Set Free

By DeviAlexas

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'So here I lay here in the cold, mentally shattered, physically broken, bleeding out and waiting for the swee... More

Authors Note


10.3K 381 8
By DeviAlexas

"Mate." Layla whispers.

"Holy shit... " I probably have the most stunned expression on my face at the moment.

I bet I look like a cartoon character when their jaw hits the floor... ha

"Mate." A deep voice growls out behind me.

I turn to face James with the stunned expression still on my face. I point back and forth between Layla and James for a moment.

"OH MY GODDESS THIS IS AWESOME!" I yell as I pull Layla into a hug.

She finally snaps out of whatever daze she was in and turns to face James. They look on both their faces is priceless. James looks like he just won the lottery, while Layla looks petrified.

Layla always said she didn't think she had a mate, that the Moon Goddess wouldn't bless her for being born rogue. I always told her she was wrong, and that even rogues had mates. I think she was just scared though. Scared of being hurt or scared of love, I'm not sure which.

James takes steady strides towards Layla, a beaming smile on his face as he pulls her in for a hug. I watch as her face morphs from petrified to blissful as she inhales his scent.


"I'm so happy I've finally found you. I've searched damn near every pack for you. Except this one, and here you are." James says as he pulls back from the hug looking at her with so much adoration.

Layla shifts uncomfortably from foot to foot while biting her lower lip and looking at the ground "Well you wouldn't have found me in any other pack. You wouldn't have found me in this one up until a few days ago."

James furrows his brows "What do you mean?"

"I.. uhh... I ummm..." She stammers for a moment before blurting out "I was a rogue." She sighs and looks him in the eyes "I was born a rogue, I just recently joined this pack."

James just laughs "I don't care what you were or are, I'm just so damn happy I finally found you." He states as he pulls her in for a kiss.

I see the happiness and love shine in her eyes as she whole-heartedly returns the kiss.

"This is so exciting! See Layla, I told you that you had a mate!" I cheerfully sing out.

She turns and gives me a death glare, followed by a bashful smile. I smile back at her. I'm just so happy to see her finally look truly happy. I feel Zane as he wraps his arms around my waist and places his chin on the top of my head.

"So, does this mean you'll be joining our pack James? Or are you going to join his Layla?" Zane asks the new couple.

What?! No! Layla can't leave me!

Layla looks up in James eyes pleadingly "I can't leave Nova, she's basically the only family I have. Hell, this pack has become family to me. And I've never really had a family, besides Nova."

"Well, considering I'm an only child and my parents are off touring the world. I have no problem joining this pack." He smiles down at her "If that's okay with you, Alpha and Luna." He turns to face us as he speaks.

"Of course!" I enthusiastically shout as I bounce up and down, still in Zanes hold.

I'm so happy she got a good mate!

I break free from Zane the same time Layla pulls apart from James. We hug each other, both of us getting slightly teary eyed.

"Love, we need to make an announcement." Zane tells me.

Layla and I break apart, still smiling at each other like idiots. I nod my head at him "Okay."

He takes my hand and walks me towards the stage the band is playing on. We walk up the stairs and wait at the top for them to finish their song. Once they do Zane informs them we have an announcement to make. Grabbing my hand once more, he pulls me to the front of the stage with him.

"Good evening everyone, welcome to the Shadow Walkers Pack. Thank you all for coming to celebrate our Lunas birthday."

He has everyone's attention and they all start to clap and cheer.

"As you all know, we have a few other packs here celebrating with us tonight. I want to thank you all for coming personally. It's come to my attention that there are quite a few newly mated couples among us tonight."

The crowd claps and cheers again and I can see a few of the new couples blush and wave as people look at them.

"I would like to take a moment to address the members of my pack that have found their mate tonight. If your mate wishes to join our pack, please inform me or Luna Nova before the end of the night. Also make sure to approve this with your mates Alpha as well. We will end the night with a welcoming ceremony!"

Loud cheers erupt from the crowd, with plenty of hooting and hollering.

"Also, to any members of my pack that found their mate tonight and wish to join their mates pack. Please inform me or Luna Nova before you leave. But before we end this announcement" Zane turns and looks at me with a smile on his face "Luna would you like to say anything?"

Oh he's so gonna pay for this...

Nerves knot my stomach, and I feel my palms start to sweat. I didn't expect him to do this, especially not asking me in front of everyone. I don't want to come across as weak or timid, so I shake off my nerves and stand tall. I smile and nod at Zane as I make my way in front of him to the microphone.

"Hello everyone, for those of you who don't know me I'm Luna Nova. I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate every newly mated couple that found each other tonight. May your lives together be blessed, and full of happiness and love. Also, I wanted to say thank you to everyone for coming here to help me celebrate my birthday. It really is an honor to have you all here tonight."

The crowd roars with cheers and applauds, a few even start to howl up at the moon. Soon everyone at the party is howling out in joy. Zane flashes me the brightest smile and kisses my cheek.

"Great job Luna." He whispers in my ear and I blush.

We walk off stage so the band can return and starts playing again. We make our way to the bar, with people constantly wish me a happy birthday. I smile and say thank you to everyone. Once we reach the bar we both order a drink. Him a whisky on the rocks, and I order a vegas bomb.

I desperately need a drink after all that...

We are sitting there for a few minutes when about four newly mated couples approach us. I know two of them are pack warriors, but I'm not sure about the other two. Zane notices them approach as well and turns to face them.

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