Dark Love ( Misspelling

By Titan_luzan

53.2K 982 247

Amity has a strange obsession with luz and seems to be aggressive towards anyone who tried to get close with... More

hangout : chapter 1
red flag?: chapter two
Love and Pain part one: chapter three
Love and Pain part two: chapter three
Love and Pain part three: Chapter three
I want you to myself: Chapter four
Luz : Chapter five
unknown: chapter seven
Dark love fans
You are mine and mine alone part one: chapter eight
your mine and only mine part two: chapter eight
(not mine from deviart) Fear: chapter nine
overprotective:chapter ten
sleepover: chapter eleven
(short) obsession: chapter twelve
touch her and ill hunt you down and end you.: thirteen
i did it: chapter fourteen
Reality: chapter fifthteen
Lumity : Chapter Sixteen
failed: chapter seventeen
dear darklove fans
(short)Love: chapter eighteen
clue? (short) :chapter ninteen
sabotage : chapter Twenty
King: chapter Twenty one
dead end: chapter Twenty two
loss :chapter Twenty three
back :chapter twenty four
a dream: chapter twenty five
wad spoilers fanart
... : chapter twenty six
before and after : chapter twenty seven
training 1: chapter twenty eight
lumity angst (not a chapter)
training 2: chapter twenty eight
Amity (a POV before chapter 28)

revenge: Chapter six

2K 40 5
By Titan_luzan

( trigger warning blood bruises if you get triggered by any of these please click off )
Amity walked around trying to remember what the people looked like she planned hunting them down one by one making the pay for what they done to luz and in a way she needed to know more about them so she went to go ask her girlfriend about them any kind of information would help. Luz walked in and sat on the floor studying something about the key Amity walked up to her sat right next to her "Lu?" "Hm?" Amity waited for a second to think about this but then took a deep breath in "could you tell me about those people that hurt you? Whenever you're ready to talk about it." Amity was Luz placed her journal down looked at Amity straight in the eyes the look of worry and fear but calm "they've been following me around for a while since that hexside in the classes I don't see you in or anyone they just follow me around and call me names because I'm a human" "most of the times I catch them staring at me and laughing whispering to each other sometimes they'll throw things at me" Amity's heart dropped at the sound of this she felt really guilty not knowing about it that this has been going on and nobody knew about it not even Amity
Did the teachers even notice to anyone even try to help her? They sounded just as bad as Boscha considering all of the names they could have possibly called luz the things they probably threw at her their reasoning for hurting her and following her around when she wasn't bothering anyone? They need to be punished 'I am not going to stand by and let them torment her day by day until she feels like she isn't worth anything' 'I am going to put a stop to this I'm going to make sure this doesn't happen to her again' 'I'll kill them if I have to'
Amity was really pissed off at the thought that no one did anything about it so much for the school carrying so much about bullying especially when it's Boscha and they can just get away with it? Just like that? No consequences no punishment they needed to be put in their place. "Some of them would follow me to the bathroom and start to hit me or tear up some of my clothes and held me down while kicking me or something" Amity was furious how could people have the audacity to put their hands on her like this and go on about their day "they are basically harassing you and taking things too far luz we have to tell someone"
The Latina look down and shake her head no "it's fine Amity I've been through worse I am actually used to it it just gets tiring dealing with it"
Amity grabbed Luz's wrists and held her close "somebody has got to put a stop to this no one deserves to be treated like this not you luz they don't deserve to get away with something that horrible and as your girlfriend I am going to protect you and make sure something like this isn't going to happen again" "you don't have to and you might end up getting into a fight because of this and I don't want to be the cause of that" "Lu you're not a burden I really care about you and I don't want people hurting you like that anymore" "so please let me help you let me help you okay?" "Please."
Luz didn't like having people beg or be worried for her own being not even luz cared about herself.
"Okay." After giving detail on what they look like and after figuring out the things they do to luz it was enough information Amity needed now all she needed to do was find them come up with a plan and torture them to make them pay making sure they will wish they'd never mess with her Luz ever again,
[ Time skip ]
Two witch girls were walking away from some kid they finished fighting with talking on how pathetic they were till someone appeared behind them with are glare that gave them chills down their spines "what are you looking at creep?" "Both of you"
They both looked at each other and glared at Amity "you have a staring problem or something?" Amity shoved both of them against the floor
And summons four abominations.
"You think you can get away with what you did to luz?" "That human freak?" "Why do you care" Amity smirked "abomination seize" they stood up and fought her abominations but they were outnumbered plus the top student Amity grabbed one of the girls gripping their shoulder tightly and threw her back gripping her face and punching her as hard as she could do "abomination grab" before anyone knew Amity had the girls tied up trapped in the abomination bloody noses a couple of bruises around them "abominations seize" once again they were beating over and over again and tossed aside with permanent scars on them fear was struck in them nearly whimpering holding each other shaking "No more were sorry!" "Now you know it was like to be in her situation but you guys didn't stop you kept going" "this is your punishment" "I'm not even half done" The girls got up and ran away before anything else happened "you crazy bitch!" One of them said as they got away no matter Amity moved on to the next person the witch she found next was texting on his scroll case which was slapped from his hands as he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt and his head was slammed on the tree "what the fuck is your problem?!" He yelled out before he was slapped across the face once again. "I know what you and your goons did to my girlfriend!" "And I am not going to stand by and let you get away with it!" "Abomination rise" a group of abominations came out of nowhere behind him and seized him as Amity dropped him Amity watched as he fought back "you need to try harder then that" "believe me I already considered the possibility" an abomination tackled him down
"Abomination kill." Amity used a spell to hold him down secure
She watched her abomination beat him senselessly and finally stopped when he gave in and couldn't fight anymore "think twice before you hurt my girlfriend again" Amity walked up to him and kicked his face.
"Abomination cower" she walked away and left him laying there like a stray dog she hunt the rest down one by one finish them off left them in fear ever since then they never thought twice of messing with anyone. Amity walked all the way back to the owl house she headed up stairs to find Luz 'she will be protected no matter what' she opens the door to see Luz sleeping by a pile of books she stood by her and picked her up walking to Luz's bed and laid her down tucking her in gave her a kiss on her forehead "no one will harm you as long as your mine"
Amity gave Luz one last kiss before leaving her room turning off the light and closing the door behind her
{ Time skip }
After a hot shower Amity changed in her pajamas and laid in her bed she got a notification and checked it and her scroll till she heard a knock on her door "come in" Ed and Em walked in and they both sat on her bed "you must have been busy for a few days spending time with luz" Ed smirked
The witch blushed and sat up "yeah and we hung out with willow and Gus" "can't believe you are actually dating her about time I say" "for how long have you had a crush on her?" "Three months" they both joked
"Yeah yeah" "you two came in here just a teasing me huh?" "And to congratulate you" seconds go by after the teasing Amity stared at the ceiling for a while then drifted off to sleep
With Luz
King opens the door to Luz's room seeing her asleep so he just laid next to her and curled up in a small ball
And fell asleep

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