish her sentence as she continued crying. I just hugged her and after five minutes she started calming down.

Joe: Sera, does he know where you live?

Seraphine: I don't know...I think so...a couple of weeks ago he was caught in Pantheon's office where he keeps files of all his employees.


Joe: Okay look, if it's okay with you I'll stay the night and watch out if he comes or not.

Seraphine: Thank you. Just having you here makes me feel at ease.

Joe: I just gotta make a quick phone call. You know, to let the girls know.

She nods and I go to the living room where I look out the big window. I call Akali....and she doesn't pick up. Probably muted her phone again. Then I called Eve and she picked up

Evelynn: Hello darling, we were about to order some food, would you like some as well?

Joe: No thanks Eve. I just called to let you know that I'm not coming home tonight.

Evelynn: What? Why not? Is something wrong?

Joe: No, my friend is in trouble so I'll just stay the night to make sure nothing happens.

Evelynn: Alright darling. Out of curiosity, what's your friends name?

Uh oh..

Joe: Now, don't get mad. Her name is Seraphine.

There was a moment of silence.

Evelynn: So let me get this right. You're calling me to tell me that you're staying the night at some other girl's place darling?!

I could hear the others yelling in the background.

Joe: Look, are the other girls with you?

Evelynn: Yes.

Joe: Then put me on speaker.

A few moments pass.

Evelynn: Alright Joe, you're on speaker.

She must be really mad if she calls me by my name.

Akali: What did I hear about you staying at some bimbo's place?

Ahri: Joe is this true?

Joe: Can I at least explain myself?

Kai'sa: Go ahead. We're listening.

Joe: Thanks, Ahri you remember my best friend Seraphine right?

Ahri: Mhm.

Joe: Turns out she got a bit of a stalker problem.

KDA: What?!

Joe: Yeah, she called me because someone was following her. He might know where she lives so I'll stay the night to make sure nothing happens.

Akali: So you're not going to sleep with her?

Joe: No, I'll be keeping watch, so I probably won't get any sleep at all.

Evelynn: Alright then, if you need help or something call us.

Joe: Alright, bye.

KDA: Bye.

I put my phone away and I entered the kitchen where Seraphine was making sandwiches.

Seraphine: You hungry?

Joe: Yeah, I could eat.

She handed me a BLT and I took a bite. How can a simple sandwich be so delicious?

Joe: Mmhh. This is heaven.

Sera went red and gave a small smile.

Seraphine: I'm glad you like it.

She made a couple more sandwiches and we headed to the living room to watch tv. I sat on the couch and she laid down with her head on my lap, while I was running my fingers through her hair.

Joe: So Sera, tell me about your stalker.

Seraphine: If it is my coworker Ben then there's not much I know about him. When he first started working with me he was pretty sweet and kind, but when he first asked me out and I rejected him he became obsessive.

Joe: Do you know what his ability is?

Seraphine: No, he never brought it up.

Sera soon fell asleep and I occasionally looked out the window. After two hours something caught my eye. I carefully stood up in order not to wake Sera. I walked to the window and in the distance I saw the same hooded figure from before. I couldn't see his face, but I was sure that he was looking right at me. Then he started moving towards the apartment building. I walked over to Sera and shook her.

Seraphine: Hmm?

Joe: Sera wake up!

Seraphine: Joe? What's wrong?

Joe: We got trouble.

Suddenly there was a loud bang. Did that guy break the door to the apartment building?

Joe: Put your shoes on quick!

She did so and we went to her room. I opened the window right as we heard another bang. This time it was much closer. He probably broke the apartment door. I grabbed Sera and jumped out the window before smoke dashing onto the roof of the next building. I look behind me to see the guy standing in Sera's bedroom. I fired a couple of smoke shots at him to slow him down, then grabbed Seraphine and continued to run. I can't go all out and protect her at the same time. I fired some smoke shots at the ground to create an improvised smoke screen, then I grabbed Sera and jumped into the alley below us, slowing the fall with my smoke thrusters.

As we exited the alley the guy just drops down in front of us and cracks the concrete before us. I quickly pulled Sera behind me.

Joe: Stay behind me.

Seraphine: Okay.

Joe: Now listen pal, you don't want this fight.

Ben: Oh I think I do want it.

Seraphine: Ben, why are you doing this?

Ben: My sweet, dearest Seraphine. If I can't have you, then no one can.

He put his hands on the ground and soon he was covered in concrete armor. I fired a smoke shot at him, only to see that it didn't affect him at all.

Ben: That tickles.

Well shit...he ran at me and turned his hand into a hammer before hitting me in the chest with it and making me crash into a building.

Joe: Fuck, that shit hurt.

He kept walking at me so I fired a cinder blast at him, which only slowed him down, but didn't really do damage. As he got close to me I poured smoke into my fist and punched him right across the face. He simply turned his head before changing his arm into a sword and stabbed me in the stomach.

Joe: GAH!

Seraphine: JOE!!!

I looked at Ben and fired a cinder missile point blank into his chest which sent him flying. Sera ran over to me and put her hands on the wound in order to put pressure on it and stop the bleeding.

Seraphine: Joe please don't die.

Joe: Relax, I'll be fine.

Seraphine: How can you say that with a hole in your stomach?!

Joe: I can heal fast.

I absorbed the neon from a nearby sign, the wound closed and I felt refreshed.

Joe: You can let go now.

She removed her arms and looked shocked that the gaping wound was gone.
Then the guy stood back up, but with a huge crack on his chest, right where the missile hit him.

Ben: Okay, now I'm angry.

I started firing multiple phosphor beams(heavy hitting neon beams) at him. More and more before finally the armor broke. I ran at him with lightspeed(not actual lightspeed) and Started hitting him repeatedly, before launching him into a nearby building. As I took a second to breathe I got hit in the chest with a brick. Then Ben came out with a new set of concrete armor.

Joe: What the hell? Can't you just stand down?

Ben: Why would I do that?

Joe: Because it would be a nice thing to do?

Ben: But then it wouldn't be fun.

I ran around him and occasionally landed a couple of punches on him. Then I ran up a wall, jumped and landed with my fist covered in neon right in his face(comet drop) I ran over to Sera grabbed her in a princess carry and ran from Ben. I ran for a couple of blocks then ran up a building to catch my breath. I almost keeled over.

Seraphine: You okay?

Joe: Yeah, lightspeed takes a lot of energy when I'm carrying someone. We need a plan. I don't have enough firepower at the moment so we need to come up with something.

Seraphine: Watch out!

I ducked under a punch thanks to Sera's warning. How does this guy find us so fast?!

Ben: Didn't think it was over did you?

Joe: Sadly no.

He kept punching and I kept dodging with lightspeed and shooting the occasional neon beam at him, but I was starting to run out of steam. Then it clicked. If I don't have the firepower, I just need to get someone who does. I ran to Sera and handed her my phone.

Joe: Take my phone and call Bokkie.

Seraphine: What's your passcode.

Joe: 0920

I looked at Ben and ran at him again.

With the girls Kai'sa POV

The girls and I were just having a movie night, while Joe was at his friends house. We were currently watching
'The Godfather' when my phone rang.

Akali: Kai'sa, I thought we agreed to mute our phones during movie night.

Kai'sa: Sorry.

I looked at the caller ID.

Kai'sa: It's Joe. Hello?

???: Is this Bokkie?

That wasn't Joe, but how did she know my nickname?

Kai'sa: Yes, where's Joe?

Seraphine: This is his friend Seraphine. Joe is currently in a lot of trouble.

Kai'sa: What happened?

Seraphine: There's this creepy coworker who kept following me. Then he broke into my apartment and Joe has been fighting him ever since. He said he's starting to run out of steam.

Then I heard Joe over the phone.

Joe: Fuck, that shit hurt. Sera put her on speaker.

After a couple of seconds.

Seraphine: She's on speaker Joe!

Joe: Good. Kai'sa can you hear me?

Kai'sa: I hear you, what's going on?

Joe: There's this guy with concrete armor and I can't crack it with neon. And I'm starting to run on fumes. I could really use some backup.

Kai'sa: What?! Where are you?!

I then heard some sounds of fighting, before I heard Joe's voice again.

Joe: I got hit in the head so my orientation is currently a bit of a mess. Meet us at Olaf's seafood shack we're fighting on rooftops.

Kai'sa: We'll be there as fast as possible.

Joe: Thanks Bokkie, love you!

He hung up and I looked at the girls.

Ahri: What's wrong?

Kai'sa: Joe's in trouble we need to go!

Akali: Slow down, what's wrong?

Kai'sa: I don't have time to slow down! Every wasted second is a second in which Joe could die!

AAE: What?!

Kai'sa: He's fighting some guy with armor and he can't break through it. He's also running on fumes.

Evelynn: Where is he?

Kai'sa: He said to meet at Olaf's seafood shack.

Ahri: Where?

Akali: I know where it is. Big neon sign downtown.

Evelynn: It's gonna take at least ten minutes to get there.

Kai'sa: I can get there in two. I'll go ahead you follow in the car. He said they're fighting on the rooftops.

Ahri: Alright. Be careful.

Kai'sa: I will.

My void suit covered me and I jumped out the window and flew towards the meet up point.

Back with Joe

I was starting to get worried about this fight. I was panting and practically out of neon. Neon beams were a no go and I couldn't use lightspeed all that much anymore.

I grabbed Sera and started running towards Olaf's. As soon as I set foot on the rooftop I ran out of neon. So now I was practically powerless. No speed, no neon beams and no healing factor.

(AN: Quick sidenote. Joe's healing factor only works when he has something in his reserves ie: neon or smoke. If his reserves are empty the healing factor won't work.)

I limped towards the neon sign, but before I could absorb it I got stabbed from behind.

Seraphine: NO!!!

I coughed out blood. Ben then lifted me up and threw me across the roof, almost throwing me off in the process. Sera ran to my side and kneeled beside me then grabbed my hand. She was crying. Ben got closer and closer. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something approaching fast and I managed a weak smile. Ben raised his hand to finish me, but before he could, he was blasted away by a bunch of purple missiles. A figure covered in armor landed between us and looked at me and Sera before the helmet disolved to reveal Kai'sa's face.

Damn that's hot. I coughed out blood again.

Joe: Took you long enough.

Kai'sa: Sorry I'm late. How are you holding up?

Joe: I'll live.

At least I hope I will. I pressed down on the wound, trying to slow the bleeding. Ben then got up once again.

Kai'sa: Sit tight babe, I'll take care of him....and whatever you do, don't fall asleep!

Joe: I..won't...Watch out...he's got a mean...punch....

Kai'sa: Then I just won't let him hit me.

So she went off to fight Ben. She was doing a lot better than me since she can fly and has more firepower than me.

Joe: Sera...You gotta help...me get up....and put...pressure on my back... slow...the bleeding...

She helped me sit and put her hands on my back, while I just watched Kai'sa tear into Ben with a smile on my face. One second she was above him then I blinked and she was on the ground. Then in the air again. I think I'm sliding in and out of consciousness.

Seraphine: Joe! Stay awake! Look at Kai'sa kicking his ass!

Akali: Joe!

I looked to the right and barely managed a weak smile.

Akali, Ahri and Eve ran up to us and Eve put two fingers to my neck.

Eve: He's pale and his pulse is weakening fast, he's lost too much blood.

Ahri: Can we get him to a hospital?

Eve: He would die on the way.

Ahri and Seraphine started crying, Akali looked down and Eve looked at Ben with pure rage. I weakly grabbed onto Akali's jacket and started to pull her down.

Akali: What are you doing? Save your strength.

I pulled as hard as I could and she finally obliged. She got on her knees next to me and I whispered into her ear.

Joe: Smoke.......bomb....

She realized what I meant and quickly got up, grabbed one of her smoke bombs and threw it to the ground. We were quickly covered in smoke and with what little strength I had left I started absorbing the smoke. The pain ceased as the wound disappeared. After a couple of seconds the smoke was gone and I leaned back laying my head on Sera's shoulder. I looked to Kai'sa who was bombarding Ben with missiles, destroying his armor as soon as it appeared. I let out a sigh and looked at Akali.

Joe: My hero.

Ahri jumped on top of me.

Ahri: You're okay!!!

Kai'sa looked towards us and in that split second, Ben shot up and punched her into the pillar that was holding up the neon sign. He tried to put his hands on the roof to replenish his armor, but before he could do that I fired a cinder missile at him, which destroyed his armor and sent him flying into the air.

Joe: Eve quick! Don't let him touch the ground!

Evelynn: Got him.

She immediately caught him with her lashers.

Ben: Hey! Let me go!

Joe: Not so tough without your armor are you?

Ben: You're still not dead?!

Joe: Trust me buddy I'm hard to kill, but I got to give you credit. You almost had me.

I ran over to Kai'sa to check on her. I put a hand on her shoulder and she jolted up with an alert look on her face.

Joe: Calm down, it's over. We got him.

She let out a sigh of relief before her armor disolved and she was back to her usual looks.

Kai'sa: Are you okay?

Joe: I should be asking you that, you took a pretty hard hit just now.

Kai'sa: And you got stabbed.

Joe: Touché.

I grabbed her by the back of her head and planted a big kiss on her lips.

Joe: Thanks for coming...my hero.

Kai'sa: Of course. I can't let my boyfriend die now can I?

Joe: You're getting lots of snuggles tonight.

Kai'sa: I'm looking forward to it.

Akali: Hey lovebirds! You done? The cops should be here soon so let's get of this roof.

Joe: Sure thing.

So we got of the roof and soon the police arrived. They put power suppressing handcuffs on Ben before taking him to the police station.

Joe: Glad that's over with.

I looked at Seraphine who was looking down.

Seraphine: Thanks Joe, I'll head back to my place to see if anything needs replacing.

Before she could go off I held her arm.

Joe: Wait here a sec.

I went over to KDA.

Joe: Hey guys? Would it be okay if Sera stayed at our dorm for a bit? At least until her door gets fixed.

Ahri: Joe think about it. What if principal Fiora found out?

Joe: Leave Fiora to me. I can't leave her alone after this. She can't go to her parents right now. I'm the only one she has.

Evelynn: Let's say we agreed. Where would we put her?

Joe: Ahri's old room. Since she moved into my room and I sleep with each of you we basically have a free room right now. Please guys.

Akali: I'm fine with it.

Kai'sa nods.

Evelynn: Fine. Gumiho?

Ahri: You like her don't you?

Joe: What? No.

Maybe a little bit.

Ahri: Admit to us that you like her and I'll say yes.

Joe: Okay fine, maybe a little bit.

Ahri: I knew you did. From the moment I met her it was clear that you were attracted to each other.

Joe: So can she stay?

Ahri: Yes, she can stay.

I then went back to Sera.

Joe: How about we go to your place, pack some stuff and you come to our dorm for a while? We got a free room.

Seraphine: Really?

I nod and Sera hugs me tightly.

Seraphine: Thank you bestie!

So we took Eve's car back to Sera's place, it was a bit cramped though and Sera had to sit on my lap, much to the amusement of KDA. We got into her apartment and the only thing that needed to be replaced was the door. Seraphine grabbed a couple of bags filled them with stuff she needed then grabbed her laptop and after closing the door as best as we could, we went downstairs. We packed her bags into Eve's car, Sera and I got on Akali's bike, KDA got into the car and we headed back to the dorm. After a short ride, we were standing in the lounge while everyone else was asleep. We showed Sera to her room.

Joe: Goodnight Sera. We'll talk more in the morning okay?

She gave me a goodnight hug.

Seraphine: Mhm. Goodnight Joe.

Sera entered the room and I gave KDA goodnight kisses before following Kai'sa into her room. We got undressed until we were in our underwear and we got into bed with Kai'sa on top of me. She started by giving me a deep kiss which then turned into more. Before long we were making out and I had both my hands on her rear. Then she pulled away.

Kai'sa: I don't think that cuddles are enough of a reward.

Joe: You mean....

Kai'sa: Yeah, let's do it.

I was stunned. To think that the usually quiet Kai'sa would be the first to take the initiative was quite a surprise, but who am I to complain. Let's just say I was in for one hell of a night.

Chapter 10 done. That's right. No lemon for you. Anyway. The chapter turned out longer than I thought it was gonna be, but I hope you enjoyed it. Feedback is always appreciated and I'll see you in the next one
Prime out.

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