Freddie leaves.

By stawka

8K 200 97

Freddie argues with Carly and Sam, defies them and walks away. What will Freddie do without Icarly? Will he m... More

Chapter 1 corr
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Sql !!! Chapter 1
Chapter 2 sql
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Cheapter 11
Cheapter 12
Cheapter 13
Cheapter 14
Cheapter 15
Cheapter 16
Cheapter 17
Cheapter 18

Cheapter 10

45 3 3
By stawka

Frank goes to Melanie and buys flowers at the florist's shop on the way and finally gets there.

Frank at first took the flowers because he thought Sam and Carly would be watching him through the viewfinder and he wasn't wrong.

-See even bought flowers. Says Sam

"I really want to impress her, why hasn't any boy but Freddie ever wanted to impress me?" Asks Carly

"You've always been the one who accosted everyone. Sam Answers

-Well, what's wrong with me? Sad Carly asks

-Maybe you're just so pretty that you intimidate everyone. Sam tries to comfort her

"Thanks Sam, but I'd like him to come to me now. Carly speaks sadly

"He doesn't like you so don't even try. Sam warns

-Ok, why every guy I like doesn't want me? Asks Carly
-I do not know I'm not good at these blocks. Sam Answers

"But you have Freddie. Says Carly

- Yes, but that's the only one. Sam Answers

-Exactly, you weren't looking for others, you just found the one right away. Says Carly

"Yes, and you remember Jonah, Pet. Says Sam

-Okay, but you didn't have many of them. Says Carly

"Yes, that's true, but I've always envied you that you have so many guys, so I dated Pete. Says Sam

"You see, you used to envy me, and now I envy you. Says Carly

-The world is changing. Says Sam

At Melanie's.

Melanie opens the door and sees Frank with flowers, which surprises her.

-Hi, you must be Frank. Greeting Melanie

-Yes, and you're Melanie? Asks Frank

- Yes. Confirms Melanie

-I'm glad to meet you. Frank speaks and kisses Melanie's hand.

-Oh you're so gallant. Melanie says blushing

-But only for beautiful women. Frank compliments her

-Thank you, and for whom these flowers? Asks Melanie

-They are for you. Frank responds by handing her flowers

-Thank you are so beautiful. Delights Melanie

-You are much more beautiful. Answers Frank

-Oh do not overdo it. He speaks blushing Melanie.

- I'm not exaggerating at all. He replies by smiling Frank

-Okay enough, but where do you have things? Asks Melanie

"They're in the car I didn't want to take them now because I thought Sam and Carly could be watching me through the viewfinder. Replied Frank

"You can really predict a lot of things, just like Freddie. Says Melanie

"I learned that from him, he's really good at it. States Frank

-That's true, or maybe we can use an elevator to move things so the girls can't see? Proposes Melanie

-This is a good idea, you are not only a beautiful but also a clever girl. Compliments Frank

- Thank you. He responds by blushing Melanie

Melanie and Frank take the elevator and take things.

"I'll take you just open the door for me. Frank says stopping Melnie from taking things

-I can also take something calmly. Melanie responds, wanting to help

-I can do it, you should not carry such weights. Replied Frank

-They are not heavy. Melanie answers after taking one bag

-Well, yes, but a lady like you should not carry weights. Frank replied by taking her bag.

"You're the first man to call me that, he feels like a princess. She said, smiling Melanie.

-Because you are. Frank replied.

-Stop. Asks embarrassed Melanie

"Why, it bothers you how I tell the truth?" Frank asked

"It's not very nice, but I'm ashamed and I'm not used to it. Melanie replied.

-Then you will have to get used to it.

Frank carries all the things and doesn't let Melanie take a single bag.

-Frank? Talks to Melanie
-Yes? Answers Frank

-Thank you, or maybe you will want to stay and have tea with me? Asks Melanie

- Of course.

Melanie makes tea and returns to Frank who is sitting on the couch and Melanie puts the tea on the table in front of him.

-Frank I have a question, why didn't Freddie drive my thing himself but asked you to do it? Melanie is asked in an attempt to understand.
"Because if he did, Sam would find out about it, and he doesn't want her to worry. Frank answers truthfully

-And where is he now? Asks Melanie

-It's a bit busy with a certain order. Frank lies to her

-Then why don't you help him now? Asks curious Melanie

"I've already helped him a little bit and he asked me to take my things away and he said he could handle it because Josh was helping him and that I didn't have to go back. Replied Frank

"But surely nothing happened to Freddie?" He asks without believing him Melanie

"No, it's okay I went with him to your mother and she wasn't even home, only the door was open so we went in and took all the things, I know he promised to do it with Sam but he said he didn't want Sam to feel bad about seeing the house and remembering what happened to her there, but I don't know what he meant. He responds by lying Frank

Pam Francis' boyfriend wanted to rape her and she ran out the window to Freddie. Melanie tells him

"Now I understand why he beat francis, but why did he come to his apartment?" Asks Frank

"Don't tell anyone, but he was looking for me because he wanted to do the same with me, and Pam told him I could be at Freddie's. Replies Melanie

-Really? Frank asked incredulously.

- Yes. Melanie says and starts crying.

-Calm down, do not cry, nothing threatens you anymore, I will defend you. Frank says, embracing Melanie and reassuring her.

- Thank you, I'm better off, I'm glad you're here. Melanie responds, calming down

-For you, all you ever feel sad is call me. Frank asks

- Of course. Melanie speaks, looking into Frank's eyes and kissing him, and he reciprocates the kiss.

- Sorry I did. He speaks red at Malenie

-I'm glad you did it, I really liked it and I wanted to do it too. Answers Frank

- That's good. And tell me what you are interested in? Asks Melanie

-I'm interested in computer science and how to fight hacking, and you? Asks Frank

-Interested in nature, music and science. Answers Frank

-Are you learning well? Asks Frank

"Yes, I was in a school in Vermont before and I had a scholarship there, but there was a terrorist attack and they said I had to find another school and colleges. Told by Melanie

"You've really been through a lot. I didn't know you were also an intelligent, smart and strong girl. Frank compliments her

"Thanks, you're great too, you're so caring and intelligent, and I think you're a great learner. Replies Melanie

-I have problems only with English, because otherwise I understand the poems that are discussed in class and Freddie helped me with homework in English. Replies Farnk

-Yes, he's a helpful guy. He would like to help everyone, even if he may suffer, he does not look at himself but at others. That's right Melanie

"That's true and that's why he's my friend. Answers Frank

-You also helped him a lot, e.g. with the renovation of the garage or the fight against hackers on Icarly. Replies Melanie

-Yes, but it's nothing compared to how many times he helped me, even a few times he fought with others as he saw that they were teasing me. Answers Frank

-Really? Asks Melanie
-So more than once we fought together with various people who accosted me, unfortunately I did not manage to repay even once, once I even went to the hospital after one of the fights as one friend from school used a baseball bat. Told by Frank

-But this is unfair. Says worried Melanie

-Well, yes, but he didn't care. Answers Frank

-Frank? Says Melanie
-Yes? Answers Frank

-I have a question for you, but I'm a little ashamed. Says Melanie

-Speak boldly and do not be ashamed. Frank asks

-Just don't laugh. Asks Melanie

-I promise that I will not, and now speak. Frank announces

"Frank, I like you, I know it's too early, but I've been wondering for a long time because Freddie talked a lot about you, so maybe you'll want to be my boyfriend? Asks Melanie

-Of course it does Answers Frank

-Great. Melanie speaks and kisses Frank.

-I like to kiss you. Frank answers after the kiss

"Me with you too, but I have to tell you something. Melanie tells him

-What? Asks Frank

"I used to kiss Freddie because I really liked him. Says Melanie

-And now you feel something for him? Asks Frank
-I still like it, but now as a friend. Replies Melanie

-Ok, I also had more than one girl so nothing wrong with that, but don't kiss him again. He speaks smiling Frank

"Okay, now I'm just going to kiss you. Melanie smiles each other

- That's good. Frank speaks and kisses Melanie.



"But I hope you're not one of those guys who only thinks about one thing. Says Melanie

"I don't believe you thought that of me. We have been together for a few seconds and you already want to lead to a breakup? Asks frank nervous

-Sorry, don't get upset, but I know you very briefly. Apologizes to Melanie

-Ok, but know that I'm not one of those who are with a girl just because she is good in bed. Still angry Frank responds

-They are happy. Now I'm sure, and you know what? You're like Freddie. Melanie tells him

-Why do you say that? Asks Frank

"You are both very sensitive to your honor. Replies Melanie

-and why shouldn't I be, that's also one of the reasons I like Freddie because he's like me. Answers Frank

- Ok. Frank? And what do you want to do now? Asks Melanie

-I don't know. Answers Frank

-Maybe we will watch a movie? Asks Melanie

-Willingly, and what? Asks Frank

-Maybe some romance? Asks Melanie

-I don't like romances very much, but I can watch everything with you. Answers Frank

"Oh you, I already feel in love with you. Replies Melanie

- Me the same. Frank and Melanie kisses him.

-What are we watching? Asks Frank

-Freddie recommended After and three meters above the sky so maybe one of them? (A / n recommend both of these films because they are great, but this is not an advertisement)
-Well I will be happy to watch them because I have not watched them yet.


Frank and Melanie go to Melanie's room and watch a movie lying in bed together and hugging and kissing every now and then.

A/N Spend time. Sorry for waiting a long time for this chapter, but unfortunately I didn't have time to publish it and I don't think he writes good stories, but I'm glad you like it. Sorry for my english but i'm not very good at it. Another short story is in preparation, but I want to finish it and then write about it. Write if you like this story and if so, I will try to publish the next chapters as soon as possible. Greetings.

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