Avenging the Avengers [Book 1...

By GirlWithTheRedShorts

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Two years after the civil war between the avengers has begun, their children come together secretly and becom... More

Chapter 1: Kaden
Chapter 2: Olivia
Chapter 3: Patrick
Chapter 4: Olivia
Chapter 5: Tye
Chapter 6: Kaden
Chapter 7: Olivia
Chapter 8: Patrick
Chapter 9: Tye
Chapter 10: Olivia
Chapter 11: Kaden
Chapter 12: Patrick
Chapter 13: Olivia
Chapter 14: Tye
Chapter 15: Olivia
Chapter 16: Kaden
Chapter 17: Patrick
Chapter 18: Tye
Chapter 19: Olivia
Chapter 20: Patrick
Chapter 21: Kaden
Chapter 22: Olivia
Chapter 23: Patrick
Chapter 24: Tye
Chapter 25: Olivia
Chapter 26: Patrick
Chapter 27: Kaden
Chapter 28: Tye
Chapter 29: Olivia
Chapter 30: Patrick
Chapter 31: Kaden
Chapter 32: Tye
Chapter 33: Olivia
Chapter 34: Patrick
Chapter 35: Kaden
Chapter 36: Patrick
Chapter 38: Tye
Authors note
Other Note

Chapter 37: Olivia

55 6 8
By GirlWithTheRedShorts

I hold patrick in my arms, staring back at the mangled body that was his father. I hold him tight in my arms. He looks up to me.

"We did it. We stopped him." Patrick says optimistically. "Wait... What about he frost giants?" We all look up around the arena. As the frost giants stare down at us.

We pull ourselves up, readying for a fight. Then, i see patrick stand up, grab his sceptre and stab it into his father, one last time.

All of the frost giants flicker and disappear. We find ourselves standing in the middle of an old farmers field.
"What just happened?" Tye shouts.

"Just as i thought. Projections." Patrick says bluntly. "There were never any frost giants come ing to attack earth. It was all just a projection from lokis mind. I just had to finish him off, and everything went away. He never really transported us to Jotenhiem. It would take a much more powerful transport seed than the one he used. He just sent us to an old farmers field and projected holograms of Jotenhiem and frost giants around us to scare us."

"So. There was never any frost giants and we weren't actually on Jotenhiem?" Kaden asks.

"Nope. It was just a figment of lokis imagination the he projected upon us." Patrick says. "Now lets get rid of this body. I want to make damn sure that he doesn't come back this time. Plus the corpse of my father is kind of creeping me out, just laying there..."

"Yeah..." We all murmur in agreement. We take the corpse and place a transport seed next to it. Patrick cracks it and runs away. Causing it to send Loki to a location that he will never return from. He sends Loki into a black hole, never to return or be seen again.

I expect patrick to cry, but it seems he got it all out of his system on 'Jotenhiem'. He just holds my hand as we watch his father being pulled into the void that the transport seed creates.

We all silently gather around as we pull out a second transport seed and arrive in New York. We make our way out to the clinic and find Peters body. Fixed up and dressed in a neat and tidy suit. His Spider-Man suit is sewn back together neatly in the places it was torn and it now sitting, neatly folded, on his lap.

He looks so peaceful. It's as if he is just sleeping. I urge myself not to cry. Knowing that i need to stay strong for the sake of the others.

Sammi holds peters lifeless hand and cries into his chest. Tye comes up behind her and places his arms around her waist. He comforts her until we are ready to take him to the cemetery and bury him.

We go down to the nearest cemetery and begin to dig a hole. We don't even bother with asking anyone. They all just let us, after all, we saved their lives today.

A kind gentleman from down the street wheels over a gorgeous coffin and insists we take it. We lay Peter in it and lower him into the pit. Many people gather around as we begin to fill it.

A woman comes by with a headstone that reads "Peter Parker, 1998-2015, A hero to all". We place the headstone in he ground and within minutes his grave is covered in hindered a of flowers. It seems as if everyone is coming to pay their dues to peters grave.

We all make our way out of the cemetery and use a transport seed to take us back to the base. We all go immediately to our bedrooms.

As i close the door, all of the tears that i have held in today come flowing out. Patrick turns around and grabs me. He holds me in his arms, not urging me to stop, but to continue to cry. He lets me let out all of the pain of what has happened today. I cry and cry until eventually i have no more tears left.

I take off my armour and lay down in bed wearing my dress. At the beginning of the day, this dress was beautiful and new and now, it is ripped and stained everywhere. A large chunk is ripped out on my shoulder where Loki blasted it.

I curl up next to Patrick, avoiding letting anything touch my injured shoulder. I lie awake in bed for a few minutes, then fall into a much needed sleep. After all that has happened today, i don't know how i could have stayed awake any longer. I just lie asleep, hoping that when i awaken, everything will be better.

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